Cute boy at Happiness Wall

5th International Day of Happiness a Big Success

To celebrate the fifth annual International Day of Happiness this year, Live Happy helped facilitate the construction of 97 walls in cities all over the country and in some parts of the world, including in schools, businesses and organizations. Here is a peek at just a few of the celebrations that gathered around the signature bright-orange walls, which have become beacons for fun and joy, as well as a place where people can express how they will share happiness. Merriment in Miami At the World Happiness Summit in Miami from March 17–19, Live Happy’s bright-orange happiness wall was in the center of the action, with laughter and positive energy flowing all around. Attendees from around the world—including Kenya, Costa Rica, Colombia and Honduras—paused at the wall to relay how they like to share happiness. America Sum (below, right), a nurse from New York, wrote “smile, love, hug” on her card, then placed it as high on the wall as she could reach. “It’s so important to raise awareness that we can live a happier life if we choose to,” America says. “It really is contagious. When one person starts doing it, so many others follow in kind.” Saamdu Chetri, Ph.D., executive director of the Gross National Happiness Centre in Bhutan, was at the summit for the governmental track. He says the Bhutanese celebrate the International Day of Happiness on March 20 by joining young people in parks, singing songs, dancing and doing service for others. Delight in Dallas Shoppers got more than just bargains on March 18 as Live Happy celebrated the International Day of Happiness in style at The Shops at Willow Bend in Plano, Texas. Good-mood tunes bounced throughout the mall, putting smiles on the faces of shopkeepers, power walkers and early morning yogis. Kids enjoyed face painting and hula-hoop contests and curious passers-by stopped to see what all the ruckus was about. Social worker Glenna Klein was pleasantly surprised to find out about the International Day of Happiness because she believes the world can always use more happiness. “I think it’s pretty awesome,” Glenna says. “Every day should be a happy day. I’d be committed to that.” Her HappyAct is continuing to be open to the possibilities of what happiness can bring. Laughter in Los Angeles It was a brilliantly sunny Southern California day, and the smell of churros and funnel cakes wafted by the orange happiness wall that was filling up with brightly scrawled stickers. “I will share happiness by…letting people lavish love on my puppy while we walk all day with our bestie,” wrote Susan (a sure formula for happiness). “Sharing my rescue dog with others as he is a big stress reducer to all,” read another. (Yes, people love their dogs in SoCal.) Darcy promised to take part in a list of HappyActs that included: “Random acts of kindness, making art, saying hello, being a good neighbor, not flipping off rude drivers.”On a day like this, who could possibly have a bad attitude? Story reported by Executive Editor Donna Stokes, Section Editor Chris Libby and Editor at Large Shelley Levitt.
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The Norwegian flag with hands in a heart-shape in front of it.

World Happiness Report Names Norway Happiest Country in 2017

For the first time, Norway has moved into the top spot on the World Happiness Report’s annual list of happiest countries. Denmark, which has been in the No. 1 spot for three out of the past four years, moved to No. 2. Jeffrey Sachs, Ph.D., director of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, which publishes the report, says the change underscores research indicating happiness is based on much more than prosperity. Although rich in oil, Norway has also invested in the future of its citizens, which has made it better able to weather recent fluctuations in the oil market. “This emphasis on the future over the present is made easier by high levels of mutual trust, shared purpose, generosity and good governance,” observed John Helliwell, Ph.D., of the University of British Columbia and a co-editor of the report. “All of these are found in Norway, as well as other top countries.” The United States dropped one spot from last year, now ranking as the 14thhappiest country worldwide. Other countries in the top 10 are Iceland, Switzerland, Finland, Netherlands, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Sweden. According to the report’s executive summary, Norway chooses to produce its oil slowly, investing the proceeds for sustainability. To do this successfully requires high levels of mutual trust, shared purpose, generosity and good governance, all factors that help to keep Norway and other top countries where they are in the happiness rankings. New findings The report, which has been published each year since 2012, using six key variables to measure the subjective well-being of countries: GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, social freedom, generosity and absence of corruption. These variables help explain the variation of happiness across countries, and show the role of positive emotions in the perception of happiness and well-being. This year, the report also explores the social foundations of happiness. That includes looking at the role of happiness in the workplace and reviewing key determinants of happiness and misery, such as mental illness. Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, Ph.D., professor at Said Business School, University of Oxford, co-authored the chapter on happiness in the workplace and said it is important to “understand the role that employment and unemployment play in shaping happiness,” since people spend a large portion of their lives working. “The research reveals that happiness differs considerably across employment status, job type and industry sectors,” he said, noting that while people who are paid well tend to be happier, there are many other factors, such as work/life balance, autonomy and variety, that also significantly influence happiness in the workplace. The World Happiness Report 2017 also includes chapters on happiness in China and in Africa. Its final chapter looks deeper into the United States’ history of happiness over the past decade. Written by Jeffrey, the chapter shows that while income and healthy life expectancy increased, Americans showed a decline in four other key social areas: less social support, a feeling of less personal freedom, a decline in donations to charity and a greater perceived corruption of business. Because of these factors, Jeffrey concludes that the falling level of happiness in America can be attributed primarily to social and not economic reasons. To download the entire report, visit Read previous reports from 2016 and 2015. Paula Felps is the Science Editor for Live Happy.
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Superintendent Aaron Sadoff with students

