Kids standing at a train station

Redefining Love

A year after looking out a coffee-shop window and seeing the man in the pink tank top, Liza Baritt remembers him vividly: “This guy came along on roller skates, just singing his heart out,” she says. They locked eyes. “We sort of giggled, and he waved and smiled. I felt joyful, just totally amused, completely and utterly so glad I had that moment.” Then he skated on by. Liza, a psychotherapist and yoga teacher in Brookfield, Wisconsin, hasn’t seen the man since. And yet, to her, their flash of communion was right up there with many she has enjoyed with family, friends and romantic partners. It was, in her word, “love.” Love is all around While that might seem odd, Liza is part of a growing contingent who reject the notion that love is all about sex and soul mates, or the bonds you share with your nearest and dearest. Instead, they see love as “that micro-moment of warmth and connection that you share with another living being,” a concept introduced by Barbara L. Fredrickson, Ph.D., author and leading researcher in the positive psychology movement, in her book Love 2.0. Such moments can—and should—bloom often with your spouse, your parents and your child, she says, but they’re just as possible with a casual acquaintance or stranger. Your dry cleaner or barista, say. That woman who smiled at you from across the subway aisle. Vitamin L “It’s about connecting with people on a human level and…wishing them well or just sharing something positive,” says Barbara, a professor and director of the Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Laboratory at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. “That is a pretty low bar for love, and I think that most people could meet that to the extent that they’re engaged in social interaction at all.” Connecting with others is as crucial to your wellbeing as food, sleep or exercise, Barbara says. Scientific studies suggest that feeling warm and fuzzy has a positive effect on your heart, brain, bodily processes, even your life span. Think of it as “Vitamin L.” And getting a dose may be easier than you think. A new look at love For some, redefining love brings a sense of release. “It’s liberating to let go of those old beliefs—‘I have to be in a relationship to have love’ or ‘I have to be a parent to feel love,’ ” says Liza, who was recently divorced. “It’s liberating to think I can go to a yoga class by myself and have some of the same emotions or connections that I might get from sex with a partner or interaction with children I’ve created, so it gives people a lot more options, to be sure.” Identifying these options and opportunities as “love” will also make us less prone to dismiss them, Barbara says. “We tend to trivialize day-to-day interactions with strangers, and yet we put love up on a pedestal as being one of the most important parts of life." That warm fuzzy feeling “When we only think of love as a status, like on Facebook, we’re missing a more fine-grained understanding of what creates our most important relationships in our life, and also what kind of fundamental ingredients in those most important relationships can be experienced in any human connection," says Barbara. "Scientific studies suggest that feeling warm and fuzzy has a positive effect on your heart, brain, bodily processes, even your life span." However, even Barbara doesn’t always use the word “love.” When describing how connection unfolds, for example, she chooses the term “positivity resonance,” explaining that this dance of brain and body has three parts. Dance of brain and body First, you and someone else share one or more positive emotions. Maybe you’re both amused at something one of you just said or did (think of Liza’s singing skater) or delighted at something you both experienced (hearing a new song or watching your favorite team score a goal). Next, a striking synchrony kicks in. You make eye contact and, sensing real friendliness, you start mirroring each other’s smiles and gestures. If you’re having a conversation, you both lean in and nod more often. From "me to "we" Research shows that your brains begin to tango; a study at Princeton University discovered that when subjects listened closely to a recorded story told by a stranger, their own brain activity closely resembled that of the storyteller, which had been measured when the recording was made. Last but not least, says Barbara, you and the other person begin to care more about each other—to shift your focus from “me” to “we.” Cultivating love Getting on someone else’s wavelength isn’t always easy, of course. If you’re sad or scared, for instance, it can be hard to mind-meld with others. Ditto if you’re feeling bad about yourself. Plus, modern life throws up endless roadblocks to love. We’re all busier than ever, and even when we’re surrounded by people, we’re also surrounded by endless distractions from our phones, tablets and televisions. Hugging and hand holding have been found to lower stress-induced spikesin blood pressure and raise levels of oxytocin, the famous “love