Healthy woman jumping on the beach

5 Tips for Feeling Healthy Inside and Out

1. Exercise is the best The best way to feel happy, healthy and fit is to exercise. There is no substitute. Research shows that exercise will boost your mood, help you to sleep better and increase your self-esteem. This is partially due to the release of endorphins in your body as you workout. Endorphins decrease our sense of pain and increase our happiness and sense of pleasure. If you want your mood to go up, increase your exercise. Working out doesn’t mean 60 minutes or 0; all or nothing. Working out to a ten minute app on your phone is still exercise. Start somewhere. 2. Put good food in your stomach Ninety percent of serotonin is made in your gut. Serotonin is the chemical that makes you happy. That means, whatever you are putting into your body, could impact your mood. Do your best to stay away from frequenting antibiotics, processed foods and high sugar and carb diets. If you're a coffee fanatic, make sure to research science-based facts about its benefits, before you start investing in coffee makers. Healthy habits like taking walks, doing yoga, avoiding "toxic" people and eliminating negative self-talk will all help to minimize stress. 3. Find true peace of mind How do we find true peace of mind? Try making a list of your values and see if you are actually living them. Are you worrying over little things in your life? Are you overscheduled? Your kids overscheduled? Take a look at your day-to-day worries and see if there are a few things you can easily cut out, that will give you more free time (and more peace of time). 4. Don't compare yourself to others A great way to feel healthy is to stay in tune with your body and its needs. When we compare ourselves to others, we focus our time and energy on trying to be something that our body and mind might not actually want us to be. As we compare ourselves to others we are giving ourselves a very unrealistic and skewed perception of reality. This can decrease confidence and even lead to depressive symptoms. Instead, work on becoming more self-aware. Reflect on your values, your goals, your current life situation and begin creating a realistic plan to get you where you are trying to go. 5. Dress your mood up Of course, there are days when you want to cuddle up in yoga pants or sweats and just relax. Quite frankly, I think you should do that. However, don’t let this dress style be your only style. I know that the day-to-day routine can be boring or nothing exciting might be going on, but dress up anyway. At least twice a week, wear something that makes you feel pretty or handsome. The way we dress and feel in our own skin makes an impact our confidence and our attitude about our day. There is nothing like a new dress, a great hair day, or a nice suit to lift your spirits. Dress up your body, dress up your mood.
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A table of food for sharing

