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Are You Facing Your Addictions?

September is National Recovery Month, which makes this a good time to both celebrate those who have been successful with recovery and to stop and learn how we can avoid falling into the trap of addiction and dependence. Addiction is defined as the habitual or compulsive surrender to a substance or activity. If you have an addiction or struggle with substance abuse, it can have an enormous influence on your happiness, success and productivity. It can even impact perceptions and behaviors. The Roots of Addiction One cause of addiction is the need to escape. Drugs, alcohol and other activities provide vehicles for denial and avoidance of real life. This particular form of escapism, however, never works in the long term. Instead, those who become addicted ultimately end up hurting themselves and others—often in life-altering ways. Much like a baby craves a bottle, pacifier or favorite blanket, adults have a similar pull toward various substances and activities that give them happiness and comfort. When this pull becomes an insatiable need and interferes with daily functioning, it is considered an addiction. Three elements combine to help create an addict: genetics, upbringing and the social factor (for example, you have a workplace where everyone goes out drinking together and drug use is condoned if not encouraged). If one of these is already present in your life, you should be cautious: the seeds of addiction are there. If two are present, there is a higher chance you could become an addict. If you have all three, you’ll need to be vigilant in order to avoid falling into addiction. Warning Signs Is there a substance you use or activity you engage in frequently that pulls you away from relationships, success, accomplishments or hinders your life? Whatever is causing you to pull away from other activities or people you once enjoyed needs to be examined. If something compulsive is getting in the way of you leading a fulfilling and satisfying life, follow this rule: Assess it and address it. Here are some of the best ways to do that: Listen to the voice. Almost every addict remembers a certain point right before things got bad when a small voice in his or her head said, “I think I might be an alcoholic/drug addict/compulsive overeater/sex addict.” Do not ignore this little voice. Give yourself time to question and assess whether you think you have a problem and work toward improving the behavior you are worried about. Get support. A support system is key when it comes to potentially addictive behaviors. If you are not sure whether you really have a problem, ask five trusted people: Do you think I shop too much? Drink too much? If a quorum of them says yes, it is worth examining. Call a professional. If you reach the point where you're doing something that is harming you and you cannot stop, it is time for professional help. When it comes to something as powerful as addiction, many of us do not have the proper tools to handle it—but professionals do. Reach out to a medical doctor, mental-health professional, religious leader or a 12-step group. In times of struggle, it is important to seek others and get the help we need. Keep good company. Role models are key when it comes to maximizing our potential in any area of life. When it comes to addiction or potential addiction, consider who you spend your time with. In order to recover, or stop from becoming addicted in the first place, you may need to change the company you keep. Make sure you spend time with people who model positive behavior and lead a high-functioning life. As the month of September comes to a close, I encourage each of you to take a good look at your behaviors and how they impact your life. There is no better time than the present to work on improving any weaknesses that might be getting in your way. For all of those working on their recovery, I salute you—it is not easy, but it is worth it. Find your peaceful and healthy place and visit it often. Read more: 5 Reasons to Stop Hating Your Body Read more: Do You Have These Hidden Symptoms of Depression? Stacy Kaiser is a Southern California-based licensed psychotherapist, author, relationship expert and media personality. She is also the author of How to Be a Grown Up: The Ten Secret Skills Everyone Needs to Know, and editor at large for Live Happy.
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How to Raise Positive and Gritty Teens with Caren Baruch-Feldman and Molly Dahl

Dr. Caren Baruch-Feldman is a clinical psychologist and a certified school psychologist. She maintains a private practice in Scarsdale and works as a school psychologist in the Harrison schools in Westchester, New York. Providing in-services, interactive workshops, and now writing her first book, titled, The Grit Guide for Teens are the highlight of Dr. Baruch-Feldman’s professional life. Molly Dahl is author of Youth Positive, Exploring the Unique Genius of Every 21st Century Adolescent and The YOUTH Positive Teacher’s Guide. She conducts teacher trainings and workshops, and presents YOUTH Positive and Positive Education at conferences around the country. She holds a Certificate in Positive Psychology from The Wholebeing Institute. What you'll learn in this episode: How we can help teens be the best version of themselves. What mindset, behavior, and culture supports grit. What YOUTH Positive is. Why happiness is a worthy goal. Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Follow Caren on Facebook and Twitter Purchase a copy of The Grit Guide for Teens Follow Molly on Facebook and Twitter Check out YOUTH Positive resources here.
