Boats on Beach

Travel and Happiness

A little experience may make you a cynic, but a lot of experience can bring you back to a truer and kindlier self, according to Plato. Traveling can give you those life experiences that broaden your horizons while humbling yourself to the world around you. While you don’t have to sell all your possessions and become a worldly wanderer, there may be some benefits to taking the time out of your busy life to see the places you’ve always wanted to see. Checking off those boxes on your bucket list and fulfilling your goals can certainly give you a sense of accomplishment in your life. Even spending a relaxing vacation with loved ones can nurture those personal relationships that are important to you. Or, you can stay home and live those life experiences vicariously through these travel bloggers who chronicle their globe-trekking adventures for all to see. Either way, an escape is an escape… right? Two Happy Campers are Mark and Michelle—two people who are perfectly happy to live in the present. These habitual campers only work to support their travel. They have left the material world behind to live their life to the fullest. ThePlanetD is run by an “adventure couple” from Toronto who specialize in “adventure travel.” They have achieved their goal of making a living out of traveling, and are perfectly content spending the rest of their lives seeing the world together. Beers and Beans is a blog by Beth and Randy, who want to help you travel better. One is a photographer and the other a journalist: A perfect team to document their journey throughout the world providing inspiration for others to do the same. not only offers up traveling tips, blog posts and photos from around the world, but this site also features links to the top 100 travel blogs. You can spend hours perusing other travel sites reading and learning about how others are making the most out of their life experience.
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Cartoon Elephant with Umbrella

Happy World Kindness Day!

Today is World Kindness Day. This annual observance of compassion was first introduced in 1998 by a global coalition of kindness non-governmental organizations (NGOs) known as the World Kindness Movement. Recognized in many countries around the world, including the United States,Canada,Japan,Australia,Nigeria, UK, Singapore, Italy, IndiaandUnited Arab Emirates,World Kindness Day is a reminderthat there is always something thoughtful we can do to help out and brighten someone’s day. While you certainly don’t have to only practice random acts of kindness on November 13,we thought we might provide you with some inspiration today to go out and pay it forward. You never know where it might end up.Here are some kindness ideas from the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation:Make a new friend today: Introduce yourself to a stranger and strike up a conversation. Perhaps if there is someone you've seen occasionally on the bus or in the neighborhood, ask them how they're doing.Mentor a child or teen: Volunteering justa fewhours a month with a child can start something amazing.Have you considered becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister? Learn about mentoring at Big Brothers Big Sisters today.Pay the tab for the person behind you: I personally had this happen to me at a drive through window last year. I paid it forward the next time I went through. It’s not something I’m likely to ever forget. These small kindnesses go a long way.Write a letter to someone who made a difference in your life: With the internet today there are so many ways to find that person in your past so you can say “thank you, you made a difference to me.”Listen: Sometimes the best thing you can do is to stop and really listen to the people around you.Feed a meter: The change in your pocket could make this day a little brighter for a random stranger.Cook a meal for someone: We all have friends, family and neighbors going through a hard or busy time in their life. Cook a little extra tonight.Donate: Give a dollar when you’re asked in the checkout line, stop by your local blood bank, take some clothes to your local shelter, food to the food bank or help those in the Philippines dealing from the devastation of Typhoon Haiyan.Practice a random act of kindness today. Tell us about it.
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A 'personal' pat on the back cartoon image.

Are You Making This Gratitude Mistake?

Do compliments like “Great job. Gosh you’re talented!” or “Thanks for your help. You’re so clever!” roll off your tongue throughout the day? It’s hard to imagine these expressions of gratitude could be short-changing anyone. But it turns out these are some of the worst ways to express appreciation.Expressions like “you’re so clever,” which compliment what someone can do, are ability-based praise. Hearing ability-based praise feels nice, but it only scratches the surface of what we actually crave.Professor Carol Dweck of Stanford University suggests that we offer people effort-based praise. Try: “Thanks for having the persistence to see through this problem and helping me find an answer” instead, mentioning what they have accomplished.Dweck’s research has found that when most people are praised for their ability, it sparks a “fixed mindset” that causes them to reject challenges and learning opportunities for fear these tests might call their talents into question. Yet when most people are praised for the effort they make, it sparks a “growth mindset” that leads them to relish taking on challenging new tasks they can learn from.Dweck’s research has particularly focused on children. She argues they have been overly appreciated by the self-esteem movement for ability over effort, making them less resilient in the face of failure.She also notes these effects in adults, however, with ability-based praise making us less willing to take the initiative, see through difficult tasks, struggle and learn something new, be undaunted by setbacks and be open to act on criticism.So the next time you thank people – young or old – take a few extra seconds to offer them effort-based praise. Be specific about what you appreciated and why it was of value. You might be surprised by the genuine delight spreading across their faces.Michelle McQuaid, aborn and raised Australian girl, is a best-selling author, workplace wellbeing teacher and playful change activator.
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The Spitalnick Family at home.

