Jewish prayer book and talit.

Faith and Positive Psychology Merge in ‘The Happiness Prayer’

What does an ancient Hebrew prayer have to do with positive psychology? Rabbi Evan Moffic found a surprising correlation in concepts such as kindness, meaning and the importance of communitywhen he took a fresh look at the Eilu Devarim. This ancient prayer from the Talmud, meant to be recited every morning, consists of 10 mitzvot or good deeds. When Evan rediscovered the prayer, which has been “hiding in plain sight,” he realized it was more than a dated piece of liturgy. And, he found that it could be the roadmap to a happier, more fulfilling life. A young rabbi in his early 30s, Evan was busy leading his large Chicago congregation in prayer services, writing sermons, tending to the various needs of synagogue members and making a home with his wife and small children. But, he also puzzled over how both he and his congregants could find greater joy, meaning and purpose in their lives. Looking for Something More “People would come to me with issues,” says Evan. “They had lost a spouse or a parent…. And underlying a lot of people’s concerns was a desire to live a more meaningful life—to make a difference. Many of my congregants had already established themselves professionally and financially, but they were looking for something more.” That “something more” is the subject of his new book, The Happiness Prayer: Ancient Jewish Wisdom for the Best Way to Live Today. It takes readers through the Eilu Devarim’s good deeds and illustrates real-world behaviors and activities that can bring more joy and compassion to your life. By studying the prayer with his congregation and intentionally incorporating the mitzvot into his own daily life, over time Evan experienced a radical shift in his well-being and that of the people around him. His congregation began referring to him as “The Smiling Rabbi.” The Prayer Here is Evan’s own paraphrase of the Eilu Devarim: How will you find happiness in the world and peace in the world to come? By learning these wisdom practices from your ancestors: Honor those who gave you life Be kind Keep learning Invite others into your life Be there when others need you Celebrate good times Support yourself and others during times of loss Pray with intention Forgive Look inside and commit The son of a psychiatrist, Evan was familiar with the tenets of positive psychology and PERMA (positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning and achievement). And from his vantage point as a religious leader, faith is not missing from the acronym. Rather, it complements it. “I think faith kind of crosses all the aspects of PERMA,” says Evan. “It can help us have a positive effect. Faith and religious life force you to be a part of a community and have relationships. It engages us with the world.” In the Eilu Devarim, kindness stands out in its stark simplicity. “The quickest happiness jolt you can get is by doing an act of kindness,” says Evan. There is also a great emphasis on community—it comes up in at least four of the deeds. In fact, Evan says, like many organized religions, Judaism tends to put a premium on family and community ahead of the individual. For Everything, a Season But the list also seems a little daunting. In the book, Evan describes how we must comfort friends who are sick instead of avoiding them, which may be our instinct. The same is true for people we know who have lost a loved one. Then there is the continued learning, spending time with aging parents…how can we work all these mitzvot into our busy lives? “We don’t have to do all of it all of the time,” says Evan. “There are moments in life when we are older and our parents are older, we will have to devote more time to honoring mother and father. When we are in college, we devote more time to learning…we can’t do all of these things all at once.” Now that Eilu Devarim has become integrated into his life, Evan has made the prayer a part of his morning ritual. “I wake up and do a little journaling…I have a chart with all 10 of the deeds, and I look at it and pick three that I am going to focus on each day. I am also really focused on gratitude, and I incorporate that into my life as I review each day.” “This is a powerful prayer,” says Evan. “I hope people who read the book will come away with a richer understanding of faith—of their own faith.” And also, find some answers to the ancient question: How can I live a happier, more meaningful life. To learn more, see Rabbi Evan's video blog. Listen to our podcast with Rabbi Evan: Emily Wise Miller is the Web Editor for Live Happy.
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Man working in a creative office.

10 Best Books to Boost Productivity

We all wish we had more time in a day so we could accomplish more and squeeze as much as possible out of every moment. But the clock is not changing anytime soon, so how can we get more done? We turned to productivity experts and best-selling authors and noticed some common themes: Seek clarity each day to determine your top priorities. The right daily habits can increase your productivity. When work does not align with your values, it affects your productivity. Put these 10 motivating, action-oriented titles on your reading list and soon you’ll be accomplishing more than you ever imagined. 1. Greater Balance, Greater Reward: Five Steps to Better Health, Productivity, and Work Life Balance by Jeff Kooz If you are tired of feeling as if your life is a juggling act (and you’re not the greatest juggler), read this book. Through a parable, the author highlights how our reluctance to change can prevent us from living a productive life. Learn the five steps that can help you become healthier and more productive, and live in harmony with your work life. 2. Eat That Frog: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy Legendary time-management expert Brian Tracy tells it to us straight: “There isn’t enough time for everything on your to-do list, and there never will be. Don’t try to get it all done, make sure you get the most important things done.” Eat That Frog is a metaphor for tackling the most challenging task of your day first—the one you are most likely to procrastinate on—because it can have the biggest impact on your day and life. The 21 productivity tips included in this book just might change how you function. 3. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen David Allen’s classic bookGetting Things Doneis your quintessential guide to personal organization, time management and productivity. “What we truly need to do is often what we most feel like avoiding,”he writes. Learn the four Ds—do it, defer it, delegate it, or delete it—as well as other gems, and get more done in both your personal and professional life. 4. The Compound Effect: Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success by Darren Hardy Author and personal-development expert Darren Hardy offers the fundamentals of being productive in every aspect of your life—and it boils down to the action steps you take each day. When your work and habits are aligned with your core values, says the author, productivity ensues. “A daily routine built on good habits is the difference that separates the most successful amongst us from everyone else,” he writes. 5. High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way by Brendon Burchard “We learn that the more we are true to ourselves, the more we can connect with and contribute to the world,” writes performance expert, Brendon Burchard. Discover the six habits needed to master productivity and achieve success. Without mastering them, says Brendon, life is a never-ending struggle. Becoming a high performer is first about seeking clarity. The book offers tips and exercises based in science that you can implement right now. 6. Your Best Just Got Better: Work Smarter, Think Bigger, Make More by Jason Womack If you already consider yourself an achiever, this book will show you how to take your accomplishments to the next level. The author encourages you to define what an ideal day looks like so you can focus and live according to what you truly love and want to do—with work, life, family and friends, and in your community. 7. The Power of Less: The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to the Business and in Life by Leo Babauta This book’s mantra: Reduce your number of goals and focus on the essentials. “Doing a huge number of things doesn’t mean you’re getting anything meaningful done,” says Leo Babauta, known for his website and minimalist lifestyle.Reduce the noise in your life so you can focus on doing what matters most to you. Start with one tiny step, create a positive feedback loop, work in accountability and put everything you have into accomplishing your goal. 8. Superhuman By Habit: A Guide to Becoming the Best Possible Version of Yourself, One Tiny Habit at a Time by Tynan Left unexamined, our habits are just as likely to hinder our progress as they are to enhance it, says backpacker, blogger and best-selling author Tynan. Without a deliberate system for building positive habits, we become our own worst enemy. Understand specific habits in every major area of life and learn the path to implementing them. This is a great way to get younger readers (adolescents and college-age) interested in productivity and goal-setting. 9. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg Since writing this book, Pulitzer-Prize winner and best-selling author Charles Duhigg has lost 30 pounds and started training for the New York City Marathon. He did so by following the methods he lays out: First analyze your habits and then discover how to change them. He believes exercise is a “keystone habit” that triggers widespread productivity. People who exercise are more likely to eat better, be more productive at work and live with less stress. The key to productivity isn’t found in extraordinary people, he says, but in ordinary people who learn to maintain positive habits on a regular basis. 10. The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal by Jim Loehr “We live in digital time. Our pace is rushed, rapid-fire and relentless. Facing crushing workloads, we try to cram as much as possible into every day.” The key to overcoming this time crunch, Jim Loehr writes, is not to manage our time more effectively, but to manage our energy. Increase your productivity by balancing energy expenditure with energy renewal. In this book, the author lays out a road map to becoming more fully engaged, physically energized and emotionally connected. When your energy is at its peak, you will also be more mentally focused and spiritually aligned. Read more: 10 Best Books to Help Achieve Your Goals Read more: Become Smarter, Faster, Better! Sandra Bilbray is a contributing editor for Live Happy, and the CEO and owner of
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Building Heart Rate Variability

Building Heart Rate Variability

Take a glimpse into the world of applied positive psychology with The Flourishing Center podcast. Each episode includes three sections giving you insights and hacks into living an authentically happy and flourishing life. What you'll learn in this podcast: Science Says—Learn about heart rate variability and this powerful measure of the body's resilience. Life Hack—Build heart rate variability with breathing exercises. Practitioner’s Corner—Meet Jillian Guinta, she supports her community and takes a positive psychology-based approach to trauma. Learn more about The Flourishing Center Read the interview from the Practitioner's Corner: Emiliya:  Hello everyone, and join me today in welcoming Jillian Guinta. She's coming to us live from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She is a trauma recovery coach and teacher of therapeutic yoga. She's also a trained positive psychology practitioner from us here at The Flourishing Center. Welcome, Jillian. It is so great to have you here. Jillian:  Emiliya, it's great to be on with you today, as well. Thanks so much. Emiliya:  So tell us, Jillian: What brought you to this work? What brought you to positive psychology? Jillian:  Positive psychology, to be perfectly honest, was not on my radar. I was actually enrolled in a doctoral program when I found out about CAPP. I found out actually on a date with a really nice guy who had gone through the program, and as he was describing the program to me, I'm like, "Oh, man! That sounds so much more interesting than what I'm doing right now in grad school. And the tides in my life shifted, and the next semester I opted not to enroll in my university work and I went ahead and registered for CAPP. So it was really serendipitous to have met this person at all and then to have gone through the same program. Emiliya:  That's awesome. I love that, I love that. I love that it must have just been a really great date conversation, as well, to be sharing insight about well-being. So tell us: What does your application of positive psychology look like? Jillian:  So, right now, I am using positive psychology in my work. I work one-on-one with clients that have gone through traumatic experiences, and then it informs my yoga as well because traumas will often get locked in the body, and so to be able to coach someone through using some of the skills that we've learned together such as habit change and things of that nature have been really instrumental in helping these people make the changes in their lives as they start to come up for them at different points in their experience. Emiliya:  That's awesome. Tell us more about your background. Before you came to positive psychology, you were heavily involved in the fitness industry, right? Jillian:  I was. I was actually a personal trainer for many years. I actually have memories of being 10 years old at the grocery store with my mother and saying, "I want to be a personal trainer when I grow up," and she goes, "What's that?" I'm like, "I don't really know, but it looks like they have fun and they're in shape." So I got that start towards the end of my college experience at Rutgers University in New Jersey. I stayed with that for quite some time. I ended up going, uh, switching careers in my early 20s and I went into a master's program for education and started to just parse through the different backgrounds that I was experiencing and kind of coming into my own, really unsure about where I wanted to be in the world. And it was about that time in my mid-twenties where, you know, God or spirit, the universe--whoever--really upped my challenges, and I had some difficult issues, some traumas of my own that I had to work with. And I eventually found my way into yoga, then into a yoga program that was specifically for therapeutics, and we covered healing trauma. So I was able to then guinea pig these ideas and these different skills on myself and monitor my own healing. And then, having gone through the CAPP Program gave me a lot more confidence to go out into the world. Prior to that, I hadn't done anything that would equip me with too many coaching skills. I had a sales background and personal training and I had learned how to do motivational interviewing in my yoga training. But there was still a big disconnect in knowing the most appropriate ways to speak to clients that have gone through really troubling events. The positive psychology work really helped me to refine those skills that I wanted to have but that I didn't have yet. Emiliya:  Beautiful, Jillian, thank you so much for sharing that. Many of our listeners may not be familiar with some of the concepts because they're more research-based in positive psychology and traditional psychology, so can you tell us more about motivational interviewing? Jillian:  So motivational interviewing is sitting with a client or someone who has yet to become a client and kind of sifting through the things that are pulling them forward and also the things that are holding them back. So for someone who is a prime candidate for motivational interviewing, they might be a little ambivalent to change. They're not quite comfortable where they are but it's familiar and they're not sure if they want to go forward--often because they don't see the pathways. So through the process of motivational interviewing and coaching them and finding out--What are the things that motivate them?, What are the things that they're seeking?, gauging their present level of commitment or willingness--you're able to then ask them different questions to help them see the pathways of how the change might be possible. Emiliya:  Thanks, Jillian. I am so happy you pointed out the word "ambivalent" because one of the things I feel like I've learned the most from using motivational interviewing for over a decade now is that when people are not making a change, oftentimes they'll blame themselves. They'll think, "Oh I'm not motivated enough" or they'll just feel stuck and they don't really know why they feel stuck, but recognizing that part of motivation is not just the fact that they want to do something or don't want to do something--it's that there might be something that is pulling them in two directions, like "on the one hand, I want to start exercising, but when I exercise my knee hurts more. And so I'm in this stuck place. Do I exercise or do I make my knee hurt?" Or, when it comes to people making changes to their body, you'll see things like, you know, hiring a personal trainer has always been on their to-do list as maybe the last possible thing that would work for them, because so many things haven't worked. And the fear that comes with trying the last thing that they haven't tried yet--and what if that doesn't work?