The Happiest Superintendent

When Aaron Sadoff walks down the hallways at the North Fond du Luc schools, he’s often looking for a hug or a high-five. And teachers and students alike are happy to comply. And it’s not just because Aaron—a big man with a booming voice—is the superintendent. “He’s very positive and enthusiastic,” says art teacher Alice Tzakais, adding that his enthusiasm has been contagious in the school district. “He’s always encouraging us to come up with new ideas and go for it. He invites you to jump on board.” Since taking the top post at North Fond du Lac school district eight years ago (he was a principal for three years before that), Aaron has made it his mission to bring happiness back to the schools. With a smile that’s about as subtle as his orange Converse sneakers, he leads by example and has changed the way the schools approach problems as well as the way they celebrate successes. “I always felt that when I was in a positive emotional state, I had my greatest impact and did my best work,” he says. “When I read The Happiness Advantage, it all made sense. It was no longer just me; there was research to back it all up.” The science of smiles Aaron and his staff have implemented several initiatives designed to boost happiness, teach students about grit and resilience, and increase awareness about the importance of things like kindness and creativity. They teach things like manners and respect, and have changed their focus from punishing the negative to rewarding positive behavior. “Science says you are going to be 30 percent more effective when you’re happy and when you believe that what you’re doing matters,” he points out. “So think about that. If you’re up for 16 hours a day, that’s like getting an extra four hours out of your day!” Aaron believes participation in happiness initiatives can have a positive effect on student performance. “The way we change things is by measuring it. Schools are starting to figure out that wellness, meditation, things like that—they all have a measurable impact. What’s so neat is that all of this exists, and we’re just now learning how to harness it.” And, as more teachers and school leaders learn how to harness the power of positivity, he believes it will change the future for both educators and students. “Once people discover this research, it gives you the power and permission to get up and do this every day. It’s no longer ‘fake it ‘til you make it.’ Now, it’s about ‘Do it ‘til you believe it.’ And that’s when you start seeing real change,” he says. “Our goal is to make today so great that we want to do it again tomorrow.” Paula Felps is the Science Editor for Live Happy.
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Happy dinner party.

Host Your Own Happiness Dinner

Political discord getting you down? Here’s an idea: Host a delicious Happiness Dinner where friends and family can dish on what really matters in life. And in so doing, you just might help unify the nation. At least that’s the hope of the leaders of Gross National Happiness USA (GNHUSA), an organization that wishes to measure success based on happiness instead of wealth. After seeing a surge in divisiveness and discord since the 2016 U.S. presidential election, the group decided they wanted to do something about it. The third annual round of Happiness Dinners, to be held this month around the United Nations International Day of Happiness on March 20, seemed like the perfect occasion to get people together for real face-to-face conversation. Engage in a real discussion “When you step away from hot-button political issues and have a conversation from one person’s heart to another person’s heart, and you talk about what truly matters, people all want the same thing,” says Ginny Sassaman, co-founder and president of GNHUSA. (Ginny along with co-founder Paula Francis, also ventured on an earlier happiness walk across America to gather thousands of people’s thoughts about happiness and what matters most to them.) “We listened,” says Ginny, who has a master’s in positive psychology from the Wholebeing Institute. “People’s answers are very much aligned. In Louisiana or Connecticut, what matters most to people are family, connection with others, other forms of love such as friendships, the need to be of service and to give to others, good health and religion—God and faith.” The upcoming dinners offer another opportunity to hold conversations and, with GNHUSA guidelines, to listen to what other people have to say, not jump in and tell others what to think, according to Ginny. GNHUSA provides guidelines to everyone who registers as a dinner host. Dinner can be whatever you like: individually prepared, takeout or potluck. One organizer even plans to hold sway at a soup kitchen. The guidelines include questions such as “What matters most in life?” and “What is a compassionate response to people who express views different from your own?” There are no wrong answers, GNHUSA says. Afterward, your group emails a photo and conversation points to GNHUSA forsharing. A growing phenomenon In 2015 and 2016, GNHUSA estimates that about 25 Happiness Dinners a year were held each year in 17 states plus Canada, Costa Rica, England and Switzerland. Registration is still underway for 2017, and the group expects the number of dinners to grow this year. “Happiness provides a unifying vision of how we could move together even on a policy level,” says Ginny. “We can change the framework on how we talk about these things and offer a holistic understanding of well-being and the government’s role in cultivating well-being.” Jim Gold is a veteran editor and journalist based in Northern California.
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Many post-its on a steering wheel.

