1. Pass a good book on to a friend.

2. Volunteer at an animal shelter.

3. Cook a homemade meal for someone.

4. Give to a good cause.
5. Let someone keep the change.

6. Volunteer at a senior center.

7. Smile at a stranger.

8. Let someone cut ahead of you in traffic.

9. Tell someone you love him or her.
10. Leave a big tip.

11. Love the people you can be crazy with.

12. Give lunch to a homeless person with a positive note attached.
13. Make a store clerk smile.
14. Send a handwritten appreciation/thank-you note to someone in your life.

15. Pay for the person behind you in line (coffee, food, etc.).

16. Tell your friends how much they mean to you.

17. Send flowers to your partner for no reason.

18. Pick up trash in a park.

19. Be a good listener for someone.

20. Make your co-workers laugh.

21. Be the cream in someone’s coffee.