People watching a happy movie

Top 10 Happy Movies of All Time

Movies are the great escape. They take us to places we’ve never been and will likely never go. They let us enjoy heart-racing excitement without ever leaving our chairs and can even inspire us to try new things. (Seriously, who hasn’t thought about building a time-traveling DeLorean after watching Back to the Future?) Of course, not all movies are created equal—some are designed to make us think, some to make us cry, some to make us terrified of ever taking a shower again. Yet others make us want to get up on a table and dance! Or hug the person in the theater next to us with happy tears in our eyes as the closing credits roll. They capture the magic of childhood or the ineffable moment of falling in love. They bring us beauty, music (literal or figurative), emotion—stardust. With that in mind, here’s a look at 10 of the happiest movies ever made. Little Miss Sunshine Anyone who has taken a family road trip knows how quickly tensions rise. Rarely is conflict as funny or heartwarming as in this dysfunctional family quest set on the way to a beauty pageant. As the journey unfolds, the familial quirkiness becomes endearing and, ultimately, we’re reminded of the true meaning of family and the joy of living life on your own terms. Love Actually Although it takes place at Christmastime and has become a holiday favorite, Love Actually brings goodwill to man (and woman) year-round. Disguised as a romantic comedy, the film is, in fact, an exploration of the different types of love that connect us all. Starring a sprawling cast of favorite British actors falling in and out of various states of love, it is a reminder of how awkward, infuriating, funny and rewarding relationships can be. Good Will Hunting Who knew that a movie about a guy doing math problems could turn into such a beloved classic? This movie resonates for many reasons, from its stellar cast (Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Robin Williams) and snappy dialog to the unmistakable message about being true to yourself and following the path that’s right for you. Forrest Gump Watching this movie (again) makes life feel like a celebration, regardless of which underlying theme you choose to focus on: the value of love and friendship; the importance of letting your passions guide you; or the beauty of a good heart and good intentions. It’s a great reminder that we don’t have to “be” better to “do” better in life. Despicable Me The battle of good vs. evil has been going on since the beginning of time, but rarely does it play out with such entertaining characters. This animated film plays it for laughs but still manages to send the very clear message that anyone—even a supervillain—can have a change of heart, and that we can find love in the most unpredictable ways at the most unexpected times. Plus, who doesn't love a minion? The Sound of Music Even without all those great songs that will stick in your head for days, this musical is timeless. Featuring a glowing Julie Andrews at her peak, it reminds us of the different kinds of love we have in our lives (parental, romantic...) and reinforces the importance of family. It also admonishes us to follow our hearts and climb every mountain, regardless of how imposing they seem. It’s a Wonderful Life Another holiday classic that is worth watching at any time of the year, It’s a Wonderful Life never seems to get old. George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart) takes us along for an eye-opening ride into the power of love and family, the importance of friendship and social support and, for added moral measure, how destructive greed can be. Singin’ in the Rain Some 65 years after it was made, this film remains a Technicolor, fun-filled musical romp. While it is, ostensibly, a movie about trying to get a movie made, it’s primarily an excuse to enjoy some singing, electric dancing and, naturally, a bit of romancing between Gene Kelly and adorable sprite Debbie Reynolds. When a film is this happy and lighthearted, you can’t help but feel the same. 9 to 5 Feeling bummed out at work? Boss got you down? All you need is a good dose of this movie (and maybe a day off). From the upbeat theme song that has become an anthem for the workweek blues to the implausible but empowering plotline, 9 to 5 can’t help but put a smile on your face. And hidden under it all are some great reminders about resilience, feminism and the power of dreams in action. The chemistry of friendship between seemingly mismatched stars—veteran actress Jane Fonda, comedian Lily Tomlin and country singer Dolly Parton—comes right through the screen. Inside Out All of us are guided by our emotions, but never has that been so clearly illustrated as in this charming animated movie. Although it’s disguised as a film for children, this Pixar project resonates with adults who get an unmistakable reminder that the loss and sadness we experience in our lives deepen our appreciation for the joy we will eventually feel again. Read more: 10 Life-Changing Books That Will Stay With You Forever Paula Felps is the science editor for Live Happy magazine.
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Mom and toddler in the kitchen.

Simplify Your Life in 12 Steps

As technology becomes increasingly sophisticated, ideally these changes would help to simplify our lives. Perhaps our phones and computers could take over for some tasks we used to do. Alas...instead our lives have become increasingly complex, busy, stressed and sometimes overwhelming. Living simply doesn't just mean ditching your belongings and buying a tiny house. Before you chuck it all and buy a plane ticket to Borneo, let’s look at the many ways, large and small, in which we can reduce, declutter and, yes, simplify our lives in order to be happier and more focused on what is truly important to us. 1. Slow down Have you ever noticed that when you get sick and are forced to slow down, you see things you didn’t when you were in the frenetic blur of life? Don’t wait for your next head cold before you become present with your own life. Slow down and really hear what your kids are saying. Take a walk in nature. Make time for your favorite leisure activity, like taking a bubble bath or flipping through a good magazine before bed. Slowing down fosters mental clarity. 2. Write it down When you think it, ink it. You pay a mental toll for carrying around your to-do list in your head—and you are more likely to forget something important. Capture your to-dos and brilliant ideas on paper or digital device right when they come to you. Your brain will thank you later. 3. Watch this documentary Having doubts about all the stuff taking over your house? Your life? The documentary Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things asks the viewer to rethink the American dream of materialism. This eye-opening film shows why, contrary to popular belief, we will not become happier by acquiring more things, but instead by becoming more aware of who we are and what we want out of life. Read more: Do You Really Need That? 4. Have a delete day Take a day—or a few hours out of your day—to delete emails, voicemails and text messages you no longer need. Unsubscribe from unwanted emails with the app Unroll.Me, which allows you to see a list of your subscription emails and then does the unsubscribing for you. Easy. While you are at it, delete your email trash folder. If your hard-copy files are stacking up, too, fill the paper shredder and recycle bin. At the end of this purging, you will feel squeaky clean and amazing. 5. Prepare food for the week ahead Simplify mealtimes by shopping for healthy food staples on the weekend and preparing meals for the week ahead. Consider cooking chicken breasts, hard-boiling eggs or making a big batch of chili. Make enough rice to use all week as a side dish. Cut up fresh veggies and have them ready in your fridge to munch on or toss on the grill. Do the same with fruit. Eating healthy is easy when you do a little advance prep. I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. —Lao Tzu 6. Don’t be afraid to ask for help Being a mom or dad superhero can last only so long. Some days we just need help. Give yourself permission to ask. Reach out to a friend, relative or your own kids for help cleaning the house or walking the dog. If you need a break, speak up and tell someone. You don’t have to be a martyr. Asking for the help you need ultimately benefits the entire family. Read more: Are You Making This Common Parenting Mistake? 7. Put positive habits on autopilot Instead of lamenting that a month has gone by and you haven’t read a book or made it to the gym, set a new habit and stick to it. Habits put you on autopilot, making your goals achievable, says happiness expert and best-selling author Gretchen Rubin. “So many things we want to do require repetitive engagement. If you are going to have coffee with a friend once a week, take a bike ride, read’s so much easier when there’s a habit to it. When you say, maybe I will go bike riding Monday after work, or maybe I will go on Tuesday, it just doesn’t happen. Habits are the way we follow through on the things we know will make us happier.” Read more: Habits Can Be Happiness Forming 8. Simplify your wardrobe How much time do you spend in front of your closet looking for something to wear?Consider a “capsule wardrobe.” Trim your closet to about 12 high-quality items that go together and work for the current season. (Store the rest of the year’s items out of view.) Aim for fewer than 30 pieces total, including accessories. With fewer choices and no closet clutter, deciding what to wear will no longer be stressful. (For further explanation of why less is more when it comes to choice, see Barry Schwartz’s excellent book, The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less.) 9. Touch it once If you tracked how many times you touch the same piece of paper on your desk, you’d realize that shuffling paper can make time disappear. The “touch it once” rule is a foundational time management principle and it’s an acronym—TIO—that goes beyond paper. We lose lots of time evaluating and re-evaluating our to-do lists, stacks of paper, emails and tasks and telling ourselves we will get to it later. “Touch it once” means deciding what to do with something while it’s in front of you. Decide to finish it, delegate it or put it on a project list. Tackle the stacks of paper—and your email—in the same way. Use it. File it. Or trash (recycle) it. 10. Just say ‘no’ Do you ever say “yes” to something, but schedule it far down the road so you don’t have to deal with it now? Just say “no” right away instead. If you don’t want to do the thing now, you aren’t going to want to do it later either. Read more: 5 Positive Reasons for Saying No 11. Sort it out In Marie Kondo’s book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, she suggests decluttering by category—your books, then your clothes—instead of by the room in your house. This is a fairly unusual idea that really works. Her more famous advice is to keep only the belongings that spark joy for you. The goal is to create a home filled with things you love. 12. Know yourself Perhaps one person can work a full-time job, volunteer for several causes and never miss a date night but nonetheless not feel stressed. Yet someone else may need fewer activities and more free time in order to feel a sense of peace and flow in life. Tune in to your quiet voice that tells you whether you are living according to your values. Make adjustments to your schedule based on what you know to be true for you. Tip: If you aren’t doing your favorite things, it might be time to realign your activities with your core beliefs. Sandra Bilbray is a contributing editor to Live Happy, and the founder and CEO of
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Actor Tony Hale