--is part of the reason that sometimes people don't start something. Because there's this fear. So I think it's such an important thing for people to hear that motivational interviewing is this really great approach of asking questions and reflective listening that does help people get motivated--but some of the ways in which it gets people motivated is by working through that ambivalence that they may feel of being pulled in different directions. Jillian:  Absolutely. It can get really challenging when you're about to make a big scary change. There is always something that's going to be willing to pop up in your face and say, "Hey, this is going to scare the pants off of you." And then you need to see why it's there and what you need to learn from it. Because ultimately we do want to change and grow and evolve. And I'm saying that as a blanket statement because I believe that to be true. But maybe we'd rather not have so many obstacles in the way. Emiliya:  Speaking of big scary changes you've made a lot of big scary changes in your life. Tell us about some of them. Jillian:  Oh wow. Yeah, I actually just a couple of days ago had my six month anniversary of being in a brand new city and a brand new state. I was born and raised in New Jersey and I recently moved down to Baton Rouge, Louisiana in kind of a whimsical way. I was doing a lot of journaling at that point in my life. It was after a breakdown of my marriage that had gone from a very healthy relationship to a very unhealthy relationship. A lot of negative patterns had emerged in me and it was time to lay that aside and work on myself and grow something new. So about a year after the separation from my husband, I was writing in my journal just asking for guidance, saying, "Where do you want me to be? What am I supposed to be doing? Who am I supposed to be helping?" And the next morning, I woke up and a news cast was on about Baton Rouge. Then I hear my dad playing a song that mentions Baton Rouge. And we live right on the border of New York City--we're not listening to a lot of music that references Baton Rouge, Louisiana! And then I would see it different places. And so I took that as a nudge from my own intuition saying, "Go here! See what this place is like." I'd only visited Baton Rouge once and it was totally boring. I actually said at the airport, "Oh well, I'm never coming back here. See ya!" And lo and behold, one year later, I was packing up my little white Elantra and grabbing the things that I thought I would need--which really just consisted at that time of clothing and books--and drove down the east coast and cut across Georgia and eventually made it to Baton Rouge, and made myself a little home here. So it's been six months. I arrived in March 2017, and since then, it's really been very divinely guided that I've been meeting the people that I was intended to meet--the ones that would help me in my journey. I have had lots of positive interactions with people. It's quite different from where you and I are from, Emiliya. It is a progressive city in the south but it doesn't compare to the level of resources that we have in New York. They don't have many folks that are doing trauma recovery. They don't have anyone that's doing positive psychology. Even advanced teacher trainings for yoga are few and far between. A lot of yoga teachers who would need to travel out of state to get some additional information and training. So it felt very much like an affirmation that I was in a place where I'm going to be used. And that's been a really exciting shift in my life. What was really frightening for me was leaving this home town where I grew up. Although I had traveled extensively, I hadn't lived anywhere else, but I kept coming back to the thought that if you're following your intuition, you're going to probably be fine. So here I am, six months later, with a brand new life. Emiliya:  I can't tell you, I'm like, I have chills and I feel so positively choked up for you because I'm celebrating this vision I have that you listened to the call. You picked up the call and that coming from a place in the New York/New Jersey region, we have a lot of need for so many things--but we do have a lot of people who have access. You can find a yoga class. You can find someone who does trauma work. You can find positive psychology practitioners. And I almost get the sense that the hearts and souls of these people who are ready to change were calling to you, and you picked up the call--and I celebrate that so much for you because you've got so many tools to offer them, so many skills that most people are just not aware even exist. And when they get them, it's like drinking water when you're thirsty. Such an honor. Jillian:  Great, thank you so much. I'm really excited. I'll be offering a training down here to yoga teachers, and I have some social workers showing up, as well as psychologists--yoga for trauma. It's an eight hour intensive in just a couple weeks. And I'm really excited. They're really excited. I've been making sure that my science is on point so I can deliver it well, and lots of people are going to heal--I feel that deeply--as a result of just sharing the information that we have access to. Emiliya:  Can you give me an example of some of the positive psychology that you find to be most helpful? So you talked about how you share the science of habit with some of the clients that you work with. What are some of the other positive psychology concepts and skills that you find really help people? Jillian:  I actually got to run one of our positive psychology Flourishing Skills Groups down here, and one thing that I noticed for me in my relationships was covering ACR--which is active constructive responding--has been huge for me. It's something that my clients and my friends and acquaintances in my group were really excited about bringing into their personal lives--celebrating the good things that happen in life, without too much of a context for people needing praise, but just enjoying the things that happen because if we look at all these small details, there's a lot that we can celebrate. So the active constructing constructive responding has been something really wonderful that we absolutely love down here. I have enjoyed doing "best possible future self" with people, and reframing mind chatter has been really helpful for everybody. Everyone has that--several voices in their heads, and they're telling us all different information, so we need to know what's coming up. If we don't fully realize why our mind chatter is, we can't work with it. It's the process of tuning enough to become aware of the subconscious and then working with it consciously. So those are a couple of my favorites. Emiliya:  Wow. Thank you, Jillian. And those of you listening, I'll just review some of the things that Jillian just said because those are awesome positive psychology exercises and interventions. Active constructive responding was a research topic that was uncovered by Dr. Shelly Gable and she recognized that we have a choice in how we can react to people's news. People often react to people's bad news by going, "Oh my gosh, what happened? Tell me more." And we get very granular in our asking for details in our curiosity when negative things happen, when bad things happen. But when positive events happen, those of us who have people in our lives that just go, "Oh that's great, congratulations, that sounds awesome" are responding in a positive way, but we can amplify that positivity by getting really curious and go, "Wow, tell me more. What enabled that?" And she found that the number of people that an individual has in their life that would help them celebrate their positive news and savor with them and be happy with them--not just happy for them, but genuinely happy with them--is a greater predictor of their well-being, whereas being silently supportive or the ways in which sometimes the people in our life are well-meaning and they want to support us, but you tell them things like, "Guess what, mom! I'm moving to Baton Rouge, Louisiana!" and they go, "Are you crazy? How are you going to leave your job? You don't know anyone down there!" and they give you all the negatives before first hearing out, "Wow. What makes you want to go there, and what is it about that that's exciting to you? What made you come to that and what possibilities are there for you?" and then being able to say, "Have you considered that you don't have a job there lined up for you and you don't actually know where you're living?" So the idea behind active constructive responding is savor and celebrate first. And it's an awesome, awesome intervention. And the other two that Jillian mentioned: best possible selves--which I would imagine, Jillian, is really