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Written by : Paula Felps 

Discovering Your Fall Yoga Practice With Kassandra Reinhardt

Fall is a time for turning inward, and this week’s guest, Kassandra Reinhardt, is here to help us learn how to connect with ourselves through yoga. Her newest book, Year of Yoga: Rituals for Every Day and Every Season, helps experienced and novice yogis alike move through the seasons using affirmations and intentions that coincide with the time of year. She’s here to tell us why our practice may change along with the seasons and talk about what affirmations may be particularly helpful as we move into fall.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How yoga can help us manage stressful situations.
  • Why yoga is not a one-size-fits-all practice.
  • Affirmations to focus on this fall.

Links and Resources

Follow along with this episode’s transcript by clicking here.

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