Ditch These 5 Habits to Find Happiness

If you search the literature of positive psychology you’ll find scant evidence that a second car in the garage or an overstuffed closet is the key to greater well-being. And while research shows that experiences, rather than material things, are a more reliable source of lasting contentment, constant busyness won’t likely lead to bliss either. In fact, boosting happiness doesn’t require getting or having more. Instead, the key to a happier life often lies in ditching bad habits, attitudes and beliefs that stand in the way of experiencing expansive joy. We talked to experts for their advice on what to give up to let greater happiness in. And some very happy people share what they cast aside to live fuller, more purpose-driven lives. Linda and Howard Payne We gave up a permanent address for life on the road.” In 2004, Linda Payne asked her husband, Howard, a simple question: “What’s the point of living the American dream if it’s not making us happy?” Howard was a real-estate attorney who had sold the title company he’d built to a much larger firm. Now he was running seven of their offices and Linda was operations manager for the largest one. They were both 41, had been married for 18 years and had no children by choice. Though they were far from millionaires, their life in Louisville, Kentucky, was comfortable: A 3,750-square-foot home, two cars in the garage, a country club membership. But to squeeze out more profitability, the company had shrunk the workforce from 90 to 35, and it fell to Howard to do the firing. “I was working tons of hours and constantly stressed,” he says. “The pressure was driving a wedge between Linda and me. We’d become more like roommates than spouses.” During a two-week summer wilderness vacation in Alaska where they hiked, fished, went rafting and bird watching, they reconnected. But back home, Linda’s spirits sunk. “I don’t understand,” she remembers thinking, “why we kill ourselves all of our lives just so we can retire and go do the things we want to do then.” She knew it would take something “drastic,” she says, to change their lives. One day the idea of living full time in an RV just “popped into my head.” The two had never even ridden in a recreational vehicle, but Howard was game. With a little online research, he discovered a growing culture of people living in motor homes, many of whom are so-called work campers, or "workampers," for short, who travel from campground to campground for part-time or volunteer jobs. The Paynes quit their jobs, sold their house and in August 2005 hit the road in a motor home and headed for national parks. They counted migrating sea birds, operated a nature tram, restored trails and led visitors on nature walks. Their annual income barely topped $25,000 but their expenses were low. Linda and Howard have since gone on to build a popular website,, and they frequently speak at rallies, seminars and conferences at RV shows across the country. “We’re semi-famous in the RV world,” Howard says. But the biggest payoff of their new life together is the closeness they’ve rediscovered. “We don’t have that roommate thing anymore,” Howard says. “We’re a team, we’re best friends.” Ask Linda if she’s happier living without a high-stress job and in a home that’s on wheels and she turns to her husband. “How happy are we, honey?” she asks, then laughs. “We’re way, way happier now. We may not be monetarily rich, but we’re rich in experiences.” Thomas Giordonello I gave up being on social media 24/7” When Thomas Giordonello saw a news clip last August about someone trying to scale Trump Tower with suction cups, something struck him: the guy had really good climbing equipment. A minute later Thomas, a public relations account executive, was on the phone with his client Outside magazine. The next morning an Outside editor hit the morning news shows, offering commentary on the climber’s gear and technique. That kind of vigilance made Thomas very good at his job. But when his boyfriend noted that even during a special night out, he was always distracted by a screen, Thomas knew he needed to make a change. Today, he allows himself “little windows” on weekends to make sure he hasn’t missed something important. “Other than that,” he says, “my phone is in my pocket. While technology is amazing, I’m trying to live more in the moment and I’m really connecting with people. When a friend tells me she went on a date with someone new, instead of my saying, ‘Hey, pull up his photo on Instagram,’ I ask, what did you guys talk about? How did you feel at the end of the date?” When Thomas hosted a recent dinner party for a group of friends he’s known since kindergarten, he put a basket near the front door and asked everyone to check their phones. “While I did notice a friend or two check their phones on the way to the bathroom,” he says, “I can say that the authenticity of the conversation grew exponentially with each phone that went into the basket.” Angela Eastwick I let go of needing other people's approval.” In 2010, Angela Eastwick quit her job at a New York City media training company, sold or gave away nearly everything she owned and moved to Negril, Jamaica, with about $8,000 in savings. Her dream was to open a nightlife touring company on the Caribbean island she had come to love on family vacations growing up. “The life I was living—office work, commuting, cold weather, neighbors who were strangers—wasn’t making me happy,” Angela says. “I felt I was living in repeats of a black and white TV