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Heart of a Mentor

“Because of you, I am alive.” Victor Palomares has heard this sentence more than once. As a motivational speaker for teens, a teacher and anti-bullying coach in Los Angeles, inspiring youth has become his personal mission. Kids call him “Mr. P.” He was only in kindergarten when he found out his father passed away from a drug overdose. “My father didn’t have mentorship, and he wasn’t making the right decisions,” Victor says. He was taken out of school to bury his father in Mexico, and when he returned, his kindergarten teacher comforted him with apple juice. She also said something he never forgot. “It won’t always be this bad. You can cry as long as you need to.” Reading books and writing in journals saved him. Raised by a single mom, he struggled with depression and pessimism throughout his adolescence. He thought his future involved professional baseball, but instead, he got involved with teaching after college. “I was madly in love with a girl. And she said to me, ‘If you are going to marry me, you have to have a good job.’ She told me they were hiring kindergarten teachers down the road. I am 6 feet tall and not a small dude. I said, ‘Do you really think I am going to teach kindergartners?’ She said, ‘They pay $28 an hour.’ I said, ‘What street is it on?’” Using humor to inspire, Victor did take that job down the road—first as a teacher’s aide and then several years later as a kindergarten teacher. Sitting in those tiny chairs, he sang the “Apples and Bananas” song, played with Play-Doh and taught kids to read. Soon he thought, “This work is filling my heart.” Today, Victor calls himself the Kindergarten CEO, and he speaks at workshops and in schools to empower teens to make smart decisions. “Stop trying to impress your friends. They aren’t thinking about you. They are thinking about themselves,” he shares in one of his talks. “Focus on being 1 percent better tomorrow. Where will you be in 30 days?” Victor encourages teens to make smart daily decisions as detailed in the book The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success and Happiness. In the book, author, entrepreneur and (full disclosure) Live Happy founder Jeff Olson shows readers how to use everyday tools and activities to build confidence and create success. Victor says the advice that change comes from within resonates with young people and gives them a sense of control. He pictures his father in the crowd when he speaks. “That’s what drives me. I am doing this to honor my father. He had a tremendous personality but he was sad, too. He was just 21 when he died. He didn’t get to play baseball or follow his talent as an artist,” Victor says. “I know someone is battling something that they are afraid to talk about, and they woke up with that unexplained sadness. I want to reach them in the crowd.” Victor uses his own life as a case study and shares stories and hard lessons so kids can start to believe in themselves and speak up about their own sadness or anger. He talks about heavy topics like depression and abandonment with humor and baseball metaphors. “I’m like, look, can I be real? Are you going to hit an HR? Are you starting your day striking out or hitting a home run in life? What are your habits and what are your rituals? Did you wake up and tell yourself it’s going to be a great day and things are conspiring in your favor? Or did you wake up like a human burrito all wrapped up in a blanket thinking, ‘OMG, I don’t want to get out of bed, my teacher hates me, my mom is always bugging me.’” And he lets teens know he’s been there, too. His best advice for kids is, “Feel what you need to feel and you will heal what you need to heal.” Just like his kindergarten teacher encouraged him. Victor makes heart-to-heart connections with teens and even calls them “my kids.” In the future, he hopes to reach even more of them. His mission is to be for someone else the person he needed when he was younger. Victor’s Lessons for Teens Habits equal happiness and rituals equal results. Be honest with yourself. Ask yourself: “Did I exercise today? Did I eat clean today? What are my habits?” Don’t let the inner you become the enemy; that’s what a bully is. Hang out with people with big dreams. You are enough. Channel your anger into words. Ask yourself whom you need to forgive. Share your story because it can help people. It’s not always going to be this bad. Sharpen your ax by always reading. Sandra Bilbray is a contributing editor for Live Happy, and the CEO and owner of themediaconcierge.net.