Balancing Acts

Here’s the funny thing about balance: Sometimes it’s not obvious until it goes missing. When life is clicking along smoothly, we tend to take it for granted, barely noticing the pleasant rhythm of our daily to-ing and fro-ing. But as soon as it grinds to a halt—well, that’s when the longing for harmony barges in and demands our attention.Discovering balance is a deeply personal process, all about prioritizing, persevering, dropping balls and picking them up again. There are no secrets or shortcuts; it’s as individual as a fingerprint (and sometimes, just as complex). Below, meet the members of three very different households, each of whom has achieved balance in a unique, yet equally satisfying, way.Denise and Aaron Spitalnick, AtlantaMarried; daughter Nina, 5, and son Reid, 1Key to balance: Scaling backLike any first-time parents, Denise and Aaron Spitalnick had to find their footing as they adjusted to life as a family of three. But by the time daughter Nina turned 5 months old, whatever balance they had begun to restore had vanished: She was diagnosed with glycogen storage disease type 1A, a rare metabolic disorder that, improperly managed, can be fatal. GSD patients require a severely restricted diet and frequent feedings to manage their blood sugar; a hiccup in the system, such as a stomach bug, can prompt a trip to the emergency room.As they grappled with learning to handle Nina’s needs, the couple faced an additional worry: child care. With two demanding jobs—Denise as an attorney, Aaron as IT director for a large accounting firm—they needed to be completely comfortable with Nina’s caregivers. “We were nervous about leaving her with just anyone, and not having peace of mind throughout the day,” Denise says.The Spitalnicks ultimately hired registered nurses to care for Nina at home, which eased some of their anxiety. They also began working with Dr. David Weinstein, director of the Glycogen Storage Disease Program at the University of Florida, to manage Nina’s health. With his attention and guidance, she began to thrive.Still, as their careers intensified, their lives wobbled farther and farther off-center. They were thrilled when son Reid arrived in 2012, but also felt stretched thin. “Spending time together was difficult,” says Denise, who by that point had become a partner in her firm. And there was another stressor: school for Nina. Bright and precocious, she would blossom in the right preschool, her parents knew—if they could find it. Public pre-K classrooms weren’t set up to accommodate her medical requirements, and she didn’t qualify for the special education program or for a state-funded aide.Then Aaron learned of an IT directorship at a local private school for children with speech and language difficulties that offered a program that would match up well with Nina’s needs. Given the chance to be near his daughter, the fulfilling nature of the work, and the much more relaxed pace—in contrast to Denise’s hectic courtroom and travel schedule—he jumped on the job. The one downside, a lower salary, has been well worth the tradeoff, Aaron says.“At first I struggled with it, but I now truly understand that money cannot buy quality of life,” he says. “The better hours, shorter commute, family environment and opportunity to watch my daughter excel have been absolutely amazing. I come home infinitely happier, and it helps our family stay happy, which is the most importantthing.”Jason Keehn, New York CitySingleKey to balance: Meaningful workJason Keehn realized early on that a single-career trajectory—climbing the ladder in one field, then descending into retirement—wasn’t for him. As he mulled over how he hoped to look back on his life in older age, “I wanted to feel that I’d had a ‘life buffet,’ Jason says. “I didn’t like the idea of choosing one thing, but rather many things that added a new flavor to different points in my life.”First on the plate: a career in advertising and marketing, which appealed to his mix of business savvy and creative drive. “It was sort of flashy and cool and [spoke] to a lot of parts of my self-esteem that I wanted to connect to, like being a part of the style world,” Jason says. Eventually, though, it began to feel hollow. “I needed to know that all of my blood, sweat and tears every day were going to something that had a bigger impact.”The first flicker of insight came when he resigned from full-time work and enrolled in a global bioethics graduate program at Columbia University. Although he was passionate about the subject matter and entertained the idea of an academic career, he found that path too structured and slow-paced for his liking.Then the light bulb flashed on.“I noticed a lot of ethical fashion brands popping up,” Jason says. “I was thinking about what I wanted as a consumer about shopping ethically, asking myself, ‘How come I don’t shop ethically right now?’ The reason, he decided, was twofold: Not only was it inconvenient, but the ethical clothing on the market sometimes lagged behind fashion trends.“I saw a need for one retail destination that curates, in a style-conscious way, all of the ethical fashion out there in one destination,” Jason says.Thus was born Accompany, a fledgling e-commerce site that offers stylish pieces from labels that work toward improving a community’s quality of life. “We’re specifically curating products from artisan and handmade cooperatives around the world; fair trade or fair trade-certified; or humanitarian brands,” Jason says. “Every day I feel committed to something that I’m excited to do, and that hits many of my desires.“The most compelling way to live, for me, is to live my many facets [simultaneously], letting them be in tension with each other—an academic ethicist and a style-conscious consumer; a businessman and an activist,” he continues. “It reminds of some exciting articles I’ve read about how today we live in a ‘trade-on’ world. It’s no longer about sacrificing one preference for another, but finding a way to haveboth.”Linda Bell Blue and Steve Blue, Los AngelesMarriedKey to balance: Time togetherNot many couples fly back from their honeymoon, then kiss each other goodbye and head home to different cities. But Linda Bell Blue and Steve Blue are anything but typical. Both busy executives in the TV industry, they’ve been committed since the start of their 28-year marriage to squeezing every ounce of joy and fulfillment from their limited time together.“Our careers are important, but the most important thing in the world is when we’re together,” says Linda, now in her 19th season as executive producer of Entertainment Tonight. “And it’s the most precious thing in the world, because the moments can be few.”During the first year they were married, Linda was based in Los Angeles, while Steve lived in New York. Flying back and forth on the weekends gave them a measure of the couple time they craved. “There were probably, at most, 10 weekends per year that we weren’t together,” Steve says. “We just made that a priority, period.”Despite their passion for their work, being apart week after week was tough. Finally, Steve quit his job in New York to move to L.A. “From that moment on, I never, ever, ever took for granted a moment with him,” Linda says.Although their schedules haven’t gotten any easier—“There’s no vacation I’ve gone on in 25 years that I’ve ever not been on the phone dealing with something very important,” Linda says—they’ve refined the art of carving out time for closeness. “We try not to make the career and personal time mutually exclusive,” Steve says.They attribute their bond in part to their strong family life growing up—she in Missouri, he in North Carolina. Both remain close to their families; in fact, Linda’s mother moved to L.A. “She’s 85 years old, and I can’t keep up with her,” Linda says. She drops by each afternoon to visit and to pick up the couple’s boxer, Duke, whom her mom keeps while they’re at work.Although Steve’s mother still lives in North Carolina, they take every chance they can to see her. “We try to plan things so that my mom can come meet us in places—we try to make it a special occasion for her,” Steve says. She’s made numerous trips to California for gala events (both moms have attended the Oscars, the Emmys and theGrammys).“Linda’s mom and dad very much made it clear to everyone that they were the most important thing to each other by far,” Steve says. “They…showed us a lot about what it means to make your partner your priority.”Clearly, the couple has taken that example to heart. “I’d rather spend time with [Linda] than anyone else I’ve ever met,” Steve says. “She’s the funniest person I’ve ever met, and she just makes me generally happy being around her.”
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Really happy people