show, and I wanted to live a life of color. Still, there was a lot of pressure not to go. All my friends and family told me I was crazy. My father offered to buy me a condo if I stayed. Everyone thought I’d fail and be home within a year.” Her first few months in Jamaica, Angela lived in a boarding house in the fishing community of Broughton. She had no kitchen, no hot water, no cable, no internet. “It was a humbling, life-changing experience,” Angela says. “But I got used to the cold showers and living a more wholesome, simple life. It’s amazing all the things you think you need that you don’t.” She began her business, JuJu Tours, by strolling Negril’s beaches, offering visitors authentic tours that included swimming holes, waterfalls and small cafes that locals frequented. From the beginning, JuJu Tours has had a giving-back element. Angela asks people to bring along small toys or school supplies from the local dollar store to give out to children. As the company gained success, its charitable reach increased. The Good JuJu Charity Project has adopted and renovated a struggling nursery school in Broughton, and every year since 2012, it’s provided tuition, uniforms, books and lunches for 30 students. Three years ago, with a loan from her father, Angela purchased a broken-down property on the beach to turn into a guesthouse. “It was shabby, dirty and had been hit by Hurricane Ivan and then occupied by squatters,” she says. Repairs took far longer and were more expensive than Angela had anticipated, but in November 2014, Somewhere West finally launched on Airbnb. Along the way, Angela fell in love; she and her partner, Jermelee Limoth, have two young sons. They are renovating their own home now, which is next to the guesthouse. “I don’t care if our home isn’t luxurious,” Angela says. “We have a roof over our heads, a kitchen to cook in and the kids are safe. This journey hasn’t been easy, but my life is filled with purpose and love.” Angela let go of her black-and-white life and embraced happiness in living color. Below are five habits that experts recommend you take a good look at in your life. You may need to ditch these if you really want to choose happiness. 1. Complaining It always rains when I need to go across town. Why can’t they do something about these lines at Starbucks? My boss is driving me crazy, again! It’s easy to go through a day airing one grievance after another. But constant complaining is not only monotonous, a study in the Journal of Social Psychology suggests that repeatedly airing pet peeves about a current or previous partner can undermine relationship satisfaction. Will Bowen was a unity minister at a church in Kansas City when he made it his mission to reduce this torrent of negativity. “A complaint is the opposite of gratitude and acceptance,” he says, “which we know are keys to happiness.” Will created a purple silicone “complaint-free” bracelet. Each time you whine you switch the bracelet from one wrist to the other. The goal is go 21 days without complaining, or long enough to begin to form a peeve-free habit. More than 11 million bracelets have been sold or donated at It took Will, who would go on to write the book A Complaint Free World: How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You Always Wanted, four months to hit the 21-day milestone. But even if you never string together three complaint-free weeks, gaining awareness can help you change from being a persistent complainer to an effective, and more contented, one. That could mean complaining in moderation and to the proper audience. Guy Winch, Ph.D., author of The Squeaky Wheel: Complaining the Right Way to Get Results, Improve Your Relationships, and Enhance Self-Esteem suggests having a goal in mind before you voice dissatisfaction. Ask the waiter to warm up your tepid soup rather than lamenting to your four dining companions. 2. Multitasking We check our Twitter feeds while watching Game of Thrones, chat on our hands-free phones when we’re driving home from work, catch up on the news while we’re playing Monopoly with the kids. A ping or buzz is all it takes to divert our attention. “Our brains like novelty and excitement,” says psychiatrist Gary Small, director of the UCLA Longevity Center at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior. “And our wonderful digital gadgets promise just that. But all this multitasking, or what’s also called partial continuous attention, is putting us in a state of heightened mental stress.” Multitasking, experts say, is actually a misnomer. We’re not really doing two, or more, things at once. Instead, we’re “switch-tasking,” interrupting one activity to focus on another. A 2014 study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology found that even when this stop-and-restart process takes just three to five seconds—barely enough time to flit from a PowerPoint presentation to your inbox—that’s long enough to double or triple the number of errors participants made in the task they were assigned. “In other words,” Gary says, “we’re becoming faster but sloppier.” Not only does juggling tasks make us error-prone, it undermines any chance of achieving the immersive state that psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Ph.D., calls flow. “When our brains are jumping around,” Gary says, “there’s a staccato quality to our mental experience. That takes us away from deeper, more profound thoughts and feelings.” Read more: 6 Steps to Unplug From Work 3. Spending Time With Negative People You know that