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Actress Anna Faris Is Live Happy’s October Cover Story

Dallas, Texas – August 8, 2017 – Gracing the cover of Live Happy’s October 2017 issue, actress Anna Faris explains why being Unqualified to give others advice hasn’t stopped her so far.  After decades of doling out unsolicited advice and testing personal boundaries among friends, family and strangers, the actress, producer, and now author morphed her tell-it-like-it-is podcast, Unqualified, into a memoir and advice book, also called Unqualified, debuting this October. “The goal [with the book] was to share my experience because it’s not that different from so many other people,” Faris says. “My hope is that people will walk away realizing that so many journeys are the same. My heartbreak is the same as someone else’s and if I have to be vulnerable for people to get that, that’s OK.” In Live Happy’s interview, she talks about never fully understanding what her mom meant when she advised, “Be selfish in love” and might have sidestepped some heartaches if she had. With her own trials and tribulations in love and relationships serving as her inspiration for the podcast and book, Faris wants to help others “get it,” too. In the issue, on newsstands now, Faris acknowledges that professionally, stepping outside her comfort zone as a comedic actress opens up opportunities to be authentic and honest. “Comedy lets me be a ‘real’ person,” she says. And I know that when I do screw up, I’ll forgive myself, too, because that’s big when it comes to overall positivity.” “Anna Faris’ natural empathy and curiosity about how people interact and connect comes through as genuine, heartwarming and entertaining on her podcast,” says Deborah K. Heisz, Live Happy editorial director, CEO and co-founder. “Her ability to laugh at herself and share her missteps in a positive perspective also brings meaning and inspiration to others.” In addition to Anna’s story, readers will find the following highlights: Grace, Gratitude & Garcelle—Garcelle Beauvais wears many hats – mother, actress, friend and author – but finding time to acknowledge and instill gratitude in those around her comes first.  After enduring painful heartbreak, Beauvais has managed to rise above and focus on new endeavors, including continuing her children’s book series, “I Am…” and launching a production company. Smooth Sailing—Musician Rob Thomas explains why after more than 20 years of success playing solo and in one of the most beloved bands of the grunge era, singing to a packed crowd still makes him happy.  On the current Matchbox Twenty “A Brief History of Everything” tour, the lead singer reminds himself daily how privileged he is to fulfill his dreams. Grounded—When the world feels like it’s being flipped upside down, use these 15 tips to stay on your feet and stay calm, cool and collected amid the chaos. From finding a mentor to connecting with an old friend or setting down your phone, these insights will keep you focused and firmly on the ground. Working Toward Happiness—A great deal of one’s life is spent at work, so shouldn’t that work provide some sense of fulfillment or pride? Researchers say yes and share what it takes to be happy on the job. —In “Know Where You’re Going,” Stacy Kaiser, Live Happy’s own happiness expert, editor-at-large and licensed psychotherapist, believes that finding a sense of purpose is a key element of a flourishing, fulfilling life. Kaiser lays out five steps to stay on track. Coming in the December issue, Kaiser and Live Happy launch Ask Stacy, a happiness advice column. Email askstacy@livehappy.com to get your question answered in a future issue. — Dr. Partha Nandi, a new health expert for Live Happy, encourages readers to discover the benefits of regular yoga practice and offers simple poses to get start on their journey to yogi bliss. —Columnists Shawn Achor and Michelle Gielan ask readers to “Give it a Break” and leave stress from work at the office with tips, research and advice on how to have a calm mind when out of the office. Live Happy also goes beyond the pages with Live Happy Now, an inspiring free weekly audio podcast available on iTunes that offers interviews with top researchers and experts in the fields of positive psychology and well-being.  Live Happy Radio, airing locally in Dallas on Sunday mornings from 8 a.m. – 9 a.m. on 98.7 KLUV-FM and on Radio.com, launched this summer to share uplifting and inspiring stories and encourage conversation on trends and research in the happiness space.  Readers can also visit LiveHappy.com and espanol.LiveHappy.com for even more information on finding and sharing happiness. Live Happy is available on newsstands at major retailers throughout the U.S., including Barnes & Noble, Whole Foods and Hudson News, and in Canada at Presse Commerce newsstands, among others. Live Happy’s award-winning digital edition is available from the App Store and on Google Play, and current subscribers receive complimentary access on their tablet devices and smartphones. Separate digital subscriptions are available for $9.99 at livehappy.com. # # # About Live Happy Live Happy LLC, owned by veteran entrepreneur Jeff Olson, is a company dedicated to promoting and sharing authentic happiness through education, integrity, gratitude and community awareness. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, its mission is to impact the world by bringing the happiness movement to a personal level and inspiring people to engage in purpose-driven, healthy, meaningful lives. Media Inquiries: Megan Miller Krupp Kommunications mmiller@kruppnyc.com 212-886-6707 Dina White Krupp Kommunications dwhite@kruppnyc.com 646-797-2030
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#HappyFacts: The Secret to Happiness

Each week, Live Happy Radio presents #HappyFacts designed to enlighten, educate and entertain you. Here’s a look at what we’re talking about this week: The secret to thriving revealed In the ongoing search for what makes us happy, it makes sense that people who are thriving in life will have greater well-being. But the definition of thriving and exactly how it’s achieved has remained something of a mystery. Even researcher Daniel Brown of the University of Portsmouth in the U.K.—who just completed a study on thriving—acknowledges that the exact definition is nebulous. But for the sake of his research, he settled on “feeling good about your life and being good at something.” Daniel discovered that thriving people share certain characteristics such as spirituality, optimism, motivation, flexibility and self-esteem. But they also have certain factors in their life, such as opportunity, support and a calm environment. When pro-thriving characteristics collide with these factors, ta-da! You’ve got happiness. These factors will of course change throughout our lifetime. Daniel is now looking at what kind of lasting or cumulative effect thriving has on us and how learning to thrive in good times can help sustain us when things aren’t going so well. Building better employees If you’re a boss looking to create a better work environment, maybe you need more mentors. While the benefits of on-the-job mentoring will vary from one person to the next, studies show that having mentors in the workplace can lead to happier and more fulfilled employees. Not only does on-the-job mentoring allow the mentee to build more confidence and take better control over his or her career, but it also builds a greater sense of job satisfaction. That, in turn, can lead to greater company loyalty – which, of course, means they’re more likely to stay on the job instead of looking for new opportunities. The person being mentored isn’t the only one who benefits, either. Mentors find an increased sense of self-worth as they share their knowledge and it can help re-energize careers. Live like you were dying If you spend a little time thinking about death each day, you might just make yourself happier. Really! That’s because thinking about death and pondering your own mortality can help you strive to create a legacy and find more purpose in your life. According to a new study published in OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying, those who acknowledged their own mortality were more likely to do something to make a lasting difference. Rather than fearing death, they saw an opportunity to leave something behind, which gave them a sense of purpose. Not only does a sense of purpose increase our personal well-being, but it can offset feelings of powerlessness about our lifespan and inevitable death. Along with that sense of purpose comes greater self-regulation and responsibility for our health, as well as a greater tendency to participate in personal development. But if you’re one of those frightened by the thought of death, take heart—there is a silver lining. Researchers found that people who were afraid of their own mortality were more likely to make healthier choices as a way to offset an early demise. Just think of it as a “scared straight” program for your soul.
