Can You Give Yourself a Mood Makeover?

Can You Give Yourself a Mood Makeover? [QUIZ]

We all have those moments where we feel down in the dumps, gloomy, sad, scared or angry. Sometimes we even feel like we can be happy one moment and miserable the next.While bad moods can have legitimate internal and external causes, we all need the tools to be able to make over our moods so that we can be in a more positive place.Here's a quiz to help you figure out whether your mood makeover tools are sharp or whether you could use a refresher course about shifting from a negative to positive mood when the need arises.1. When I feel anxious about a situation, it impacts my day and my mood.A. AlwaysB. SometimesC. Rarely or Never2. If I am at a work, school or social event and accidentally discover a small spill on my pants it puts me in a bad mood.A. AlwaysB. SometimesC. Rarely or Never3. If my friend or co-worker has said something to hurt my feelings it is hard for me to shake it off.A. AlwaysB. SometimesC. Rarely or Never4. If I decide to try a new look and change something like my hairstyle and end up not liking it, I can be upset about it for days, weeks or even months.A. AlwaysB. SometimesC. Rarely or Never5. If my partner and I go to a party, and I accommodate him/her by leaving early even though I am having a good time, I will likely be upset with one or both of us for having left.A. AlwaysB. SometimesC. Rarely or NeverRead More: Quiz: How Much Emotional Baggage Do You Carry?6. If someone is trying to be playful with me and I am not in the mood, I tend to react in a negative way.A. AlwaysB. SometimesC. Rarely or Never7. If a stranger approaches me to strike up a conversation, I am likely to be annoyed instead of interested.A. AlwaysB. SometimesC. Rarely or Never8. If you asked my friends or family, they would say that my negative experiences impact my life and relationships in a significant way.A. AlwaysB. SometimesC. Rarely or Never9. Sometimes I feel like I am at the mercy of my bad moods and I do not know how to make them better.A. AlwaysB. SometimesC. Rarely or NeverRead More: Quiz: How Close Is Your Relationship?10. I tend to lose sleep over situations that are out of my control.A. AlwaysB. SometimesC. Rarely or Never11. I have a tendency to put a negative spin on things.A. AlwaysB. SometimesC. Rarely or Never12. When I feel self-conscious about my appearance or something I have done, it can put me in a bad mood.A. AlwaysB. SometimesC. Rarely or Never13. If an activity I was looking forward to is canceled due to bad weather or other outside influences, I would have a hard time letting go of my disappointment.A. AlwaysB. SometimesC. Rarely or Never14. I find that I can be easily distressed in situations that others might consider no big deal.A. AlwaysB. SometimesC. Rarely or Never15. I can be one of those people that switches from being calm to upset fairly quickly.A. AlwaysB. SometimesC. Rarely or NeverAnswersMostly A'sIf most of your answers were A, in all likelihood the bulk of your negative moods do not necessarily have a specific external cause. Because our moods can be impacted by the way we think and feel, you might try to work toward channel your thoughts and feelings ina more positive direction.Perhaps you spend too much time dwelling on the bad experiences. Maybe you have a tendency to view things in a negative light. In your quest to make over your mood, it would be useful for you to figure out the source of your negative thinking. It is also important for you to make efforts to focus on positivity, gratitude and happiness in all areas of your life.Mostly B'sIf the majority of your answers were B, you have moments of being able to manage your mood into a positive direction but you also have many moments where you get stuck in negative emotional places. It is important that you identify the ways that you are effective when it comes to being happy and positive and make sure that you continue maintaining those. It is also important that you pinpoint the areas in which you struggling with your mood, so you can begin working at getting new tools and techniques to create more happiness.Mostly C'sIf the majority of your answers were C, you have a great mastery at the skills required to make over your mood. When you are in a bad emotional place or in a negative state of mind whether it is due to internal or external causes you do a good job of managing those feelings and moving into a more positive place. Keep up the good work!Read more about the "Mood Makeover" in the October, 2015 issue of Live Happy magazine!Stacy Kaiser is a licensed psychotherapist, author, relationship expert and media personality. She is also the author of the best-selling book, How to Be a Grown Up: The Ten Secret Skills Everyone Needs to Know, and an editor-at-large for Live Happy. Stacy is a frequent guest on television programs such as Today and Good Morning America.
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What Are You Waiting For? Be Happy Today

What Are You Waiting For?