Tony Hale Fuels His Characters With Experience

Actor Tony Hale, with an amazing staff of writers and uber-talented co-stars, is tasked with the harder-than-it-looks job of making political mayhem hilarious in HBO’s hit show, Veep. Luckily for him, pressure and stress are just the tools he needs to play Gary Walsh, the sheepish and devoted assistant to Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ egocentric, scurrilous politician Selina Meyer. Gary is Selina’s personal assistant or “body man,” tasked with anticipating her every need. Carrying his signature satchel, he is ready for any demand at a moment’s notice, toting newspapers, her schedule, makeup, sweeteners and snacks. In the 2015 “Gary Antoinette” episode involving a cake scandal, Selina rips into him, saying, “You are not a big shot, Gary, you’re a middle-aged man who sanitizes my tweezers.” In a rare instance of self-defense, Gary responds, “You’re wrong. I’m your calendar, I’m your Google, I’m your Wilson the volleyball….I have let myself be laughed at, I have let myself be humiliated, and I’m happy to do it.” The scene highlighted an underlying understanding and depth beyond the characters’ lighter comedic interactions. “I enjoy sitting in the tension, with the audience knowing the crazy circumstances that are around me,” Tony says. “When you know there is a lot going on in that head, simply just sitting in that tension is kind of fun.” He says that growing up, he was inspired by comics of similarly uncomfortable demeanors such as Tim Conway and Bob Newhart. “They just kind of sat in that awkwardness, in that tension and didn’t feel the need to push the comedy because everybody knew the crazy circumstances.” In Laughter We Trust With Americans so politically focused as of late, Tony isn’t worried that Veep might need to become a more serious reflection of our government. In fact, he thinks quite the opposite. “Maybe people are having a hard time laughing at what’s going on right now, but hopefully they’ll feel the freedom to laugh at our show,” he says. “It’s kind of sad to laugh at some things, but go ahead and laugh at this.” Veep’s actors make it easy to delight in our own discomfort watching their awkward onscreen antics. Tony says his seamless on-camera rapport with Julia helped to inspire performances resulting in his 2013 and 2015 Emmy awards for the show. “It’s hard to underline how a chemistry like this resulted, but a lot of it is trust,” Tony says. He notes that everyone in the cast is comfortable speaking up if they believe that something is not working. “So you have that trust that’s like, ‘Oh man, yeah we’re on the same page,’ in terms of what the tone of the show is,” Tony says. “Julia and I definitely have that support,” he continues. “We’ll be doing something and say, ‘OK, something funny could happen here…this could be punched up.’ Then the writers create this beautiful, hilarious foundation for us to play off of. It’s so much fun coming into a room and being like, ‘All right, what sort of comedy can we do here?’” The trust between Tony and Julia runs so deep that she asked him to accompany her onstage at the 2013 Emmys to help her accept her own award—in character. “That moment was terrifying,” he says, laughing. “She pitched the idea. She came to me and was like, ‘Hey, I think it’d be funny if you carried my purse.’ And she’s so good at what she does. And in the back of my head I was thinking, ‘Oh crap, she’s going to probably win and then I’m literally going to have to do this.’ “There was a moment when they called her name and we’re walking toward the stage, and I’m thinking, ‘Oh gosh, this could bomb really bad.’ And you just kind of connect to it, and thankfully, I think it worked.” Living Life Through Art Nervousness, anxiety and self-consciousness are not typically thought to be the hallmarks of a natural-born entertainer, yet Tony wouldn’t have it any other way. “Part of that was at first I didn’t know if I could make a living acting,” Tony says. “But then another part of it was that I was just very nervous about it. So I studied journalism, and then after college, I dipped my toe back in by getting back on stage. It was very nerve-wracking, but the more I did it, the more comfortable I got with it.” He’s now been in the acting business more than 20 years. “You learn to surrender to the uncertainty,” Tony says. “Somehow, it works.” “Working,” as Tony puts it, might be the understatement of the year. After breaking onto the scene with parts on Sex and The City, The Sopranos and Dawson’s Creek (not to mention a memorable turn dancing to Styx’s “Mr. Roboto” on a popular Volkswagen commercial in 1999), he caught his stride in a big way in the movie Stranger Than Fiction and as Buster Bluth, the clueless black sheep of the Bluth family on the critical darling TV series Arrested Development. While the roles of Buster and Veep’s Gary are vastly different on the surface, they share aspects of the anxieties and phobias that Tony knows all too well. While taking on these characters may seem nightmarish to some, Tony believes that getting to relive these feelings is a blessing in disguise. “It’s a lot more fun to play it than feel it,” he says, laughing. “In reality, anxiety is very different than how it’s played out. In reality, sometimes a ton of stuff is going on in my head. I’m just trying to figure out, ‘Oh my gosh. What am I going to do? What am I going to do? What am I going to do?’” Read more: Find Your Funny Bone Power of Presence Tony’s success has allowed him to explore other interests. His first children’s book, Archibald’s Next Big Thing, was published in 2014. Beyond being a fun read for little ones, it also lovingly addresses many of the life lessons that Tony holds near and dear to his heart, like dealing with your fears and living in the moment. It’s promoted on as “a story that reminds readers that, while looking for the next big thing isn’t a bad thing, big and beautiful things are all around us, right now.” “Little kids are very precious,” Tony says with pride. “My daughter (Loy, age 11) asks a lot of questions. ‘What’s for lunch? What’s for dinner?’ When I take her with me on a vacation, she’s like, ‘What are we doing tomorrow?’ She tends to always look ahead, and she gets annoyed by me because I’m always saying, ‘All right, I hear you, and we can talk about that, but let’s look at what’s around us right now.’ “So it’s not necessarily having a heavy discussion, but it’s just kind of fun to find a different way to look at life. I mean, yeah, we can talk about what’s for dinner, but are you enjoying your lunch now?” Tony’s mindset stems not just from his career successes, but also from a longtime commitment to prayer and meditation. His strong faith and spirituality even inspired him to co-found a sanctuary of sorts with a longtime friend, Kathy Karbowski. The Haven is a community of artistic-minded Christians who meet regularly to converse and support each other’s professional and religious endeavors. “We both met a lot of people in the arts whose faith was important to them, but it was hard for them to find a safe community,” Tony recounts. “We began to get these people together, and really just support each other by attending each other’s concerts, shows or galleries.” In the entertainment industry, Tony says, you spend a lot of time selling yourself, and having such support helps the group look outside of themselves to organize service work and be more a part of the community. “It’s very easy to get self-involved, myself included, and it’s because everyone wants to work….I’m very grateful toward those people in my life. “Another reason why I think we did it was the tremendous amount of rejection in this business. Even though people say, ‘Hey, blow it off,’ it’s very hard not to take it personally. It hurts, but when people in your community see you for who you are, it’s easier to walk away from rejection because they speak more truth into your life about who you really are. It is incredibly life-giving, I think.” While Tony’s cooperative spirit helps The Haven live up to its name for those who are a part of it, including his wife, Emmy Award-winning makeup artist Martel Thompson, his personal commitment to Christianity has been just as important to him over the years. “It’s not just a part of my life,” he says. “My relationship with God is the majority of it. Obviously, everyone has their own journey, but this life gets crazy, and this business can get you wrapped up in things that sometimes seem so major but really aren’t when compared to what’s going on in the rest of the world, which can seem overwhelming.” “By the way, I’m not great at this,” he added, meaning always living in the moment, prioritizing God and being of service to others. “But I am getting better.” Read more: Sam Worthington Bares His Soul Gerry Strauss is a frequent contributor to Live Happy magazine. His last feature article was Ming-Na Wen, Agent of Change.
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Golfer Brittany Lang