sneezing, sniffling, coughing neighbor? Stay away from her. And, that colleague who predicts every new project is sure to flop? Stay away from him, too. A growing body of research shows that we “catch” emotions, both negative and positive, as easily as we catch viruses. Not only are we susceptible to other people’s negative emotions, our behaviors and cognitions might also change, says Sigal Barsade, Ph.D., the Joseph Frank Bernstein Professor of Management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, who studies emotional contagion. First we mimic the body language and verbal style of Debbie Downer, her slumped shoulders, angry expression and flat pattern of speech. Then, we start feeling the mood we’ve just witnessed: depression, anxiety, pessimism. And, finally, the mood we’ve now adopted as our own affects our behavior. We turn down an invitation to a friend’s country house because all we can foresee is gnarly traffic and bugs. We certainly don’t want to drop a friend because they’re grieving or depressed. But it’s worth asking yourself, Sigal says, “Do you dislike who you are when you’re with this person? If the answer is yes, you may well be better off limiting your time with them.” If that’s not possible, Sigal suggests three strategies to boost your immunity to toxic colleagues or relatives: First, don’t look at them. “Our attention tends to be drawn to negative people, so don’t let them cross your line of vision. If you’re not looking at someone, you won’t subconsciously start mimicking him.” Second, have compassion and offer the most generous interpretation of their actions and attitude. As long as someone isn’t being abusive, counter her negativity with kindness and compassion. Third, have a conversation. If the person is someone who’s very close to you and they only recently began grousing, you might start by saying something like, “You seem really unhappy lately. Have you thought about what you can do to change things?” 4. Perpetual Motion “Everyone is juggling so much that busyness has become a chronic condition of modern society,” says Hugh Byrne, Ph.D., author of The Here and Now Habit: How Mindfulness Can Help You Break Unhealthy Habits Once and For All. “There’s a tightness in our bodies because we’ve triggered the flight or fight mode. That’s a part of our nervous system that evolved to help us defend ourselves against outside threats, but it’s not a joyful way to live out our whole existence.” And while we’re constantly running, we often feel we’re not getting anywhere because we’re not taking time to reflect on where it is we really want to go. “It’s important,” Hugh says, “to step off the treadmill now and then where there’s no agenda.” Hugh recommends establishing a regular meditation practice, beginning with just five or 10 minutes a day. Sit quietly and breathe deeply in and out, perhaps silently repeating, “Breathing in, calming the body; breathing out, calming the mind.” Try, as well, to sprinkle doses of mindfulness throughout your day. “Enjoy a sacred pause when you’re stopped at a red light,” Hugh says. “When the phone rings, don’t answer it right away. Use the first couple of rings as a reminder to get in touch with your breath. It’s small little transitions like these that allow us to detach from the damaging cycle of low-level stress.” 5. Self-Criticism We’ve all heard a doomsday inner voice that tells us we were a bore at the party, a fool at the meeting, a selfish partner, a deficient parent. For some of us, the voice is ever-present, an automatic response to every situation. “You’ve had these negative thoughts so often, they become a well-trodden neural pathway,” says psychologist Elizabeth Lombardo, Ph.D., author of Better Than Perfect: 7 Strategies to Crush Your Inner Critic and Create a Life You Love. “Especially when you’re stressed it’s the shortcut your brain takes.” Forging a new path takes time. UCLA psychiatrist Judith Orloff, author of The Empath's Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People, says her own spiritual teacher once told her, “Progress occurs when we beat ourselves up a little less every day.” Here are three ways to begin to halt the self-flagellation: Stand in front of a mirror and say kindly, “I look wonderful and I’m a caring, generous person.” Then, in your nastiest tone, say, “I look horrible and I can’t stand myself.” In the first scenario, you’ll likely feel your gut untighten, your breathing become easier. In the second, the opposite will happen. Take in what this teaches you about "the energetic power of your emotions," Judith says. Reframe negative thoughts. Elizabeth suggests asking yourself these questions: “How do I want to see this situation?” “How might someone I admire view it?” “What advice would I give a friend in the same situation?” Move into a judgment-free zone with a new activity. Take a cake decorating class or guitar lessons. “Your goal is to have fun,” Elizabeth says. “That means redefining what I call a ‘win.’ It’s not looking better than someone else, the win is showing up and enjoying the process. And the beauty is when you stop judging and comparing yourself in this new hobby, it can carry over into other areas of your life. Read more: The 10 Things Happy People Don't Do Shelley Levitt is a freelance writer living in Los Angeles and an editor at large for Live Happy. Shelley's other recent features include Can Fermented Food Elevate Your Mood and Srikumar Rao Wants You to Feel Radiantly Alive.
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Actor Sam Worthington