When I was growing up, our living room was off limits, even when I was old enough not to spill grape juice on the carpet or break a lamp. My parents saved the biggest room in the house for special holidays or family gatherings around the fireplace—I actually thought of it as a museum because we couldn’t touch anything. Sound strange? I now know this: We all save the things we care about most for special occasions, when we could increase our happiness by enjoying those things today. Why do we do it? We’re waiting for the right opportunity So many of us put off doing the activities that bring us the most joy until the craziness of our days settles down and time opens up before us like stage curtains. The problem is that time will never arrive. Maybe you do this with reading—that stack of books you can’t wait to devour sits in the corner untouched. If we want to do more of the things we truly love, we have to schedule them just like we do a doctor’s appointment, because if we wait until nothing is hanging over us, we will always be waiting. Make a plan to do what you love most and then make it happen. We have a saving mentality A friend of mine never spent money on clothes, preferring to shop at consignment stores, because she’s quite frugal. Then one day she had a realization: What is she waiting for? Is she waiting until she is 50 to buy a beautiful dress or something that makes her feel or look good? She gave herself permission to splurge a little so she could live more right now. We can do this, too. Buy the good wine. Put out your best towels for your family. Use your best ideas now. Read the magazine article you clipped. Don’t let your special pens dry up—use them on a regular day instead of waiting for “special correspondence.” Read More: 4 Secrets to Following Your Dreams We are waiting until we feel we deserve it We all have a tendency to choose the things we think we need to do over the things we want to do. The problem is our wants get pushed aside. Maybe you want to paint but you won’t let yourself until you are caught up with work. Or perhaps you love to crochet but you aren’t going to give yourself permission until your chores are done. Remove your self-imposed conditions for your rewards. If you won’t allow yourself to play until your work is done and you’ve earned it, you will always be putting off playtime. Live anyway, live right now. We haven’t practiced doing things for ourselves If you always put your kids first and say yes to every friend or neighbor who needs a favor, maybe you need a little more practice putting yourself first. Spend the birthday money you received on you and not your kids. Treat yourself to things you consider “frivolous.” Make a list of your favorite things to do and then put them on your calendar. Your kids will still benefit by having a happy parent and seeing that you value yourself. Read More: Self-Care Isn't Selfish We plan but don’t act Setting a resolution to read or exercise more isn’t the same as actually reading more or exercising more. Don’t let yourself fall into the comfortable trap of planning, or you will get stuck at “someday.” Planning without action doesn’t cut it. Actually doing your favorite things is where the joy comes in. We follow rules that aren’t really rules You don’t have to use the china you inherited at your wedding just because you think you should. If someone gave you a cat blanket when you don’t really like cats, you don’t have to keep the blanket. Get rid of what’s not beautiful to you. Follow organizational guru Marie Kondo’s rule: If something doesn’t give you joy, don’t keep it. Decluttering and letting go can lighten our physical and mental loads, leaving space for happiness to enter. Our time here is limited, so wear the "good" jewelry! Buy those shoes! Live it up in your living room all year round. Sandra Bienkowski is a contributing editor forLive Happy and the founder and CEO of
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A parent and child walk to school