Brittany Lang Is Grateful for Every Shot

When Brittany Lang won the 2016 U.S. Women’s Open, she didn’t attribute it to her golf swing, her concentration or her tireless hours of practice. While all of those elements play a role in every game she plays, the 31-year-old LPGA pro golfer from McKinney, Texas, says her secret weapon is her attitude. “A positive attitude is everything,” Brittany says. “Whether you just made a mistake or just played a great hole, you have to move on. Your attitude is the difference between having your best day and having your worst day.” Now in her 12th year on the LPGA Tour, Brittany is definitely having plenty of good days. She says they’re made better by the fact that her career has become a family affair. Her husband, Kevin Spann, handles her scheduling while her brother, Luke, is her caddy. Her parents attend as many of her tournaments as they can, and they all spend time together as a family when she isn’t on the road. That really makes it easy on me—having my family around me, supporting me and watching me play. It makes it feel like home, no matter where I am. Brittany's parents have always been supportive of her goals and instilled her with gratitude and positivity. That, she says, helped her grow into a happy, well-rounded woman who is grateful for every opportunity she has been given. “It’s easy for professional athletes to get caught up in the pressure and everything around them, but I remind myself that it’s a beautiful day and I get to play golf for a living. That puts it all in perspective.” LIVE HAPPY: When did you last laugh out loud? BRITTANY LANG: Every second of every day that I’m with my brother. He’s my caddy, and he’s hilarious—so he’s great to have on the bag. He’s very positive, and I can’t tell you what a difference that makes when you’re out there playing. LH: What is the kindest thing someone has done for you? BL: I would say it’s the way my parents have given of their time. They have always been there for my brother and me. I think of how unselfish they are, and I know the reason we have such a close relationship with them is because they were always there for us, no matter what. LH: How do you pay it forward? BL: I am involved with a few charities, and wish I had time to do more. One of them is the Children’s Advocacy Center of Collin County, which provides support for kids who have been dealt a really bad hand. The people who help those kids are angels, and we are involved with them in a few different ways to do what we can. LH: Where is your happy place? BL: Definitely at home, surrounded by my entire family, cooking out and watching a game on TV. That is my No. 1 favorite place to be. You just can’t beat it. Paula Felps is the science editor for Live Happy magazine.
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Three friends going camping.

Gear Up for Outdoor Adventure

1. A Clear Choice Sail away with your essentials safe and dry in the E-Merse R/S GoPack, submersible up to 10 feet ($39.95, 2. Chocolate Fix When exhaustion takes hold, reach for Max Brenner’s First Aid Chocolate Gift Box ($39, 3. Photo Ready Take along this compact and portable instant photo printing camera, Lomo’Instant Automat South Beach edition ($169, 4. Good Read No matter what goes wrong, The Complete Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook will help you get through it ($24.95, 5. Tree Hugger Camping has reached new heights with the 2-in-1 Blue Ridge Camping Hammock ($199, 6. Stay Cool This backpack IceMule Classic Cooler keeps your favorite foods and beverages fresh for up to 24 hours ($69.95, 7. Travel Blankie To ensure you always have a dry place to sit, don’t leave home without the water-repellent 63" x 44" Matador Pocket Blanket 2.0 ($29.99, 8. Safe Pets Your furry friend will stay dry and easy to spot in this reflective waterproof Track Jacket ($39.95, 9. Up Close Get a bird’s-eye view with these Tasco Binoculars ES10X42 ($49.69, 10. Map Quest Keep track of the places you’ve been and where you want to go. These colorful scratch-offs will keep you excited for the journey ($24–$40, Read more: 33 Ideas for Adventure See more Happy Products: Bring Spring Colors Home April Hardwick is the design editor for Live Happy magazine.
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Jim Gaffigan buried in toys

