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Wake Up Happy: Series 7

We thank you for being a part of Wake Up Happy Series 7! As a special bonus for your participation, we are gifting you with immediate access to the entire series–at no cost to you. If you missed a call – you’re in luck, we have it all right here at your fingertips; no matter what time of day.

These powerful insights and practices will give you the positive outlook you need to plow through your busy schedule. Listen to these leading happiness experts and positive psychologists from all over the country and have a greater positive emotional benefit.   

Listen in as Emiliana Simon-Thomas, Science Director at the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, talks about Compassion in the Brain.
Tune in as Dr. Fab Mancini, FOX News’s Healthy Living Expert, world renowned Chiropractor, and Hay House’s bestselling author of The Power of Self-Healing, talks about Self-Healing and Happiness.
Join in as Roko Belic, Director of The Happy Movie, a movie that takes you on a journey from the swamps of Louisiana to the slums of Kolkata in search of what really makes people happy, talks about The Happy Movie.
Get excited as Jeff Olson, Founder of Live Happy and author of The Slight Edge, talks about The Little Things that Matter.
Catch Ken Kragen, lead organizer of renowned humanitarian projects ‘We are the World’ and ‘Hands Across America’, as he talks about The Power of Optimism and Enthusiasm
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