hormone.” “You have to choose again and again to connect” with family, friends and strangers, says Megan McDonough, CEO of the Wholebeing Institute in Hardwick, Massachusetts. “We don’t find love. We cultivate it.” How do you seed your life with loving moments? Experts have plenty of ideas: Practice meditation and other forms of mindfulness. Our fast-paced society can make it hard to truly pay attention to others, Megan notes. Practicing a mindfulness technique “is basically training us to be more fully present, so when we are with someone, we’re paying more attention.” And of course, when we pay attention, it’s easier to connect. Make a point of spending relaxed, unstructured time together—no screens allowed. Years ago, when Boriana Zaneva would visit her native Bulgaria, her mother resented it when she left the house to see friends. Now Boriana, a positive psychology consultant in Boston, tries harder to show her “openness to savor that time” with her mother. “When you’re coming into that place with that intention to connect, to create the space for that positive resonance, it just happens.” The result: along with plates of tomatoes, lamb and feta, the two women have shared countless helpings of love. These days when Boriana visits friends, she says, her mother no longer acts clingy, “because now she has my full attention when we’re together.” Keep it simple. When meeting someone new, Kristin Humbargar, a life-learning and leadership coach in Underhill, Vermont, begins with eye contact, followed by “just smiling and saying hello and asking how their day was.” This led to a recent exchange with a doorman during a visit to Brooklyn, New York. Kristin and the doorman discussed topics ranging from New York’s 9/11 memorial to his dreams for the future. They swapped email addresses, vowed to keep in touch (which they have) and hugged goodbye. Such interactions “resonate with you for the rest of the day,” Kristin says. “Everything is a little brighter. There is, in fact, a kind of afterglow—or maybe even a hint of euphoria.” Use technology wisely. Not all screen time is isolating, points out Liza, the Wisconsin psychotherapist. Now that she’s in a long-distance relationship, she has discovered Skyping: “Skype is the closest you can get to being in the same room—and sometimes it’s closer.” Unlike certain times when you’re actually together, “you’re really looking at them, really focusing on them, not walking away or trying to do dishes or fold laundry.” Remember the power of touch. Sure, sex can be great, but nonsexual touch may be just as important. Hugging and hand holding, for instance, have been found to lower stress-induced spikes in blood pressure and raise levels of oxytocin, the famous “love hormone.” Kristin can vouch for all the above. “My husband will hug me and look me straight in my eye, and all of a sudden I get this giggly, giddy feeling; it feels so good,” she says. Whenever her 10-year-old daughter is anxious, “we’ll play this game where I’ll rub her arms or give her a hug, and we’ll do this little chant and we’ll say, ‘Oxytocin, oxytocin, oxytocin!’ ”Voilà: mother and daughter both feel more relaxed. Smile to yourself. To prime himself for positive exchanges with others, Braco Pobric smiles each morning when his alarm goes off. Widely. “Research shows that will give me a little dopamine,” says Braco, an author in Hamilton, New Jersey, and the chief happiness officer of the Institute for Advanced Human Performance. Dopamine is a “feel-good” hormone and neurotransmitter associated with the brain’s reward system that naturally makes us feel happy.This does not mean, however, that you should plaster on a grin when encountering others, Barbara cautions, or deliberately mirror others’ gestures, as such attempts often come across as forced. It’s better to work at solo exercises that, over time, will help you feel more of the genuine sentiments that yield natural smiles, nods and so forth. Walk. Cook. Dance. Ski. Data show that shared movements resulting from positivity resonance make it more likely that a relationship will take root. Getting active together can also help long-term relationships continue to flower. Oxytocin: the chemistry of love What creates all this synchrony and sympathy? One key player is oxytocin. You may already know that oxytocin gets released at intimate moments—during sex, say, or while a mother breastfeeds a baby. But studies imply it’s also pivotal during other moments of connection, whether with people we know or with strangers. At the University of Zurich, for instance, test subjects were given real money to invest. Those who inhaled an oxytocin spray beforehand—rather than a placebo—were much more likely to entrust a fellow participant with all their cash. Oxytocin helps us detect signs of genuine goodwill and respond with our own. It soothes us and helps us let down our guard. Calm and connect Just as vital to these moments is your vagus nerve, which links your brain with organs including your heart. Working with oxytocin, the vagus directs the “calm and connect response”—the opposite