Jim Gaffigan Plays Life for Laughs

In the mid-’90s, Jim Gaffigan was a young copywriter working at Ogilvy & Mather, the giant New York City advertising agency. He suffered from a fear of public speaking that was so acute, it was causing alarm among his colleagues. He had been the class clown back home in rural Indiana. But now, called upon to voice an opinion in meetings or to give a presentation, his pale skin would turn bright red and he’d stammer, tremble and sweat, appearing to be in the full throes of a panic attack. A colleague suggested that taking an improv comedy workshop might help him manage his anxiety. He followed that advice and felt so in his element trading quips, he went on to enroll in a seminar in stand-up comedy. For the final class, each student performed a stand-up set. Those few minutes changed his life. “It was amazing,” he says. “I felt this power and this control. Those were my ideas I brought on stage, they were funny and they were making this roomful of people laugh.” The Family Guy Today, Jim Gaffigan, that once jittery ad writer, is one of the top comedians in the world. With his wife, Jeannie, as his writing and producing partner, he has created a comedy empire built around his profanity-free, self-effacing humor that centers on his frenzied life as a food-loving father of five. There have been platinum-selling, Grammy-nominated comedy albums; international tours; five Netflix comedy specials and two best-selling books (Dad Is Fat and Food: A Love Story). Jim is one of only 10 comics to sell out New York City’s Madison Square Garden. He has starred in hundreds of TV commercials, performed on Broadway and—a thrill for the practicing Catholic—even opened for Pope Francis. This year, he’ll appear in six movies; the roles range from the voice of Peng, the rebellious goose in the animated comedy Duck Duck Goose, to co-starring opposite Liev Schreiber and Naomi Watts in the boxing drama Chuck. And the album for his Netflix special Cinco drops on June 13 (just in time for Father's Day). Life, Jim says, “is a pretty established form of chaos.” He is chatting the morning after his family has returned from a trip to Puerto Rico. Jim sniffles, coughs and sneezes. He, Jeannie and the kids—Marre, Patrick, Michael, Jack and Katie—have been trading a cold for weeks, making the four-day excursion especially challenging. It’s amazing the power a baby has over a parent. There is nothing that exists in the universe that can be as difficult, make you lose as much sleep, smell as bad and still be so loved. Once on the road, I drove past a serious skunk smell, and my only thought was ‘I miss my baby.’ —Jim Gaffigan In Puerto Rico, they hiked, surfed and snorkeled. “All the stuff you want to do on a family vacation,” Jim says. “It’s exhausting and it’s expensive, but you cherish those moments. It wipes away some of the parental guilt. Just time with our kids is precious.” As Jim has said, “In those last moments of my existence, I’m not going to be sitting there going, ‘I wish I had done another Netflix special.’ I’m probably going to be thinking about whether I was a decent father and husband.” Parenting Is Paramount That’s why last August, just days after the final episode of the second season of The Jim Gaffigan Show aired, Jim and Jeannie announced they were ending the acclaimed TV Land series. The sitcom was based on their own lives—a stand-up comic and his wife who live with their five kids in a two-bedroom fifth-floor Manhattan walk-up. (In real life, the Gaffigans resided in just that type of apartment until 2013, when they moved into a converted four-bedroom loft.) “We were working 18-hour days, often leaving for the set before the kids woke up,” Jim says. “The show was incredibly fulfilling creatively, but it was just not a sustainable lifestyle. It came down to: We just can’t do the show and do the parenting thing to our five young kids the way we wanted to. We didn’t want to outsource our parenting.” Deciding to call a halt to the show was a big and difficult decision, but Jim says, “So much of my journey has been about rediscovering my priorities. I’m not the same man I was 10 years ago or five years ago.” Today his biggest priority and his greatest challenge is, he says, “making sure our kids are the best humans they can be, empowering them to find their dreams and setting them on a path for happiness. I’m somebody who’s very lucky to have found this job that gives me such happiness, so I feel an even greater responsibility to help my kids find their happiness.” Open-Mic Fright For a while, happiness was elusive for Jim. The youngest of six children, he had been taught by his small-town banker dad and homemaker mom to think of success as security and stability. “I was very much raised to seek a job where I would wear a coat and tie to work,” he says. “I would do that for 30 years, play golf for five and then I would die.” He followed that formula for a while, graduating from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., with a degree in finance, and then moving to Tampa, Florida, for a coveted consulting job. “Everyone was, ‘Wow, you got this great job,’ ” he says. “But I was absolutely miserable. I think I always wanted to be a comedian or an actor, but it was just this pie-in-the-sky idea. Where I’m from, no one was in the entertainment industry. My town had a marching band, that was it.” Jim moved to New York City to work in advertising—first on the account side but later as a copywriter—and after the triumph of his first stand-up performance, he began hitting the open-mic circuit. The audiences were far less friendly than his fellow students had been. “It was just misery,” he says. “I stumbled around for five years being really horrible and dealing with a lot of stage fright. They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. That was my experience. I wasn’t having any positive results but I was just driven to keep doing it.” Finding His ‘Hot Pockets’ After a workday at Ogilvy, he would take an acting class then do a late-night stand-up gig. He was so perpetually exhausted, he’d catch up on sleep in his cubicle, until the afternoon his boss woke him up to let him know she was firing him. Right around this time, the comics he had come up with began getting spots on the Late Show with David Letterman and Late Night with Conan O’Brien, and Jim found himself feeling left behind and filled with anger. Until he had a shift in thinking. With five little kids, there is no ending to bedtime. There is always one awake. [It’s] like they are taking shifts. I imagine they have scheduling meetings: ‘All right, I’ll annoy Dad from midnight to 2 a.m. Who wants the 3 to 6 a.m. shift?’ —Jim Gaffigan “I remember coming to the realization that, all right, I probably wasn’t going to be successful at stand-up in any big way. But so what?” he says. “Sure I was living in a tiny, crummy apartment. I wasn’t making any money and I had no social life, but I got to do what I enjoyed and that in itself was a miracle.” Maybe, he’d come to believe, there wasn’t a big need for his gentle, observational humor, which was based on the recognition that we’re all flawed—with, perhaps, a few extra pounds in the middle and a secret passion for McDonald’s. Still, he had no interest in embracing the put-down comedy that was more popular at the time. That brought “darkness” to an audience; he wanted to bring “lightness.” “Hear me out here,” he says, warming to the subject. “We all have friends that are really funny and really negative that we get a kick out of. But there’s a fatigue after we hang around them. Their jokes are, ‘Let’s make fun of that guy’s shirt’ or ‘Let’s talk about how we all have a common enemy.’ That’s darkness.” Lightness, he says, is acknowledging our common humanity. Take the universal appeal of his Hot Pockets routine, the bit that made him famous. “We all have our Hot Pockets,” he says. “Maybe it’s a 7-Eleven burrito or the empanada from the place on the corner. It’s all the exact same thing.” Then, in January 1999, at the age of 32, Jim made the first of what would turn out to be 22 appearances on the Late Show with David Letterman. “It’s amazing,” he says. “Once I stopped being angry and decided I’m going to be happy that I get to do what I want, I met my writing partner, who ended up being my wife, and then my life just kind of bloomed.” Read more: Goofing Around With Jim Gaffigan He Dreams of Jeannie “We’re probably going to get married,” Jim said to the then–Jeannie Noth when they bumped into each other at a Korean grocery in their downtown Manhattan neighborhood in April 2000. “I felt it wasn’t the first time he’d said that,” Jeannie recalls. “It seemed like a little bit of a line.” Still, she found him funny and he pursued her doggedly “in a non-creepy way.” Their first date was lunch in SoHo, and there was an instant connection. Both Jim and Jeannie are Midwesterners (she hails from Milwaukee), and part of a large brood of siblings (Jeannie is the oldest of nine kids). “Because we both come from big families, there was something very familiar about the way we interacted,” she says. “Like not even asking, ‘Can I taste your food?’ but just reaching into each other’s plates.” Now 14 years after they wed, with five kids between the ages of 4 and 13, Jeannie says with a laugh that she’s discovered the secret to staying married really is just: “Don’t get divorced. Big families are like waterbed stores. They used to be everywhere. Now they are just weird. —Jim Gaffigan “There are so many reasons in this world not to stick it out,” she says. “But I can’t remove our marriage and our relationship from our five kids. There’s something larger at stake. Everybody has [bad] moments, but it’s important not to let them set you on a course that you can’t reverse. And, we’re not one of those couples who never fight. We fight and argue all the time, about politics, about scripts, about what our kids should do. It’s not vicious but everything is a debate, and it strengthens us as parents and in our artistic and creative endeavors.” Hitting the Road, Family in Tow Living in Manhattan with five kids is challenging. Jim and Jeannie don’t own a car and they need two taxis to shuttle across town. Last year, when the family was filmed at a park and then a pizza place for a Father’s Day segment on The Today Show, Al Roker told viewers that a stroller had been accidentally left in a cab during filming. “Sure, it would be a lot easier if we lived in the suburbs,” Jim says. “But this is the life we’ve chosen.” They had all their children at home (yes, in that fifth-floor walk-up), delivered with the help of a midwife. “It was all my wife’s idea,” Jim says in his comedy special Mr. Universe. “I don’t even like cooking at home.” By today’s standards, my dad wouldn’t be considered the greatest dad, and I’m sure his dad wouldn’t be considered the greatest dad either. I’m sure my grandfather’s dad would be considered an even worse dad. It all goes back to cavemen just eating their children. —Jim Gaffigan For five summers in a row, they’ve rented a tour bus and taken the kids along as Jim crisscrossed the country, sometimes doing as many as 30 shows in 30 days. “Balancing doing stand-up and traveling with your kids is really hard, but really great,” he says. The Gaffigan gang plans to travel on Jim’s Noble Ape Tour to dozens of U.S. cities as well as planned international destinations such as Beijing, Tokyo, Tel Aviv and Paris. Tour dates this summer in New Zealand and Australia were recently canceled as Jeannie continues to recover from her illness. “We’re making a good living, so now Jeannie and I are recalibrating things as parents and choosing projects that are going to enrich our lives and our family life,” Jim says. “The comedy I do is very much about a white guy American experience,” he says. “I’ve done shows in Finland and Norway and I don’t imagine I’m going to be a huge hit there. My agents see no value in my doing this international stuff, but I love different cultures, and I think it’s my responsibility to expose my children to different things, so I see the value on a personal level.” He’s working on a joke, he says, about how being a tourist and being a parent are similar. “You’re lost. You’re spending money you’re not really sure you can or should. It’s not an enviable position,” he says. With travel, “We establish this very nice existence and then we go somewhere where we don’t even know where we’re going to get our next meal,” he says. “Like parenting, it’s hugely inconvenient. Both are strange journeys of discovery and absolutely amazing.” The Calm in the Center of the Stage Jim had returned from Puerto Rico sneezing and grumpy, getting to his apartment around 7 p.m. It might seem like a night to stay in with a cup of tea, but when Jim got a text from a friend about an opening at a comedy club, he turned to Jeannie. “I might do this show,” he said. Her response, “Please go ahead.” A little while later, he was out the door. I believe each of my five children has made me a better man. So I figure I only need another 34 kids to be a pretty decent guy. —Jim Gaffigan “I’m sick, I’m fatigued, but I hadn’t done stand-up in five days,” Jim says. “It was pretty transformative. It always is. Performing stand-up is my meditation. I’ve been in a bad mood, done a set—sometimes it’s my wife who tells me I’ve got to go—and it’s changed my mood. Or I’ve been way too excited and doing stand-up has balanced me out. “It’s not just about the power you feel,” he says. “It’s about having a conversation with strangers, making them laugh. That improves their experience, and it makes me feel better, too.” Because that’s what happens when you go around spreading lightness. Shortly after press time, Jeannie Gaffigan underwent emergency surgery for a brain tumor. Our hearts and healing wishes go out to the Gaffigan family as she continues to recover. Shelley Levitt is a freelance is an editor at large for Live Happy. Her writing has appeared in Real Simple, People, SUCCESS and many other publications.
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Couple lying on grass with phones.