powerful for people who are recovering from trauma or have recovered from trauma but just because you've recovered from trauma doesn't mean that you've built a vision of who's the person that you want to be--so the best possible future self is about giving people the space to think about how they want to be in the world and write about it and visualize themselves at their best. What would it be like if I met my goals? What would it be like if I felt the way that I want to feel? And then the last one that Jillian mentioned... I totally forgot! What did you mention as your last one? Jillian:  It was reframing mind chatter. Emiliya:  Reframing! I had to reframe my mind chatter and how I'm going, "What am I thinking? I can't remember what she just said." But I actually want to celebrate that moment for me because before I learned positive psychology, Jillian, I would have been like, "Emiliya, you're an idiot. How did you just forget what she said just a few moments ago?" But luckily, my brain didn't say that, and I had a permission-to-be-human moment. So reframing mind chatter. Jillian, when you give people some examples, what are some of the ways that they can reframe their thoughts? Or what type of thoughts should they be on the lookout for that are worth reframing? Jillian:  So, the ones that you're going to look out for the most--you can think of it almost like being at a picnic. If you have one little ant come by, not a big deal. But when a whole bunch of ants come by, that's kind of a big deal--especially in Louisiana because we have red ants and they bite! And I found that out the hard way. So when you start to notice repetitive negative thoughts that are making blanket statements about you or blanket statements about the world that are saying, "You're a bad person" or "You're so irresponsible" or whatever it happens to be. You referenced memory. I have also gone through memory issues. It's very common for folks that have gone through traumas in their life to struggle with short term memory. So something that might come up for them is like, "You're so dumb! You can't remember anything. Like, you may as well be 100 years old." Not a helpful thought--that's not going to be something that helps you improve your memory. So a reframe around having a lackingness in your short term memory might be: "I struggle to remember, but it's something that I'm working on every day" or "I forget things frequently, and so I use my calendar to remind myself." Things like that, that take something that could be a negative--maybe not always a negative, but could be a negative--and make it either neutral or a positive or something that's already being observed would be an appropriate reframe. We don't need to go from "You're so dumb" to "You're the smartest person on earth." It needs to be a believable and helpful reframe. Another one that I have struggled with is "You're so irresponsible." My "You're so irresponsible, Jillian" then becomes "You took a great risk and you are rebuilding parts of your life." That would be a neutralizing thought that counters this highly negative one of being an irresponsible person in the world. It's not true. So these couple of reframes and many, many other ones have been ones that I've used in my own personal life. They come up for my clients and for my students, as well and we'll continue to use them and will continue to reframe until we no longer need to--until we've either healed that area or have done enough of the healing that that's no longer our focus. Emiliya:  Beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing those, Jillian, and it's so powerful to just remember that we can doubt our doubts and we can judge our judgments. And so many of us just walk around with our thoughts just going amuk. And so thank you for those really specific ways that we could address our mind chatter. Jillian, I'm curious if you can close us off with any words to live by that you feel are your mottos in life or your guiding philosophies. Jillian:  My guiding philosophy right now--ah, this is such a great question. One thing I've been tinkering with and trying as often as possible to implement is an intervention for my own worry. And that intervention is just to say, "Don't worry about the how." Don't worry about how it's going to come. Get clear on what you want and start playing with ideas. Worry is not going to be something that's helpful unless it's a very short term problem. But you can always look for pathways, so don't worry about the how. The how will happen if it's something that you truly desire. Emiliya:  Beautiful, Jillian. Thank you so much. And one more question. What does it mean in your heart and in your eyes for people to flourish? Jillian:  In my heart, when I see and acknowledge people that are flourishing, they are taking it one day at a time. They are staying present for what's coming up for them. They are moving forward courageously and to the best of their ability. They're perhaps not always 100 percent happy 100 percent of the time because we are humans and we get to be participants in a whole range of human emotions. But these flourishing people that I see in the world are the ones that are staying present and engaging with whatever comes up and letting it wash right past them when it's over. So that's what flourishing is to me. Emiliya:  Thank you so much, Jillian. Learn more about Jillian's work at Here is how you, too, can create a career out of helping people thrive. Learn more about how to teach and spread positive psychology to your organizations and communities by visiting our website: Thanks for listening, and until the next episode: may you be well, may you be happy, may you feel fulfilled.
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Actress Anna Faris Is Live Happy’s October Cover Story

Dallas, Texas – August 8, 2017 – Gracing the cover of Live Happy’s October 2017 issue, actress Anna Faris explains why being Unqualified to give others advice hasn’t stopped her so far.  After decades of doling out unsolicited advice and testing personal boundaries among friends, family and strangers, the actress, producer, and now author morphed her tell-it-like-it-is podcast, Unqualified, into a memoir and advice book, also called Unqualified, debuting this October. “The goal [with the book] was to share my experience because it’s not that different from so many other people,” Faris says. “My hope is that people will walk away realizing that so many journeys are the same. My heartbreak is the same as someone else’s and if I have to be vulnerable for people to get that, that’s OK.” In Live Happy’s interview, she talks about never fully understanding what her mom meant when she advised, “Be selfish in love” and might have sidestepped some heartaches if she had. With her own trials and tribulations in love and relationships serving as her inspiration for the podcast and book, Faris wants to help others “get it,” too. In the issue, on newsstands now, Faris acknowledges that professionally, stepping outside her comfort zone as a comedic actress opens up opportunities to be authentic and honest. “Comedy lets me be a ‘real’ person,” she says. And I know that when I do screw up, I’ll forgive myself, too, because that’s big when it comes to overall positivity.” “Anna Faris’ natural empathy and curiosity about how people interact and connect comes through as genuine, heartwarming and entertaining on her podcast,” says Deborah K. Heisz, Live Happy editorial director, CEO and co-founder. “Her ability to laugh at herself and share her missteps in a positive perspective also brings meaning and inspiration to others.” In addition to Anna’s story, readers will find the following highlights: Grace, Gratitude & Garcelle—Garcelle Beauvais wears many hats – mother, actress, friend and author – but finding time to acknowledge and instill gratitude in those around her comes first.  After enduring painful heartbreak, Beauvais has managed to rise above and focus on new endeavors, including continuing her children’s book series, “I Am…” and launching a production company. Smooth Sailing—Musician Rob Thomas explains why after more than 20 years of success playing solo and in one of the most beloved bands of the grunge era, singing to a packed crowd still makes him happy.  