A man and woman talking to one another while sitting on couches.

Changing the Conversation on Mental Illness with Patrick J. Kennedy

May is Mental Health Awareness month, and this episode is a reminder that we can’t just be aware of the problem – we need to take action. Host Paula Felps is joined by mental health advocate Patrick J. Kennedy, whose new book, Profiles in Mental Health Courage, shares the dramatic stories of people who are living with mental illness. Because of his own challenges with mental illness and addiction, the former congressman is on a mission to change how we view mental illness in this country and, importantly, change the way we treat it. His bold plan for the future of mental health includes bipartisan action to identify, treat, and manage conditions earlier to enrich the lives of all those affected. In this episode, you'll learn: What inspired Patrick to share his own story and how it helped him change the narrative around mental illness and addiction. Why talking about our mental health challenges helps us heal — and helps others. How Patrick would like to see the approach to mental illness and addiction treatment change — and what he’s doing about it. Links and Resources: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjk4brainhealth/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrick-j-kennedy-6821ba165/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/PJK4brainhealth Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PJK4brainhealth Website: https://www.patrickjkennedy.net/ Explore Patrick’s educational campaign for consumers and providers at DontDenyMe.org. Follow along with this episode's transcript by clicking here. Don't Miss a Minute of Happiness! If you’re not subscribed to the weekly Live Happy newsletter, you’re missing out! Sign up to discover new articles and research on happiness, the latest podcast, special offers from sponsors, and even a happy song of the week. Subscribe for free today! Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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An older daughter hugging her mom

Repairing the Mother/Daughter Relationship With Leslie and Lindsey Glass

The relationship between mothers and daughters can be tricky, so this week, host Paula Felps sit down with co-authors and mother/daughter duo Leslie and Lindsey Glass, who’ve just released the book, The Mother-Daughter Relationship Makeover: 4 Steps to Bring Back the Love. They know all too well how fraught the mother/daughter relationship can be, and they’re here to talk about what makes this relationship so difficult for many and how to start rebuilding fractured family ties. In this episode, you'll learn: The most common areas of conflict between mothers and daughters. Why learning your mother’s and grandmother’s mental health history plays an important role in the mother/daughter relationship. Where to start reconciling a damaged relationship. Links and Resources: Facebook: @ReachoutRecovery Instagram: @reachoutrecovery Pinterest: @reachoutrecovery Website: https://reachoutrecovery.com/ Follow along with this episode's transcript by clicking here. Don't Miss a Minute of Happiness! If you’re not subscribed to the weekly Live Happy newsletter, you’re missing out! Sign up to discover new articles and research on happiness, the latest podcast, special offers from sponsors, and even a happy song of the week. Subscribe for free today! Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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A mother reading with her child

Becoming a Mindful Mother With Jennifer Mulholland

We’re going to celebrate Mother’s Day in just a few days, but in reality, moms should celebrate themselves every day. This week, host Paula Felps sit down with Jennifer Mulholland, a working mom, conscious leadership expert, and co-author of the book Leading with Light: Choosing Conscious Leadership When You’re Ready for More. Jennifer’s work focuses on cultivating presence and rediscovering the light within, and she’s here to talk about how we can bring that business principle into our lives as mothers and how it can change the world for us — and around us. In this episode, you'll learn: What it means to be a mindful mother. Why our presence is the greatest gift we can give our loved ones. Simple tips for practicing being present even in chaotic times. Links and Resources: Facebook: @jenniferhadleymulholland Instagram: @jhmulholland Twitter: @JenMulholland LinkedIn: Jennifer Mulholland - Plenty Follow along with this episode’s transcript by clicking here. Download Chapter 1 of Leading with Light for FREE here. From Our Sponsors Give the mom in your life the gift of sleep with the most comfortable sheets on the planet! Visit Cozy Earth and receive 35% off your order when you use the code HAPPY35. Don't Miss a Minute of Happiness! If you’re not subscribed to the weekly Live Happy newsletter, you’re missing out! Sign up to discover new articles and research on happiness, the latest podcast, special offers from sponsors, and even a happy song of the week. Subscribe for free today! Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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A person chained to their phone