60 Seconds to Happiness

Vin called in during the taping of my new radio series, 60 Seconds to Happiness. His problem: He feels jealous each time he looks at his Instagram feed because staring back at him are pictures his girlfriend posts while she is out having fun and he is stuck at work. The pictures typically show her goofing off at a bar with her girlfriends, but sometimes also with guys whom Vin doesn’t know. Even though he trusts her, he feels a twinge in the pit of his stomach and doesn’t know what to do. My radio series promises to help people make 1-minute habit changes that will increase happiness. Interestingly, an overwhelming percentage of callers needed help with their social media habits, including feeling down after even just a few minutes on Facebook or spending more time online than they have to spare. I turned to the research for answers as our understanding of social media is changing so rapidly. Hundreds of studies assess our relationships with sites like Facebook and Snapchat and specifically which habits predict greater happiness both online and offline. A former University of Pennsylvania research colleague who is now a senior lecturer at the University of Melbourne, Margaret Kern, Ph.D., led a meta-analysis of the 70 best studies and found a handful of clear themes. I’ve included questions after each big idea and offer a strategy for you to try. 1. Social media is not a mood booster. Not one study found that significant use decreased depression and anxiety. For those battling depression and anxiety, which globally is 4.7 percent and 7.3 percent of people, respectively, turning to social media to feel better doesn’t work. Eight studies found that social media use is directly linked to depression, while 16 others found a nonsignificant connection. If you are feeling lousy, social media can expose you to experiences that make you feel even worse, such as negative news, cyberbullying or an overload from other people’s highlight reels. Ask yourself: When you’re feeling down, do you get on social media to try to make yourself feel better and does that work for you? If not, is there an offline activity that might be better, like going for a walk outside or calling a friend? Take a break: Get off social media for one week. Do it! It’s rejuvenating. Now that it’s summer, go out into the world and make memories. Take pictures. Experience life. The upside is that this will most likely give you more interesting, meaningful things to share with friends when you’re back online. Read more: Is Everyone Having Fun Without Me? 2. Social comparison is toxic. Whether you envy celebrities’ awesome lives or judge someone who gets fewer “likes” than you, social comparison creates real misery and false happiness. According to the meta-analysis, social comparison is a big risk factor for depression and anxiety. One study found that more frequent negative social comparisons on Facebook were connected to an increase in rumination. This makes sense since comparing ourselves to others can fan the flames of rumination. Ask yourself: Do you engage in social comparison? If so, is it often with the same people? Clean your feed: Hide people who post negative news so you can make social media a happier place. You can get your news elsewhere. And hide people whom you compare yourself to like celebrities or that always-perfect neighborhood mom. Stop torturing yourself! Let your feed bring you joy, not pain. Setting yourself up for success is a form of self-love. Listen to our podcast, Positive Communication With Michelle Gielan 3. Happy people connect. Using social media is associated with lower levels of loneliness and greater feelings of social connectedness, as well as higher levels of life satisfaction and self-esteem. This doesn’t necessarily mean that using social media makes you happier, but that people who have high levels of happiness and self-esteem also typically use social media as an additional form of connection. Social connection is one of the greatest predictors of happiness we have from our research, so the more we can create it, the better off that makes us. Ask yourself: Do you use social media to deepen friendships? Do you make meaningful comments on friends’ pictures and posts? Do you share pictures and posts instead of merely reading other people’s posts? Connect meaningfully: Use social media to meaningfully connect with your friends by sharing pieces of your life and thoughtfully responding to theirs. Liking everyone’s pictures in your feed doesn’t count. I’m trying to follow these guidelines, too. When I do log on, I try to make it count by making a point to really connect with people I care about. Read more: Let Technology Life Your Life Vin agreed to stay off social media those nights he was away from his girlfriend. He also told her how he felt. Her response was incredible. She replied that while she looked like she was having a blast, she also missed him. Just hearing that made him feel so much better. And guess how long he said the conversation took? You guessed it…just 60 seconds to happiness! Join me @MichelleGielan on social media, where I share happiness resources, including where to listen to our new radio series, 60 Seconds to Happiness! SHAWN ACHOR is best-selling author of the The Happiness Advantage and Before Happiness. Shawn’s TED Talk is one of the most popular ever, with more than 5 million views, and his PBS program has been seen by millions. Learn more about Shawn at MICHELLE GIELAN is an expert on the science of positive communication and the author of the book Broadcasting Happiness. Formerly a national anchor for CBS News, Michelle holds a masters of applied positive psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. Learn more at
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Queen Latifah

