DNA merging with bodies

Cognitive Reappraisal

Take a glimpse into the world of applied positive psychology withThe Flourishing Centerpodcast. Each episode includes three sections giving you insights and hacks into living an authentically happy and flourishing life. What you'll learn in this podcast: Science Says—Learn about the relationship between genes and depression. LifeHack—Learn how to ruminate less and reappraise more. Practitioner’s Corner—Learn how one company uses positive psychology to take care of their employees' wellbeing. Learn more aboutThe Flourishing Center Read the interview from the Practitioner's Corner: Emiliya: Hello and welcome to the practitioner's corner. Today with us we have Jeff Thomson from Northbrook, Illinois. He is the lead performance coach for Energy for Life at Allstate Insurance Company. Fun little factoids about Jeff, he is one of 10 kids in his family. And, he has been to 69 Dave Matthews Band concerts. But who's counting, right Jeff? We're so happy to have you here with us. In our 5i Change Agent Model, you're an implementer. You're utilizing positive psychology within an organization, and we're so excited to learn more about what brought you to this work and how you are helping people bring positive psychology into their day-to-day life. Jeff: Thank, Emiliya. I'm so happy to be with you today. Emiliya: Jeff, tell us. What brought you to this work? Jeff: I think, first off, probably a lot of self-work and just life experiences that had me on a search for more happiness and fulfillment in my own life due to just life circumstances that had me in the dumps at different times. That pursuit I think, ultimately, just led me forward and learning more about the science of happiness. Emiliya: Tell us more about how you work at Allstate right now. Jeff: My job for the last six plus years at Allstate has been implementing Energy for Life. It actually comes from an organization called the Human Performance Institute, based in Orlando, Florida. That's part of Johnson and Johnson. They developed a program, a two and a half day workshop called The Corporate Athlete, that uses a four dimensional view of energy management. Looks at spiritual energy, emotional, mental, and physical energy. Allstate has been one of their chief champions of the work and has been licensing their content under the name of Energy for Life at Allstate now, in different variations for probably upwards of 10 plus years. Emiliya: It is so neat to see organizations be bringing these types of programs in for their employees and to be investing in human potential and human capital. What are some of the impacts that you've seen these programs make on the people that you work with? Jeff: There's so many amazing success stories or testimonials that we get from over the years of training, or delivering the content to our employees. We've now had ... Today over 22,000 employees have gone through the program. One of the things I always like to say about it first and foremost is it's a free opportunity. It's not a requirement for employees to go through, it's just a free gift that Allstate offers to its employees to really make an investment in them and their lives in a multidimensional kind of way. What I love is that the stories that come back are very multidimensional in in of themselves. You'll hear all sorts of success stories of people that have made some tangible changes around the physical dimension. They have started a new exercise regimen, or they've shifted their eating habits. The stories that always impact me the most, though, are the ones that are more relational in nature where, you just hear stories of a mother, a father, who reengages with their kids differently because they learned about the value and importance of full engagement, and bringing your fully energy to a singular task or person. Just a lot of success stories in that regard. People have shifted careers because they just really realized that their spiritual energy was out of alignment with something they valued and really wanted in their lives, so they make a career change. Yeah, the stories really are endless. Oftentimes, it's life transformational, what we hear from people. Emiliya: That is incredible. Even so cool to hear the word spiritual be referenced within an organizational setting. Jeff: Yeah. When we deliver the program, we even go the extra mile of really helping people because we know that that probably, for some people, could create discomfort, to your point that it's not something that would commonly be used. If it makes people feel more comfortable, we'll offer synonyms for it. This is what the ... What matters less is the word we use, and more is what's a part of this dimension of energy, which is really around your purpose and having a sense of purpose and clarity of what matters most to you in your life so that as you have that, working to align elements of your life with those things that matter most to you. What we commonly find is for many people, those things have just