of “fight or flight.” It slows your heartbeat and “stimulates tiny facial muscles that better enable you to make eye contact and synchronize your facial expressions with another person. It even adjusts the minuscule muscles of your middle ear so you can better track the other person’s voice against any background noise,” according to Barbara. As many of the above stories make clear, this mental and physical pas de deux can produce intense pleasure. But more than that, it may work wonders for your health. Love shortage a danger to your health Loneliness is just as deadly as smoking, obesity and other dire factors, concluded researchers at Brigham Young University in a meta-study of 148 smaller studies. That’s no surprise, says John Cacioppo, Ph.D., a University of Chicago psychologist who has researched social connection and isolation. When you feel lonely, he says, your body produces more of the stress hormone cortisol. Over time, this glut of cortisol “increases organ wear and tear.” “It might cost me a heart attack,” he says. “It might lead to increased risk of cancer in another individual.” Lonely people are also more prone to depression, poor sleep, high blood pressure, major strokes, chronic inflammation and Alzheimer’s disease, he says. Love gives immediate results The good news is that when you start to connect more with others, your health improves—in some ways immediately. Feeling less lonely on a given day can, for example, boost your mood right away and enhance your sleep that very night, John says. Overcoming such chronic problems as inflammation takes longer, but even a couple of months of better connections can make a real difference, Barbara says. In a two-month study she did with then-student Bethany Kok, Ph.D., people who reported feeling more “positivity resonance” each day improved in “cardiac vagal tone.” This involves the vagus nerve and has been linked to such perks as healthier glucose and inflammation levels. In addition, Barbara explains, people with high vagal tone are more adept at focusing their attention and controlling their emotions and, as you might expect, better at connecting with others. Data show that shared movements resulting from positivity resonance make it more likely that a relationship will take root. Getting active together can also help long-term relationships continue to flower." Making more connections Research conducted on the brains of new parents suggests connection does in fact breed more connection. Scientists at the University of Michigan, the University of Denver and elsewhere have found that attentive moms and dads undergo “remodeling” of several brain structures during their babies’ early weeks. This is crucial to future bonding with their children as well as the children’s capacity for social interaction, says James Swain, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Michigan. Just what triggers these brain changes remains unknown, but plenty of researchers think any positive connection between people—from lovers to strangers—may cause similar shifts in neural circuitry, James says. Bringing the research to life Kristin, the learning and leadership coach, doesn’t need science to prove to her that love brings more love. As she’s fostered more moments of connection with everyone from that doorman to her daughters, she says, she has found herself craving such moments more. In turn, the payoffs of those connections have grown. “There’s that awareness of [connection] and that experience of it, and the next time you have it, it doubles. It sort of exponentially expands.” Gaëlle Desbordes, Ph.D., a neuroscientist at Harvard Medical School, also knows how connecting with others can change you. She used to be shy in a roomful of strangers, she says. But spurred by her own meditation practice, she has become much more outgoing—and that, in turn, has given her “a more optimistic worldview.” Instead of feeling threatened by new faces, she has come to believe that most people are good and generous. At professional conferences, she now longs to meet others and hear their stories. “There’s a great sense of safety and trust in people in general,” she says. Onward and outward As you share love with those around you, you may be accomplishing more than you realize. Not only does each person you connect with get the benefits of “positivity resonance,” but those benefits—chemical surges and the rest—may well lead them to connect with more people, sending ripples of goodwill and oxytocin far beyond your social circle. Emotional and physical health are contagious, according to Barbara. “Indeed, studies of actual social networks show that, over time, happiness spreads through whole communities.” Which is, Gaëlle says, exactly as it should be. “We are social animals. We love to connect, to be part of a community.” Fear of bonding with others is usually a barrier we impose, based on negative experiences in our past, she says. “Once we remove that barrier, we are finally touching base with our true nature.”
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Woman with yoga mat