10 Ways to Be Happier

Surround yourself with happy people! Happiness is contagious. When you are among happy people who help uplift, inspire and support you, you have that many more reasons to smile.“Practice random acts of kindness.” There is no such thing as a small act of kindness; each action creates a ripple and impacts another in unimaginable ways.Try to limit negativity. Whether it’s people, places, situations or outside influences such as the media, in today’s world, sensationalism sells. Restrict the negative influences in your life, so you can be balanced. You’re guaranteed to keep smiling when you see all the good the world offers.Leave the past behind. It’s natural to replay the negative events that have occurred in your life, but when the bad begins to outweigh the good, you need to unpack your baggage so you can move on.Give wholeheartedly to receive. Generosity is one of many ways to be happier. Whether you are devoting time, money or energy to a cause or person, every little bit counts. Research proves that being generous and loving toward others actually improves your immune system.Find a happy place. Everybody needs a pick-me-up once in a while. When choosing yours, make sure that it has a positive effect on your life. Don’t escape, but do retreat so you can regroup.Integrate exercise into your life. Most people regard exercise as a chore. But studies show that when you add a form of exercise you enjoy, be it yoga, rock climbing or running, to your daily routine, you are balancing the mind/body equation and reducing stress levels.Share the joy in your life. Since smiles are infectious, it’s pretty easy to start a chain reaction! When you smile at strangers, you’re not only making their day better, you’re making yours better, too! Let your happiness overflow into the lives of others.Treat yourself better. Instead of letting your inner voice constantly question, doubt and criticize yourself, try speaking to yourself like someone else is listening, so you encourage, motivate and inspire yourself every day.Make happiness a daily choice. Sometimes, it really is just that simple.How do you get happier? Tell us in the comments below or visit us on Facebook or Twitter.
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Couple hugging outside