Gen Z and Mental Health With Deborah Heisz

As we enter May — which is Mental Health Awareness Month — it’s the perfect time to talk about recent findings about Gen Z. Multiple recent studies show that Gen Z has unprecedented levels of anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns.  In this episode, host Paula Felps sits down with Live Happy CEO and co-founder Deborah Heisz to talk about what’s causing this mental health crisis among young people and what we all can do about it. In this episode, you'll learn: What recent research shows us about Gen Z’s mental health. How social media and traditional media are contributing to the problem. Why it’s important to be aware of this mental health crisis. Follow along with this episode’s transcript by clicking here. Read more about what the World Happiness Report tells us about Gen Z here. Follow Live Happy on social media! Facebook: @livehappy Instagram: @mylivehappy Follow along with this episode’s transcript by clicking here. We Want to Hear from You! Live Happy Now wants to know what you think needs to be done for Gen Z. We’d also like to know what you’d like us to discuss on the show. Drop us an email at editor@livehappy.com and share your thoughts! From Our Sponsors Enjoy the luxury of a good night’s sleep with the most comfortable sheets on the planet! Visit Cozy Earth and receive 35% off your order when you use the code HAPPY35. You can feel as good as you look when you’re wearing comfortable but stylish clothes from Franne Golde. Find out for yourself — and get 20% off your order of $75 or more — when you use the promo code HAPPY. Don't Miss a Minute of Happiness! If you’re not subscribed to the weekly Live Happy newsletter, you’re missing out! Sign up to discover new articles and research on happiness, the latest podcast, special offers from sponsors, and even a happy song of the week. Subscribe for free today! Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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Woman with a superhero shadow

Reclaim Your Personal Power With Dr. Emma Seppälä

In a time when we are increasingly distracted and overwhelmed, many people are rethinking what’s important and how to achieve it.  In this episode, host Paula Felps talks with acclaimed psychologist Emma Seppälä, author of the new book, Sovereign, who explains how we can overcome the chaos around us and take steps to live a more vibrant, courageous life that aligns with our true desires and potential. In this episode, you'll learn: The danger of self-criticism and how to overcome it. The importance of becoming more aware of the information you’re exposing yourself to. How self-care improves every area of your life — and where to start. Links and Resources: Website: https://www.iamsov.com/ Instagram: @thehappinesstrack LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emmaseppala/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emma.seppala/ X/Twitter: @emmaseppala YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOTCLFuKjCVUxvaFp46yxkzgypnHDBdmH Buy Emma’s new book, Sovereign: Reclaim Your Freedom, Energy, and Power in a Time of Distraction, Uncertainty, and Chaos Follow along with this episode’s transcript by clicking here. Don't Miss a Minute of Happiness! If you’re not subscribed to the weekly Live Happy newsletter, you’re missing out! Sign up to discover new articles and research on happiness, the latest podcast, special offers from sponsors, and even a happy song of the week. Subscribe for free today! Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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A pair of female hands holding up Earth

Embrace Earth Day With Casey Johnson

As we get ready to celebrate Earth Day on April 22, it’s the perfect time to talk about how we can better care for our planet. In this episode, host Paula Felps talks with Live Happy Marketing Manager Casey Johnson, who created the Earth Day Happy Acts campaign and is a fierce advocate for the planet. She talks about the daily practices she uses to help preserve and protect Mother Earth. In this episode, you'll learn: Why Millennials and Gen Z are so passionate about environmental issues. Small steps we all can take to help improve the health of the planet. The importance of being in nature and learning to appreciate it. Links and Resources: Facebook: @livehappy Instagram: @mylivehappy Learn how to start planning your modern victory garden here. Follow along with this episode’s transcript by clicking here. Don't Miss a Minute of Happiness! If you’re not subscribed to the weekly Live Happy newsletter, you’re missing out! Sign up to discover new articles and research on happiness, the latest podcast, special offers from sponsors, and even a happy song of the week. Subscribe for free today! Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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An elderly couple sky diving

Making the Most of the Rest of Your Days With Jodi Wellman

What if thinking about death could give more meaning to your life? In this episode, host Paula Felps talks with Jodi Wellman, who founded Four Thousand Mondays to help people make the most of the time they have left on this planet. Her new book, You Only Die Once: How to Make It to the End with No Regrets furthers that mission by providing readers with a roadmap to live each day to the fullest. Find out how and why Jodi started this mission and how we all can live better by counting the Mondays we have left. In this episode, you'll learn: How to prevent deathbed regrets. Why reflecting on death can help us start living the life of our dreams. How counting down the Mondays you have left can make them more valuable. Links and Resources: Website: https://fourthousandmondays.com/ Instagram: @fourthousandmondays LinkedIn: @fourthousandmondays Take the free How Alive Are You? Quiz Subscribe to Jodi’s Monday Newsletter here. Listen to Jodi’s Tedx Talk, How Death Can Bring You Back to Life. Preorder Jodi’s book here. Get a free Astonishingly Alive Assessment from Jodi! Just email info@fourthousandmondays.com and put “Assessment” in the subject line. Follow along with this episode's transcript by clicking here. Don't Miss a Minute of Happiness! If you’re not subscribed to the weekly Live Happy newsletter, you’re missing out! Sign up to discover new articles and research on happiness, the latest podcast, special offers from sponsors, and even a happy song of the week. Subscribe for free today! Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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An elderly woman on a hike