5 Tips for Making Your Resolutions Stick

One of the things that I love about New Year’s is that it feels like a fresh start—a chance for new beginnings. We have the perfect opportunity to set new goals and begin the year with feelings of hope and joy.A great deal of joy can come out of feeling optimistic about the upcoming year. One of the best ways to spark feelings of hope and happiness are by creating resolutions for the New Year.Now the fact is, many of us make our resolutions on January 1st that we have already rationalized dumping by February 1st! That’s because it takes approximately four to six weeks to change a habit or start a new one, so it's important to have a good plan in place to keep up that initial momentum.(Or as Jerry Seinfeld might have said, it is one thing to make a New Year’s resolution, and another thing entirely to keep the resolution. Big difference.)Here are my tips to help you set and keep your resolutions:1. Be realisticDon’t set yourself up for failure by trying for the impossible. Think about what you can realistically accommodate in your schedule and work from there.2. Be specificInstead of pledging, "I will lose weight," try something more like, "I commit to eating healthy and exercising daily unless it's a special occasion."3. Lay out an exact planDecide ahead of time how you will change your behavior, then write down the details on a piece of paper or electronic devices. This is an act of commitment to your goal.4. Share your goalsLet one or more members of your support system know that you are working toward making positive changes in this coming year, and ask them to be there to lift you up during the challenging times and to cheer for you during the successful times. Set up a plan to call them if you are feeling like you are struggling to stay on track.In an ideal situation, ask a friend to be your accountability partner and you can be hers. Check in with each other daily or weekly so that you can provide each other mutual support and encouragement.5. Focus on progress, not perfectionIf you slip up, allow yourself the room to make the mistake and move forward in a positive direction without beating yourself up. Each new minute, hour or day is another chance to try again.Remember that it takes four to six weeks to change a habit or to start a new one. Make every effort to continue on this path toward positive changes well into February, and things will get easier. Make this year one in which you achieve your goals and learn new skills. Set yourself up for success by starting out the year on a positive footing.Stacy Kaiser is a successful Southern California-based licensed psychotherapist, author, relationship expert and media personality, and a frequent contributor to Live Happy.
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Couple in a fight