gotten out of order either accidentally or they haven't paused really in life to try and understand their north star, or taking participants through a series of reflective exercises to develop that. It's usually an intimidating exercise for someone to write that mission statement, but even the process of getting them to think about what do they want their legacy to be? Who are the people and what are the things that matter most to them in their lives? Are not common questions that people reflect on, particularly at work. Giving them that space to make that investment in themselves and make some deep connections in that regard and walk out of there with either a much clearer sense or a slightly clearer sense really helps people make some of the behavior changes that they made be looking to make in a more tactical, tangible level. Emiliya: So cool, Jeff. Thank. What are some of the ways that recently you've been integrating positive psychology? Jeff: I think what was really neat for me is that my story really was so much self-discovery and self-taught. I went out and I probably purchased over 100 books on happiness just because I really started it as a selfish mission for myself, of having been depression at different points in my life because of a difficult relationship breakup or something. I just was really in hot pursuit of how I could feel better. Then, from that, as I just saw my own application of that build my own muscles of resilience and how to live a happier life, it became more altruistic from there and just, "Okay. If these are skills that one can learn, how do we make that more known to others?" I became very purposeful from a career perspective to find work that would allow me to bring this to the world so I could serve as a catalyst to others, and saw a great opportunity at Allstate that was already investing in this program that seemed so deeply aligned with where I thought I could bring value. It was really from that that in my discontinued evolution of trying expand my thinking in the space and thought leadership that led me to so much of the science seems to point back to this field. At the time I knew very little about it, positive psychology, but now I feel much more connected to, largely through my experience being in the CAPP program. Emiliya: Thank you, Jeff. I'm curious, what stands out for you as some of the more poignant positive psychology concepts that you've learned? Jeff: A big one for me was around meaning. I joke, when I deliver the Energy for Life workshop, that I created a mission statement of my life probably 15 years ago that was two pages long, about eight paragraphs in length, and I was so proud of it after I had developed it. It was this mini manifesto for myself. What I came to realize in the years that followed was that I still made a lot of poor life choices or ones that didn't align fully with that, and I think it was because I wasn't so clear on it. I eventually whittled it down to a one word ultimate mission, which is happiness for me. But I think now, looking back to when I started in CAPP, my mission statement was short-sighted because I think I was really missing out on the meaning element of happiness. That's really one of the big concepts that really helped shift things for me, was learning more about meaning and meaning's role in creating a life. A flourishing life. How there's meaning available in every moment, should we choose to see it in so many small ways. I think ... I almost walked away from CAPP with that as a challenge to myself. Like, how can I seek more meaning in just day-to-day moments? A big part of that being ... Also connected to that was the storytelling component. I like to use the term storytelling because so much of our experiences based on the stories we create for ourselves about our life experiences. I try to be very intentional about both creating a story that can explain what's happened to me in a way that really serves my growth moving forward. Emiliya: Thank you, Jeff. Jeff, I'm curious, what are some of the obstacles you see for bring positive psychology into the workplace? Jeff: I think it's probably, on some level ... I think language is really important. Just how you had a reaction to the term spiritual, and you know that that's not such a commonly used word in corporate America, or corporations. I think that same could be true of using terms like positive psychology. People have a reaction to that. That's interesting now that I'm so deeply into it, like, I don't even think about it anymore, but I occasionally get that reaction where someone chuckles in response to me using those words. I think being really deliberate about the language we use to describe what it is in a way that's more accessible to people. In a way that sounds more naturally desiring and minimally causes curiosity versus judgment, hopefully. From that, I think, big thing that I try to focus on is how to hook into and talk about it in a way that will get a positive reaction from most. Talking about the demands that