Breaking Bread

Food made and shared with love turns anymeal with family or friends into the best oftimes. As a willing participant, we’re first seduced by wonderful aromas, then by the visual delight of new or familiar dishes, and finally, by flavors embodying happiness.Somewhere between the first sips and thelast spoonful, we’ve smiled and laughed;swapped stories, jokes and opinions;reminisced about old memories and madenew ones. Making connections through food is adaily activity for chefs. They know one wayto melt our hearts is to tantalize our tastebuds. While we all need to eat in order tosurvive, when we share good food, we areliving life. Four chefs who know this wellare Yotam Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi in London and Andrew Ticer and MichaelHudman in Memphis, Tenn. All four men grew up in families wherelarge, shared meals played a central role ineveryday life. While the families of Yotam and Sami hail from the Middle East andAndy’s and Michael’s are from Tennessee,they held the same tradition in high regard. The foods of both sides of Jerusalem Yotam and Sami spent their childhoodssurrounded by food and family. Bothwere born in Jerusalem and they grewup just a few miles from each other—Sami in the walled, largely Palestinian Old Cityof Jerusalem and Yotam in JewishWest Jerusalem. Both experienced the joy of foodand cooking at a young age, but foundtheir calling in different ways. Wantingto break free of the more conservativeattitudes of their hometown, theyoung men found their way to morecosmopolitan Tel Aviv in their early 20s, where Yotam was an assistantteacher and budding journalist, andSami pursued a cooking career. It was on the doorstep of a westLondon restaurant, Baker and Spice,where the two finally met in 1999.Sami, who had by then attended LeCordon Bleu cooking school, wasthe head chef, and Yotam worked inpastry. After a 30-minute conversation,they realized the serendipity of theirpasts. A friendship formed, leadingto the opening of the first Ottolenghi restaurant three years later. The various combinations of Yotam’s German and Italian heritage, Sami’s Arabic upbringing, the vibrant street foods of Jerusalem, and cooking with their respective grandmothers and auntshave influenced what diners experiencetoday at the four Ottolenghi locationsand their fine-dining restaurant,NOPI, all in London. Mid-Eastern,Mediterranean, Muslim and Jewishtraditions mingle, along with a nod to California and a grab for the occasionalJapanese ingredient. For both chefs, happiness comesback to the sharing of food. “Food isnot a panacea and a bowl of hummus is not going to bring about world peace,”Yotam says. “Sitting around a tableand eating together is a good place tostart, though.” “How can you be miserable whenbeing offered a platter full of roastedaubergine [eggplant] or butternut squash topped with green herbs andpurple, jewel-like pomegranate seeds?”Sami adds. “It’s sunshine on a plate.” Southern hospitality Connection to the past also runsdeep with Andy and Michael. Friendssince the sixth grade and raised withthe family-oriented, hospitality driventraditions of the South, theyhad another influential presence intheir lives. Both grew up in largeItalian families with wise, adoringgrandmothers who dispensed love andadvice along with tastes of whateverrobust dish they had in the oven orbubbling on the stovetop. Andy and Michael each credit their "Maw Maw’s cooking" as their inspirationfor what they do today. Theirphotographs have prominent placesin their restaurant, Andrew MichaelItalian Kitchen.Their cooking is the best of bothItaly and the American South: Tortellini is stuffed with black-eyed pea purée,pecorino romano lives comfortablywith crispy fried chicken skins andCalabrian sausage flavors a simmering pot of collard greens. Ingredients aresourced locally; what farmers bringaround drives menu choices. Whensomething new comes into the kitchen, it spurs creativity. “When you cook, when you spend allthis time being into the food; you wantto share it,” Michael says. “Our guestsare coming into our house to eat ourfood and break bread with us. We wantyou to put everything aside and justenjoy yourself.” Cauliflower and Cumin Fritters with Lime Yogurt Serves 4 These addictive fritters are Sami’s mother’s recipe. She used to make them once a weekand give them to the kids in a pita to take toschool for lunch. They are not dissimilar toIndian pakoras. Best eaten hot or warm ortaken on a picnic—in a pita, of course, withsome hummus and tomato. FOR THE LIME SAUCE 1¹/³ cups Greek yogurt 2 tablespoons finely chopped cilantro Grated zest of 1 lime 2 tablespoons lime juice 2 tablespoons olive oil Salt and freshly ground pepper FOR THE FRITTERS 1 small cauliflower Scant 1 cup all-purpose  our 3 tablespoons chopped  