The Truth About Forgiveness

Strangely enough, I became an expert researcher and teacher on forgiveness because I was miserable. I was bitter and unhappy, and even my wife was getting tired of hearing me moan and groan.A couple of years earlier I had been deeply betrayed by a very close friend and I still did not know how to cope. I complained to anyone who would listen, and I felt like a victim, until one day my wife said something that made me to stop and rethink my attitude. She said that she still loved me, but didn’t like me as much since I had become a bitter man full of self-pity.She is the most patient person I know, and even she had run out of patience with me.The secret of relationships: They cause pain.Interestingly enough, I was already a marriage and family therapist at the time. I was trained to help others manage anger, frustration and loss, but I couldn’t manage my own.In all my years of therapeutic training, I realized, no one had ever mentioned forgiveness. No one had ever enunciated the simple truth about relationships: You might get hurt. At times you’ll be disappointed, possibly even mistreated. Since we cannot, and don’t wish to avoid relationships altogether, how can we gain the skills to cope with their ups and downs? By forgiving.Start by looking outside yourselfI realized my therapeutic training had not prepared me for the difficult task of forgiving. I was so wrapped up in my own self-pity that hadn’t even thought of the possibility of forgiving my former friend until I saw how my wife was affected.My training as a therapist had focused on each individual’s pain. My wound, my terrible mother, my hostile ex-spouse, my alcoholic excesses … But I began to realize, in reality my pain isn’t so unique. Maybe focusing on this trauma as uniquely mine had become more of a problem than the betrayal itself!The key to forgiveness: EmpathyBuddhists are right when they say suffering is everywhere, and at the heart of everything human. My real problem was not that I had been horribly wronged, but rather that I lacked compassion and understanding.Something in me changed. Not overnight and not necessarily easily. In some small way I got over myself. That moment of compassion and care for my wife triggered more empathy. I saw that I had caused as well as received pain. Through this glimmer of compassion, I saw that my therapeutic training had been inadequate. Suffering is everywhere; loss is omnipresent.The result of my new thinking was essentially this: If we do not learn to let past wounds go, we keep ourselves from fully functioning in the present and future. Letting go of the painThe little glimpse of compassion also opened me to the flip-side of suffering: gratitude or appreciation. The flip-side of dwelling on loss and wounds is being thankful for what we have. My obsession with my friend’s behavior caused me to miss so much beauty, so much love and opportunity surrounding me; I was blinded by hurt. Helping myself, helping othersI got over the betrayal and moved on. I made peace with my friend and even resumed a relationship with him.Soon afterward, I was a Ph.D. student at Stanford, finishing my degree in counseling psychology, when I had to choose a dissertation topic. I thought of my travails with forgiveness and thought, if it was so difficult for me, it had to be a challenge for others, as well. I wanted to see if science could establish my hunch that forgiveness would be as life-changing and healing for others as it had in my own experience.Almost 20 years later, the results are consistent. Forgiveness researchers like myself have shown over and over that forgiveness is good for one’s body, mind and relationships. What's more, forgiveness can be taught and practiced just like any other skill. It just takes some interest, time and effort.Fred Luskin, Ph.D., is the Director of the Stanford Forgiveness Project, where he teaches workshops on forgiveness and serves as a Senior Consultant in Health Promotion and a Professor at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. He is also the author of the book Forgive for Good. Find out more about his groundbreaking research here.
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Chrissy Carter finds peace during the holidays

5 Tips for Holiday Bliss

The holiday season has always been my favorite time of year. When I reflect on my childhood, I remember the family traditions that made me feel at home within myself, such as decorating our house, helping my mother cook a special holiday meal and wrapping our homemade gifts. Even today, I love the holidays because they celebrate what matters most in life.Despite my healthy dose of holiday spirit, I’m often forced to face the (holiday) music: Rather than savoring the season, we can find ourselves slipping into survival mode as we try to keep our heads above water. In the midst of it all, our beloved rituals are thrown overboard to keep the life raft afloat.We may not be able to lighten our social calendar or shorten our to-do lists, but we can learn how to remain calm in the midst of the madness. So I want to share several of my favorite ways for keeping holiday stress at bay and staying connected to the magic of the season.1. Connect to the momentSome of my fondest memories from childhood involve helping my mother in the kitchen during the holidays. Cooking can be a therapeutic release, giving us mental space and clarity by getting us out of our heads, engaging our senses and helping us connect to the moment.Another way to engage in the holiday spirit is to create homemade decorations for your house, such as fragrant pomander balls.2. Sacred SpaceIt can be challenging for us to stay grounded when we’re feeling overwhelmed, so I encourage you to create a space in your home filled with photos and special objectsthat remind you of what’s most important in our lives.Each day, light a candle, and spend a few moments focusing on the significance of your display. Connect to each object, and contemplate how it makes you feel.3. Gift wrappingWrapping gifts can feel like a chaotic race to the finish of the holiday season, but with a little planning and some simple supplies, like craft paper, kitchen twine and a small bunch of wintergreens, this to-do can become an opportunity to connect with the creative process and create a natural, beautiful presentation for your gifts. Instead of a chore, think of wrapping as a hands-on craft project that can be fun and also rewarding when you see the faces of the recipients.4. Mindful meditationWherever our lives take us, we can reap the benefits of mindful meditation by following these simple steps:Close your eyes and take a few moments to observe your breathing.Scan your body and relax where you can.Visualize the special place you created in your home.See that space in your heart, and allow each photo and object to root you more deeply in what ís most important to you.Fill yourself with the positive emotions that arise from contemplating the things you love.5. Restorative yogaRestorative yoga invites the body to practice what it does naturally: renew. This type of yoga can initiate our relaxation response, redirecting our bodies’ energy to their housekeeping chores, such as digestion and elimination.The Floating Pose can help relieve our feelings of anxiety because when the front of the body faces the floor, it creates a feeling of safety and cues the nervous system to relax. When you’re overwhelmed, this pose will meet you where you are.A Restorative Twist stretches the muscles of the lateral torso and rib cage, encouraging a freer breath.And the Reclined Bound Angle opens the front of the body, inviting us to surrender to relaxation and inner calm. Each of these poses can be held for up to 10 minutes.Chrissy Carter is a yoga instructor and lifestyle expert. She teaches yoga and trains teachers at YogaWorks in New York City, as well as on and on two popular Gaiam DVD. Find our more about her work, life and inspirations at
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Young couple playing in the snow