people face in their lives, that demands are increasing. People can relate to that. They just feel more naturally under pressure or stressed, or just needing some kind of lifeline to help make their days a little bit better. By connecting first to what the pain points are for someone, I think, is really useful to them saying, "Oh, you mean there's a toolkit? There's a toolbox of things that I could do and practice and be deliberate about? Really build some muscle around that helps make elements of my life even just a little bit easier or better than that? More fulfilling and meaningful?" I think that's a hook that's pretty attractive to many people. But if you can't first connect with them around where they're pain or disturbance is in their life, I think you could end up just missing each other. Emiliya: Absolutely. Thank you so much for sharing that perspective. I'm curious, what are some of the self-care practices that you personally utilize that sustain your wellbeing? Jeff: For me, there's so many and I feel like that's part of what's valuable, is I try to always remind myself and then also the team that I work with. We have to start with self. If we have to apply the very things we're teaching others, we have to be in active work doing the self-work. That's hard, right? But that's also where I think we show up as way more real to the people that we bring this to. I feel like I benefit from so many different strategies. An example of one that I've experimented with based on the referral from someone else in the CAPP program is I started 2017 by downloading this five minute journal app, which allowed me to take my gratitude practice really to a whole other level, by starting my day and being deliberate about three things I'm grateful for. Three things I want to achieve or how I want to operate in the day, work that around my intentions, and then doing that same practice for a couple minutes at the end of the day to think about what were the best parts of my day, and then what would I have done different. Just those triggers to really cause me to pause and reflect and appreciate. Gratitude is a significant one for me. The physical dimension that came more naturally to me from being involved in athletics. I oftentimes underestimate it, but if I pull myself away, I realize that it's really at the core of what helps me to have physical energy throughout my days. Getting my exercise in, being conscious of what foods I eat and what I'm putting in my body and knowing that that has so many effects, positively or negatively, how I show up over the course of the day. Just, again, the practice of full engagement. That is daily work. I've got two young daughters at home, and it's easy for me to come home at the end of a difficult day, same with my wife, and just not be fully attentive to a conversation that's unfolding in front of me and end up showing up as half that husband or half the dad that I want to be in those moments. Really being deliberate, like, if I'm cooking dinner, try to stop cooking dinner. Turn the burners off if I need to, to just really engage in the conversation and be fully present. Anytime I can just practice full presence in a moment, that is one of the most valuable self-care strategies that I've ever learned. Because the beauty of it is it's both self-fulfilling ... It's so appreciated by those that you're with too. They see that you just show up. I can tell how I'm just in this moments, when I'm really there with my daughters or my wife. It's a great validation of why I need to keep practicing that. Another self-care strategy that's been really valuable for me is the importance of taking breaks throughout my day. One of the things I've learned from HBI was the recommendation around every 60 to 90 minutes that we oscillate our energy in some kind of way, whether that's mentally, emotionally, physically, to just take some kind of break. To push away from whatever it is that you're working on. I've found so much value of just one, getting up and physically moving around my office space. Walking, getting my water bottle refilled, that's a nice way of doing multiple good things for yourself at the same time. But I also love ... I follow inspiring thought leaders on Facebook and sometimes if I have two stolen minutes between conference meetings or something, I'll just stop and read an inspiring article on Facebook. It just adds great fuel to my day, to the next thing that I'm going to walk into. Just being really deliberate about taking time for yourself throughout your day I think helps you to have more energy at the end of your days. Emiliya: That is so true, and I think of the times when I'm speaking about mindfulness within an organizational setting. I'll sometimes say to a group of people, "If I'm thinking about something else or I'm not present, you guys can't tell, right?" I'll demonstrate it where I just stand there and I look like I'm smiling at them, but I demonstrate that I might be thinking many thoughts in my head that they might not know