Written by : Paula Felps 

Happy Activist Dawn McMullan: Changing Lives in the Congo

Doing good for others is good for us! With our new Happy Activist series, we’re spotlighting ordinary people who are changing the world around them just by doing good. Every few weeks we’ll introduce you to a new Happy Activist, and for this episode, host Paula Felps talks with Dawn McMullan, who found her calling when she met a woman who had fled the Democratic Republic of Congo. As Dawn learned more about the plight of girls and young women in the Congo, she was compelled to act. Today, she has helped change the future for hundreds of women while at the same time finding a greater sense of purpose.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why giving back has become so important to her.
  • How doing good for others and made her life better.
  • How to find the “thing” that lights you up.

Links and Resources

Do you know a happy activist? Tell us about them! We want to share stories of people who are doing good in the world. Please email us at editor@livehappy.com to tell us about your Happy Activist and they might be featured in a future episode of Live Happy Now!

Follow along with this episode’s transcript by clicking here.

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