at-leaf parsley plus a few extra leaves for garnish 1 clove garlic, crushed 2 shallots, finely chopped 4 free-range eggs 1 ½ teaspoons ground cumin 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon ½ teaspoon ground turmeric 1 ½ teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper 2 cups sunflower oil for frying To make the lime sauce, put all the sauce ingredients in a bowl and whisk well. Taste—looking for a vibrant, tart, citrusy flavor—andadjust the seasoning. Chill or leave out forup to an hour. To prepare the cauliflower, trim off anyleaves and use a small knife to divide thecaulifower into little  orets. Add them to alarge pan of boiling salted water and simmerfor 15 minutes, until very soft. Drain intoa colander. While the cauliflower is cooking, put the flour, chopped parsley, garlic, shallots, eggs,spices, salt and pepper in a bowl and whisktogether well to make a batter. When themixture is smooth and homogenous, addthe warm cauliflower. Mix to break down thecauliflower into the batter.Pour the sunflower oil into a wide pan toa depth of 2⁄3 of an inch and place over highheat. When it is very hot, carefully spoonin generous portions of the cauliflower mixture, 3 tablespoons per fritter. Takecare with the hot oil! Space the frittersapart, making sure theyare not overcrowded. Fry in small batches, controlling the oil temperature so the fritterscook but do not burn. They should takeabout 2 to 4 minutes on each side. Remove from the pan and drain well on a few layers of paper towels. Serve with thesauce on the side. (Recipe are from Ottolenghi: The Cookbook, Ten Speed Press, 2013.) Pickled Beet Crostini withTarragon and Gorgonzola Serves 8 “One day in mid-fall, we had a partyscheduled for the restaurant, and we needed to come up with a passed appetizer for the event. For some reason, nothing really excited us, and then the Woodson Ridge Farm delivery truck pulled into our driveway. Leslie had some incredible lookingbeets that day that sparked an idea. We wrapped the beets in aluminum foil andlaid them right on the embers of the pizzaoven to roast. When they were tender, wecut them into pieces and poured some ofour house pickling liquid over them. Wewanted something nice and bright to gowith them, so we combined some yogurt,ricotta, chopped fresh herbs and citrus juiceinto a thick spread.” —Michael Hudman FOR THE PICKLED BEETS ¾ pound beets, any color (2 or 3 medium beets) 1 cup champagne vinegar ¾ cup sugar 2 tablespoons coriander seeds 1 tablespoon peppercorns 1 teaspoon yellow mustard seeds ¼ yellow onion, minced 2 bay leaves 1 bunch each fresh tarragon and thyme FOR THE TARRAGON YOGURT Scant 1 cup fresh tarragon leaves ½ cup fresh mint leaves Juice of 1 lime and 1 orange 3 or 4 ice cubes 1 cup plain Greek yogurt ½ cup good-quality fresh ricotta cheese Kosher salt One baguette, thinly sliced Extra-virgin olive oil Crumbled Gorgonzola cheese or trout roe for garnish Preheat the oven to 400 F. Place the beets in a roasting pan and cover with aluminum foil. Roast until tenderwhen tested with a knife tip, about 45 minutes. Set the beets aside until coolenough to handle, then remove the skinsand quarter. Put the beet quarters in amason jar or nonreactive bowl. In a saucepan, combine the vinegar,½ cup water, the sugar, coriander seeds,peppercorns, mustard seeds, onion, bayleaves, tarragon and thyme, and bring toa boil over high heat. Reduce the heat tomedium-low and simmer for 10 minutes.Taste the liquid for flavor balance, but becareful not to take a deep breath or it willmake you cough. Strain the pickling liquidand allow to cool to room temperature.Pour the liquid over the beets, cover andrefrigerate overnight. To make the tarragon yogurt, blanch thetarragon and mint in a saucepan of boilingsalted water to brighten their color, about10 seconds. Plunge them into ice waterto lock in the color. Drain the herbs andsqueeze out any excess water. Roughly chopthe herbs and put them in a blender withthe lime juice, orange juice and ice cubes.Blend on high speed until liquefied, about 3minutes. Do not let the mixture get hot, orit will turn dark green.Pour the purée intoa bowl and stir in the yogurt and ricotta.Season to taste with salt. To make the crostini, preheat the ovento 350 F. Arrange the baguette slices on abaking sheet and brush them generously with the olive oil. Bake until golden brownand crisp, about 10 minutes. To serve, remove the beets from thepickling liquid and cut them into smallerpieces, if you like. Arrange the crostini ona platter and spread each one with thetarragon-yogurt mixture. Top with the beets and garnish with the Gorgonzola. (Recipe from Collards & Carbonara: Southern Cooking, Italian Roots, Olive Press, 2013.)
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Hands kneading dough