Acts of Thanksgiving

We all seek unity, interconnectedness and happiness, but we have come to associate feelings of warmth and gratitude mainly with Thanksgiving, other holidays and major life events.As a therapist and believer in the importance of living a fulfilling and contented life, I encourage everyone I meet to start practicing active thanksgiving that goes well beyond the November holiday and religious services. This is not about feeling thankful when something great happens, but a regular part of every day—even the most challenging ones—especially unhappy days!In my work, I see many people in pain, struggling to cope daily. They may be dealing with a terminally ill parent, a child facing problems in school, an unwanted divorce or the loss of a friend or financial investments.It is difficult to introduce the benefits of thanksgiving to someone in crisis.That is why I encourage everyone to learn and use this tool immediately and often. Thanksgiving as a consistent part of your life will not only bring in more positive experiences, but it willarm you with stronger defenses for the hard times that are inevitable in life.Even when things seem to be hummingalong, it is easy to become discouraged by simply watching the news or reading something tragic. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless in this hyper-connected world we all live in.Thanksgiving will help you tune out the disconcerting chatter in your head and promote a sense of calm and focus.By consciously focusing on those people who give us support and care; life circumstances that make us feel lucky and blessed; and any experiences that bring us joy and satisfaction, we are sure to find ourselves in a happier, more productive state. Once you have experienced the positive effects of thanksgiving, you can deliver what I like to call conscious acts of gratitude. Here are some of my favorites:Social media shoutouts—public thanks to a friend who helped you, a mate who made you smile, a child who has made you proud.Gushing appreciation notes—Post-its, Post-its, everywhere! Grab a stack of those little sticky notes and write terms of endearment on 10 or 20. Hide them around the house. Leave the recipient wondering, “Will this gushing of appreciation ever end?”Take it upon yourself to do someone’s mundane household chore. Do this act quickly, quietly and as an expression of gratitude–not to score points or earn some gratitude of your own, but to show that someone cares enough to take a task off their list.Do something that’s surprising or special—bring someone a book from a favorite author or a trail of rose petals leading up to their door with a sign that says“Thank You!”Thanksgiving is not necessarily directed at another person. It is a state of mind to be cultivated inside your own head.If you practice regularly thinking thankful thoughts, they will lighten your mood and likely put a smile on your face–whether anyone knows you are doing it or not. Giving thanks works as a magnet: It redirects your feelings into a positive zone.Most of us know that having a positive state of mind is good for us emotionally, psychologically, physically and spiritually. There are also often secondary gains as well. Your upbeat state of mind can impact how others feel about you and treat you.Last fall, I worked with a client I’ll call Karen. Karen was a 42-year-old single woman who almost always spent the holidays alone. When we met in October, Karen was depressed. Another holiday season was fast approaching, and she was certain she would be by herself. She spent her first session with me talking about her isolated and lonely life, her failed relationships, her financial struggles and her dead-end job. Apparently, Karen was thankfulfor nothing.Still, after some probing, I discovered that she had two friends whom she felt close to; she really liked her boss and she loved listening through her apartment wall to her neighbor playing the piano. I assigned Karen to practice thanksgiving daily toward one of the few precious things in her life we had discovered. She was then to perform some conscious act of gratitude. By December, each person in her life she was thankful for had invited her to an activity over the holidays, and she had even found herself a loveinterest!Welcoming thanksgiving and gratitude into your life promotes feelings of calm and warmth. Thanksgiving makes you feel more motivated, enthusiastic, driven and satisfied. It wards off the blues and negative thinking. People who have an established thanksgiving ritual enjoy more friends, less conflict at work, raise happier children and enjoy more satisfying romantic relationships.Thanksgiving requires very little time, money or skill, yet offers enormous rewards.Don’t just take my word for the magic that comes out of thanksgiving. Make a commitment that you will find a way to observe the wonderful and meaningful people and parts of your life, and give thanks every day for a week…you’ll see what happens.In case you were wondering, I personally count my blessings and give thanks every single day. And so I don’t give Turkey Day short shrift, I count everything I’m thankful for on that daytwice!Stacy Kaiser is a successful Southern California-based licensed psychotherapist, author, relationship expert and media personality. With more than 100 television appearances on major networks, including CNN, NBC, CBS and FOX, Stacy has built a reputation for bringing a unique mix of thoughtful and provocative insights to a wide range of topics. You can learn more about Stacy on her website.
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Close-up image of DNA

