Written by : The Happiness Movement 

The Happiness Movement

The Happiness Movement is about discovering your own authentic happiness, and sharing it with family, friends and your community. Happiness is contagious, and our goal is to create a world with more compassion, less strife and a greater sense of purpose and meaning. You can claim responsibility for your own happiness and become a catalyst of happiness in others’ lives.

Collectively, our commitment to long-lasting happiness has the potential to change the world, one person at a time. True joy comes from spreading happiness to those around you. And like a pebble thrown into a pond, it only takes one person to create a ripple of happiness.

Here are some ways you can help foster happiness:

  • Smile! It’s a gift that people will instantly reciprocate!
  • Give others the benefit of the doubt
  • The more you share happiness with others, the happier you’ll feel. Sharing articles from livehappy.com on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest … everywhere! Want a more efficient way to spread happiness?
  • Give a subscription of Live Happy magazine to a friend and brighten their world. Or to spread happiness even further, give to 10 of your friends, and join our Gift10 list.
  • Cultivate gratitude by focusing on the wonderful people and things in your life
  • Keep a gratitude journal (it’s scientifically proven to increase wellbeing!)
  • When you read a great article or book about happiness, pass it to friends
  • Spread Happiness—one small act can change the world. Take our #HappyActs challenge, do #HappyActs and tell us about it
  • Be generous with your money, your time or whatever you can spare
  • Write someone an appreciative email
  • Pick up a few pads of our Happy Notes, and post them wherever you feel that people need a lift.
  • Exercise and get outside more—taking care of your physical wellbeing is important!
  • Make plans to spend time with people you like
  • Seek out service projects, volunteer opportunities or aspects of your faith that add a sense of meaning and purpose to your life
  • Bring smiles all around by wearing Live Happy clothes and gear!

We are looking for Happiness Ambassadors!

Join our happiness movement and begin earning Live Happy loyalty points, which can be redeemed in our store for merchandise. (Log-in to your account for full details on ways to earn points. And please log-in before you purchase from the store for those purchases to earn points.) As a Happiness Ambassador you will also receive special coupons and be able to participate in exclusive contests.

What are you waiting for? Join the Happiness Movement Today!

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