about. Most people nod their head that yeah, you can't tell if someone's mind has wandered because technically you can't read what they're thinking. You can't see what they're thinking. But then I ask them to pause and I say, "But, do you really know when someone is present with you?" Then after a moment people go, "Yeah, yeah you do." Because you can tell the energetic shift and especially with children. It's such a gift to give them to know that what they say matters to the adults that they care about, that cares about them. To give them the gift of your presence. Jeff: It reminds me of a story when both my daughters were younger. This was probably five plus years ago, but when I'd come home at the end of the day, there was a time when my younger one would run up to me and would want to tell me about her day, and because my wife works as well, I'm the first one home, I'd commonly pick her up and I'd set her on the counter while I start putting dinner together. I would say, "Annabelle, tell me about your day." All of a sudden, time would pass and I'd realize that I had heard nothing of what she just said to me. I'd be like, Okay, bad dad Jeff. Ask her again. "Annabelle, how was your day?" This would happen multiple times and I was just realizing that I wasn't really hearing her. Then, over time I saw that she stopped coming up to me when I'd come home at the end of the day. This really causes some level of heartbreak for me. Like, "Wow, my youngest daughter doesn't get excited when Dad comes home anymore. What have I done to contribute to this?" I started being deliberate about when I would come home of sitting her on the couch next to me, or taking a knee and really connecting with her eye to eye. What I saw ... These weren't long conversations. Usually they were just a couple minutes of really just practicing connection, and I remember that after doing that enough times, it change again. All of a sudden, Annabelle was running to greet me at the back door. I was like, "Thank you for getting it right and paying attention enough, Jeff, to realize that you were contributing both to the problem, and now you're contributing to a much more meaningful solution now. Where, she's excited to have dad come home at the end of the day." Emiliya: So beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. Thank you for sharing that. Jeff, I'm curious, how would you define what it means to flourish? Jeff: Great question. I think, to me, it's all about being able to reflect on your days and believe that you matter to other people. That you were present enough with them to have an impact. Small, medium, large, however it may show up. But to me, that's the more my journey has continued, the more I realize that it's not so much about myself as it started with, about me finding happiness, but that that comes more naturally as a result of me really making investments in others. That, to me, is flourishing but again, there is this self piece, to your question that I love, around self-care that I have to be selfish enough to make sure that I'm taking care of my own wellbeing so that I can be the best I want to be and aspire to be to the people that come across my path and my life. When I know I'm doing that, the right balance of taking care of me so that I'm showing up to others the way I want to, that to me feels like those are my flourishing days. Emiliya: Any tips or recommendations you would make for people who are interested in positive organizational cultures, or how corporations could begin to learn from what you are all doing at Allstate to bring positive psychology into their workplaces? Jeff: I think, certainly, reaching out to organizations, like a human performance institute, or The Energy Project is another one, doing very similar work. Just understanding what they offer. You can try and build this yourself in an organization, and that's probably the cheaper way to go, but there's probably all sorts of potholes and roadblocks with that plan, versus going out and talking to organizations that already have really constructed a multidimensional framework, and have really made organizations a primary target audience that they work with. Just something I've really appreciated, knowing that they existed. From there, there's a lot to learn then from other organizations. I love opportunities to talk to peers that work in other industries that use HPI. It's a great opportunity to learn how they've done their rollout, where they have challenges, it's all the same kind of ... Any change initiative, it goes back to the common things around having senior leader sponsorship, change champions in an organization making this into different parts of the organization so it's more than just a workshop. There's all these sustainability challenges that any organization would face, even after you've trained 22,000 people, leaning on other organizations that are already trying to solve for many of the same challenges, I think has been a ... One, it's just a great support system, but two, so