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Comedian Jim Gaffigan Plays for Laughs in Live Happy’s July Issue Cover Story

Dallas, TX – May 23, 2017 – Comedian Jim Gaffigan is the featured cover of the July 2017 issue of Live Happy, on newsstands May 23. Readers can gain inspiration from Gaffigan’s story and more in this new issue, which explores fulfilling adventures, travel and journeys in ways that inspire awe and heighten creativity. “So much of my journey has been about rediscovering my priorities. I’m not the same man I was 10 years ago or five years ago,” says Jim Gaffigan. “I’m somebody who’s very lucky to have found this job that gives me such happiness, so I feel an even greater responsibility to help my kids find their happiness.” Gaffigan’s journey didn’t always lead him down the happiest paths. He started his career in New York City at an advertising firm, but followed his passion of stand-up on the side during late night classes and caught up on sleep in his cubicle the next morning. Gaffigan went all in on his passion for comedy and discovered that his signature “lightness” was the key to success in his comedic career. Three decades later, after 22 appearances on The Late Show with David Letterman, two seasons of The Jim Gaffigan Show, comedy specials and world tours—not to mention marrying his wife, Jeannie, and having five kids—Jim Gaffigan is the epitome of a dream fulfilled. “Jim Gaffigan embodies the theme of this issue because he shares in this zest for adventure when it comes to his family and being on-stage,” says Deborah K. Heisz, Live Happy editorial director, CEO and co-founder. “I’m especially inspired by his decision to tour internationally with his family so they can experience new cultures together. Jim’s life-affirming humor confirms that laughter is universal and translates in any culture or destination.” Among the features in the July issue, readers will find the following highlights: Playing for Laughs—In this month’s cover story, comedian and actor Jim Gaffigan reflects on the journey that lead to where is his now: embarking on a world tour with his wife and five kids in tow. Gaffigan shares his greatest achievements and challenges when it comes to his kids, empowering them and setting them on a path to happiness. A Salute to the Good Life—Actor Tony Hale of Veep channels life experience into his performance to make political mayhem look hilarious on HBO’s hit show. With Americans so politically focused as of late, Hale shares why he thinks laughter is the best medicine. Grateful for Every Shot—Brittany Lang, pro golfer, doesn’t credit her swing, concentration or practice for her U.S. Women’s Open Championship – it’s all thanks to a positive attitude. The support, gratitude and positivity of her family are instilled in her as she achieves her goals. Embracing Awe—Once seen as a “luxury handbag of emotions,” the experience of “awe” is now proving its significance to researchers and offers multiple benefits for the mind, body and spirit. Readers can learn more about the science and explore its pathway to well-being in their own lives. Happy Campers—Studies show that kids who go to camp experience a boost in self-esteem, social skills, adventurousness, and spiritual growth—shouldn’t adults experience the same? Read about activities, benefits and trends of new adult summer camps popping up around the country where adults have the chance to relax, enjoy nature and have a truly transformative experience. Wonder Bound—Read about five awe-inspiring destinations, ranging from far corners of the world to hidden gems not far from your backyard, to make your travel dreams a reality. —Columnists Shawn Achor and Michelle Gielan reveal tips for keeping your online experiences in positive perspective and why it’s important to know when to disconnect. —Happiness expert and licensed psychotherapist Stacy Kaiser encourages adults and children to embrace the power of daydreaming as a way to cultivate creativity. —Looking for an outdoor adventure but don’t know where to start? Don’t forget to pack these items suggested in “Hanging in the Outdoors,” before you hit the road. Live Happy also goes beyond the pages with Live Happy Now, an inspiring free weekly audio podcast available on iTunes that offers interviews with top researchers and experts in the fields of positive psychology and well-being. Readers can also visit LiveHappy.com and espanol.LiveHappy.com for even more information on finding and sharing happiness. Live Happy is available on newsstands at major retailers throughout the U.S., including Barnes & Noble, Whole Foods and Hudson News, and in Canada at Presse Commerce newsstands, among others. Live Happy’s award-winning digital edition is available from the App Store and on Google Play, and current subscribers receive complimentary access on their tablet devices and smartphones. Separate digital subscriptions are available for $9.99 at livehappy.com. # # # About Live Happy Live Happy LLC, owned by veteran entrepreneur Jeff Olson, is a company dedicated to promoting and sharing authentic happiness through education, integrity, gratitude and community awareness. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, its mission is to impact the world by bringing the happiness movement to a personal level and inspiring people to engage in purpose-driven, healthy, meaningful lives. Media Inquiries: Megan Miller Krupp Kommunications mmiller@kruppnyc.com 212-886-6707 Dina White Krupp Kommunications dwhite@kruppnyc.com 646-797-2030