6 Tips for Beating the Holiday Blues

The holidays can be a time of great joy. Ideally, the end of the year is a time of reflection and fun with family and friends. But for some, instead of holiday bliss, the stresses and obligations of the season bring on the holiday blues. Why would people get depressed during such a “happy” time? There are plenty of reasons. While celebrating, we are also likely to reflect on loved ones who are no longer here. In addition, we might feel obligated to “make the rounds,” traveling miles to attend family functions. With so many parties and big meals, this is also a time when we tend to overindulge in food and drink. It might be fun in the moment, but can lead to regret and even a sense of guilt or shame. Others might go a little overboard with gifts—for themselves and others. We max out credit cards, which leads to its own kind of financial hangover. All of this can drain our happiness during the holidays and lead to feelings of being overwhelmed or out of balance. Here are some things you can do to keep the blues at bay and to thrive during this season. 1. Reach out The holidays are a time to lean on your support system and talk to folks about how you feel. Don’t let geographic isolation hinder you; be creative in ways to connect with family and friends. Technology has given us many tools to use to stay connected, but sometimes we can feel isolated even when we're online. Pick up the phone and actually call someone. Better yet, throw a casual event at home and invite over people you’ve been meaning to see. 2. Give back There are plenty in need during the holiday. Spend some time exploring ways you can give back and assist others through the holidays. Find something that involves the whole family; these opportunities can lead to a greater sense of gratitude for the blessings in our own lives. Be a blessing yourself; serving others takes your eyes off your own struggles and puts things in perspective. 3. Remember the great times This may be the first holiday you are celebrating without a loved one. Take this time to highlight and remember what was great about that person. Reminisce about the good times and talk to other family and friends that suffered the same or similar losses. The holidays are a great time to get with others to talk about joyful times from the past, as well as creating new memories in the moment. 4. Keep spending in check There is no shortage of opportunities to spend money during the holidays. Be careful to set a budget and do your best to stick within it. Plan accordingly and use your imagination to come up with ways to create awesome memories at a low cost. Get creative and make some of your gifts this year. The time spent in building and creating something will be appreciated by your family. For white elephant gift exchange parties, set dollar limits for the gifts so people don't feel like they need to out-do each other. 5. Kick the comparisons Many take to the holidays with an observant eye, constantly looking at what others are doing and comparing their lifestyles. Focus on the awesome things in your life and celebrate the successes of others. You are where you are for a reason. Don’t get overwhelmed by the fact that others may have or do more. Enjoy your family; really connect during conversation by listening to what others are saying and appreciating the people that are around you. 6. Take care of yourself During these dark and chilly months, make sure you get your fair share of sunlight and exercise. Get outdoors as much as possible and soak in the scenery. It's tempting to hibernate, but try to stay active. Get to the gym for some cardio at least three times a week. This will keep your spirits up—and you won’t feel as bad about the second serving of dressing! With all of the fun to be had over the holiday season, make sure you stay well-rested. A good night’s sleep helps improve your mood, and gives you more energy to engage and connect with others. Happy Holidays! Dr. Clarence Lee is an author, speaker, physician and entrepreneur. To learn more about Dr. Lee, visit
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Happy woman running