On the current Matchbox Twenty “A Brief History of Everything” tour, the lead singer reminds himself daily how privileged he is to fulfill his dreams. Grounded—When the world feels like it’s being flipped upside down, use these 15 tips to stay on your feet and stay calm, cool and collected amid the chaos. From finding a mentor to connecting with an old friend or setting down your phone, these insights will keep you focused and firmly on the ground. Working Toward Happiness—A great deal of one’s life is spent at work, so shouldn’t that work provide some sense of fulfillment or pride? Researchers say yes and share what it takes to be happy on the job. —In “Know Where You’re Going,” Stacy Kaiser, Live Happy’s own happiness expert, editor-at-large and licensed psychotherapist, believes that finding a sense of purpose is a key element of a flourishing, fulfilling life. Kaiser lays out five steps to stay on track. Coming in the December issue, Kaiser and Live Happy launch Ask Stacy, a happiness advice column. Email to get your question answered in a future issue. — Dr. Partha Nandi, a new health expert for Live Happy, encourages readers to discover the benefits of regular yoga practice and offers simple poses to get start on their journey to yogi bliss. —Columnists Shawn Achor and Michelle Gielan ask readers to “Give it a Break” and leave stress from work at the office with tips, research and advice on how to have a calm mind when out of the office. Live Happy also goes beyond the pages with Live Happy Now, an inspiring free weekly audio podcast available on iTunes that offers interviews with top researchers and experts in the fields of positive psychology and well-being.  Live Happy Radio, airing locally in Dallas on Sunday mornings from 8 a.m. – 9 a.m. on 98.7 KLUV-FM and on, launched this summer to share uplifting and inspiring stories and encourage conversation on trends and research in the happiness space.  Readers can also visit and for even more information on finding and sharing happiness. Live Happy is available on newsstands at major retailers throughout the U.S., including Barnes & Noble, Whole Foods and Hudson News, and in Canada at Presse Commerce newsstands, among others. Live Happy’s award-winning digital edition is available from the App Store and on Google Play, and current subscribers receive complimentary access on their tablet devices and smartphones. Separate digital subscriptions are available for $9.99 at # # # About Live Happy Live Happy LLC, owned by veteran entrepreneur Jeff Olson, is a company dedicated to promoting and sharing authentic happiness through education, integrity, gratitude and community awareness. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, its mission is to impact the world by bringing the happiness movement to a personal level and inspiring people to engage in purpose-driven, healthy, meaningful lives. Media Inquiries: Megan Miller Krupp Kommunications 212-886-6707 Dina White Krupp Kommunications 646-797-2030
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Comedian Jim Gaffigan Plays for Laughs in Live Happy’s July Issue Cover Story

Dallas, TX – May 23, 2017 – Comedian Jim Gaffigan is the featured cover of the July 2017 issue of Live Happy, on newsstands May 23. Readers can gain inspiration from Gaffigan’s story and more in this new issue, which explores fulfilling adventures, travel and journeys in ways that inspire awe and heighten creativity. “So much of my journey has been about rediscovering my priorities. I’m not the same man I was 10 years ago or five years ago,” says Jim Gaffigan. “I’m somebody who’s very lucky to have found this job that gives me such happiness, so I feel an even greater responsibility to help my kids find their happiness.” Gaffigan’s journey didn’t always lead him down the happiest paths. He started his career in New York City at an advertising firm, but followed his passion of stand-up on the side during late night classes and caught up on sleep in his cubicle the next morning. Gaffigan went all in on his passion for comedy and discovered that his signature “lightness” was the key to success in his comedic career. Three decades later, after 22 appearances on The Late Show with David Letterman, two seasons of The Jim Gaffigan Show, comedy specials and world tours—not to mention marrying his wife, Jeannie, and having five kids—Jim Gaffigan is the epitome of a dream fulfilled. “Jim Gaffigan embodies the theme of this issue because he shares in this zest for adventure when it comes to his family and being on-stage,” says Deborah K. Heisz, Live Happy editorial director, CEO and co-founder. “I’m especially inspired by his decision to tour internationally with his family so they can experience new cultures together. Jim’s life-affirming humor confirms that laughter is universal and translates in any culture or destination.” Among the features in the July issue, readers will find the following highlights: Playing for Laughs—In this month’s cover story, comedian and actor Jim Gaffigan reflects on the journey that lead to where is his now: embarking on a world tour with his wife and five kids in tow. Gaffigan shares his greatest achievements and challenges when it comes to his kids, empowering them and setting them on a path to happiness. A Salute to the Good Life—Actor Tony Hale of Veep channels life experience into his performance to make political mayhem look hilarious on HBO’s hit show. With Americans so politically focused as of late, Hale shares why he thinks laughter is the best medicine. Grateful for Every Shot—Brittany Lang, pro golfer, doesn’t credit her swing, concentration or practice for her U.S. Women’s Open Championship – it’s all thanks to a positive attitude. The support, gratitude and positivity of her family are instilled in her as she achieves her goals. Embracing Awe—Once seen as a “luxury handbag of emotions,” the experience of “awe” is now proving its significance to researchers and offers multiple benefits for the mind, body and spirit. Readers can learn more about the science and explore its pathway to well-being in their own lives. Happy Campers—Studies show that kids who go to camp experience a boost in self-esteem, social skills, adventurousness, and spiritual growth—shouldn’t adults experience the same? Read about activities, benefits and trends of new adult summer camps popping up around the country where adults have the chance to relax, enjoy nature and have a truly transformative experience. Wonder Bound—Read about five awe-inspiring destinations, ranging from far corners of the world to hidden gems not far from your backyard, to make your travel dreams a reality. —Columnists Shawn Achor and Michelle Gielan reveal tips for keeping your online experiences in positive perspective and why it’s important to know when to disconnect. —Happiness expert and licensed psychotherapist Stacy Kaiser encourages adults and children to embrace the power of daydreaming as a way to cultivate creativity. —Looking for an outdoor adventure but don’t know where to start? Don’t forget to pack these items suggested in “Hanging in the Outdoors,” before you hit the road. Live Happy also goes beyond the pages with Live Happy Now, an inspiring free weekly audio podcast available on iTunes that offers interviews with top researchers and experts in the fields of positive psychology and well-being. Readers can also visit and for even more information on finding and sharing happiness. Live Happy is available on newsstands at major retailers throughout the U.S., including Barnes & Noble, Whole Foods and Hudson News, and in Canada at Presse Commerce newsstands, among others. Live Happy’s award-winning digital edition is available from the App Store and on Google Play, and current subscribers receive complimentary access on their tablet devices and smartphones. Separate digital subscriptions are available for $9.99 at # # # About Live Happy Live Happy LLC, owned by veteran entrepreneur Jeff Olson, is a company dedicated to promoting and sharing authentic happiness through education, integrity, gratitude and community awareness. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, its mission is to impact the world by bringing the happiness movement to a personal level and inspiring people to engage in purpose-driven, healthy, meaningful lives. Media Inquiries: Megan Miller Krupp Kommunications 212-886-6707 Dina White Krupp Kommunications 646-797-2030
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Actress, Rapper and Author Queen Latifah Proves Happiness Reigns Supreme in Live Happy’s May issue cover story