The Joy of Kneading

I was a frustrated bread kneader. I wanted to fill my house with the intoxicating aroma of fresh-baked bread, if not daily, then at least on a weekly basis. Aside from desiring the crusty finished product, I couldn’t resist the romance of the process—imagining myself wearing a floury apron, falling into a meditative rhythm as I turned the dough over and over, coaxing flour and water and yeast into a pillowy, elastic ball. But for one problem—my pathetically weak upper arms. The need to knead “Knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes,” the recipe would read. Ten minutes later, my dough was still shaggy—nowhere near the glossy, springy ball that I had anticipated. And my arms and hands were fatigued. Another five minutes passed, and my dough still wasn’t right, the kneading becoming more treacherous as the dough did indeed gain elasticity, giving me the sensation of wrestling in my kitchen with an angry octopus. Then one by one, I received signs from the universe to give up the fight. First, there was the wedding gift of a stand mixer, whose very presence and powerful motor and dough hook rendered my efforts laughable. Next came my in-laws' cast-off bread machine, which cut me out of the process altogether. Finally, there was the sudden popularity of Jim Lahey’s famed no-knead bread, whose knockout crust and chewy interior made kneading seem as antiquated and pointless as scrubbing laundry on a washboard. Amazing homemade bread was suddenly available without the requisite effort of energetic dough shiatsu. Hands-on connection If I was looking for some sort of sensual connection to my dough, I was going to have to find it elsewhere. Bread didn’t need me anymore. Lest you think me some kind of weirdo for craving a connection and wanting to work the dough with my own hands, there's science to back up the pleasure—and its benefits. "When we use our hands, we're activating large parts of the brain," says Dr. Marie Pasinski, a neurologist at Harvard Medical School and the author of Beautiful Brain, Beautiful You. "There are more sensory receptors in our fingers than in other parts of our bodies. For that reason, when using your hands, you are really stimulating sensory areas of your brain." Think of that scene in the French film Amélie when the protagonist steals a moment to surreptitiously sink her hand into a bag of dried beans, simply to enjoy the sensation. "We take our sense of touch for granted, but it's one of our most malleable skills. It's pretty neat that you can reach into your pocket and tell a quarter from a dime," says Marie. Once you stop to think about it, indulging in feel-good activities for your hands might be the equivalent of treating your ears to an opera or your eyes to an art exhibit. And the more you use your hands for these kinds of sensory tasks, the more you fine-tune their sensitivity, continues Marie. "People who play the piano, for example, have much more developed sensory and motor areas in their fingertips than someone who doesn't play an instrument." There is plenty of evidence that this kind of hands-on work benefits every aspect of wellbeing. A 1999 study from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro found that a group of nursing home residents who regularly performed sensorimotor activities—from flower arranging to sewing—over 30 weeks improved their overall condition. This included having better physical mobility and lower levels of anxiety and depression than a control group. Once the sensorimotor activities decreased, so did their improvements. 'I made that' Marie—who not incidentally learned a love of cooking and baking while waiting tables at a Hungarian restaurant known for pastries—also likes to emphasize the satisfaction that can come from looking at a finished product which didn't even exist before your hands got involved. "The proud 'I made that' feeling is very powerful, and then you have this thing you can enjoy while eating it," she says. And so, I focus my fingertips elsewhere in the kitchen: dough, specifically pie dough, although any cookie dough that has to be formed and rolled out is a good candidate, too. Yes, fabulous pie dough can be produced in about two seconds in a food processor, but since the day I learned how, I have only made pie dough by hand. I always cited the reason as a practical one: I love to be the one who, during the “rental apartment at the beach” weekend, with little more equipment than a countertop and a wine bottle, makes and rolls out the crust for an improvised berry galette. The sensual pleasure of making pie And it's true that by making dough by hand, I keep my skills sharp. But there is another reason: It is simply pleasurable to do so. To plunge my hands into the bowl of cool, whisper-weight flour, to rake my fingers through the grit that sugar and salt add. To rub in a cold stick of butter, first squeezing the stick until it breaks, then smearing its clammy chunks into the flour, alternating rubbing and breaking down the butter with several quick tosses to redistribute the crumbs in the bowl. Finally, in goes the water. With a fork I scrape the mixture against the side of the bowl, and it satisfyingly clumps together. A few fold-overs, and it has turned into a mass. A few minutes ago, it was nothing. But now it has transformed and will later transform again into a delicious shell for some equally delicious filling. And that is so very gratifying.
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Illustration of boy flying out of a cage.