From Couch Potato to 5K Finisher

It seems as though running has become the new black. 5Ks are in fashion, 10Ks are on trend, and half marathons and marathons are becoming part of mainstream fitness regimes. For those looking to break into the running scene, it isn’t as intimidating as you may think. Whether you’re a seasoned leisure runner or a self-proclaimed couch potato, anyone can reach his or her finish line with the proper training.1. Gear upYou don’t need the latest and greatest gear or technology to run, that’s the beauty of this sport! However, it is important to feel comfortable. Moisture wicking clothing is key to help keep your skin dry and absorb sweat. Shoes are another key component to running. There are different types of shoes that cater to different gaits and running strides. Go to a local sports store or running institute to have your gait analyzed. Improper footwear can lead to blisters, discomfort and greater injuries. Regardless of the type of shoe or apparel you train in it is imperative to run your race in the gear you trained in. Generally, you want to avoid trying something new on race day.2. Vary your courseYou know how the saying goes, “Variety is the spice of life.” That is especially true while training. It is so easy to get bored with the same workout day after day. Take your training runs through different parts of your neighborhood, or find a trail that has clearly marked running paths. If you’re training inside put together a new playlist to keep the treadmill from getting dull. For longer runs, grab a friend to join you. You’ll not only hold yourself accountable, but also get some quality time with a pal!3. Cross-trainIf you’re new to running it is very important to maintain a cross-training routine. Anything from Spinning, swimming or weight lifting are great options for working out the rest of your body. Switching up your training has many benefits, from improving speed to preventing injury. Running is a very high impact sport and cross training can counter act the wear and tear on your muscles and joints.4. Be smart about training and recoveryStarting a training plan is exciting, but it's important not to push yourself too hard at first. In order to avoid injury you should increase your mileage by no more than 10% each week. Get your blood flowing by stretching or jogging in place before taking off to decrease the risk of injury. How you treat your body after your workout is just as important as training itself. After your run, be sure to stretch, refuel and work out knots in your muscles with a foam roller if you have one. Have a protein and carbohydrate snack or meal 30-60 minutes post-run to help muscles repair and replace the calories you burned. To make sure your training is as effective as possible be sure to get six–eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. Your body gets the most recovery during complete rest. Bonnie Micheli and Tracy Roemer tracked exercise trends for years, looking for the perfect opportunity to open a studio that would integrate serious cardio into its classes. That dream became a reality when they opened Shred415 in Lincoln Park, Chicago. Follow them on Instagram. Check out for more information.
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The 3 Promises

The 3 Promises

In his latest book The 3 Promises, best-selling author David J. Pollay contends that if you make just three promises to yourself, your life can vastly improve:1. FIND JOY EVERY DAYStep up your positive and constructive self-talk. Ask yourself every morning: “What can I do to bring joy to my day?”2. DO WHAT YOU LOVEFigure out what you love to do by exploring, trying new things and observing. Your passions will light up as you go. If you are still unsure, take what David calls a “f ll year” and explore as many of your interests as possible.3. MAKE A DIFFERENCEHelp someone. Give your time, energy and talent to others. Don’t think you have to go big or do what someone else does. Smile at someone or make someone laugh. Do something that matters by keeping others’ wellbeing in mind.David encourages readers to take his challenge by taking action on each of the Three Promises for three days in a row.
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People giving holiday gifts