Dallas, Texas – March 7, 2017 – “Whatever your inspiration, you have to look for a reason to fight the good fight every day,” says Queen Latifah, whose fighting spirit and confidence helped her rise above tough times to win acclaim and a score of awards in music, film and TV, where she appears in her latest project, Lee Daniels’ FOX series, Star. “Around 18 or so, I was making bad choices based on not loving myself so I decided to make a decision to either love [myself] or hate [myself],” she says. “I decided I needed to love myself. But I also needed to truly believe that, own that, and make decisions based on that. I had to accept myself as I am.” Who better than the Queen herself to reign over the International Day of Happiness movement that kicks off in March? Live Happy’s May issue, available on March 7, offers expert advice about how to show and spread your joy this spring, including ways to mold a joyful mindset at work, with your family and with yourself. “Queen Latifah perfectly captures the spirit and energy of the happiness movement that we celebrate each year at this time,” says Deborah K. Heisz, Live Happy’s co-founder, CEO and editorial director. “I’m especially inspired by her multifaceted career and success she’s gained across multiple industries. A clear, positive mindset is a key starting point to spreading happiness to all you meet.” Among the features in the May issue, readers will find the following highlights: Happiness Reigns Supreme—In this month’s cover story, superstar singer and actress Queen Latifah goes straight to the heart of what’s truly important in life: family, confidence and health. She shares why tragedy helped her uncover her true strength, how she cultivated shining confidence and her secret motivation for a healthy, happy life. Baring His Soul—Actor Sam Worthington, star of The Shack, explores his evolution on- and off-screen, reveals what triggered him to look at the world differently and shares his perspective on how to live a life that is personally and professionally fulfilling. Life’s a Stage—Actor and comedian Echo Kellum, star of the CW’s hit show Arrow, dishes on his role models, lightening the mood, finding happiness every day and what makes him laugh. Mindful Moment—As a certified yoga and mindfulness teacher for children, Susan Verde is putting a new twist on the standard Child’s Pose. Verde shares how getting centered with Lizard Pose helps kids combat daily stresses and helps bring families together. Spring Color Fling—Sample an array of products in four of Pantone’s freshest spring colors and soak up expert advice from designers to add joy to every room in your home or office. Laughter Really Is the Best Medicine—Learn why a sense of humor may be your most effective communication tool. The International Day of Happiness: Why It Matters and How to Get Involved—Since its beginning in 2012, the International Day of Happiness has become a global movement for sharing and spreading #HappyActs, big and small. Here, writer Shelley Levitt shares one woman’s deeply personal connection to the day, how it has grown in the past five years and how everyone can share their joy on March 20. —Don’t get caught “phubbing”: Shawn Achor and Michelle Gielan reveal tips for navigating tech distractions that can put a strain on your romantic relationship. —Columnist and licensed psychotherapist Stacy Kaiser presents five essential factors that shape kids’ resilience and success to cultivate happiness from a young age. —Looking for more fulfillment but don’t know where to start? Check out “Five Things to Give Up for Happiness” to eliminate negativity. Live Happy also goes beyond the pages with Live Happy Now, an inspiring free weekly audio podcast on iTunes that offers interviews with top researchers and experts in the fields of positive psychology and well-being. Readers can also visit and for even more information on finding and sharing happiness. Our #HappyActs to you during the happiness month of March: download our Live Happy magazine with the digital edition app (iTunes or Google Store) and receive our current issue for free. Live Happy is available on newsstands at major retailers throughout the U.S., including Barnes & Noble, Whole Foods and Hudson News, and in Canada at Presse Commerce newsstands, among others. Live Happy’s award-winning digital edition is available from the App Store and on Google Play, and current subscribers receive complimentary access on their tablet devices and smartphones. Separate digital subscriptions are available for $9.99 at # # # About Live Happy Live Happy LLC, owned by veteran entrepreneur Jeff Olson, is a company dedicated to promoting and sharing authentic happiness through education, integrity, gratitude and community awareness. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, its mission is to impact the world by bringing the happiness movement to a personal level and inspiring people to engage in purpose-driven, healthy, meaningful lives. Media Inquiries: Megan Miller Krupp Kommunications 212-886-6707
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Action Star Ming-Na Wen Pulls No Punches in Live Happy’s February issue cover story

Dallas, Texas – January 3, 2017 – “If you tell yourself enough times that you can achieve something, you can,” says Ming-Na Wen, who kicks up her physicality at age 53 in epic choreographed fight scenes as Agent Melinda May on ABC’s Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. “I think a lot of people put up their own blockades of inaction, like ‘I’m this age now, I shouldn’t be doing that.’ Instead, I’m thinking, ‘What vitamins do I need to take? What exercise program do I need to get on?’ she says. At my age, most people are thinking about retirement…but what are you retiring from? You’re still alive!” What better role model could there be for those of us striving to make 2017 our best year yet? Live Happy’s February issue, on newsstands January 3, offers expert advice on how to find meaning, purpose and happiness in all aspects of life, including ways to transform your energy level, food habits, finances and fitness level. “We as adults should embrace Ming-Na’s ‘at the ready’ attitude that we can do just about anything we put our minds to,” says Deborah K. Heisz, Live Happy’s co-founder, CEO and editorial director. “I’m especially inspired by the creative problem-solving advice in this issue. Finding fresh solutions and silencing worst-case scenario negativity can help us all adapt to change with resilience and positivity to start the year off right.” Among the features in the February issue, readers will find the following: Ming-Na Wen is an AGENT OF POSITIVITY—Buoyed by fans desperate to know her secrets to looking and feeling young and maintaining her famously sunny attitude, Ming-Na is now writing a book and building her brand #Wenever with the motivation of helping as many people as she can. A FORCE FOR GOOD—Actor Theo Rossi may be known for his complex and convincingly dark characters in TV and Netflix hits like Sons of Anarchy and Luke Cage, but in real life he’s all about giving back. Your MIND on the MOVE—You know exercise is good for your body, but researchers are discovering new ways that exercise also boosts your brain. Just as we can select certain exercises for physical results like building muscle or endurance, science now says we can exercise to achieve psychological benefits such as better problem solving, lower stress and improved memory. 33 Ways to Say, “I Love You”—We give you dozens of ways to tell those closest to you what they mean to you (including baking cupcakes on a cloudy Sunday afternoon). We also share unique and “heart-y” gift options for your valentine and other loved ones. Win like an UNDERDOG—What if we could tap into the mindset of underdogs? Learn how to overcome the odds by dreaming big from Ben & Jerry’s founders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield and College World Series winners Coastal Carolina University. BUILD your BEST LIFE in 7 SIMPLE STEPS. Discover the latest theory in creative goal setting—design thinking. Dave Evans and Bill Burnett, the authors of the best-selling Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived Joyful Life share the concepts and practices behind their popular Stanford class. “In design thinking we see our lives as something we can study and change. You’re never stuck,” says Bernard Roth, Ph.D. —Don’t miss Michelle Gielan and Shawn Achor’s ingenious experiments in goal setting that show how to individualize for best results. —Columnist and licensed psychotherapist Stacy Kaiser presents four practices and traits to develop in your children to help them become achievers. —And for an extreme example, get to know what motivates superhuman ultramarathoner Dean Karnazes to triumph over mental and physical challenges. Live Happy also goes beyond the pages with Live Happy Now, an inspiring free weekly audio podcast on iTunes that offers interviews with top researchers and experts in the fields of positive psychology and well-being, including a fun chat with our featured cover celebrity Ming-Na Wen. Readers can also visit and for even more information on finding and sharing happiness. Live Happy is available on newsstands at major retailers throughout the U.S., including Barnes & Noble, Whole Foods and Hudson News, and in Canada at Presse Commerce newsstands, among others. Live Happy’s award-winning digital edition is available from the App Store and on Google Play, and current subscribers receive complimentary access on their tablet devices and smartphones. Separate digital subscriptions are available for $9.99 at # # # About Live Happy Live Happy LLC, owned by veteran entrepreneur Jeff Olson, is a company dedicated to promoting and sharing authentic happiness through education, integrity, gratitude and community awareness. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, its mission is to impact the world by bringing the happiness movement to a personal level and inspiring people to engage in purpose-driven, healthy, meaningful lives. Media Inquiries: Megan Miller Krupp Kommunications 212-886-6707