4 Ways to Navigate Life’s Transitions With Ease

Our lives are a series of transitions. The weekend eventually ends and Monday comes. We get married. Summer becomes fall. Vacation ends and we have to go back to work. We happily anticipate milestones such as graduating from college, getting a job or buying a new house. But once an experience ends, our mood can take a dip. Is it possible to navigate change with a sense of resilience while remaining happy? Our experts weigh in: 1.Realize transitions are a matter of perspective “There is no such thing as positive or negative transition; it fully depends on the way you think,” says Michael Mantell, Ph.D., a San-Diego based psychologist and the author of Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff: P.S. It’s All Small Stuff. “If it weren’t for transitions, we wouldn’t move, change, be agile or face new opportunities ... So I never, ever regret having to return to work. Instead, I always think, ‘Wow, what a great vacation this work gave me the opportunity to take, and how grateful I am for the vacation and the job.’ ” If you dread coming back to work, you are setting yourself up for depression and anxiety, he says. Susan Fletcher, Ph.D., a Dallas-based psychologist, says accepting life’s inevitable ups and downs can make transitions easier. “Peaks and valleys are to be expected,” the Working in the Smart Zone author says. “That doesn’t mean the good times are always vacation and the bad times are everything else. Even on vacation, we can have the same kind of stress we have in our ordinary life.” The key, Susan says, is knowing what works for you. “I need one full day to power down to go on vacation, so I don’t ever take a 6 a.m. flight to get the most out of vacation because then I am worthless when I get there.” Instead, she schedules midday flights and makes the journey part of the experience, stopping for lunch with her kids, playing cards on the plane and preparing to have fun when they arrive. The same is true at the end of the trip: If you need to, take a day to decompress and do laundry, buy groceries and open mail instead of returning the night before you go back to work. 2.Don’t set yourself up Be careful about setting expectations that are hard to meet. You can savor time, but you can’t stop time. If you are visiting your parents or a sibling who lives far away, expect to be sad when you leave, Susan says. “And don’t act fine when you aren’t fine because that takes a whole lot of energy.” To manage the dip in your mood, rather than dwell on your current trip ending, plan your next visit and start looking forward to it. When you think, “This will be the best vacation ever,” you’re setting yourself up for disappointment, she says. “Take it how it is and be accepting. Happiness is really defined in a lot of different ways. A lot of people get stuck in thinking happiness is success, but sometimes happiness is being together on the journey.” 3.Look forward to change Find ways to embrace change. Michael suggests looking for the good in fall weather, the fun of pulling together a new wardrobe, the beauty of upcoming holidays and the good that a new schedule brings. Organize yourself and plan for fall decorations, create a new exercise routine or write a gratitude list for everything you appreciated about your summer. Susan advises being deliberate. Create a work environment that makes you happy, with your favorite music playing or freshly cut flowers on your desk. “Think about things that help you feel like you are not all work and no play that are really specific to you.” 4.Appreciate life’s contrasts “If we were always happy, we wouldn’t even appreciate it,” says Connie Podesta, author of Life Would Be Easy If It Weren’t for Other People. “People get used to things quickly and then become complacent. It’s totally normal to be sad when we go back to work [but] it doesn’t mean you dislike your job ... Of course, we are sad to come back from vacation. On vacation we sleep in. Have some free time. No chores, no cooking, no bills to worry about. We don’t have to strategize our every move. It is fantasy land. It’s that contrast that makes the vacation so unbelievably memorable. But we know deep down that we can’t sustain that euphoria forever.” The contrasts make us happier, Connie says. “Humans are made to change—it’s in our DNA. We get anxious for the summer, but then tired of the heat. We get excited for the fall, but we love the first snow. The ocean looks amazing on the first day of vacation,” she says. “Transitions don’t zap our happiness; they make our happiness even more meaningful.” Read More: Upping Your Downtime Sandra Bienkowski is a regular contributor to Live Happy and the founder and CEO of
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Find Your Own Happy Place