many valuable insights that you can go back and then try experimenting with and applying in your own organization is really helpful. Emiliya: Earlier, we said that you serve as a coach within your organization, the lead performance coach. What does that role entail? Do you do a lot of the training, or do you actually do one-on-one work with individuals to help them implement their work? Jeff: Yeah, it's almost misleading in that regard in terms of how we traditionally think of a coach, which is more of that one-on-one relationships. At Allstate, while that's the title of the role, it largely shows up in terms of the delivering workshops to, on average, probably somewhere 20, 25 participants, employees in the organization. The coaching that I think I do has less to do with that formal role, and probably a lot more to do with the role I play to the other performance coaches on my team, or just other people, stakeholders that I get to know through the organization. But yeah, that's more the informal part of the one-on-one coaching versus a formal capacity that I serve in. Emiliya: Got it. Yeah. One of the challenges I think the coaching industry faces is the use of the word coach, and how we keep coaching as coaching. Jeff, if people want to follow up to learn about you and your work, any way that they can be in contact with you? Jeff: Yeah, absolutely. I would relish the opportunity to meet more people and expand my network in any way possible. The best ways to reach me would probably be via email, jeff.thomson@allstate.com. Or, by phone. 847-840-8385. I welcome the additional connections and opportunities to share what I've learned and learn from others as well. Emiliya: Thank you, Jeff. Thanks for being with us today. Jeff: Thank you so much, Emiliya. I really appreciate the opportunity to share some of my story. Emiliya: Thanks for listening to today's episode. We hope that you'll take away a renewed energy around reappraising your thoughts, and that when stressful events happen, the mediator between being at risk for winding up feeling stuck and depressed, is not just having a genetic predisposition but it's the ability to work with our thoughts, to do less rumination and thought suppression, and to spend more time reframing our thoughts. If you're someone who finds that it's a harder thing for you to do, know that these are all skills that we can build. I hope that you've taken some inspiration from learning about Jeff and seeing that there are organizations throughout the world that are doing their best to invest in their employees' wellbeing, and that there are strategies and skills that we can take on to self-care so that everyone thrives together. Thanks for listening. We hope that you'll share this podcast with others that you think will benefit from it.
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Jamie Bechtold with gongs

Sound Baths Offer a Concert for the Soul

Worry not: This latest mindfulness trend has nothing to do with taking your iPhone into the bathtub. Rather, a sound bath is a voluptuous chorus of gongs, crystal bowls and seven-metal Tibetan singing bowls that, when played by a trained practitioner, can induce an almost trancelike state. According to Jamie Bechtold, owner of The Soundbath Center in Eagle Rock, California, a sound bath is a “journey of self discovery, relaxation and peace.” To experience it, you lie down, either alone, with a guide or in a group, close your eyes and relax while the mesmerizing sounds and vibrations of ancient Eastern instruments wash over you—much like the soothing water of a warm bath. You’ll want to stay present, listen to the sounds and be aware of what you are feeling. “People may feel some emotions. They may see colors or pictures, as sometimes happens during meditation,” says Jamie, who has been performing sound baths since 2005. Afterward, many clients have told her they feel relaxed but with a new sense of mental clarity. The research seems to concur: One National Institutes of Health study found that participants who added Himalayan singing bowls (used in many sound baths) to their meditation practice were more relaxed than those who didn’t. Once an esoteric practice, sound baths have become increasingly popular in the past two years and you can now find them in almost every major city in America. Some practitioners operate out of their homes or small studio spaces, while others work as part of a full-service yoga or meditation studio. A quick online search can help you find the best option. Whether sound baths—like yoga and meditation—will cross over to become Western wellness staples is difficult to say. Jamie believes it has the staying power: “Sound, music…those are things people relate to.” Read more: The Benefits of Compassion Meditation Read More: 6 Steps to Mindfulness Meditation Listen to our podcast: Mindfulness Is Pure Awareness, With Jon Kabat-Zinn Emily Wise Miller is the web editor for Live Happy.
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Jewish prayer book and talit.