For Queen Latifah, Happiness Reigns Supreme

In 1992, Dana Owens—known to the world as Queen Latifah—had a top 10 single from her Nature of a Sista album and she’d won a part in acclaimed director Spike Lee’s movie Jungle Fever. She was 22 and had been famous since releasing her debut album All Hail the Queen three years earlier. But as the lights of stardom shined on her professional life, a phone call cast unimaginable darkness on her personal life. “Before I could get the ‘hello’ out, [my friend] said, ‘Your brother had an accident on his motorcycle.’ My heart dropped. I couldn’t think,” Queen recalls in her book Ladies First: Revelations of a Strong Woman. She raced to the hospital where she met her mother. Together, the two women prayed that Queen’s older brother, Lancelot “Winki” Jr., a 24-year-old police officer, would survive the crash. But his injuries were too great. When the doctor came to the waiting room and told the family that Lancelot had died from his injuries, Queen says her “world evaporated.” She and Winki had been extremely close, sharing what she calls “a spiritual connection.” As the days passed and she tried to cope with her sorrow and shock, she was also left with the terrible knowledge that she had purchased the motorcycle that killed her brother. “I never imagined that bike, bought in love, would be the cause of Winki’s death,” Queen says in Ladies First. A Lesson From Heartbreak “That was a really tough one,” she says now, the heartbreak still palpable in her voice. “It rocked my life to the core.” Queen started smoking marijuana daily. She spent her days checking on her mother and shooting hoops at a park and spent her nights smoking and drinking until she passed out. It was by reconnecting with her first love of music that Queen tapped into the inner strength she’d forgotten was there. Pouring herself into her lyrics, Queen wrote and recorded her album Black Reign, which includes the track “Winki’s Theme,” dedicated to her brother. “I had to free my soul by releasing the pain through my music,” she explains in Ladies First. Queen also paid tribute to her brother on the open road. Not long after his death, she was back on her own motorcycle, riding in honor of her late sibling. Winki was there, too. Queen had had the key to his bike dipped in gold, and she wore it on a chain around her neck for years. “You can’t stay in those blue or dark places forever.” Queen speaks in her famously husky voice and chooses each word with care. “You have to find whatever inspiration works for you, but you can’t let yourself stay down all the time. Whatever your inspiration, you have to look for a reason to fight the good fight each and every day,” she says. It’s Queen’s fighting spirit and unwillingness to compromise her principles that have helped her move beyond tough times to win acclaim and a slew of awards in music, film and more—and to find a lasting sense of peace and joy. Finding Her Crown The loss of her brother taught Queen she had strength that could vanquish terrible despair. But the foundation for her courage in facing adversity was built years before that tragedy. As a young girl growing up in New Jersey, Queen’s parents, high school teacher Rita and police officer Lancelot (Lance) Owens Sr., taught her to not worry about fitting in. “My mother wanted us to define ourselves, rather than allow others to pin a label on us,” she says. Both parents focused on developing their children’s self-esteem, telling Queen and Winki they were capable of doing anything. Like any kid, though, Queen had growing pains. Concerns about being taller than most girls (and some boys) and what she calls “big-boned” left Queen lacking in self-confidence as a teen. As a result, she says in her book Put on Your Crown: Life-Changing Moments on the Path to Queendom, she “experimented with stuff that could have taken me right down into the gutter if I’d continued with it.” “Around 18 or so, I was making bad choices based on not loving myself so I decided to make a decision to either love [myself] or hate [myself]. I knew I needed to make some changes,” Queen says. “I literally looked in the mirror and kind of had that talk with myself. The one no one wants to have, but just about everyone needs at one point or another. “I decided I needed to love myself. But I also needed to truly believe that, own that, and make decisions based on that. I had to accept myself as I am.” That moment was a turning point for the entertainer. While her high school peers, after graduation, were setting their sights on jobs or college, Queen had other plans. Releasing her debut album All Hail the Queen in 1989, she became a rap star at age 19, using her nickname “Latifah” (which means “delicate and kind” in Arabic). By 21, Queen made her TV acting debut in the smash hit The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. In 1994, she would also win the Grammy for Best Rap Solo Performance for her song “U.N.I.T.Y.” With its lyrics that bashed the male rap culture for its sexism, she established herself as a powerful voice for women, one that has only grown stronger with the years. “I’ve lived a helluva life,” she says, chuckling. Never Stop Fighting Queen was picked to star on the sitcom Living Single in 1993, and during its five-year run, producers told her and other female castmates to slim down. She thought the idea was “ridiculous.” “We were supposed to reflect women in the real world,” says Queen of the show in Put on Your Crown. “So what sense would it make to viewers if we were all skinny?” When she did opt to lose some weight in 2002—the year she was nominated for an Academy Award for her role in the movie Chicago—she did it for her own reasons. “I wanted to feel better and have more energy.” Queen feels passionately that women need to love themselves for who they are and not for a perfect Hollywood ideal—so strongly, in fact, that she wrote not one but two books advising women on how to do so. To maintain both physical and emotional balance, Queen continues to rely on the same looking glass that helped her turn away from bad choices as a teen. “I constantly check in with myself and look in the mirror at who I am and how I want to manage my life. “I’m authentic with myself. I don’t lie to the person in the mirror because the more I feel and acknowledge and accept, the better,” she says. That honesty leads to feeling better about myself—the good and the not so good. It’s very peaceful and calming. “If I’m not eating right, I check in with myself to rein it back in and get back on track,” she continues. “If I break down and smoke, which is something that hooked me at a young age and [which] I’ve fought my whole life, I have to have a heart-to-heart with myself to gear up to go back into battle and fight that fight. No matter what the obstacle, I think it’s important to never stop fighting. I won’t give up.” Queen says she checks in with herself “emotionally, to make sure I feel strong on the inside, too. Because if I’m not at my strongest emotionally, things like unhealthy eating or smoking can creep back in. I’m no different than any woman today. When you wear a lot of hats and carry a lot around, you have to stop and check in on yourself.” Consistent introspection also promotes the gratitude Queen says is vital to her well-being. “Staying in a grateful place feeds my soul. I’m so thankful for my job and work that lets me not only survive but also provide for the people I hold so dear. I’m humbled by the gifts and opportunities I’ve been given. Reflecting on that fills me with such gratefulness. It lifts my spirits anytime I think about it.” Read more: The Joy of Being Dolly Parton Queen of Hearts In 2004, Queen’s mother, Rita Owens, was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. The news sent waves of shock and fear through her daughter. “It was terrifying to hear that because all you can think is ‘My mom’s gonna die,’ ” Queen says. Getting Rita on the right diet and medicine regimens calmed both mother and daughter. “It was empowering to be able to have these things to do,” Queen shares. “You feel like you can take back some control.” Subsequent health issues and complications have led to Rita’s requiring oxygen—and to Queen’s donning of another hat. “I’m a soldier for good health on a mission to help and save my mom,” says Queen, who lives part-time in Rita’s New Jersey home to share caregiving duties along with relatives and medical professionals. “Anything you see [me do] on TV and movies doesn’t exist without my mom. She’s done so much for us, I want to do anything I can to make her happy. “My mom’s sense of humor and ability to always say something ‘just right’ can change my whole attitude,” she says. “I’d say she’s my happiness role model, but honestly, my whole family continues to shape my positive outlook and attitude. “The love and support we have for one another is out of this world,” says Queen, who doesn’t restrict the definition of family to those who share her DNA. “My mom, cousins, best friends, and so on all rally around each other and pick each other up when it’s needed.” Queen calls her group of close friends her “posse”—and most of them date back to her teen years. “I’m fortunate to have people around who tell me the truth and celebrate a great job or smack my hand when I’ve done a bad one. That really helps keep me grounded,” Queen says. “Having people you love and who love you, people you can share a mutual honesty with, is really something.” Queen also credits her strong belief and faith in God with keeping her grounded and balanced. In 2015, Queen and her mom filmed public service announcements that share their family’s story and educate viewers about the symptoms and risks of heart failure. That same year, Queen played the title role in, and was one of the executive producers for, the HBO movie Bessie, about the singer Bessie Smith, for which she won both an Emmy and a Screen Actor’s Guild award. “[Bessie] was not afraid to be wrong or afraid to tell someone just like it is, and that’s a gift,” Queen told The New York Times. She may as well have been talking about herself. Read more: Ming-Na Wen, Agent of Change Queen’s Regal Grace Over the years, Queen Latifah has compiled an astonishing list of accomplishments and she shows no signs of stopping. This year she returns to TV as both actress and producer. Queen’s latest leading role is as the owner of a beauty salon who becomes a surrogate mother to a group of young girls on a quest to find success on the new Lee Daniels series Star on Fox. She is producing a Travel Channel series, The Best Place To Be,where stars divulge their favorite places to eat, drink, shop and sightsee. Anyone with a résumé like hers could easily develop a diva-sized attitude, but Queen never plays the snooty royal card. Indeed, her humility can be disarming. “There’s really no reason I should have done what I have,” she says. “I’m an African-American girl from Newark who doesn’t have the typical look for a lot of the things I’ve wanted to do. “I have always been good at keeping it real with myself,” she says. “I know I’m not always perfect at doing the right things. My life is a work in progress, and I’m not going to create a lie about who I am.” Long live the Queen. Gina Roberts-Grey is an award-winning journalist who has written for Family Circle, Self and Essence among other publications.
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Two kids riding go-karts.