5 Tips to Find Your Own Happy Place

“The world is too much with us,” the poet William Wordsworth wrote. We’ve all been there: overwhelmed by never-ending to-do lists, overflowing inboxes, the demands of work and home life, the friends we adore and the organizations we support. When we feel chaos is closing in, we need to retreat to our happy place. “Everyone should have a place where you can go to feel safe and happy,” says Nancy Mramor, Ph.D., a Pittsburgh psychologist who leads workshops on achieving happiness. “It may be a place you can physically visit or, at times, even just imagine, but it must be a respite that recharges you.” Here are some tips for finding that special place in the world: 1. Recall places where you've appreciated the sounds Birds chirping, a brook babbling, beautiful music, people’s voices. 2. Summon up the places where you've enjoyed visual images An open view of the sky or sea, pleasing colors and shapes, inspiring art or architecture. 3. Choose a place where you can experience the elements that contribute to happiness Exercise, social contact with happy people, creative flow, laughter. Your happy place, says Nancy, may also be a “low-stimulation environment with little of the above. Quiet stillness can offer a feeling of being at peace that can last for a long time.” 4. Remember where you were when you experienced deep contentment and meaning It could be the playground where you took your children when they were young; the animal shelter or food pantry where you volunteer; the café where you met your future spouse. 5. Stay open-minded Studies in the Journal of Environmental Psychology show that spending just 20 minutes in nature boosts vitality levels significantly. Others may prefer a favorite spa, an indoor Zen retreat with candles and soothing music or a kitchenware store filled with gleaming pots and exotic ingredients. “Some people, especially those who work alone,” Nancy says, “get a happiness lift just by going to their local coffee bar and plugging in their laptops.” In another article we explore the concept of the "happy place"—a space where you can find joy and meaning in a chaotic world. Here we explain how to identify your own happy place, in case you haven't done so already! Shelley Levitt is a freelance journalist based in Southern California.
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Woman going for a run

6 Easy Ways to Get Into Running

Get up and go Want to get into running? Here are six easy ways to get started. 1. Find a running group Join a local running club in your area and you’ll have built-in partners for after-work runs or weekend outings. Find a group through the Road Runners Club of America or ask at your local running shoe store. 2. Go on a retreat What’s not to love about going for a run in a place like Greece, Italy or Lake Tahoe? Sign up for a running retreat with esteemed running coach Jeff Galloway for a vacation that’ll leave you feeling fit and happy. 3. Sign up for a race The popular Couch-to-5K program gives you specific training instructions to run your first 5K in just nine weeks. Follow the program online—running three days a week for around 30 minutes—then sign up for a race near you. Check out these 4 apps that will keep you moving and motivated, 4. Run for a cause Sign up with an organization like Team In Training and you’ll be running your first marathon or half-marathon while raising money to beat cancer. You’ll have the support of coaches and fellow runners throughout your training, and during the race a cheering squad in matching purple T-shirts will be rooting you on. 5. Hire a coach A personal coach can give you the structure and motivation to stay on task. “I work with runners who struggle with chronic injury, fatigue or burnout and I help them get back on track by reducing stress and optimizing their training,” says Elinor Fish, an endurance runner who offers 16-week training programs and coaching services online via Skype. 6. Or try something else Running isn’t for everyone. If you’ve tried it and you're just not into running, don’t fret. You can still reap the benefits of runner’s high from regularly participating in other moderate-level activities, like walking, biking, swimming, yoga and more. Read how to go from being a couch potato to a 5 K finisher.
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Bob Bowman and Michael Phelps: Everyday Excellence

Michael Phelps’ Secret to Everyday Excellence

The most decorated Olympian of all time didn’t win 22 medals (including 18 gold) alone. Instead, swimmer Michael Phelps relied on his coach, Bob Bowman, to design the workload to help him make history. Consistent training, day in, day out Michael is naturally gifted, sure, but “what made Michael great,” Bob says, “is not his wingspan, his foot size, or anything else.” It was work. Consistent, hard work. Michael didn’t miss a day of training from the age of 12 to 18. “Were there days he wanted to? Yeah,” Bob says. “He just kept coming. And he kept getting better.” In fact, Bob says, the gains Michael made from training more than 2,100 days in a row “he’s basically used for the last 12 years.” According to Bob, developing that base and having the courage to face your insecurities and doubts are key to long-term success. “In a very short time, I can rush someone through to some [level of] performance,” he says. “If they don’t have the foundation behind it, it just goes away really quickly.” That personal best might be inspiring, but, Bob says, “perspiration comes before inspiration." Everyday excellence If you do something long enough, before long, you’ll do something good.” Then, once that foundation is established and you can’t do more work, you can do better work. Bob calls it “everyday excellence.” “It’s not about excellence every four years. It’s about how excellent are you right now, on a Friday afternoon. When you go to that practice at 5, how excellent are you going to be? Are you going to go through the motions? Or use this as a step toward your goals? That’s how it works.” Commit to your goal Bob says it’s the same for playing the piano, tilling your garden or losing weight. “Say you have a goal out there,” he says. “It means you’re going to change. You have to decide how important it is.” Then you have to start seeing yourself as someone who’s attained that goal, he adds. And commit to that vision every time you make a decision.
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Quiz: What's Your Relationship Mindfulness IQ?