Faith and Positive Psychology Merge in ‘The Happiness Prayer’

What does an ancient Hebrew prayer have to do with positive psychology? Rabbi Evan Moffic found a surprising correlation in concepts such as kindness, meaning and the importance of communitywhen he took a fresh look at the Eilu Devarim. This ancient prayer from the Talmud, meant to be recited every morning, consists of 10 mitzvot or good deeds. When Evan rediscovered the prayer, which has been “hiding in plain sight,” he realized it was more than a dated piece of liturgy. And, he found that it could be the roadmap to a happier, more fulfilling life. A young rabbi in his early 30s, Evan was busy leading his large Chicago congregation in prayer services, writing sermons, tending to the various needs of synagogue members and making a home with his wife and small children. But, he also puzzled over how both he and his congregants could find greater joy, meaning and purpose in their lives. Looking for Something More “People would come to me with issues,” says Evan. “They had lost a spouse or a parent…. And underlying a lot of people’s concerns was a desire to live a more meaningful life—to make a difference. Many of my congregants had already established themselves professionally and financially, but they were looking for something more.” That “something more” is the subject of his new book, The Happiness Prayer: Ancient Jewish Wisdom for the Best Way to Live Today. It takes readers through the Eilu Devarim’s good deeds and illustrates real-world behaviors and activities that can bring more joy and compassion to your life. By studying the prayer with his congregation and intentionally incorporating the mitzvot into his own daily life, over time Evan experienced a radical shift in his well-being and that of the people around him. His congregation began referring to him as “The Smiling Rabbi.” The Prayer Here is Evan’s own paraphrase of the Eilu Devarim: How will you find happiness in the world and peace in the world to come? By learning these wisdom practices from your ancestors: Honor those who gave you life Be kind Keep learning Invite others into your life Be there when others need you Celebrate good times Support yourself and others during times of loss Pray with intention Forgive Look inside and commit The son of a psychiatrist, Evan was familiar with the tenets of positive psychology and PERMA (positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning and achievement). And from his vantage point as a religious leader, faith is not missing from the acronym. Rather, it complements it. “I think faith kind of crosses all the aspects of PERMA,” says Evan. “It can help us have a positive effect. Faith and religious life force you to be a part of a community and have relationships. It engages us with the world.” In the Eilu Devarim, kindness stands out in its stark simplicity. “The quickest happiness jolt you can get is by doing an act of kindness,” says Evan. There is also a great emphasis on community—it comes up in at least four of the deeds. In fact, Evan says, like many organized religions, Judaism tends to put a premium on family and community ahead of the individual. For Everything, a Season But the list also seems a little daunting. In the book, Evan describes how we must comfort friends who are sick instead of avoiding them, which may be our instinct. The same is true for people we know who have lost a loved one. Then there is the continued learning, spending time with aging parents…how can we work all these mitzvot into our busy lives? “We don’t have to do all of it all of the time,” says Evan. “There are moments in life when we are older and our parents are older, we will have to devote more time to honoring mother and father. When we are in college, we devote more time to learning…we can’t do all of these things all at once.” Now that Eilu Devarim has become integrated into his life, Evan has made the prayer a part of his morning ritual. “I wake up and do a little journaling…I have a chart with all 10 of the deeds, and I look at it and pick three that I am going to focus on each day. I am also really focused on gratitude, and I incorporate that into my life as I review each day.” “This is a powerful prayer,” says Evan. “I hope people who read the book will come away with a richer understanding of faith—of their own faith.” And also, find some answers to the ancient question: How can I live a happier, more meaningful life. To learn more, see Rabbi Evan's video blog. Listen to our podcast with Rabbi Evan: Emily Wise Miller is the Web Editor for Live Happy.