Sam Worthington Bares His Soul

The opportunity to truly change the trajectory of your life, explore new worlds real or imagined, savor great experiences and live creatively may all come down to seizing a single moment and knowing when to say yes. Actor Sam Worthington knows he’s one of the lucky ones. From Avatar to Clash of the Titans, the 40-year-old family man from Australia has struck gold on the big screen time and time again…not bad for a young kid who never intended to act in the first place. The accidental actor “I kind of stumbled into it,” Sam says. “I was 19 and went to an audition for the premier drama school in Australia (the National Institute of Dramatic Art) with a girl I was dating at the time. That was what she wanted to do.…I went along for moral support. But as the process continued, I got in and she didn’t. So, I kind of went, ‘Well, I’ll see where this path takes me.’ I went there for three years and have been working ever since.” “Working” may be an understatement, as Sam’s workhorse attitude led him to famed director James Cameron’s epic Avatar. After the movie shattered records to become the highest-grossing movie of all time, Sam found himself securely involved in an uber-successful franchise (several sequels are planned for the next few years, and Pandora—The World of Avatar is set to open at Disney’s Animal Kingdom in Florida this summer). Projects of passion Equally comfortable in big-budget films full of special effects or smaller, more intimate pieces, the commitment to the creative integrity of a project is always Sam’s priority. “I don’t really choose my projects depending on budgets or the time it takes to film. It’s never been something that I look at. I look at it and ask, ‘Is this something that interests me? Is the journey of the character exciting? Is the world exciting to inhabit for several months?’ So the scope and the size of the budget never really comes into play.” In his latest film, the big-screen adaption of the best-selling book The Shack, Sam departs from his swashbuckling roles to tackle the inner conflicts that many struggle with when faced with great adversity and the subsequent feelings of being lost. He portrays the lead character, Mackenzie “Mack” Phillips, who questions his own belief system and is forced to embark on a spiritual journey through tragedy and forgiveness. A spiritual journey The heavy subject matter in The Shack is enough to make any actor or film company hesitate before agreeing to leap into such a project. After reading the book and speaking with the producers to learn the vision of the film, Sam says he had no qualms about moving forward. “I think I was going through a time in my life much like what Mack was going through, his search with God and his understanding of what faith can do to other people in the world and these heavy things,” he says. “They really kind of resonated with me in such a strong way that my only reservation was, ‘Can I pull this off and do this as truthfully as I can?’ You go on the journey and you see where it takes you.” Life imitating art Although Sam clearly related to Mack, his relationship with the themes and lessons provided by the story continued to evolve throughout the process. “When I had my first child, about a month or two before we started shooting, that changed my life,” he says. “That probably helped with the journey of Mack. I think it strengthened a lot of my beliefs. I think it strengthened a lot of things in me of what I want to achieve and what I want to pass on to my son…how to live on this earth.” While finding and restoring hope and faith are key messages throughout the story, equally important is the power of forgiveness, a quality that Mack must learn to embrace. Through inhabiting this character, Sam also found a great deal of value in these lessons. Learning to let go “That was something that I definitely enjoyed taking on and learned a lot to forgive, how to move forward, be it from small things or major kinds of burdens that you carry with you as you go through life,” he recounts. “People who have done you wrong and you still carry that guilt and anger many, many years later. It definitely did help give me a set of tools to move forward and become wiser, have a bit more ease with my life and myself, you know?” During his younger days, Sam allowed himself to become too emotionally invested in his work, often to the point where it would affect his life after the cameras stopped rolling each day. Stepping back from those extreme measures signified a true evolution in his priority system, and he resists the instinct to let that inherent anger, sadness or other negative feelings creep in. “I try to realize that the most important thing in my life is my wife and my sons, and any kind of baggage that I’m holding on to from the day shouldn’t be able to come home with me,” he said. “When I was single and alone, yeah, I would beat myself up in hotel rooms and be completely self-indulgent, but I think having kids is the most self-less thing you can do. It teaches you to rise above that selfishness so you have to learn how to let go. Since being a dad, I’ve done, say, four or five jobs and each time has been different in how I let the day go or how I let the frustrations at work go before I get home.” Evolution of a man Now, as a husband and father, Sam says his commitment is to give back to those who matter most to him. “When you’re in your 20s, you think you’re the center of your universe,” he stated. “I’m now 40. The way I look at the world has changed. Your life is very finite and goes fast. It’s the people who are closest to me, not only my immediate family but also my mom and my dad, my sister, and now my brother-in-law and my mother-in-law. They’re the type of people that you always give back to and give love to and be generous to.” His wife, Australian model Lara Bingle, gave him two sons, he says, and “it’s the most beautiful thing anyone’s ever done for me.” According to Sam, his family life isn’t just personally fulfilling, it’s actually given him new perspective as a performer. “I think that it’s a two-fold thing,” he said. “Having a family, especially having children, makes me a better actor because you're open to more emotions than you’ve ever come across and more experiences flood your life than you can ever have by yourself. So those kind of colors, for lack of a better word, really help your work because you can kind of tap into them and use them.” He continued, “The other side of the coin is that I’m very conscious of what movies to choose because when my sons are older, I want them to look at what their dad has done and be proud of it. There are certain movies that I’ve done that I probably wouldn’t do again because I’m a father and I don’t want my sons to think that’s the way of life.” Meaningful work In the end, Sam has faith that his children will appreciate his work, even if all his roles aren’t necessarily role models. “But I definitely still want to be conscious of being involved in projects that have a bit more positive meaning than I’ve done in the past,” he says. “A lot of family-oriented roles come up because I’m getting older, and I kind of like that because you’re exploring what the character goes through and at the same time you’re exploring what it is to be a dad in your own life. And I like that. That’s kind's an interesting journey to go on.” With a family to ground him, a career destined for many more years of success and time to reflect upon his experiences telling the story of The Shack, Sam is now truly ready for the best part of the filmmaking process: the opportunity for the audience to enjoy and learn from it. “I think the movie is a very hopeful film even though it deals with a very deep and emotionally wrenching journey,” he says. “Even in his darkest, most desperate times, Mack teaches us that we can look to God or each other and realize that we’re not alone. That’s a great thing to me.” He adds, “When my kids get frustrated and upset, all they need is a hug from me. I may not be able to tell exactly what’s going on and what’s wrong, but that hug makes the world better. I think sometimes we can do that for each other, and that’s a really good message to come out of the movie.” Gerry Strauss is a journalist who specializes in entertainment and pop culture. He also wrote Live Happy cover stories on Mayim Bialik and Ming-Na Wen.
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Journalist Ismael Cala