Gene therapy

Have you ever experienced a happiness so profound you felt it in your very bones? In fact, happiness goes even deeper than that—all the way to our genes. And, in a startling new discovery, researchers have found that different types of happiness affect the human genome in dramatically different ways, with potentially big implications for our physical health. “We’re finding that not all things that feel good are the same on the cellular level,” says Barbara Fredrickson, Ph.D., the lead author of the study, which was published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Barbara looked at two different kinds of happiness. Hedonia is “in-the moment” happiness, the kind that comes from consuming things or experiences—a slice of pizza, a movie, a pair of new shoes. Meaningful happiness, what scientists call “eudaimonic wellbeing,” is the buzz we get from having a higher purpose, connecting to a community, being of service to others. It turns out that while eudaimonia gives our biology a boost, hedonic experiences do the opposite, undermining healthy genetic expression. Under the scrutiny of lab examination, hedonic happiness looks a lot like adverse life circumstances such as poverty, social isolation or being diagnosed with a serious illness. “These results really surprised me,” says Barbara, who is the director of the Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Laboratory at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,and author of the books Positivity: Top-Notch Research Reveals the 3 to 1 Ratio That Will Change Your Lifeand Love 2.0: How Our Supreme Emotion Affects Everything We Feel, Think, Do, and Become.“Hedonic happiness actually shows a pattern that’s similar to that which is seen with adversity or stress. We’re not seeing it at the same strength, but hedonia is looking like a little version of stress rather than the opposite of stress.” In the study, volunteers completed an online questionnaire designed to measure their levels of hedonic happiness and eudaimonic well-being. Then the researchers drew blood and analyzed the gene expression of the immune cells in these samples. They found that the volunteers whose happiness was primarily hedonic had high levels of inflammatory markers—which are linked to an increased risk of cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer’s— and low levels of disease-fighting antibody and antiviral gene expression. Volunteers who scored high on the eudaimonic scale displayed a reverse profile. Their robustly healthy immune systems were well-armed against infection while demonstrating little inflammatory activity. Does this mean we all need to go on a fun fast to protect our genomes? Not at all. “What this work tells us is not which kind of happiness to avoid, but rather which one you wouldn’t want to be without, and that’s the eudaimonic,” says Barbara. In the real world, both kinds of happiness reinforce each other. “Hedonia and eudaimonia go hand in hand,” she says. “What we know from past studies is that when people experience the positive uplift of hedonia they’re better able to go on and find meaning in their lives. And, that, in turn, becomes a durable resource. When times are tough you can touch base with the feeling that you’re a part of something larger than yourself and that kind of steadies the turmoil. Shelley Levitt is a contributing editor to SUCCESS magazine. Her articles on health, beauty and well-being have appeared in Women’s Health, Fitness, WebMD and Weight Watchers magazines.
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Live Happy Magazine Premiere Issue Cover Image

Live Happy Premiere Issue on Newsstands!

We’re celebrating at Live Happy! Our premiere issue is out on newsstands across the country! We’ve asked people to send snapshots of our blue cover featuring Ron Howard when they first spy us on the shelf. So far we’ve gotten shots taken at Whole Foods in Santa Monica, Calif.; at the Barnes & Noble in Plano, Texas; Whole Foods in New York; and at the Los Angeles airport. Our cover’s message of Life More Positive is reaching thousands who now have a new resource of information, inspiration and ideas on how to make their lives happier. We hope you count yourself in! Do I sound like a proud parent? You bet I do. Live Happy grew from a personal vision shared by two entrepreneurs to a broader project undertaken by a small band of dedicated professionals. Now, it’s a timely and relevant new magazine and website. My husband, Don, was the first to say to me, “You know, with everything that’s going wrong in Washington [this was during the government shutdown], your magazine’s positive message will be all the more important to people.” Steve Cohen, editor in chief at Media Industry Newsletter, a leading publication for the magazine publishing industry, echoed this thinking just this morning, as he was interviewing me about Live Happy. We couldn’t agree more. Live Happy is an idea whose time has come. Thankfully, that is the general consensus of the valuable contributors to Live Happy. Shelley Levitt, our fantastic writer from L.A., was the first to answer my call, covering the International Positive Psychology Association’s conference brilliantly and then writing key and groundbreaking stories for the first issue. Kathryn Finney, our art director extraordinaire, also said “yes” when my ears and heart needed it most. I will always be grateful for their—and all our contributors’—great work, enthusiasm and care generously given to Live Happy. Yes, we are celebrating at Live Happy. And there are a lot more good times to come!
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Live Happy Magazine Launches to Help Readers Live a Happier Life