Changing Lives

When President Obama visited ChristianChampagne’s Chicago high school, the18-year-old said it was one of the greatestdays of his life. That day, however, wastopped a year later when he was asked to introduce the president at a White Houseevent. With a boyish, yet confident, grin, Christian revealed that he refereesbasketball games, has a passion forbaseball and loves the White Sox. Butwhen the subject changed to the dangershe faces in his daily life, his grin fadedthough his fortitude remained.“My neighborhood is tough. It isn’talways safe,” Christian said at the event.“Just recently, I was robbed walking home from school, but those challenges havenot stopped me from wanting to have a better and safer place to live and work.” For millions of at-risk young peoplelike Christian, it’s easier to find troublethan it is to have a sturdy mentor in theirlives giving them the determination andwillpower to avoid the trappings of drugsand violence. Role-model mentoring Becoming a Man (BAM), created by theChicago nonprofit Youth Guidance, ismaking a difference with young malesconsidered most at-risk. The counseling,mentoring and violence-preventionprogram was designed to teach studentsin grades seven through six core values not taught within the walls of atraditional classroom. At the event, Christian repeated the character strengths mantra that BAMprides itself on: integrity, accountability,self-determination, positive angerexpression, visionary goal-setting andrespect for womanhood. It’s hard not toroot for a young kid with these goals,especially when they are tougher for him to achieve than someone his age who hasalways had a positive male influence in his life. Getting on the right track Statistically, the odds are stackedagainst Christian. But now, after being inthe program for two years, they’ve shiftedin his favor. He is less likely to engage in criminal behavior and more likelygraduate from high school. And assuming he stays on track, he will bemore inclined to return the favor andserve as a mentor for other youth. Jean Rhodes, Ph.D., a psychologyprofessor at the University ofMassachusetts Boston and the research director for the Center for Evidence-Based Mentoring, says the research isclear regarding youth who have a caringadult in their lives: They tend to do better,academically and behaviorally, and gofurther in life. For 25 years, Jean has been studyingand researching the topic of mentoring.Her interest in the subject was piquedwhile living in Chicago during the late’80s, when the crack epidemic had astranglehold on the nation. Sheinterviewed high-school students, tryingto understand why some resisted getting involved with drugs and taking part inbad behavior. What she found was that the students who didn’t succumb totemptation more often than not had astrong adult influence in their lives.Whether it was a neighbor or grandparentor teacher, someone held them to ahigher standard and thought they coulddo well in the world. A major responsibility For some of thosestudents, that relationship meant thedifference between life and death.“You have to take the role [of mentor]seriously,” Jean says. “You can’t just do ithalfheartedly. You have to do it entirely;you have to be a caring, empathic,trusting, attuned, open person and bethere for the long term.” The BAM students work in a groupsetting, developing their impulse-controlskills and learning how to manage their anger in an open and safe environmentalongside their peers, who are in similarsituations. The program’s counselors,who are all male and full-time socialworkers, are placed in schools and madeavailable for one-one-one counselingthroughout the day, ensuring the studenthas someone to turn to who canreinforce those skills taught in the groupand navigate them through any day-todayissues that may arise. This buildsconsistency and trust, crucial for amentoring relationship. “When we begin, it might be a littledifficult for a young man to open upand express himself,” says RichardDickinson, a BAM counselor. “Butthrough our curriculum and through the rapport built with the facilitator over ashort time, these young people can lookinside each other’s eyes and see that theyare not alone….A lot of the issues theyare going through are relatable toother people in the group, or that the facilitator himself has experiencedbefore. The building of trust forms acontainer that is safe enough to holdall of the issues that people are trying to address.” Gaining ground The program’s success has garnerednational attention, which has led toincreased funding and more kids included as mentees. Last year, ChicagoMayor Rahm Emanuel visited a groupat Harper High School in Chicago. Impressed, he pledged $2 million toBAM, expanding the program from600 boys to 2,000. This is good news for Richard, whosays he’s extremely proud that peoplewith the power to make a difference havefaith in these kinds of programs. Havingaccess to mentors can change trajectoriesand bridge income gaps by providingopportunities for their mentees toachieve and master their goals andinterests. And for the mentors, havingthat sense of accomplishment andgratitude gives meaning to their livesand increases their wellbeing, helpingthem flourish as people. The benefits of being a mentor “It’s probably the most rewardingwork you can do, knowing that you areactually impacting somebody’s life in apositive way,” Richard says. “To knowthat I am giving them something that isbeneficial, it’s a gift to me. We areworking with these young people toassist them with making their livesbetter, and in return, it’s making usbetter. It is a very interesting dynamic.”
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Flowers of Compassion