Living Better Longer With Caroline Paul

We know that a positive mindset is good for your health, but did you realize it can change how you age? In this episode, host Paula Felps talks with lifelong adventurer and New York Times bestselling author Caroline Paul about her new book, Tough Broad: From Boogie Boarding to Wing Walking — How Outdoor Adventure Improves Our Lives as We Age. In Caroline’s book, you’ll meet inspiring women in their 70s, 80s and beyond who combine a positive mindset with outdoor adventure to defy common beliefs about aging. Caroline also shares the science and psychology of how outdoor adventure affects both your brain and your body — and can help you become more active, joyous, and adventurous later in life. In this episode, you'll learn: How a negative view of aging changes your brain. Why outdoor adventure isn’t usually encouraged for older women—and why it should be. The five pillars for fulfilling aging and the role going outside plays in them. Links and Resources: Website: https://www.carolinepaul.com/ Instagram: @carolinembpaul Twitter: @carowriter Check out Tough Broad: From Boogie Boarding to Wing Walking — How Outdoor Adventure Improves Our Lives as We Age and get 10% off here. Follow along with this episode's transcript by clicking here. Don't Miss a Minute of Happiness! If you’re not subscribed to the weekly Live Happy newsletter, you’re missing out! Sign up to discover new articles and research on happiness, the latest podcast, special offers from sponsors, and even a happy song of the week. Subscribe for free today! Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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Three people hugging the earth.

How Happiness is Changing in the U.S. With Dr. Lara Aknin

Each year, the release of the World Happiness Report gives new insight into global well-being. On this episode, host Paula Felps talks with Dr. Lara Aknin, a distinguished professor of psychology at Simon Fraser University and one of the editors of the report. Lara explains why the U.S. fell out of the top 20 happiest countries for the first time in the report’s history, which age group is thriving in the U.S., and shares some encouraging findings about how benevolence is changing worldwide. In this episode, you'll learn: What age group is happiest around the world — and how it differs in the U.S. What is driving unhappiness among America’s young people. Good news about well-being and dementia. Links and Resources: Download the World Happiness Report here. Read more about the disparity between happiness for young people and older people in the U.S. Follow Lara Aknin at @lbaknin Follow the World Happiness Report on LinkedIn and X. Follow along with the transcript by clicking here. Don't Miss a Minute of Happiness! If you’re not subscribed to the weekly Live Happy newsletter, you’re missing out! Sign up to discover new articles and research on happiness, the latest podcast, special offers from sponsors, and even a happy song of the week. Subscribe for free today! Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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A man reading literature

Meet Happy Activist Will Thomas and Celebrate the International Day of Happiness

March 20 is the International Day of Happiness, and that makes it the perfect time to meet Will Thomas, a Happy Activist who founded Good News magazine during the pandemic to give people a break from the steady stream of negative news. What was supposed to be a one-off publication has grown into a thriving media brand with magazines in eight communities. In this episode, Will joins host Paula Felps to explain how it evolved and why it’s so important to spread positivity in your own community. Then, Live Happy’s Casey Johnson and Laura Coppedge talk about how you can celebrate the International Day of Happiness and share some of their favorite ways to make the most of the day. In this episode, you'll learn: How sharing positive stories can change the way people see their community. Why it’s important to celebrate the International Day of Happiness. How to spread happiness on Live Happy’s Digital Happiness Wall. Links and Resources: Website: https://goodnewsmags.com/ Visit the Live Happy Digital Happiness Wall here. Download our month-long #HappyActs calendar here. Discover the history of #HappyActs here. Listen to Live Happy CEO Deborah Heisz explain the importance of happiness in the workplace on the Built to Win podcast. Follow along with the transcript by clicking here. Don't Miss a Minute of Happiness! If you’re not subscribed to the weekly Live Happy newsletter, you’re missing out! Sign up to discover new articles and research on happiness, the latest podcast, special offers from sponsors, and even a happy song of the week. Subscribe for free today! Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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