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What a night at the Happiness Hall of Fame!

Deborah Heisz, COO of Live Happy, and I were thrilled to attend the Happiness Hall of Fame event last weekend. Our own Jeff Olson, founder of Live Happy, was one of the inductees being honored—and there is no one more deserving than Jeff, who has dedicated so much of his life to helping others and giving back to humanity.

Happiness was in the air

This event had a magical feel to it, from the scenic Stanford University campus to the tremendous friendliness and openness of the other inductees and guests. 

Each inductee had a chance to share an insight about their mission to spread happiness, and about what drives them personally. Every participant inspired us and gave us a glimpse into a new world of possibilities in which we simply choose to be happy—to spread happiness and incorporate it into everything we do.

Jeff gave an extraordinary talk; he has a way of taking scientific findings about happiness and simplifying them into clear ideas that everyone can (and should!) apply in their daily life.

A Who’s Who of Happiness

In addition to Jeff Olson, there was a dynamic mixture of inductees, including Roko Bellic, the award-winning filmmaker of the movie Happy; celebrity chef Michael Chiarello; Live Happy columnist  and best-selling co-author of Profit from the Positive, Dr. Senia Maymin; and NFL three-time Super Bowl winner Bubba Paris (both Senia and Bubba will be featured on Wake Up Happy, our exclusive series of free tele-summits).

One of the pieces of wisdom I took away from the event is a clever new way to think about happiness. This came from Mike Duffy, the founder of the Hall of Fame, who has researched positive psychology for the past 20 years. He told me, “Happiness boils down to this simple formula: P + P = H.” Translated, it means Purpose plus Progress = Happiness.

I love that—what about you?

Kym Yancey

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