Ismael Cala Brings Insights to WOHASU

Ismael Cala, president of Cala Enterprises and founder of the Ismael Cala Foundation, which works to develop leadership skills in disadvantaged youth, is one of more than 25 happiness experts scheduled to speak at the World Happiness Summit in Miami, March 17–19. The social entrepreneur and former host of his own show on CNN en Español will join Live Happy Co-Founder and CEO Deborah K. Heisz and Live Happy columnist and positive psychology expert Michelle Gielan for a special panel at the Summit on March 19. LIVE HAPPY: What is your definition of happiness? ISMAEL CALA: Happiness is created by each of us in our everyday work to achieve excellence. Of course it has nothing to do with having more things but in striving to achieve our desires. We can even be happy when we do not succeed because we have learned the lessons that will help us succeed on another occasion. Our well-being is in our capacity to love, to dream and to reach beyond our fears and comfort zones. LH: The World Happiness Summit has a special Latin American flair, with your Ismael Cala Foundation and CNN en Español as partners. What can the rest of the world learn about happiness from the Latino culture? IC: I read recently that many of the happiest countries are in Latin America. I’m not surprised. Latin America has faced great challenges for decades. These challenges require a kind of constructive leadership that can be found among Latinos. We are people who have managed to find light in dark situations. My education and childhood have taught me to find happiness in small things, in my family and in the achievements of everyday life. And to continue working every day for my dreams. I believe that a positive mindset is an intrinsic capacity in all of us that we must bring to its full potential. LH: Your organization and foundation help youth develop leadership skills to find and fulfill their true purpose. What do you mean when you advise others to “lead from the soul”? IC: True leadership emerges from the path to abundance, a mindset that is born within each one of us. Leading from the soul is conveying the values and pillars with which you build your life to guide others toward success. Such leaders embrace gratitude as their life philosophy and find abundance in everything around them. LH: What are three ways to bring out the best in others you live or work with? IC:1: Practice emotional intelligence. A leader needs to understand his colleagues’ emotions, strengths and values to be able to get the best from the team. With empathy, the leader puts himself in others’ shoes and understands their reactions. The empathic leader listens and responds. 2: Turn obstacles into opportunities. Failures and mistakes are often seen as obstacles, when in reality they are great teachers and can open doors to new opportunities. Keeping an open mind in challenging times can help you gain new experiences that bring you closer to your purpose. 3: Learn to collaborate. Leadership is contrary to individualism and ego. A diversity of opinions and knowledge enriches decisions. A strong leader looks at strategies and solutions from different perspectives and invites participation. The first step is to accept your limits and be aware that you do not have to know everything. LH: Why is a gathering like the World Happiness Summit important? IC: Happiness is the balance between personal satisfaction, calm and inner peace. This is what I feel when I do what I love, which is to advise others on following the path of well-being and excellence. Thanks to the Ismael Cala Foundation, I have been able to help young people who do not have access to education. A life of service brings me joy. In a society where people look more and more to their own interests, it is necessary to convey this message to a broad audience. LH: Tell us more about your foundation. How do you reach children who don’t have access to education? IC: Ismael Cala Foundation collaborates with other foundations and institutions to develop programs for vulnerable children and young people. Our goal is to develop their potential, to make them aware that their capacity has no limits. We teach them that with effort and the right tools, they can achieve their goals. Right now we promote programs of emotional leadership, vocational guidance and education in Latin America and the Caribbean. LH: What are you most looking forward to about the World Happiness Summit? IC: My main objective is to inspire people to live to their full potential. I hope to convey how each one of us can become a leader who inspires those around them to be happy, love themselves and seek continued growth in their lives. For more on the World Happiness Summit, go to Read more: The World Happiness Summit: What You Need to Know Donna Stokes is the Executive Editor of Live Happy magazine.
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Two smiling women at a Happy Wall.

Welcome Back to HappyActs!

Live Happy is thrilled to announce our fourth annual #HappyActs campaign! During the entire month of March, in honor of the United Nations’ International Day of Happiness, we will be sharing #HappyActs—small, simple actions you can perform to spread kindness, fun and joy in your community. First, come visit Each day in March has been given a theme such as “Love” or “Curiosity” to get your wheels turning. We offer daily actionable ideas for how you can share #HappyActs, such as, “Leave an anonymous letter for a co-worker” or “Share your happy song.” Sign up for daily emails (in the month of March) that will provide you with each day’s suggested act of kindness and information on why it’s important. You can also text HAPPYACTS to 82257 for your morning reminder and inspiration. When you go out and do your #HappyActs with friends and family, make sure to take a picture and post on your social media accounts using #HappyActs. Your posts will automatically go up on our awesome tagboard. Come back often to see how others are spreading happiness. A global celebration of happiness! The Happiest Act of all comes on the weekend of March 18, when we begin our celebration of the International Day of Happiness with hundreds of Happiness Walls across the country—and even around the world. The walls create their own kind of joyful atmosphere, with music and dancing and the chance to post how you share happiness. Visit to find out when and where a wall is near you! Learn how you can host a wall at your school, business or organization and find out how to create your own fantastic wall using one of our Happy Acts Wall Kits. These kits provide everything you need to make your own wall of happiness, including stickers, bracelets, bumper stickers and cards where you and friends can draw and write how you like to share happiness. Get your kids in on the act as well by ordering a HappyActs T-shirt with a smiley face design created by a 6-year-old girl! Help us make March the happiest month of the year!
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Cute couple laughing hard together.