Happiness is Happening: $11.17 Billion Being Spent Annually on Self-ImprovementDALLAS, TX, October 22, 2013 – The facts show that now more than ever, the concept of achieving personal happiness is at an all-time high. People are looking to family, relationships, careers and personal achievement, desperately seeking happiness, but finding more questions than answers. The new Live Happy ​magazine and website, launching today, will be the first lifestyle magazine completely dedicated to sharing information and resources to assist in our timeless pursuit of happiness.The premier issue of Live Happy magazine addresses the globally growing interest in happiness. Harvard offers a course in happiness which is the most popular to date. Universities are now also teaching positive psychology, as countries around the world appoint happiness chiefs and change policies to help raise overall happiness levels of their populations. No longer the domain of philosophers, academics and researchers, the journey to happiness is within everyone’s reach. Live Happy is the first magazine ever to balance the science of positive psychology with the art of application, making happiness accessible to everyone.Helmed by veteran Editor in Chief Karol DeWulf Nickell, formerly editor in chief of Better Homes and Gardens and at Reader’s Digest Association, Live Happy addresses the universal concept that people want happiness for themselves, their children and the world. Live Happy will continually offer practical tools to help their readers achieve authentic happiness.Each Live Happy issue will feature happiness-enhancing stories and articles that offer timely advice and real solutions for readers who want to be happy, including:The Science and Practice of Happiness – Happiness is a scientifically proven predictor and precursor to success, as shown through content developed from the thousands of scientific studies and decades of research by well-respected experts such as Dr. Martin Seligman, Dr. Jane Dutton, Dr. Barbara Fredrickson and Shawn Achor.Celebrity Interviews – Celebrities, business leaders and other public figures will share their secrets for overcoming obstacles, staying positive through challenges and maintaining happiness throughout their life journeys. The premier issue debuts with exclusive insights from Academy Award-winning American film director, producer and actor Ron Howard and Josh Radnor, best known for portraying the main character Ted Mosby on the Emmy Award-winning sitcom How I Met Your Mother.Creating a Happy Lifestyle – Actively living happy requires doing as well as learning. The magazine will feature information and ideas promoting giving back in the Gratitude column, articles on how to use leisure time, and what to do at work and home to create the right environment.Improving Wellbeing – Taking care of the physical self is an important aspect of wellbeing and happiness. Various articles ranging from meditation to exercise to nutrition provide readers with the tools and information they need to be healthier—and therefore happier.Cultivating Meaningful Relationships – Human happiness directly correlates to the satisfaction of interpersonal relationships. Whether forming healthy and happy bonds with your family or your co-workers, the magazine provides applicable tips and practices to help you achieve better, more rewarding relationships.The magazine will also include regular columns such as Friendly Table and Reading Corner, which give readers access to the happiest foods and books, along with a monthly survey sharing insight from readers around the world.“Live Happy is the first magazine tobe about happiness cover to cover enabling people to actively engage, discuss and apply the principles of wellbeing and happiness,” says Editor-in-Chief Karol Nickell, “at a time when people, companies and countries are wanting to know and understand how happiness can improve everyday lives.”The magazine will appear at more than 10,000 locations in the United States and Canada, including premium grocers Whole Foods, Kroger and Sprouts; premier placement at Hudson News and bookstores including Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Indigo Books and Shoppers Drug.About Live HappyLive Happy LLC, owned by veteran entrepreneur Jeff Olson, is a company dedicated to promoting and sharing authentic happiness through education, integrity, gratitude, and community awareness. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, its mission is to impact the world by bringing the happiness movement to a personal level and inspiring people to engage in living purpose-driven, healthy, meaningful lives. For more information, please visit
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Press Releases