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Actress, Rapper and Author Queen Latifah Proves Happiness Reigns Supreme in Live Happy’s May issue cover story

Dallas, Texas – March 7, 2017 – “Whatever your inspiration, you have to look for a reason to fight the good fight every day,” says Queen Latifah, whose fighting spirit and confidence helped her rise above tough times to win acclaim and a score of awards in music, film and TV, where she appears in her latest project, Lee Daniels’ FOX series, Star. “Around 18 or so, I was making bad choices based on not loving myself so I decided to make a decision to either love [myself] or hate [myself],” she says. “I decided I needed to love myself. But I also needed to truly believe that, own that, and make decisions based on that. I had to accept myself as I am.” Who better than the Queen herself to reign over the International Day of Happiness movement that kicks off in March? Live Happy’s May issue, available on March 7, offers expert advice about how to show and spread your joy this spring, including ways to mold a joyful mindset at work, with your family and with yourself. “Queen Latifah perfectly captures the spirit and energy of the happiness movement that we celebrate each year at this time,” says Deborah K. Heisz, Live Happy’s co-founder, CEO and editorial director. “I’m especially inspired by her multifaceted career and success she’s gained across multiple industries. A clear, positive mindset is a key starting point to spreading happiness to all you meet.” Among the features in the May issue, readers will find the following highlights: Happiness Reigns Supreme—In this month’s cover story, superstar singer and actress Queen Latifah goes straight to the heart of what’s truly important in life: family, confidence and health. She shares why tragedy helped her uncover her true strength, how she cultivated shining confidence and her secret motivation for a healthy, happy life. Baring His Soul—Actor Sam Worthington, star of The Shack, explores his evolution on- and off-screen, reveals what triggered him to look at the world differently and shares his perspective on how to live a life that is personally and professionally fulfilling. Life’s a Stage—Actor and comedian Echo Kellum, star of the CW’s hit show Arrow, dishes on his role models, lightening the mood, finding happiness every day and what makes him laugh. Mindful Moment—As a certified yoga and mindfulness teacher for children, Susan Verde is putting a new twist on the standard Child’s Pose. Verde shares how getting centered with Lizard Pose helps kids combat daily stresses and helps bring families together. Spring Color Fling—Sample an array of products in four of Pantone’s freshest spring colors and soak up expert advice from designers to add joy to every room in your home or office. Laughter Really Is the Best Medicine—Learn why a sense of humor may be your most effective communication tool. The International Day of Happiness: Why It Matters and How to Get Involved—Since its beginning in 2012, the International Day of Happiness has become a global movement for sharing and spreading #HappyActs, big and small. Here, writer Shelley Levitt shares one woman’s deeply personal connection to the day, how it has grown in the past five years and how everyone can share their joy on March 20. —Don’t get caught “phubbing”: Shawn Achor and Michelle Gielan reveal tips for navigating tech distractions that can put a strain on your romantic relationship. —Columnist and licensed psychotherapist Stacy Kaiser presents five essential factors that shape kids’ resilience and success to cultivate happiness from a young age. —Looking for more fulfillment but don’t know where to start? Check out “Five Things to Give Up for Happiness” to eliminate negativity. Live Happy also goes beyond the pages with Live Happy Now, an inspiring free weekly audio podcast on iTunes that offers interviews with top researchers and experts in the fields of positive psychology and well-being. Readers can also visit LiveHappy.com and espanol.LiveHappy.com for even more information on finding and sharing happiness. Our #HappyActs to you during the happiness month of March: download our Live Happy magazine with the digital edition app (iTunes or Google Store) and receive our current issue for free. Live Happy is available on newsstands at major retailers throughout the U.S., including Barnes & Noble, Whole Foods and Hudson News, and in Canada at Presse Commerce newsstands, among others. Live Happy’s award-winning digital edition is available from the App Store and on Google Play, and current subscribers receive complimentary access on their tablet devices and smartphones. Separate digital subscriptions are available for $9.99 at livehappy.com. # # # About Live Happy Live Happy LLC, owned by veteran entrepreneur Jeff Olson, is a company dedicated to promoting and sharing authentic happiness through education, integrity, gratitude and community awareness. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, its mission is to impact the world by bringing the happiness movement to a personal level and inspiring people to engage in purpose-driven, healthy, meaningful lives. Media Inquiries: Megan Miller Krupp Kommunications mmiller@kruppnyc.com 212-886-6707
