Written by : Paula Felps 

Your Happiest Summer Yet With Maureen Healy

Summer is all about fun and happiness, so this week, we’re looking at how to make this your family’s happiest summer yet.  On this week’s episode, educator and children’s emotional health expert Maureen Healy talks about how to do that! Her new book, The Happiness Workbook for Kids, looks at how to navigate the difficult times we’re in and create fun, positive experiences for children. In this episode, she talks about some of the things we all can do to make this summer happier – and healthier – for the whole family.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The importance of teaching emotional health to children.
  • How positive emotional health makes us happier.
  • Ideas for where to start making this summer your happiest yet.


Links and Resources


Follow along with this episode’s transcript by clicking here.

Don’t miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:

        Spotify Icon  Soundcloud Icon

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