3 Crucial Building Blocks of Compassion

There are several practices, or strategies,that help us cultivate compassion, saysJan Hutton, a certified CompassionateListening facilitator who works with theCompassionate Listening Project.Together, they teach us to listen to theworld with a different ear, to see theother person’s humanity and to respondin a different way.1. Find peace in yourselfThe first step is being compassionate withyourself. “I have to own my own vulnerability as a human being and use itas a bridge to someone else’s heart,” Janexplains. “I have to acknowledge mywounds, acknowledge my mistakes,acknowledge that I’m human,acknowledge that I have limits. And Ihave to be gentle with myself.”Don’t beat yourself up or criticize yourselfwhen you make mistakes or don’t live upto your own or others’ expectations.Instead, simply remind yourself thatmistakes are something you share withevery other human on the planet. It’s abond that pulls all of us together.2. Listen and reflectListen with yourheart. When you talk with anotherperson, quiet your mind, focus on the them, look for a deeper point ofconnection and practice reflective listening. When someone explains howthey feel about something, Jan says, repeat it so they know you understandwho they are, what they think and whatthey feel.Expect—and accept withoutjudgment or comment—points of viewthat are widely divergent from your own.As the late Gene Knudsen Hoffman,founder of the Compassionate ListeningProject, wrote: “We must listen with aspiritual ear,” not the ones we usuallywalk through the world with.3. QuestionAsk friends to tell youstories and then follow up with questionsto encourage deeper thinking, such as“How has this situation affected yourlife?” “What was that like for you?” and“Can you tell me what life experience ledyou to feel this way?”The approach works in three ways: First,it helps us better understand someoneelse’s life story. Second, it allows usto sense our shared humanity. And,third, it helps us practice maintainingan attitude of acceptance so we avoidjudgments that are really results of our biases and fears.
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Confident business woman

3 Keys to Boosting Your Confidence

Is fear of failure holding you back?Do you charge ahead, willing to give anything a try and persisting in the face of setbacks, criticism and failure? Or do you hesitate, waiting until you feel you can put the pieces together so everything will be “just right,” ensuring that everything goes as planned and everyone is happy?My grandfather’s motto for life is: “Just get in there and have a go.”As I look back on decades of risky career moves and wonderful adventures around the globe, I thank him every day for giving me the confidence to show up for the things that have mattered most in my life.In fact, I didn’t realize just how good his advice was until I recentlyrecorded this podcast withKattyKay, co-author of the best-selling bookThe Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance—What Women Should Know.Thoughts into actions“Confidence is what turns our thoughts into actions,” explained Katty. “With it you can take on the world; without it you remain stuck on the starting block of your own potential.”It turns out confidence isn’t simply feeling good about yourself, saying you’re great—perfect just as you are—and believing you can do whatever you want. Nor does it require you to be a jerk who always has to speak first, ignores other people’s ideas, or demands to be given what you deserve. Rather, confidence is what allows you to stop mumbling, apologizing andhesitating, and instead start acting, risking and failing.“Confidence matters more to our success than competence does,” said Katty. “If you choose not to act, you simply have less chance of success.”Unfortunately,Katty’s research foundthat confidence appears to be a particular challenge for women across professions, income levels, and generations. And while our genetics, our schooling, our upbringing, our society and even the way we look are all factors that affect our confidence, it’s also a result of our own choices.Choose to become more confidentAs a result, Katty believes we can improve our levels of confidence through three simple steps:1. Take action—Nothing builds confidence like taking action, especially when the action involves risk and failure.So step outside your comfort zone, and if the very idea feels overwhelming, focus on how your actions can benefit others to kick-start your confidence. Start with small challenges that allow you to grow, improve and gain confidence. If you fail, think about how you can do it differently next time, and try again. If you succeed, set yourself the next challenge and keep stretching yourself forward again and again.2. Think Less—Note the stories you’re playing over and over, and ask: Is this the only explanation for what’s unfolding? Try to note as many plausible alternatives as possible, and invest your attention on the explanations that build rather than destroy your confidence. And if all else fails, try a little self-compassion and talk back to yourself, as you would to a friend who was full of self-doubt.3. Be Authentic—Be confident in a way that feels genuine to you. You don’t always have to speak first; you can listen and incorporate what others say. You can speak calmly but carry a smart message—one that will be heard. Play to your distinctive strengths and values. Express your vulnerability. We’re at our most powerful when confidence emanates from our core.To find out how confident you really are, take this free survey.And remember my grandfather’s motto: “Just get in there and have a go.”What would you be doing right now if you had a little more confidence?Michelle McQuaid is a best-selling author, workplace well-being teacher and change activator.To learn more about Michelle
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Woman with old baggage