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Action Star Ming-Na Wen Pulls No Punches in Live Happy’s February issue cover story

Dallas, Texas – January 3, 2017 – “If you tell yourself enough times that you can achieve something, you can,” says Ming-Na Wen, who kicks up her physicality at age 53 in epic choreographed fight scenes as Agent Melinda May on ABC’s Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. “I think a lot of people put up their own blockades of inaction, like ‘I’m this age now, I shouldn’t be doing that.’ Instead, I’m thinking, ‘What vitamins do I need to take? What exercise program do I need to get on?’ she says. At my age, most people are thinking about retirement…but what are you retiring from? You’re still alive!” What better role model could there be for those of us striving to make 2017 our best year yet? Live Happy’s February issue, on newsstands January 3, offers expert advice on how to find meaning, purpose and happiness in all aspects of life, including ways to transform your energy level, food habits, finances and fitness level. “We as adults should embrace Ming-Na’s ‘at the ready’ attitude that we can do just about anything we put our minds to,” says Deborah K. Heisz, Live Happy’s co-founder, CEO and editorial director. “I’m especially inspired by the creative problem-solving advice in this issue. Finding fresh solutions and silencing worst-case scenario negativity can help us all adapt to change with resilience and positivity to start the year off right.” Among the features in the February issue, readers will find the following: Ming-Na Wen is an AGENT OF POSITIVITY—Buoyed by fans desperate to know her secrets to looking and feeling young and maintaining her famously sunny attitude, Ming-Na is now writing a book and building her brand #Wenever with the motivation of helping as many people as she can. A FORCE FOR GOOD—Actor Theo Rossi may be known for his complex and convincingly dark characters in TV and Netflix hits like Sons of Anarchy and Luke Cage, but in real life he’s all about giving back. Your MIND on the MOVE—You know exercise is good for your body, but researchers are discovering new ways that exercise also boosts your brain. Just as we can select certain exercises for physical results like building muscle or endurance, science now says we can exercise to achieve psychological benefits such as better problem solving, lower stress and improved memory. 33 Ways to Say, “I Love You”—We give you dozens of ways to tell those closest to you what they mean to you (including baking cupcakes on a cloudy Sunday afternoon). We also share unique and “heart-y” gift options for your valentine and other loved ones. Win like an UNDERDOG—What if we could tap into the mindset of underdogs? Learn how to overcome the odds by dreaming big from Ben & Jerry’s founders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield and College World Series winners Coastal Carolina University. BUILD your BEST LIFE in 7 SIMPLE STEPS. Discover the latest theory in creative goal setting—design thinking. Dave Evans and Bill Burnett, the authors of the best-selling Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived Joyful Life share the concepts and practices behind their popular Stanford class. “In design thinking we see our lives as something we can study and change. You’re never stuck,” says Bernard Roth, Ph.D. —Don’t miss Michelle Gielan and Shawn Achor’s ingenious experiments in goal setting that show how to individualize for best results. —Columnist and licensed psychotherapist Stacy Kaiser presents four practices and traits to develop in your children to help them become achievers. —And for an extreme example, get to know what motivates superhuman ultramarathoner Dean Karnazes to triumph over mental and physical challenges. Live Happy also goes beyond the pages with Live Happy Now, an inspiring free weekly audio podcast on iTunes that offers interviews with top researchers and experts in the fields of positive psychology and well-being, including a fun chat with our featured cover celebrity Ming-Na Wen. Readers can also visit LiveHappy.com and espanol.LiveHappy.com for even more information on finding and sharing happiness. Live Happy is available on newsstands at major retailers throughout the U.S., including Barnes & Noble, Whole Foods and Hudson News, and in Canada at Presse Commerce newsstands, among others. Live Happy’s award-winning digital edition is available from the App Store and on Google Play, and current subscribers receive complimentary access on their tablet devices and smartphones. Separate digital subscriptions are available for $9.99 at livehappy.com. # # # About Live Happy Live Happy LLC, owned by veteran entrepreneur Jeff Olson, is a company dedicated to promoting and sharing authentic happiness through education, integrity, gratitude and community awareness. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, its mission is to impact the world by bringing the happiness movement to a personal level and inspiring people to engage in purpose-driven, healthy, meaningful lives. Media Inquiries: Megan Miller Krupp Kommunications mmiller@kruppnyc.com 212-886-6707
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Live Happy Magazine Features Dolly Parton on Cover of November/December Issue