When it Comes to Love, Are You Mindful or Meh?

Relationship mindfulness is a long-proven method toward improving our relationship happiness. In 2004, the University of North Carolina launched a study of “relatively happy, non-distressed couples.”The results of their study proved what experts have known all along: Couples who practice “relationship mindfulness” are happier, have less stress and have a better ability to cope during challenging times.Take our quiz to find out how mindful you are when it comes to your own relationship.1. In my relationship, I consider my partner's feelings when making a decision.A. Most of the timeB. Some of the timeC. Rarely or never2. If I need to discuss an uncomfortable subject with my partner, I am conscious of my behavior throughout the discussion.A. Most of the timeB. Some of the timeC. Rarely or Never3. I can tell when my partner is not in a good mood.A. Most of the timeB. Some of the timeC. Rarely or never4. When my partner appears to be having a tough day or is in a bad mood, I attempt to inquire about what is wrong. A. Most of the time B. Some of the time C. Rarely or never5. When my partner appears to be having a tough day or is in a bad mood, I try to provide comfort.A. Most of the timeB. Some of the timeC. Rarely or never6. When my partner appears to be having a tough day or is in a bad mood, I make an effort to see if I can be helpful.A. Most of the timeB. Some of the timeC. Rarely or never7. When having a conversation with my partner, I do my best to focus on the exchange and try to avoid multi-tasking.A. Most of the timeB. Some of the timeC. Rarely or never8. When it comes to my relationship, I would consider myself to be present, mindful and aware.A. Most of the timeB. Some of the timeC. Rarely or never9. In times of stress or conflict with my partner, I take time out to think about how to best handle the situation before I react.A. Most of the timeB. Some of the timeC. Rarely or never10. When it comes to my relationship, I make an effort to avoid saying things that I might regret.A. Most of the timeB. Some of the timeC. Rarely or never11. I realize that my partner and our relationship shift and evolve over time; I try to adapt to those changes.A. Most of the timeB. Some of the timeC. Rarely or never12. I stay on top of what triggers me, stresses me out or makes me angry so that I can anticipate what might create conflict in my relationship.A. Most of the timeB. Some of the timeC. Rarely or never13. I am honest with myself about my relationship.A. Most of the timeB. Some of the timeC. Rarely or never14. I initiate bookend connections with my partner (the connections when I wake up in the morning and go to bed at night, and when I leave and arrive at home)A. Most of the timeB. Some of the timeC. Rarely or never15. I focus on good communication with my partner, both verbal and nonverbal.A. Most of the timeB. Some of the timeC. Rarely or never16. I take time out to assess and understand my partner’s wants and needs.A. Most of the timeB. Some of the timeC. Rarely or never17. I realize that personal growth will help my relationship, so I work toward that goal.A. Most of the timeB. Some of the timeC. Rarely or never18. I know that I am not always the perfect partner, and so I acknowledge my mistakes when they happen.A. Most of the timeB. Some of the timeC. Rarely or never19. I make efforts toward deepening my relationship with my partner.A. Most of the timeB. Some of the timeC. Rarely or never20. I make an effort to put my partner’s happiness on an equal standing with my own.A. Most of the timeB. Some of the timeC. Rarely or neverEvaluate your answersA'sIf most of your answers are ‘A’ then you are doing a great job at having a mindful heart in your relationship and you are successful at striking the balance between what is best for you and what is best for your relationship. You are able to assess and adapt to your partner’s needs and have the ability to find compromises for the greater good of the relationship. You are mindful of your partner’s wants and in return that should result in a more successful and happy relationship.B'sIf most of your answers are ‘B’ then you have either been mindful of your partner and relationship, or you are naturally gifted with some of those skills. It would be helpful to you and your relationship if you would carefully look at exactly how and when you are considerate of your partner’s wants and needs so that you can assess where your strengths and weaknesses are. For the areas of strength, pat yourself on the back. For the areas that need improvement, make more of a conscious effort to practice being more mindful in your relationship so that you can deepen your connection.C'sIf most of your answers are ‘C’ then you either lack the natural skills to be mindful in your relationship, or you haven’t put in the time or energy to improve your abilities in this area. If you were not aware of your imperfections in this area, perhaps you can invest more of your focus on being more aware and balancing what both you and your partner want and need. If emotional distance or resentment has been the cause of your lack of mindfulness, then make an effort to bridge the emotional gap and diffuse the tension by trying to engage in more of these connecting activities.Stacy Kaiser is a licensed psychotherapist, author, relationship expert and media personality. She is also the author of the best-selling book, How to Be a Grown Up: The Ten Secret Skills Everyone Needs to Know, and an editor-at-large for Live Happy.
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Are You Fully Charged?