Quiz: How Much Emotional Baggage Do You Carry?

We can all take comfort knowing that every one of us faces psychological challenges at some point. No one is perfect. Everyone deals with emotional baggage.What kind of baggage do you carry?Emotional baggage is a useful metaphor—these battered old suitcases hold the mix of negative and unprocessed emotions that we’ve acquired throughout the years.These feelings comes from people, places, behaviors and experiences from our past that still have a negative impact our present.Each person's baggage is different. If you have cheated or been cheated on, you might have residual issues related to trust. If you have ever felt you were a low priority, you might have heightened sensitivity to feeling unimportant or excluded. The more you know about your own personal baggage, the better equipped you are to handle situations that arise.I encourage you to put some thought into what triggers you emotionally. This quiz is designed to help you determine how much your emotional baggage impacts your present experiences.The QuizAnswer the letter that best describes how you feel or act most often. If you are unsure, chose the answer that is closest to being accurate.1. When it comes to situations that remind me of negative experiences…A. I avoid or shy away from these situations.B. I am not very aware when these situations happen, or I brush them under the rug.C. I try my best to face them head-on whenever possible.2. When I see something uncomfortable that I'm worried will affect me emotionally…A. I immediately (consciously or unconsciously) put up an emotional wall so I will not feel the full impact.B. I don’t notice when these are about to happen.C. I do what I can to prepare, then I deal with the impact by taking care of my feelings or the situation.3. When it comes to trusting people…A. My philosophy is that people aren’t trustworthy unless they have truly proven to be so.B. When it comes to trust, I don’t pay much attention.C. I do my best to be open, but will put my guard up as needed if someone appears to be untrustworthy.4. If I am dealing with other people and they push my buttons or stir up old emotions…A. I run away or distance myself completely.B. I ignore it or distract myself.C. I do my best to educate myself and the other person (if possible) so that we can both be conscious and cautious about it.5. When thinking about myself and emotional health…A. I view myself as damaged, troubled or in a place where my feelings would be hard to repair.B. I don’t evaluate my emotional health.C. I see my strengths and weaknesses. I try to focus on improving what I can.6. The emotional baggage that was caused by other people in my life makes me feel…A. Resentful, angry and/or emotional toward them.B. I don’t even want to think about that.C. No matter what I am feeling, I do my best to understand it and heal so I can move forward in a healthier way.RESULTSIf most of the answers that you chose were the letter “A,” you have a hard time dealing with your emotional burdens. Your tendency is to react negatively by withdrawing, feeling hopeless or behaving angrily. If you tend to handle your baggage this way, you may tend to feel anxious, isolated, angry, resentful, depressed and even lonely. It is important for you to find a sense of hope and a willingness to heal from whatever in your past is troubling you. Seek support and guidance from experts, professionals and your support system.If most of your answers were the letter “B,” you are someone who tends to brush issues under the rug and avoid working on situations. You might try to fool yourself into thinking that your baggage doesn’t need to be dealt with. People who are like this often find themselves caught off guard because they don’t see things coming. They can have emotional reactions that they do not know how to deal with, and they will tend to lack the skills and tools to learn from past struggles. If you answered with many responses in this category, you need to gently learn to re-engage in your life so that you can learn and grow. You also need to work on coping skills to face what makes you uncomfortable.If most of your answers were letter “C,” you are doing a good job of being aware of your emotional baggage and do your best to try to manage it in a healthy way. You are not afraid to look for the truth in situations and are open to trying new experiences. You tend to be hopeful, optimistic and growth-oriented.
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Live Happy NowLive Happy Now is a weekly audio series created to engage and inspire by bringing you the best of positive psychology through powerful insights, relatable stories and expert advice. Live Happy Now will help you discover your own authentic happiness, in life, at work and at home.Live Happy Now will feature a different expert in the field of positive psychology, best-selling authors and happiness gurus from all over the world. Learn how to better understand the science of happiness and how to use it to create a positive emotional benefit for yourself and increase it in the lives of others. This audio series offers such variety of expertise on optimizing the happiness in your life – all at no cost to you!One-time registrationwill get you access to the Live Happy Now weekly audio series, updates on upcoming speakers, and other special bonuses!International Day of HappinessEvery year, on March 20, the world sets aside one day to celebrate and recognize the importance of happiness in our lives. Learn more about our year-round #HappyActscampaign and how you can help make the world a happier place.Get happy news, tips and things that make you smiledelivered to your inbox.
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Better Together