Your Summer Adventure Starts With Our July Issue

It’s that time of year when the neighborhood kids celebrate the last day of school by heading to the pool, making those of us still tied to our day jobs antsy for some fun and adventure. Haven’t started planning yet? Not to worry, Live Happy has you covered with our July issue, on newsstands today, with at least 51 ways to live it up this summer and a featured cover story on comedian Jim Gaffigan. Awash in toys and gearing up for Father’s Day, Jim shares his two missions in life: empowering his five kids to chase their dreams while following his own path to happiness on- and off-stage. Read what happened behind the scenes at our photo shoot. “Jim Gaffigan embodies the theme of this issue because he shares in this zest for adventure when it comes to his family and being onstage,” says Deborah K. Heisz, Live Happy editorial director, CEO and co-founder. “I’m especially inspired by his decision to tour internationally with his family so they can experience new cultures together.” While a world comedy tour isn’t in the cards for most of us, a fun-filled summer day can be as close as 10 minutes away. Our feature, “Well-Being Is a Walk in the Park,” notes that exercising outdoors is strongly associated with positive mental health. Not only that, but neighborhoods with parks report increased interaction among residents, which adds to stronger bonds and life satisfaction. If you’re ready to go all in, consider booking a stay at an adult sleep-away camp. In “Happy Campers,” read about the trend of new adult summer camps where adults have the chance to relax, enjoy nature and have a truly transformative experience. Find our top 20 picks in this resource guide. Other highlights include: Embracing Awe—Once seen as a “luxury handbag of emotions,” the experience of “awe” is now proving its significance to researchers and offers multiple benefits for the mind, body and spirit. Learn more about the science and explore its pathway to well-being in your life. Wonder Bound—Read about five awe-inspiring destinations, ranging from far corners of the world to hidden gems not far from your backyard, to make your travel dreams a reality. Hanging in the Outdoors—Looking for an outdoor adventure but don’t know where to start? Check out our fun camping and travel products—including a double sleeping bag and a water bike—before you hit the road. Pick up a copy of Live Happy today and send us a photo of you enjoying your summer adventure with #livehappy as your guide. Tag us @livehappy on Twitter or @mylivehappy on Instagram or email
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Woman getting her face painted.