Live Happy's December Issue: Your Go-To Guide to Gifts, Giving Back and Gratitude This Holiday Season Dallas, TX – October 23, 2017 – The December issue of Live Happy, available on newsstands on October 24th, is dedicated to the healing power of gratitude and giving back during the holiday season. Readers can also gain inspiration with Live Happy’s gift guide that supports causes around the world, DIY crafts, and recipes. Actress Anna Faris Is Live Happy’s October Cover Story Dallas, TX – August 8, 2017 – Gracing the cover of Live Happy’s October 2017 issue, actress Anna Faris explains why being Unqualified to give others advice hasn’t stopped her so far.  After decades of doling out unsolicited advice and testing personal boundaries among friends, family and strangers, the actress, producer, and now author morphed her tell-it-like-it-is podcast, Unqualified, into a memoir and advice book, also called Unqualified, debuting this October. Live Happy Radio Show Launches in Dallas Dallas, TX –July 2017 – This summer, as part of its mission to cultivate and spread happiness around the world, Dallas-based Live Happy launched its first radio show, Live Happy Radio. Airing locally in Dallas on Sunday mornings from 8 a.m. – 9 a.m. on 98.7 KLUV-FM, listeners can also tune in on or on the app (available on iTunes and Google Play) by searching “98.7 KLUV.” Comedian Jim Gaffigan Plays for Laughs in Live Happy’s July Issue Cover Story Dallas, TX – May 23, 2017 – Comedian Jim Gaffigan is the featured cover of the July 2017 issue of Live Happy, on newsstands May 23.  Readers can gain inspiration from Gaffigan’s story and more in this new issue, which explores fulfilling adventures, travel and journeys in ways that inspire awe and heighten creativity. Actress, Rapper and Author Queen Latifah Proves Happiness Reigns Supreme in Live Happy’s May issue cover story Dallas, TX – March 7, 2017 – “Whatever your inspiration, you have to look for a reason to fight the good fight every day,” says Queen Latifah, whose fighting spirit and confidence helped her rise above tough times to win acclaim and a score of awards in music, film and TV, where she appears in her latest project, Lee Daniels’ FOX series, Star. Action Star Ming-Na Wen Pulls No Punches in Live Happy’s February issue cover story Dallas, TX – January 3, 2017 – “If you tell yourself enough times that you can achieve something, you can,” says Ming-Na Wen, who kicks up her physicality at age 53 in epic choreographed fight scenes as Agent Melinda May on ABC’s Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Actress Mayim Bialik Embraces Her Inner Geek in December Issue of Live Happy Magazine Dallas, TX – October 11, 2016 – Mayim Bialik plays a neurobiologist on TV in CBS’ highly rated The Big Bang Theory, now in its 10th season, but much of her braniac persona is not an act at all. In real life, Bialik has a Ph.D. in neuroscience. “There’s an unintended bit of art imitating life,” she says of her TV alter ego Amy Farrah Fowler, but with a slight difference. “I studied how brains work and she slices them apart!” Maya Rudolph Shares Her Love for Laughter in the September Issue of Live Happy Magazine Dallas, TX – July 12, 2016 – Comedian and actress Maya Rudolph gets groovy on the September cover of Live Happy magazine, on newsstands today. She talks about her new comedy and music show with Martin Short, Maya & Marty, her Prince cover band Princess and gets nostalgic about growing up in a house full of music and “amazing, warm, lovely people.” Jesse Tyler Ferguson is Fully Committed to Taking Risks for Happiness in the May/June Issue of Live Happy Magazine Dallas, TX – May 3, 2016 – On newsstands today, Live Happy cover star Jesse Tyler Ferguson shares in the May/June issue why he chooses to forgo comfort in favor of living a rich, vibrant life on the edge. Ferguson, who says he uses risk as a motivator, puts his mantra to the test this month by starring in the one-man Broadway show Fully Committed, lending his voice to Ice Age: Collision Course and continuing his role as a member the ABC hit comedy Modern Family. Live Happy Invites All to the March to Happiness Dallas, TX – March 1, 2016 – Today, Live Happy launches a month-long ‘March to Happiness’ celebration, kicking off with the release of the new issue of the magazine, which is dedicated to savoring life’s greatest moments, including those as a parent of joyful children. On March 15th, Live Happy will release its first book: Live Happy: Ten Practices for Choosing Joy (HarperElixir). Throughout the month, everyone is encouraged to share #HappyActs to honor and support the International Day of Happiness on March 20. Live Happy Magazine Features Jillian Michaels on Cover of January/February Issue Dallas, TX – January 5, 2016 – On newsstands today, Live Happy, the first-of-its-kind publication combining the science of happiness with practical advice to help its readers lead lives of meaning and joy, dedicates its January/February issue to achieving and celebrating our better selves in 2016. Live Happy Magazine Features Dolly Parton on Cover of November/December Issue Dallas, TX – November 3, 2015 – Live Happy’s November/December issue, on newsstands today, is dedicated to family and forgiveness. In the cover feature, country music superstar and entertainment icon Dolly Parton shares the power of family and her “Smoky Mountain” roots as the foundations for her strength, values and trademark positivity. Live Happy Magazine Features Anthony Anderson on Cover of September/October Issue Dallas, TX – September 1, 2015 – Live Happy’s September/October issue, on newsstands today, highlights the importance of prioritizing positivity and finding purpose and meaning in everyday activities. Emmy-nominated actor Anthony Anderson—featured on the cover—gives us a glimpse of where his inner strength, character and resilience come from and shares the latest on how he manages multiple work projects, family life and a rigorous fitness routine while keeping it all real—and fun. Live Happy Magazine Features Alanis Morissette on Cover of July/August Issue Dallas, TX – June 30, 2015 – Finding a “happy place” might not be at the top of everyone’s priority list this summer, but perhaps it should be. The July/August issue of Live Happy highlights the importance of living in the now while striving to expand our consciousness and happiness. Singer/songwriter Alanis Morissette graces the cover with modern-day flower child flair and shares her unique perspective on living in the moment. Live Happy Magazine Announces ABC News’ Good Morning America Co-Anchors on Cover of May/June Issue Dallas, TX – May 5, 2015 – It’s safe to say not many people would be happy waking up daily for work at 4 a.m., unless you’re the cast and crew of Good Morning America! In Live Happy’s May/June issue, the GMA co-anchors, George Stephanopoulos, Robin Roberts, Lara Spencer, Amy Robach and Ginger Zee share their own “secrets to success” in the workplace—revealing how camaraderie, teamwork and starting the day off right are essential to their positive work environment and to kicking off every morning with a smile. How Do You Share Happiness? Dallas, TX – March 3, 2015 – Live Happy celebrates the United Nations’ International Day of Happiness (March 