Tom Rath: Are You Fully Charged?

Tom Rathis an author and researcher who studies the role of human behavior in business, health, and well-being.He is the author of sixNew York Timesbestsellers, includingHow Full Is Your Bucket?His book StrengthsFinder 2.0was the top-selling book of 2013 and 2014 worldwide on In total, his books have sold more than 6 million copies and have made more than 300 appearances on theWall Street Journalbestseller list.His latest book,Are You Fully Charged?: The 3 Keys to Energizing Your Work and Lifeisthe subject of a feature-length documentary. You can get a taste of it in the trailer, below.In addition to his work as a researcher, writer, and speaker, Tom serves as a senior scientist for and advisor to Gallup, where he previously spent thirteen years leading the organization’s work on employee engagement, strengths, leadership, and well-being. He is also a scientific advisor to Welbe, a startup focused on wearable technology.Want to learn more from Tom Rath? Check out his interview on the new Live Happy Now podcast available now on iTunes!
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Amy Van Dyken: A Potrait of Resilience

The Bounce-Back Effect

Challenges pop up every day, and you must figure out ways to go around or over them,” says Olympic swimming champion Amy Van Dyken. “You have to be a creative problem solver who looks three steps ahead.”Everything changedEverything changed for the six-time gold medalist on June 6, 2014. While driving her all-terrain vehicle (ATV), Amy tumbled over an embankment. The accident left her with a severed spinal cord and brain injuries. She made it through a potentially fatal emergency surgery but was left paralyzed from the waist down. Yet, true to form, her trademark positive spirit and humor never wavered.“I’ve always been funny,” she says. “The person you see now is the person I’ve always been. Even after my accident and major back surgery with multiple blood transfusions, I awoke talking and laughing. The doctor said jokingly, ‘I must be in the wrong room.’”Amy’s can-do attitude drove her to extraordinary success in her swimming career. It is also what motivated her to go from reclining in bed to sitting in a matter of days—a feat that can challenge the balance of some paralysis patients for weeks. She now drives around in her modified Camaro SS, which stands for “super-sexy,” she says. Her ability to focus on the positive in the face of trauma is far from extraordinary, experts say. Rather, resiliency is something we’re all born with—we simply have to develop it.No ‘ordinary magic’Cincinnati’s VIA Institute on Character says each and every person possesses 24 character strengths, the building blocks of resilience, to some degree. But it’s our “signature strengths” that form the cornerstone of our personal storehouses of resilience, says Ryan Niemiec, Psy.D, a psychologist and the institute’s education director.For example, people endowed with lots of perseverance “generally don’t see obstacles as obstacles,” he says. “They see these as opportunities…to learn…to rise to the occasion or…make the end goal that much more sweet.” And where some people prefer to rely on hope as they focus on the future and remain optimistic through the difficult times, others draw on bravery or depend on their creativity to brainstorm solutions to challenges.Resilience = Positive adaptationBecause of the complexity of its interaction with our other personality traits, Ryan prefers to call resilience “positive adaptation.” “This means that when a stressor occurs, [people] don’t cower away,” he says. “They also don’t turn to alcohol and drugs to avoid it, and they don’t spend time getting emotionally upset. Instead, they adapt in a way that is constructive and beneficial.”Ann S. Masten, Ph.D., has dubbed this type of adaptation “ordinary magic.” The University of Minnesota professor studied youth growing up in disadvantaged environments and concluded that most, despite the obstacles they face, turn out f ne. Her unexpected findings convinced her and other experts that resilience is the practical ability to combine skills such as problem-solving and self-control with caring relationships and social resourcesto recover from setbacks.Post-traumatic growthThat can lead us to achieve what experts call “post-traumatic growth.” Case in point: Drs. Steven M. Southwick and Dennis S. Charney found that 93 percent of the 30 former Vietnam prisoners of war they studied attributed their greater appreciation of life to being imprisoned. The authors of Resilience:The Science of Mastering Life’s Greatest Challenges discovered that the POWs took a painful experience and made it meaningful by using it to readjust their priorities and self-perceptions. By doing this, they had internalized the belief that “I’ve been through the absolute worst, and though I’m vulnerable, I’m also much stronger than I ever imagined.”Read more about The Science of Post-Traumtic Growth.Learning