Dallas, Texas – November 3, 2015 – Live Happy’s November/December issue, on newsstands today, is dedicated to family and forgiveness. In the cover feature, country music superstar and entertainment icon Dolly Parton shares the power of family and her “Smoky Mountain” roots as the foundations for her strength, values and trademark positivity. Live Happy, the first-of-its-kind publication combining the science of happiness with practical advice from positive psychology experts to help its readers lead happy and productive lives, reveals the importance of appreciating all we have. Articles and columns share advice on gift-giving and receiving; explore the myth of work-life balance; explain how and why telling and re-telling family stories helps to connect us; and present healthy ideas on how to kick the holidays off on a positive note. “As we enter the holiday season, our mission to provide our readers with inspiring stories, insights and tips so they can lead healthy, happy lives is more important than ever,” says Deborah K. Heisz, Live Happy’s co-founder, COO and editorial director. “This issue reinforces the importance of family and friends; we tally the benefits of shared family traditions and give valuable, science-based advice on the healing power of forgiving past and present resentments and injuries.” Among the features in this November/December issue are: “The joy of Dolly” – Music legend Dolly Parton credits her parents and Appalachian upbringing for shaping her positive personality and resilience. She honors her family and musical roots in her new NBC autobiographical movie, Coat of Many Colors, named for one of her best-loved songs, and also shares what gives her life the most meaning: God, family and music. “FORGIVE TO FLOURISH” – Multiple studies have found that forgiveness can bestow more personal peace and healing than walking away, even from toxic relationships. Research shows that forgiving people tend to be happier, healthier and more empathetic. Just in time for the holidays, and self-renewal in the New Year, Live Happy shares why you need to bury the hatchet for the sake of your own physical and emotional health, and the steps to take toward forgiveness (even from afar!). Lori Loughlin on “LEADING WITH HER HEART” – Soon to reprise her role as everyone’s favorite “Aunt Becky” on Fuller House, the spinoff of the ’90s sitcom Full House, the actress reflects on what brings her happiness – staying true to her heart. Lori reveals how she balances a “full house,” sharing how she connects with her children and makes career choices she and her family can be proud of. “THE GIFT THAT CHANGED MY LIFE” – Learn how some gifts can impact our lives in a way that lead us to pursue dreams and ambitions and find happiness in new, exciting ways. Read personal stories from people who received gifts that have truly transformed their lives — from a bicycle, red velvet chair or language lessons to the life-saving gift of bone marrow. “GROWING UP CHOPRA" – Deepak Chopra and his daughter, Mallika, share their tips on how they maintain a stress-free approach to life in order to focus on the moment, while balancing their own families and busy lives at the same time. This issue also provides an inside look at OWN’s Belief series, which explores finding faith and the universal search for connection to something greater than ourselves, and reveals the link between gratitude and grief as a powerful source of healing to embrace a new chapter in life. Readers will also find additional insight and tips for the holiday season including traditions celebrated throughout the world, ways to rejoice without overindulging, positive presents (all $30 or less), and festive cookies with a healthy twist. Live Happy Now, an inspiring free weekly audio podcast on iTunes, offers interviews with top authors and thinkers in the fields of positive psychology and well-being. LiveHappy.com also offers additional tips and content on finding and sharing happiness, extending its reach to Mexico with the launch of espanol.LiveHappy.com. Looking ahead, Deborah K. Heisz and the editors of Live Happy will release a new book, Live Happy: Ten Practices for Choosing Joy, published by HarperElixir, an Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. Available in March 2016, the highly anticipated book brings together the latest research on what practices and actions contribute to a happy life, with 40 inspiring celebrity and real-life stories. Learn more at livehappy.com/preorder. Live Happy is available on newsstands at major retailers throughout the U.S. including Barnes & Noble, Whole Foods and Hudson News, and in Canada at Presse Commerce newsstands, among others. Live Happy’s award-winning digital edition is available from the App Store and on Google Play, and current subscribers receive complimentary access on their tablet devices. Separate digital subscriptions are available for $9.99 at livehappy.com. # # # About Live Happy Live Happy LLC, owned by veteran entrepreneur Jeff Olson, is a company dedicated to promoting and sharing authentic happiness through education, integrity, gratitude and community awareness. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, its mission is to impact the world by bringing the happiness movement to a personal level and inspiring people to engage in purpose-driven, healthy, meaningful lives. Media Inquiries: Gabriella DeLuca Krupp Kommunications gdeluca@kruppnyc.com (212) 886-6717
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Live Happy Magazine Features Anthony Anderson on Cover of September/October Issue