20th) with its second annual issue dedicated to this day. As the magazine continues to share its quest of creating and living a happy life, the March/April issue offers features exploring well-being around the world and close to home. It also offers expert advice on habits, staying positive, celebrating at work and celebrating you. What’s Scott Foley’s Scandalous Truth? Pick Up Live Happy’s February Issue to Find Out Dallas, TX – January 6, 2015 – “Scandal’s” very own Scott Foley graces the February 2015 cover of Live Happy magazine, a first-of-its-kind publication that combines the science of happiness with real-world advice and practical tips to help readers live full and productive lives. In the first issue of the New Year, on newsstands today, Scott Foley explains where and when he developed his passion for acting and how his live-in-the-present philosophy plays an important role in his life. Kristin Chenoweth Credits Happiness for her Success in Live Happy’s Nov/Dec Issue Dallas, TX — Nov. 4, 2014—Kristin Chenoweth, Emmy and Tony award winner, graces the cover of the November/December issue of Live Happy magazine, a first-of-its-kind publication combining science with engaging and informative content to help readers achieve true happiness and live fuller and more productive lives. In this issue, on newsstands today, Kristin explains why she chooses happiness above security and success and shares her gratitude for life’s many blessings. Olivia Newton-John Graces First Anniversary Cover of Live Happy Dallas, TX — Sept. 2, 2014— Singer, actress and positive-emotion advocate, Olivia Newton-John graces the cover of the September/October issue of Live Happy magazine, a first-of-its-kind publication that combines the science of happiness with engaging and informative content to help readers live fuller and more productive lives. In this anniversary issue, on newsstands today, the songstress shares recent life decisions that have helped her carve out more time to indulge in her passions for nature, love and the goal of a blissful life balance. Miranda Lambert Talks Life, Community, and Staying True to Her Roots in New Issue of Live Happy Dallas, TX — July 1, 2014— Country superstar Miranda Lambert graces the cover of the July/August issue of Live Happy magazine, a first-of-its-kind publication that combines the science of happiness with personal stories and exclusive interviews. In the issue, on newsstands July 1, the songstress talks about staying true to her roots in Lindale, Texas, as well as championing the causes closest to her heart, including no-kill rescue shelters for dogs and raising awareness for abused women. New Issue of Live Happy Magazine Reveals How Compassion Can Improve One's Wellbeing Dallas, TX – May 6, 2014 – Considered one of the greatest virtues, compassion – the feeling of empathy for others – is the theme of Live Happy magazine’s May/June 2014 issue that hits stands today. Live Happy is the first-ever lifestyle magazine to balance the science of positive psychology with the art of application, and as the new issue reveals, recent studies and scientific research confirm that people who practice compassion receive an array of benefits that go beyond simply feeling good. Live Happy Magazine Welcomes Happiness Expert Gretchen Rubin as Featured Columnist Dallas, TX – April 30, 2014 – Live Happy magazine is pleased to announce that happiness expert and bestselling author Gretchen Rubin will become a columnist beginning with the May/June 2014 issue. Since its inception, Live Happy’s mission has been to inspire people to engage in living purpose-driven, healthy and meaningful lives. To achieve that goal, the magazine has strived to assemble a team of the most talented writers and editors in the business to not only provide readers with stellar content, but also to add value to the brand. Live Happy LLC names Kym Yancey CEO and Co-Founder DALLAS, TX – April 10, 2014 – Live Happy LLC announces Kym Yancey as CEO and Co-Founder effective immediately. Previously Co-Founder, Chief Marketing Officer, and President of eWomenNetwork, North America’s premier women’s business network, Yancey will oversee Live Happy’s strategy development and business initiatives, which include Live Happy magazine and campaigns such as Acts of Happiness.​ United Nations Celebrates International Day of Happiness With Live Happy Magazine March 20, 2014 – The United Nations designated March 20 as The International Day of Happiness in June of 2012 stemming from a resolution presented in a high-level meeting by the nation of Bhutan – the first country to measure Gross Domestic Happiness. Live Happy’s access to the leading academics, authors, psychologists and experts in the field, as well as its role as an underwriter of the Positive Education Summit offered the UN unprecedented access to leaders in the field.  “It was our goal to bring real-world expertise to each discussion,” said Live Happy founder Jeff Olson – also a panelist. Live Happy Makes Global Commitment for Acts of Happiness in Honor of International Day of Happiness March 10, 2014 – Happiness can change the world, and there's an uplifting addition to the calendar to help spread and share the joy: The United Nations has officially recognized March 20th as The International Day of Happiness. To celebrate, Live Happy has created a call to action to inspire people to help make the world a happier place by intentionally engaging in small acts to share and spread happiness. With a goal of receiving 100,000 pledges to commit an act of happiness by March 21, 2014, Live Happy LLC also plans to recognize the happy acts around the US by hosting happiness walls both physically in cities across the US on March 20th and virtually worldwide at Happiness Matters: Live Happy Encourages All to Celebrate Happiness for a Day, Choose it for a Lifetime March 4, 2014 – Live Happy magazine’s third issue hits stands today, just in time to commemorate the United Nations’ 2nd annual International Day of Happiness. The March/April 2014 issue continues its mission to make 2014 the “year of happiness,” featuring articles and original content for readers to incorporate into their daily lives. In conjunction, Live Happy is joining forces with its Acts of Happiness campaign intended to inspire people nationwide to pledge and share their #happyacts. Live Happy Magazine Kicks Off 2014, the "Year of Happiness," with Issue Dedicated to "Hope" Dec. 20, 2013 – Live Happy magazine, the recently-launched publication dedicated to promoting and sharing authentic happiness, debuts its February 2014 issue on newsstands December 31st, launching its "Year of Happiness" with an issue devoted to "Hope." Live Happy Magazine Launches to Help Readers Live a Happier Life October 22, 2013 – The facts show that now more than ever, the concept of achieving personal happiness is at an all-time high. People are looking to family, relationships, careers and personal achievement, desperately seeking happiness, but finding more questions than answers. The new Live Happy magazine and website, launching today, will be the first lifestyle magazine completely dedicated to sharing information and resources to assist in our timeless pursuit of happiness.
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