20 Best Sleep-Away Camps for Grown-Ups

First it seemed like a fad; now it’s a full-fledged phenomenon. Grown-ups are heading back to camp in droves. Perhaps we miss the camaraderie and fun we found there as kids—or maybe we want to experience that peaceful sense of singing by the fireside and canoeing in a mountain lake for the first time. Many of these adult sleep-away camps evoke traditional summer camp themes: You sleep in a cabin, have campfires and s’mores, eat in a mess hall, do classic camp activities such as tie-dye and arts-and-crafts. Some are like wellness retreats in the wilderness, with a full range of offerings such as power yoga and psychic readings. Other camps cater to more specific themes and hobbies, from wine harvest camp to zombie survival camp. Simply follow your bliss. Don’t see your favorite on this list? Let us know in the “Comments” section, below. 1. Camp Throwback One of the original sleep-away camps for adults, Camp Throwback was founded in 2013 by blogger, author and body acceptance guru Brittany Gibbons and her husband, Andy. Look for old-school games and activities, plenty of booze and an accepting community of all ages. The camp runs two four-day sessions each summer in rural Ohio; places sell out quickly. 2. Camp No Counselors Former camp counselor Adam Tichauer left his corporate job in 2014 to found Camp No Counselors, a concept which he took on Shark Tank and has made into a successful business. Camp No Counselors now operates its weekend camps almost year-round in 16 cities in the U.S. and Canada. The emphasis is on fun, games and freeing your inner child. Read more: 8 Ways to Find Your Own Tribe 3. Soul Camp No drugs, no alcohol—just lots of great activities, friendly people and fantastic vibes. Soul Camp combines the fun and community of summer camp with the transformative power of a wellness retreat, including all the workshops and amenities you could want. Four-night sessions take place several times a year in New York and California. They also offer special one-day retreats in Chicago and New Jersey. 4. Campowerment Campowerment is more than a camp—it’s an all-women’s empowerment retreat, offering personal development, wellness and mindfulness workshops and activities from dusk till dawn. Camp founder Tammi Leader Fuller has created an environment where every woman can open up, be real and reimagine herself while finding a new community of friends. Camps run in the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania and Malibu, California. 5. Club Getaway Club Getaway has its own beautiful fixed location in Kent, Connecticut. Choose a weekend in summer for a bit of sunshine, greenery, good food and water sports. Some camps have themes, including Generation X, Camp John Waters, Jewish Professionals and many more. 6. Camp Bonfire A straightforward camp for grown-ups, Camp Bonfire has great amenities plus the benefit of a prime location on Lake Owego in the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania. Spend your days taking nature hikes, kayaking or writing poetry. The founders’ philosophy is, “We believe that great joy can be found in nature and each other.” Read more: Green Is Good 7. Camp Kid Again Camp Kid Again is keeping things simple and nostalgic. This South Carolina-based camp may be for adults and offer an open bar, but the packing list reads like a kids’ camp. And the activities could be straight out of a summer camp brochure (relay race, archery, tie-dye) with the exception of more grown-up fun, including human foosball and drinking games. 8. ‘Camp’ Camp Serving the LGBT community since 1997, ‘Camp’ Camp, outside Portland, Maine, may be the first sleep-away camp for grown-ups—a going concern long before the trend caught on. Each year 200 men and women gather from across the country for a week of arts and outdoor activities, camp games, rambles and good times. 9. Camp Halcyon Way up north in Wautoma, Wisconsin, Camp Halcyon is splitting the difference between nostalgia and, well, hedonism. Three times a year, in July, August and October, Halcyon offers a hybrid of old-school camp cabins and canoes and grown-up concepts like yoga on the beach (lakefront), three chef-prepared meals a day and a cocktail hour sponsored by local whiskey and beer companies. 10. Camp Rahh  Camp Rahh near Seattle offers an all-inclusive four-day weekend of outdoor fun—four-course meals and bus transportation included. Sleep in traditional log cabins, enjoy live musical performances, meditation, horseback riding and, as they say, “make new best friends.” What could be better than that? Camp Rahh operates once a year; from August 24 to 27 in 2017. 11. Camp Nai Nai Nai Summer camp forms such an integral part of the Jewish-American experience; it’s not surprising to find a camp designed especially for Jewish adults. Camp Nai Nai Nai opens its cabin doors once a year on Memorial Day weekend (May 26 to 29 in 2017) in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, among the lakes and trees of the Catoctin Mountains. Engage in the typical camp games and activities, meet new friends and enjoy Shabbat under the stars. 12. Trybal Gatherings Trybal Gatherings is a collection of several adult camp experiences across the country, all geared toward Jewish young adults. In addition to Camp Nai Nai Nai (see above), TG operates three-day camps with all the fun fixings in August, September and October in the Berkshires in New England, Lake Beulah in Wisconsin and Simi Valley in Southern California. See the website for dates and rates. Read more: Summer Fun Bucket List Themed Camps 13. Camp Winnarainbow (Circus Arts) Perhaps best known as a Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavor, Wavy Gravy is in fact a real person: Formerly a stalwart hippie, he now runs a popular camp for circus arts in Northern California. For one week each summer, grown-ups can try their hand at trapeze, clowning, juggling, magic and more. As Wavy says, “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.” 14. YEA Camp for Adults For 10 years, Youth Empowered Action (YEA) Camp has been running leadership camps to train teens to get active on social justice issues. Now it's offering a special session to help progressive-minded adults make a bigger difference in the world. Learn how you can get more active on a cause you care about, while enjoying the silliness, fun, and community that's unique to going to camp. Held at an animal sanctuary in High Falls, New York. 15. Zombie Survival Camp You’ve watched every season of The Walking Dead and you’re feeling a little wary. You know what might help? A weekend packed with hands-on classes in crossbow, knife throwing, Zombitsu (a specialized form of hand-to-hand combat) and advanced first aid (sounds like you’re going to need it). All classes are led by certified instructors dressed like regular people. Camp takes place in Central New Jersey, not far from Atlantic City and Philadelphia. 16. Epic Nerd Camp Epic Nerd Camp (ENC), in Eastern Pennsylvania, not far from Scranton, wins the prize for best name. If you love to dress up in medieval costume and know what LARP is (Live Action Role Playing), you’ve found your tribe! Activities include circus games, non-fatal jousting and every board game imaginable. ENC offers two sessions this August. Bring your cape. 17. Surf Camp Endless Summer Surf Camp enjoys a prime location on San Onofre State Beach, in between Los Angeles and San Diego. A five-day session runs from Monday through Friday during beach season, which is May through September. Learn to ride the waves by day and delight in camping on the beautiful beach by night. (Caveat: San Onofre beach did close once in 2017 due to a shark attack. Bring your spear.) Read more: Mud Runs and 6 Other Ways to Conquer Your Fears 18. Wine Camp Held during the grape harvest in September in Sonoma County, California, this three-day camp offers the chance to pick grapes in the vineyard and tour several Sonoma wineries. Campers also learn the history of winemaking in the area and, of course, enjoy extensive meals served with local Sonoma wines. 19. Space Camp Thought you were too old to make like Buzz Lightyear? The Space Camp facility in Huntsville, Alabama, made famous in movies for kids, also has a camp for adults. This three-day program is a little less campy than some in that you can sleep in a dorm bunk bed at the facility or at a local Marriott. You do, however, get to train on the multi-axis trainer, and perform an extended-duration simulated mission. Check website for dates and rates. 20. Yoga Camp Kripalu is a school and retreat set among the bucolic hills and valleys of the Berkshires in Western Massachusetts, overlooking Lake Mahkeenac. In June, July and August Kripalu offers five-day sessions that include outdoor yoga, forest bathing sessions, kayaking and arts and creative expression. Not exactly roughing it, accommodations consist of dormitory rooms with bunk beds or single beds—or you can request a private room. Read more: Sleep-Away Camps for Grown-Ups Offer Play, Transformation Emily Wise Miller is the web editor at Live Happy. Her last article for was: On Edge Takes a Personal Look at Living With Anxiety.
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