Dallas, Texas – September 1, 2015 – Live Happy’s September/October issue, on newsstands today, highlights the importance of prioritizing positivity and finding purpose and meaning in everyday activities. Emmy-nominated actor Anthony Anderson—featured on the cover—gives us a glimpse of where his inner strength, character and resilience come from and shares the latest on how he manages multiple work projects, family life and a rigorous fitness routine while keeping it all real—and fun. Live Happy, a first-of-its-kind publication combining the science of happiness with practical advice from positive psychology experts to help readers lead happy and productive lives, dedicates the September/October 2015 issue to the pursuit for greater meaning and purpose in life and the power of positive education. Research featured in the issue shows that people who focus on activities that are designed to increase their well-being are more satisfied than those who purely focus on happiness as an outcome. For the back-to-school season, the issue also highlights surprising, new solutions to bullying that give all children—not just the bullies—new life skills to prevent confrontations before they occur. “In this issue we explore how to take steps daily to create lives of meaning and joy,” says Deborah K. Heisz, Live Happy’s co-founder, COO and editorial director. “Surrounding yourself with like-minded people and making adjustments to build toward a goal can make all the difference in the direction your life can take you.” The September/October issue features articles from experts and celebrities to help readers discover the wisdom they need to find joy every day: “A Joyful Juggling Act” – Discover how Anthony Anderson’s determination and talent landed him an Emmy nomination for his starring role in the hit TV series black-ish. A combination of his “tough love” upbringing, appreciation for the little things and learned resilience has helped him remain humble while he successfully handles numerous projects, family, fitness and fun. “THE END OF BULLYING?” – Reporting on new research that shows promising improvements and opportunities to change the lives of bullies, too, Live Happy is helping to foster a more positive, encouraging and affirming growth environment for all. Learn from prominent positive psychologists around the world who are dedicated to finding a sustainable solution for future generations. “THE PATH TO PURPOSE” – Research shows that the more you see meaning in the work you do, the more fulfilled and happy you will be. Find out how to reinvent yourself, stay true to your values and be honest with who you are and how it can help you make a difference in your life, with others and the world. “DOES YOUR MOOD NEED A MAKEOVER?” – Learn how to transform negative emotions, situations or feelings into positive ones through an emotional makeover. Licensed psychotherapist, relationship expert, author and Live Happy Editor at Large Stacy Kaiser shares seven steps to have a better day. “CHOOSING THE LIGHT" – Grammy-award winner Jason Mraz is a great believer in the power of saying “yes” and greeting life’s opportunities with enthusiasm. The singer-songwriter opens up about performing, his love for farming and what may be the next step in his career. “THREADS OF HAPPINESS” – Everyone’s favorite on-screen teenage witch, Melissa Joan Hart, is now expressing her passion with King of Harts, a made-in-America children’s clothing line co-designed with her husband. Melissa reveals what inspired her family business and how she continues to follow her passions, both on- and off-screen. This issue also provides an inside look at George Mason University’s innovative approach of incorporating well-being into higher education curriculum and culture. In addition, find out how to survive a micromanager at work and learn how our pets are powerful parts of our support systems at home. Coinciding with this issue, the Live Happy Now podcast has launched on iTunes. This weekly audio series brings you scientifically proven tips and ideas to live a happier and more meaningful life through interviews with positive psychology and well-being thought leaders including Deepak Chopra, Tom Rath, Jonathan Haidt, Shawn Achor, Michelle Gielan, Christine Carter, Tory Johnson and many others. Upcoming topics include “Self-Compassion” and “Happiness: Getting the Fundamentals Right.” Live Happy Now is free to all listeners to download from the iTunes store. Live Happy is available on newsstands at major retailers throughout the U.S. including Barnes & Noble, Whole Foods and Hudson News, and in Canada at Presse Commerce newsstands, among others. Live Happy’s digital edition is available from the App Store and on Google Play, and current subscribers receive complimentary access on their tablet devices. Separate digital subscriptions are available for $9.99 at livehappy.com. # # # About Live Happy Live Happy LLC, owned by veteran entrepreneur Jeff Olson, is a company dedicated to promoting and sharing authentic happiness through education, integrity, gratitude and community awareness. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, its mission is to impact the world by bringing the happiness movement to a personal level and inspiring people to engage in purpose-driven, healthy, meaningful lives. Media Inquiries: Gabriella DeLuca Krupp Kommunications gdeluca@kruppnyc.com (212) 886-6717
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