through failureThe Vietnam POWs aren’t alone. Shannon Polly, MAPP, who has facilitated resilience training for more than a thousand U.S. Army sergeants, says, “Soldiers in World War II felt that surviving combat made them more resilient. Resilience is believing you can learn through failure.”Mark D. Seery, Ph.D., an associate psychology professor at the University of Buffalo, says research suggests that experiencing adversity “may have an upside—a silver lining—in that it may help foster resilience.”Amy is living proof of this. Despiteher upbeat attitude, she has mourned the loss of her mobility and still has tough days. “Every day she suffers from physical pain that she calls a ‘blanket of fire,’ ” says Elisa Persi, Amy’s close friend of 12 years. “She has some bad days, but still remains positive.”“It’s a big, huge deal—for me and my husband,” Amy says. “But I allow myself to have moments when I’m sad or angry, and then I move on.”The road to resilienceLike Amy, our personal journeys toward developing resiliency are as defined by our signature strengths as they are by our lifestyle choices. In fact, improving the quality of our overall health—through exercise, sleep, diet and relaxation—can help us rebound after a traumatic life event.“Research shows if you work with a trainer in a gym for three months, you have a better bounce-back from stress,” says Todd Kashdan, Ph.D., a George Mason University professor and researcher. “You build up willpower, stamina; your mind is better able to respond in a sophisticated way to challenges, and you’re more likely to have a white space between what happens and your response.”Repairing the brain, and the soulIn part, this is due to the brain’s lifetime neuroplasticity or cognitive flexibility, but studies also indicate exercise can repair damaged neurons, says Arun Krishnan, Ph.D., an associate professor at the University of New South Wales, Sydney.“Before the accident I was doing a lot of lower body work—squats, lunges,” Amy says. “Now I’m lifting weights and working harder than I did before the Olympics. It was hard just learning how to sit.”We also cope better when we don’t go it alone, Todd says. “[My friends] don’t let me mope,” Amy says. “They’ll come over and say, ‘Let’s go to the mall.’ They’re amazing.”Reaching out to othersAmy says she regularly reaches out to her network of friends and health professionals and is active on Instagram and other social media sites. And in January, she returned to her broadcasting career, calling a swim meet for Olympic hopefuls. “Seeking out others—being physically near and touching someone—is beneficial,” Todd says. “Military comrades say they feel a sense of love and contagious bravery.”However, Steven and Dennis caution that we’re not all on a level playing field when it comes to resiliency. As always, our genetics and environment affect who we are—and how resilient we can be.“People with social anxiety disorder, for example, don’t differ from [resilient people] in their number of stressful interactions,” Todd says. “[What differs is] they are unable to be in contact with their anxious thoughts. But we can train them to distance their thoughts…and function. Moving through fear is one way of being flexible.When you interview snipers, martial artists, actors and athletes, they all talk about feeling fearless. But they experience fear and are aware of it. They just know how to channel it.” And while our personal brand of resiliency may not manifest itself in the same form as Amy’s, experts say moving forward in the face of everyday setbacks, such as job loss or making mistakes, provides us with protection from depression and negative emotions.Bouncing forwardToday, nearly a year after the ATV accident that changed her life, Amy is grateful to be alive and to be a high-functioning paraplegic. She’s also discovered the lesson learned by so many others: Altruism can buttress resilience.For Amy, that means touring the country on behalf of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation promoting spinal cord research. It has also meant founding her own nonprofit, the Amy Van Dyken Foundation, which provides patients with spinal cord injuries needed medical supplies not covered by insurance. Her appearance as the grand marshal in the 2014 Fiesta Bowl Parade alone raised $10,000 for her charity. Now, she has her eyes set on a new personal goal: to become an inspirational role model like fellow paraplegic Christopher Reeve.“He dealt with his injury with great dignity, and that’s what I want to do,” she says. And today, Elisa says Amy treats every day as a gift. “She doesn’t take things for granted anymore, and when things get rough, she uses perspective to realize that things could be worse.”“I truly believe I’m here for a reason,” Amy says. “I should be dead. Someone’s not done with me.”Janice Arenofsky is a freelance writer based in Scottsdale, AZ.
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What's your happy place?