Recently the Live Happy staff decided to take a painting class together.(We were inspired by our own story, “Let It Go,” in the June issue.)As part of the class, we had pre-chosen a piece of artwork for inspirationand then were led step by step through the painting process by a seasoned pro.At the end of our session, we lined up three deep, holding our creations for aseries of phone photos. The wall opposite us was mirrored, so when we held upour paintings in front of our faces for the last shot, I could see what the camerasaw by peeking around my still-tacky canvas. Without our faces in thepicture, our paintings, deeply colored and graphic, popped together—likepieces of a puzzle. “They’re better together,” I thought.Perhaps this came to mind because we were currently working on thisissue, which has a community theme. Communities can be a major sourceof happiness, support and joy. If we’re fortunate, we’re born into aloving, caring community and then grow up and raise our families inequally good ones.When we’re happy at work, it often means that our co-workers and we are also a community. When we stand uptogether—to cheer a local team, sing a song of praise, run for a causeor toast a neighborhood friend on his 80th—we feel the bonds ofcommunity.Communities are as different as we are as individuals,but they all have this in common: It takes two or more people tomake a community. We’re better together.Our paintings are now hanging in the Live Happy office, groupedtogether into one bold statement of happiness and unity.Whether you’re reading Live Happy or have for the first or 20th time, you are part of agrowing community of people that cares about happiness.We’re better together!
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The Happy Guy

I didn’t realize that so many people saw me as happy. True, I prefer tosmile instead of frown, and I seek the best in people and situationsrather than the worst. And I love to laugh. (In fact, I’ve been told noone laughs harder at my jokes than me!)As I told everyone I was becoming the CEO and co-founder of anew company called Live Happy, without pause, their reaction was thesame: “You are perfect for that.”One close friend said to me, “Kym, from now on you will be knownas ‘The Happy Guy.’ ” I looked at him and nodded. Eventually, if youlove what you do and you’re good at it, you will become known as thatguy. Of all the labels I could have, I’ll take that one, and I’ll take fullresponsibility for it.Though already humming along, with a national magazine as richand inspiring as it is beautiful, and a vibrant website covering all angles of happiness, Live Happy is still in its nascent stage. I am soexcited about everything we have in store for you in the coming weeksand months, including a new clothing line, events and communityoutreach programs.It is a supreme honor to work with the truly gifted andaccomplished staff here at Live Happy. Deborah Heisz, ourCOO and co-founder, and Karol DeWulf Nickell, editor inchief, bring decades of experience and tremendous talent toLive Happy, ensuring you have the guidance you needto experience authentic happiness.And, without exception, every one of us hereat Live Happy feels privileged to work with you tomake our planet a happier place.
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