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Written by : Paula Felps 

Easing Separation Anxiety in Pets With Brittany Derrenbacher

As we all settle into our post-summer routine, certain family members can sometimes get overlooked. This week, therapist Brittany Derrenbacher is back to talk about how a change in routine can affect our pets. Brittany is a certified grief and pet loss specialist, founder of the special needs animal rescue Luna Bell’s Moonbows and owner of Sunshine Healing & Empowerment in Louisville, Kentucky, and she explains why our furry family members are so affected by the end-of-summer change in routine and tells us what we can do about it.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How pets are affected when we go back to school and back to work.
  • How small changes in your morning routine can make a big difference.
  • What we can do to make being alone less stressful for pets.

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Follow along with this episode’s transcript by clicking here.

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