What’s Your Happy Place?

It’s where you go when you need a mood boost, a recharge, a fresh perspective. It’s a break from chaos, a retreat from uncertainty, a shelter from stress, a shot of vitality. It’s your happy place. The geography of joy varies. For the introverts among us, our happy place is where we can withdraw from other people and look inward. For extroverts, a happy place is nearly always well populated. Our sanctuaries aren’t always pretty in the scenic cottage-by-the-sea sense. And, one person’s harbor from the storm can feel like very rocky seas to someone else. Here, one Live Happy reader shares the place that has filled her with a sense of awe and a feeling of belonging since she was in high school. Eileen Anne Zyko—The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City The first time Eileen Anne Zyko visited New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art was on a trip with her art history class when she was a high school junior. “I remember walking up the front steps and feeling the way some girls probably feel when they go to Cinderella’s castle in Disney World,” Eileen says. “I was totally transported.” More than 25 years later, she experiences the same thrill when she visits the Met today. “It starts when I’m taking the train from my home in New Jersey,” Eileen says. “I get that kind of bubbly feeling inside that I’m going someplace exciting. And when I walk off the street and through the museum doors, I still feel like I’m stepping into a place that’s full of magic and wonder.” A sense of calm On every visit, she heads first to the Temple of Dendur. Built on the West Bank of Egypt's Nile River during the reign of Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar about 15 B.C., the three-room temple was installed in the Met in 1978. “That’s how I prepare myself for the rest of the day,” Eileen says. “It’s like taking a shower before you dive into a swimming pool. Sometimes I’ll just sit and gather my thoughts. The temple has a sense of permanence that I find very calming.” Next, she heads to the American Wing Gallery and the living room of a home that was built by the architect Frank Lloyd Wright. (“I’ve often dreamed about being locked into the Met and having to stay overnight,” Eileen says. “If that happened, I would sleep in the Frank Lloyd Wright house.”) After that, Eileen stops at Van Gogh’s Self-Portrait with Straw Hat. “There was a time in my life when I also felt misunderstood and not appreciated,” she says. “For someone to be able to express their pain through painting is extraordinary to me. When I was growing up I couldn’t express myself very well. I was very good at school, but I’ve never been particularly creative." A sense of belonging "If you asked me what I liked or didn’t like, I couldn’t tell you. In high school, I was a scholarship student at a fancy all-girls boarding school, and I didn’t feel like I really belonged there. But I had an art history teacher named Sonja Osborn, and she changed everything for me. Art history became a magical way for me to understand and engage with the world.” We’d love to hear about your happy place! Let us know in the comments section, below. For more, look for the feature story on "Joyful Havens" in the August 2015 issue of Live Happy magazine. Shelly Levitt is a freelance journalist and editor-at-large for Live Happy. She lives in Southern California.
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