This Is Your Brain on Humor

Laugh and the world laughs with you, the adage goes. And while laughter and the happiness it brings actually can be contagious—thanks in part to mirror neurons that fire when we observe other people doing a certain action—humor brings with it a variety of surprising benefits even when we enjoy it alone. As researchers have started to look more closely at humor and its effects, they’ve discovered that genuine laughter or mirth lights up multiple areas of the brain. As a joke unfolds, the frontal lobe jumps into action to process the information. It serves as a gatekeeper of sorts and determines if we’re going to “get” the joke or not. If the frontal lobe finds something potentially funny, it lets the effects of that humor proceed, and sends out an electrical wave through the cerebral cortex. From there, the rest of our body responds with surprise, delight and laughter. The results can be anything from a mild chuckle to an all-out belly laugh. And that chuckle does more for you than you might realize. According to research by Carl Marci, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and the director of social neuroscience in the Psychotherapy Research Program at Massachusetts General Hospital, laughter and humor are, among other things, powerful agents in combating mood disorders. Laughter can trigger the brain’s emotional reward center, delivering a heaping dose of feel-good dopamine and mood-lifting serotonin. It can even increase the release of endorphins, the pain-relieving chemicals our brain releases in response to such things as exercise, food and sex. Laughter as a coping tool “Humor definitely has positive effects on us psychologically,” says Alex Borgella, a Ph.D. candidate in psychology at Tufts University, whose research is centered on how, why and when we use humor. “Laughter [is] one of the very first vocalizations made by babies at as early as 2 months. From there, we learn what to laugh at based on our experiences, attitudes and friendships.” Alex says that studies on humor and mental health show a correlation between higher sense of humor scores and attributes such as greater self-esteem, better coping skills during stressful times and a better image of self and of our place in the world. People with a more developed sense of humor may be better equipped for dealing with difficult and even life-threatening situations. “For people working in occupations where negativity or even traumatic events are frequent, such as ER doctors and nurses police and firefighters, having a sense of humor is often described as being essential for the job to prevent occupational burnout,” Alex says. Of course, in order for a joke to work, there has to be a punch line, and it’s that surprise that often triggers the brain’s response to the joke as we are given a new or different way to interpret the situation. Whether we “get” the joke, and whether or not we see it as funny, depends on many different factors. “‪Individual differences exist in the perception of humorous stimuli because of individual differences in other areas,” Alex explains. “For example, a person with preexisting negative views toward a certain social group might think jokes disparaging that group are funny, while actual members of that social group might not. Individual differences in understanding also play a role in humor differences; a computer scientist might find jokes about the complexity of programming in C++a lot funnier than I do.” Nuances of negative humor When it comes to disparagement humor—or humor that belittles an individual or social group—research indicates that even though disparagements are framed as a joke, repeated exposure to such humor can cause us to take situations such as racism or sexism less seriously. “The majority of the research on this topic describes the negative effects of telling or hearing jokes about stigmatized social groups. For example, some research has shown men exposed to sexist humor are more likely to endorse sexist beliefs, withhold donations from women’s organizations and even sometimes have higher endorsements of rape myths,” Alex says. “These effects are obviously negative, and I think the research supports we should attempt to mitigate them.” But not all negative humor has a negative effect, he adds. In fact, “some negative humor might provide us with some relief.” He points to research indicating that turning the negativity toward one’s self and using self-deprecating humor while, say, giving a speech, results in better response from an audience and greater ease. “Using self-deprecating humor to kick off your talk is high on any list [of how to give better speeches] because it makes the audience more comfortable. These effects are similar even in one-on-one situations and across many different identities,” says Alex. Regardless of whether you like your humor a bit on the dark side or prefer it sunny-side up, Alex says that knowing what it does for you—both psychologically and physically—is important. And, he believes, we are probably using it more often than we realize. “We use humor in the processes of forming and maintaining relationships, both casual and intimate. We use humor, at least in part, to decide which television shows to watch, which products to buy, and even which candidates to support,” he says. “A good knowledge of all the factors that play into why we laugh can help us understand all these issues a little better.” Listen to our podcast with comedian and positive psychologist Yakov Smirnoff! Paula Felps is the Science Editor for Live Happy.
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Beans and Greens Stew

Beans and Greens Stew With Tomato Broth

You can think of this stew as a gluten-free version of the classic Tuscan winter soup ribollita without its signature bread. Or you can just as easily think of it as a hearty winter bean stew, spiked with tomato and rosemary, that makes great use of healthy dark-green leafy vegetables like lacinato kale (sometimes called Tuscan kale or cavolo nero) and collard or mustard greens. If you don’t like collards or can’t find lacinato kale, substitute any sturdy greens (avoid delicate spinach). For such a rich stew, this dish is quick to make because it uses cooked beans, and the greens need only a quick simmer. Enjoy on a fall or winter weeknight and make enough for leftovers! Ingredient 1 large white or yellow onion, finely chopped 1 stalk celery, finely chopped 1 large carrot, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped ¼ pound pancetta, chopped (optional) 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for top Pinch of red pepper flakes Salt and pepper to taste Leaves of 1 sprig rosemary, finely chopped 4 tablespoons tomato paste 1/3 cup white wine 6 cups chicken stock 1 bunch lacinato kale, leaves pulled off the stems and chopped 1 bunch mustard or collard greens, leaves pulled off the stems and chopped Two 15-ounce cans cannellini beans, rinsed Grated Parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon minced parsley (optional) Directions Prepare the vegetables and pancetta (if using). In a large, heavy pan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the onion, celery, carrot, garlic, pancetta, red pepper flakes, rosemary, and salt and pepper and sauté until softened and golden, 7 to 10 minutes. Add the tomato paste and cook for 1 minute longer. Add the white wine and cook until it is absorbed, about 1 minute. Then add the chicken stock and stir with a wooden spoon to combine everything. Bring to a boil, then turn the heat down to a simmer (medium-low). Add the greens and the beans and cook everything together, uncovered, until the flavors meld, about 25 minutes. Taste and adjust seasoning. Serve in bowls and top with a sprinkle of olive oil, some fresh Parmesan cheese and a sprinkling of fresh parsley, if using. Adapted from Giada De Laurentiis’ Ribollita recipe. Read more about the benefits of leafy greens in the April 2017 issue of Live Happy magazine. Read more on healthy cooking: The Bite of Spring Read more on warming soups: Spicy Carrot Soup Emily Wise Miller is the web editor for
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