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Jesse Tyler Ferguson is Fully Committed to Taking Risks for Happiness in the May/June Issue of Live Happy Magazine

Dallas, Texas – May 3, 2016 – On newsstands today, Live Happy cover star Jesse Tyler Ferguson shares in the May/June issue why he chooses to forgo comfort in favor of living a rich, vibrant life on the edge. Ferguson, who says he uses risk as a motivator, puts his mantra to the test this month by starring in the one-man Broadway show Fully Committed, lending his voice to Ice Age: Collision Course and continuing his role as a member the ABC hit comedy Modern Family. Live Happy magazine devotes its May/June issue to finding new ways for all to flourish and as a result experience deeper engagement at work, at home and everywhere in between. This month’s issue combines scientific research on happiness with practical advice from experts, readers and celebrities to embrace the full spectrum of emotions that comes with living a fulfilling life. “Instead of just checking off the tasks we all have to tackle each day, we brought together new ways to encourage a sense of authenticity to these activities at work, with family and in your social life,” says Deborah K. Heisz, Live Happy’s co-founder, CEO and editorial director. “Building each day’s schedule around what is truly important creates a fulfilling lifestyle that sets us up to flourish.” Among the features in the May/June issue, readers will find: Jesse Tyler Ferguson is “FULLY COMMITTED” – If taking risks is the key to happiness, then consider Jesse Tyler Ferguson the happiest man on earth. Committing to a role of more than 40 characters in his one-man Broadway show, aptly titled Fully Committed, is just one of the actors’ most recent ventures along with lending his voice to the new Ice Age movie and continuing his beloved Emmy-nominated role in Modern Family. Ferguson knows he has a lot on his plate, but that doesn’t stop him from enjoying time with his husband, entertaining guests and spending any extra time in the kitchen. Readers learn the five items that Ferguson can’t cook without and how to mimic his favorite recipes from his new food blog on his website, “HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE, AGAIN” – Last month, more than 70 cities around the world celebrated the third annual, U.N.-sanctioned International Day of Happiness with Live Happy by hosting happiness walls and posting thousands of #HappyActs. View inspiring photos from cities such as New York City and Manhattan Beach in California to join the action. The happiness walls featured a variety of activities including celebrities, clowns and laughter yoga, plus lots of smiles as people around the country joined together to spread joy. Niecy Nash is featured in “HAPPINESS IS HER STYLE” – Tragedy struck Niecy Nash’s life when her mother was critically injured in a shooting and again with the loss of her brother, but this sadness taught her what a gift comedy can be. Once she realized she wanted to make people laugh, there was no going back. Nash, starring in TV Land’s The Soul Man and FOX’s Scream Queens, reveals why she chooses her attitude like she chooses her outfit and how her tumultuous journey led her down a path of positivity. “BEYOND HAPPINESS” – The term “flourishing” describes a mental state characterized by positive feelings and functioning. Readers will learn five essential tips on how to flourish within their own lives that will then promote positivity within the lives of those around them. Additionally, people who flourish at the office are proved to be more productive. Readers can jump-start their journeys with “33 Ideas to Flourish at Work.” Actor Michael Emerson lives “A LIFE LESS COMPLICATED” – Emmy Award-winning actor Michael Emerson plays a mysterious tech genius in Person of Interest. But in real life, Emerson revels in the simple joys of reading a book, watching an old TV show and spending time with his wife and dog to bring happiness to his life. “MAKE-A-WISH: WHERE SCIENCE AND HOPE MEET" – The Make-a-Wish Foundation promotes a string of positive effects by granting wishes for sick children. Follow the stories of wish granters and grantees as they share the impacts that Make-a-Wish has had on their lives and families. From trips to Europe to paving pathways in a backyard, even the most impossible wishes come to life, which promotes a sense of hope for those who need it most. Readers will also learn the power of personal storytelling. Taking 20 minutes to write about your experiences will exercise your mind and even improve physical function! This issue also provides advice on how to stay engaged at work, the two nutrients that boost your body and brain, and why when it comes to wine, you should pour another glass—and more! In March, Deborah K. Heisz and the editors of Live Happy debuted their first book: Live Happy: Ten Practices for Choosing Joy (HarperElixir) brings together the latest research on what practices and actions contribute to a happy life, with 40 inspiring celebrity and real-life stories. Learn more at Live Happy also goes beyond the pages with Live Happy Now, an inspiring free weekly audio podcast on iTunes that offers interviews with top researchers and experts in the fields of positive psychology and well-being. Readers can also visit and the newly launched for even more information on finding and sharing happiness. Live Happy is available on newsstands at major retailers throughout the U.S., including Barnes & Noble, Whole Foods and Hudson News, and in Canada at Presse Commerce newsstands, among others. Live Happy’s award-winning digital edition is available from the App Store and on Google Play, and current subscribers receive complimentary access on their tablet devices and smartphones. Separate digital subscriptions are available for $9.99 at # # # About Live Happy Live Happy LLC, owned by veteran entrepreneur Jeff Olson, is a company dedicated to promoting and sharing authentic happiness through education, integrity, gratitude and community awareness. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, its mission is to impact the world by bringing the happiness movement to a personal level and inspiring people to engage in purpose-driven, healthy, meaningful lives. Media Inquiries: Megan Miller Krupp Kommunications 212-886-6707
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Actress Mayim Bialik Embraces Her Inner Geek in December Issue of Live Happy Magazine

Dallas, Texas – October 11, 2016 – Mayim Bialik plays a neurobiologist on TV in CBS’ highly rated The Big Bang Theory, now in its 10th season, but much of her braniac persona is not an act at all. In real life, Bialik has a Ph.D. in neuroscience. “There’s an unintended bit of art imitating life,” she says of her TV alter ego Amy Farrah Fowler, but with a slight difference. “I studied how brains work and she slices them apart!” Bialik talks to Live Happy about how her love of science bloomed with a talented tutor on the set of the popular NBC sitcom Blossom and about her pride at hearing that young girls view her and her colleagues as positive role models for pursuing scientific careers. She also describes her “perfectly imperfect” life where doing laundry, washing dishes and home-schooling the kids brings her daily joy and satisfaction. Live Happy’s holiday December issue—its largest, most joy-filled and possibly the nerdiest to date—offers dozens of merry-making and entertainment suggestions as the winter party season approaches. It also reveals the captivating research behind what your brain looks like on happiness, sharing tips for readers to explore how meditation, sleep, food, smell and even language affect well-being. The issue also offers insight into the meaningful connections in our lives and how giving according to our values brings joy and satisfaction. “This issue perfectly captures the excitement of those of us with a geeky fascination with science and understanding how the brain works,” says Deborah K. Heisz, Live Happy’s co-founder, CEO and editorial director. “Our happiness hacks will help you soar through the holiday season and beyond.” Among the features in the December issue, readers will find the following: Mayim Bialik Gets a BIG BANG Out of Life—“My life is perfectly imperfect,” says Bialik, who has learned to relish all of life’s gifts—both big and small—every day, even when she loses her keys or realizes she needs to be two places at once. She shares what it’s like to wear multiple hats each week including mom, neuroscientist, mental health advocate and Sheldon’s girlfriend. IS YOUR DOG Happier Than You?