9 Great Gifts That Are Experiences

Research shows that when we spend our money on experiences instead of objects, the happiness we feel as a result is both stronger and longer lasting.When you give a gift in the form of an experience, it includes not only the anticipation of the event and the event itself, but also a lasting memory to savor. Here are nine ideas for unconventional gifts that friends and family will treasure.1. Tickets to a performanceTickets to a movie, play, musical or comedy show can be a great gift for recipient of any age. It’s also a way of spending time doing something fun together. If you really want to splurge, consider season tickets to your favorite performing arts organization.2. Massage or spa servicesPerhaps you know someone who is often stressed and always working. A gift certificate for a massage or facial is a wonderful way to help that person decompress this holiday season and enjoy a little self-care.3. Overnight getawayIf you want to get something very special for yourself and significant other, or for another couple such as your parents, a weekend or overnight at a boutique hotel or B&B is a thoughtful and generous gift.4. Dance classGive a friend or loved-one a kick by signing them up for dance classes. Maybe it’s something they’ve had in mind but have not gotten around to doing yet. There are so many kinds to choose from, from ballroom to ballet.5. Cooking classCooking lessons of all stripes are available these days at places like Whole Foods, Sur la Table and elsewhere. Sign up for yourself and a friend—that way you can experience the fun together. Then get together later and try to recreate the meal at home. (It’s a gift that keeps on giving.)6. A National Parks passDo you have friends or family who love trekking to National Parks? You can purchase a year pass of full family access to America’s national parks, wildlife refuges and forests for just $80.7. Guided tourIf you know someone who just moved to a new city or town, consider buying them a guided architectural tour of the downtown, or some other tour special to that city, such as a food tour or factory tour. Heck, why wait until someone moves? Most of us would love to learn more about the place we live, even if we’ve been there for decades.8. Personal chefWho wouldn’t like a professional chef to drop by at the end of the day and whip up a home-cooked meal? You can give the gift of an at-home date night for someone too busy to cook; there are even websites that help you find local chefs' contact info.9. AdventureIt's no simple task to give the gift of adventure. But consider buying a class or lesson for someone who would never buy it for themselves—something a little wild, like surfing, or swinging from a flying trapeze a la Cirque du Soleil. You might give someone a thrill, or even a new passion in life.
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Networking Events

Networking Events and Speaking Engagements With Live Happy CEO and Co-Founder Kym YanceyAttend a Live Happy Reception with your host Kym Yancey, CEO and Co-Founder of Live Happy. Each event Kym will share more about how Live Happy is leading a global movement to make the world a happier place and share tips on how you can become happier.If you are already a happy person, this event will thrill you and add dimension and range to your happiness. If you are seeking to be happier you will be energized by the insights and new possibilities. In addition to connecting with new friends and networking we will share ways to be happier so you can:Discover the power and impact that happiness has in all areas of your lifeIncrease happiness in yourself and in those you touchConnect, network and share with othersEnergize your relationships and create a richer, deeper experienceSee your career take off and new exciting opportunities unfoldExperience a greater sense of fulfillment and happiness right nowLocations and dates vary.
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Networking Events

Networking Events and Speaking Engagements With Live Happy CEO and Co-Founder Kym YanceyAttend a Live Happy Reception with your host Kym Yancey, CEO and Co-Founder of Live Happy. Each event Kym will share more about how Live Happy is leading a global movement to make the world a happier place and share tips on how you can become happier.If you are already a happy person, this event will thrill you and add dimension and range to your happiness. If you are seeking to be happier you will be energized by the insights and new possibilities. In addition to connecting with new friends and networking we will share ways to be happier so you can:Discover the power and impact that happiness has in all areas of your lifeIncrease happiness in yourself and in those you touchConnect, network and share with othersEnergize your relationships and create a richer, deeper experienceSee your career take off and new exciting opportunities unfoldExperience a greater sense of fulfillment and happiness right nowLocations and dates vary.
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