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The Year of Happiness

New Year’s Day is a symbol of fresh starts and new beginnings. Now that 2013 is choking on a dust cloud in our rearview mirror, we can focus on the road ahead. Begin your Year of Happiness today and make a dedication to yourself. Happiness is contagious and when you are happy, those around you are happy and those around them become happy.

We are here to help, so every month in this Year of Happiness we will share ideas, tips and fun things to do to keep you inspired and motivated. Each month will carry a different theme starting with January being a month of hope. Shane Lopez, a leading researcher on the psychology of hope and the subject of the story “The Hope Monger” in the latest issue of Live Happy magazine, says that hope is believing that the future will be better and backing up that belief with action. Wishing isn’t enough, you need to have a strong plan to get you there. From his studies, Shane has found that hopeful students earn higher grades and hopeful workers are more productive.

January is a perfect month to start your plan of action on your new year of happiness. We hope the pages of our magazine and our website will give you the tools and supplies that you need as you travel down your path.

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