—Cesar Millan, canine philosopher king, has great advice to make the most of your “best friend” relationships and reveals five ways our dogs teach us how to live happier lives every day. What HAPPENS IN VAGUS…—If you think happiness is all in your mind, you’re on the right track. Live Happy takes the secrecy out of what goes on upstairs through the brain’s “love” or vagus nerve. We demonstrate happiness hacks from scientists and authors in each of five areas: meditation, sleep, food, language and scents. Your Holiday Table is ALL SET—Hosting the entire crew for the holidays or looking for gift ideas? Our festive finds will sparkle and shine in your dining room. We Are All BORN TO LOVE—Science and storytelling spring to life in this excerpt from Live Happy: Ten Practices for Choosing Joy (HarperElixir), from a chapter that delves into the biology of love and connection. Receive FREE GIFTS with your book order; see details at THE FRIENDSHIP PRESCRIPTION—Sometimes, only a friend will do. Explore the social science behind the importance of all our friends, from besties to book clubs or running buddies. LARGEST ISSUE EVER! As the days get shorter and busier, it’s easy to take our closest relationships for granted. Psychotherapist and Live Happy columnist Stacy Kaiser reminds readers of the importance of showing daily gratitude for those who love us back. She gives readers four ideas to start down the path of reconnection. Community and camaraderie come in all shapes and sizes. We visit cohousing neighborhoods where residents share meals, chores and neighborly love; take an intimate stroll amid the vibrant food culture and diversity of Detroit’s Eastern Market; and meet special people whose drive to give to those in need inspires them to change their own spending habits. Live Happy also goes beyond the pages with Live Happy Now, an inspiring free weekly audio podcast on iTunes that offers interviews with top researchers and experts in the fields of positive psychology and well-being. Readers can also visit and for even more information on finding and sharing happiness. Live Happy is available on newsstands at major retailers throughout the U.S., including Barnes & Noble, Whole Foods and Hudson News, and in Canada at Presse Commerce newsstands, among others. Live Happy’s award-winning digital edition is available from the App Store and on Google Play, and current subscribers receive complimentary access on their tablet devices and smartphones. Separate digital subscriptions are available for $9.99 at # # # About Live Happy Live Happy LLC, owned by veteran entrepreneur Jeff Olson, is a company dedicated to promoting and sharing authentic happiness through education, integrity, gratitude and community awareness. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, its mission is to impact the world by bringing the happiness movement to a personal level and inspiring people to engage in purpose-driven, healthy, meaningful lives. Media Inquiries: Megan Miller Krupp Kommunications 212-886-6707
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Maya Rudolph Shares Her Love for Laughter in the September Issue of Live Happy Magazine

Dallas, Texas – July 12, 2016 – Comedian and actress Maya Rudolph gets groovy on the September cover of Live Happy magazine, on newsstands today. She talks about her new comedy and music show with Martin Short, Maya & Marty, her Prince cover band Princess and gets nostalgic about growing up in a house full of music and “amazing, warm, lovely people.” Live Happy magazine devotes its September issue to exploring the compelling science behind music—how it enriches our lives with uplifting and healing properties and gets us pumped up for road trips, good times at the pool and epic outdoor concerts. This issue also celebrates the joy and freedom of long weekends and relaxing times with friends and family, offering no fewer than 89 ideas to enjoy the warmer months. “We all connect music with fun, and the science validates our good-time vibes,” says Deborah K. Heisz, Live Happy’s co-founder, CEO and editorial director. “Research confirms what we know from personal experience: Music is one of the most powerful and effective ways to create lasting positive emotions.” Among the features in the September issue, readers will find the following: Maya Rudolph is IN CHARGE OF HER OWN HAPPINESS—“Recognizing that you can create your own happiness, especially when we’re getting all these messages about what happiness is, was a shift that made a big difference in my life,” Rudolph says. The actress, comedian and musician shares in her cover story childhood memories of birthday pool parties and hamming it up with friends by creating songs and skits that still make her laugh. She’s thrilled to be doing a variety show again with NBC’s Maya & Marty: “It really is the format I love best,” she says. Can You Find HAPPINESS IN YOUR HEADPHONES? Researchers share what music can do for physical and mental health and how your favorite songs can so quickly boost your mood. A 2015 Nielsen study finds that 93 percent of the U.S. population listens to music regularly, spending more than 25 hours a week taking in tunes. Need a boost of energy before that presentation or workout? Don’t miss Joseph Cardillo’s top five tips on how to pump up your playlist! FORGET how to have FUN? IMITATE A KID: Bouncy castles aren’t just for children, you know. Riding carousels, jumping off the high dive and backyard baseball are among our suggestions for enjoying the warmer months this year. Catch our 33 Ideas for Summer Fun and selection of top music festivals to attend through September. LIVING LIFE IN FULL COLOR: Pop icon Cyndi Lauper dances outside the box of artistic labels and gleefully divulges the fun she had putting together her new country album, Detour. WHAT we can learn from the OLYMPIC MINDSET: Olympians have much to teach the rest of us about happiness. Find out what drives Michal Smolen (kayaking), Miles Chamley-Watson (fencing), Anita Alvarez and Mariya Koroleva (synchronized swimming), and Lea Davison (mountain biking) as they prepare for the upcoming Summer Games in Rio. Living a life of PASSION: Actress Lorraine Toussaint says, “Those really darkly depressed, complaining, ego-driven, narcissistic individuals in my life have really been my gurus. Given the option, I am going to choose happiness every single time!” Readers will also discover how flow and community can lead to a radical kind of well-being. We explain the science behind why finding your tribe or sharing your favorite pursuits with a group—be it dancing, cycling, reading or performing—magnifies the positive effects of those activities. This issue provides advice on what schools can do to help children thrive, how to swap your energy drains for energy gains and why it’s important to run toward challenge in your pursuit of a meaningful life. In March, Deborah K. Heisz and the editors of Live Happy debuted their first book: Live Happy: Ten Practices for Choosing Joy (HarperElixir) bringing together the latest research on what practices and actions contribute to a happy life, with 40 inspiring celebrity and real-life stories. Learn more at Live Happy also goes beyond the pages with Live Happy Now, an inspiring free weekly audio podcast on iTunes that offers interviews with top researchers and experts in the fields of positive psychology and well-being. Readers can also visit and the newly launched for even more information on finding and sharing happiness. Live Happy is available on newsstands at major retailers throughout the U.S., including Barnes & Noble, Whole Foods and Hudson News, and in Canada at Presse Commerce newsstands, among others. Live Happy’s award-winning digital edition is available from the App Store and on Google Play, and current subscribers receive complimentary access on their tablet devices and smartphones. Separate digital subscriptions are available for $9.99 at # # # About Live Happy Live Happy LLC, owned by veteran entrepreneur Jeff Olson, is a company dedicated to promoting and sharing authentic happiness through education, integrity, gratitude and community awareness. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, its mission is to impact the world by bringing the happiness movement to a personal level and inspiring people to engage in purpose-driven, healthy, meaningful lives. Media Inquiries: Megan Miller Krupp Kommunications 212-886-6707
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