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Thinking with your brain and heart

Building Your Emotional Intelligence

Take a glimpse into the world of applied positive psychology with The Flourishing Center podcast. Each episode includes three sections giving you insights and hacks into living an authentically happy and flourishing life. What you'll learn in this podcast: Science Says—Learn what people who score high in trait emotional intelligence do differently. Life Hack—Learn how to further develop your own emotional intelligence. Practitioner’s Corner—Find out how one executive coach puts positive psychology into practice with her clients. Learn more about The Flourishing Center Read the interview from the Practitioner's Corner: Emiliya:  Hello everyone, and join me in welcoming Lisa Jacobson. She is a career consultant and leadership coach, and she is incredibly unique in so many ways, and one of which is that she holds both a Masters Degree in Applied Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, and she's also a graduate of our Certification in Applied Positive Psychology program here at The Flourishing Center. We're so excited to have Lisa with us and learn about how she's been applying positive psychology. She is an individualizer in our 5i Model, meaning that she uses positive psychology on a one-on-one basis with helping people figuring where are they and where do they want to go in their life. Lisa:  Well, I was a practicing human resources consultant, an internal consultant with Verizon, and I felt as though I reached a plateau in terms of how I could help people in the workplace. I really felt as though I needed more knowledge about what works well in the workplace and so that's what led me to the Masters of Applied Positive Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. Emiliya:  Beautiful. What brought you to the CAPP program as well? Lisa:  Well, the CAPP program is very interesting to me because I was in the same MAPP program as one of the co-founders, and I felt after several years of practicing positive psychology, I needed a refresher course, and I thought this was one way to find out what's some of the newer research out there and how could I use the existing research in new and different ways. Emiliya:  Tell us, Lisa, how are you using positive psychology personally and professionally? Lisa:  In my coaching practice, it's a very much a full practice. There are probably four different ways in which I practice positive psychology on a full-time basis. The first one is in Tampa, Florida. I actually have a clientele of young people who are about to graduate college and are undecided about what they want to do with the degree that they'd been earning, and then also some people in the Southeast United States who are currently in the workplace, and they want to maybe make a pivot and change directions in their career for many reasons. It varies considerably. Then I have my executive coaching practice, and what I do in that is there are some firms in the Southeast, businesses, a couple of construction companies that I work with, a research company that I work with, and some health care organizations, and I go into their workplaces, I'm hired usually by the CEO of the company, to work with their leaders who have a lot of potential, and I walk them through a leadership development program. Finally, what I've added just recently, and I really love it, I didn't know what I was going to think is I actually contract as a 1099 for a coaching organization called BetterUp. Emiliya:  Wow, that is so cool, Lisa. I love the variety of experiences that you get to have in the work that you're doing with people, being in such different places of their life as they're working with you. What are some of the ways in which you find yourself integrating positive psychology as you do this one-on-one work Lisa:  Positive psychology's actually my absolute guiding post for just about any activity that I do with clients. On a basic level, let's say that I'm working with someone about career decisions. The first thing is to guide that person to clarify their goals and to list those goals, and then to agree that they're going to be accountable for those goals, and also that I agree to help the become accountable to those goals and for the goals to be specific and for them to be measurable for them to have an idea of what a good might be. That would be step number one in just career exploration. There are probably 36 different activities I work with, I use from CAPP or positive psychology that are positive things that tap into a person's strengths to create a greater awareness of what those strengths are, and then to apply those strengths in new and different ways. I'd like to say that probably one of the most fundamental and most effective methods that I use is the "my best moment" method, and I usually establish that early on in the relationship. I do that because I find that when you ask someone about a best moment in their life, it's a bonding experience with them, so this establishes trust in a fairly quick way, and I share my own best story with them too. I usually have two versions. One that's just kind of an everyday best moment, and then there's a deeper one that I share when I feel we have established maybe greater intimacy, but this best moment story gives people a chance. It gives my clients an opportunity to reveal who they are, who they have been at their very best. It gives me the opportunity to listen for their strengths and to begin to appreciate what they're good at. When we have this experience of back and forth, like when I tell them, "I heard in this that you're a very creative person, and I saw a lot of curiosity in it as well," then they verify if what I heard is accurate or not. This gets them thinking they've really never thought of before. It just kind of opens the floodgates for ideas. Emiliya:  Wow. Thank you, Lisa. I hear you saying that one of the pillars of your practice is focused on identifying and naming strengths and that you are listening for your client's strengths as you're speaking with them and that you're kind of bringing them out within them as you're sharing, as you're listening to them speak about their goals, their dreams, their aspirations for themselves in life. Lisa:  Yes, exactly, because I really don't know of any formal program or opportunity that people have to begin to find their voice, and by their voice, I mean to be able to answer the question, who am I and why am I here and how do I add value to my family, to my friends, to my organization, to my team. These are such important questions, and it's just, it mystifies me why the first time someone finds themself answering these questions is often with the work that I do with them. Emiliya:  That's such a great point, Lisa, in that we can, as change agents ourselves, start to ask these questions of the people that we know, of the people that we care about that people shouldn't have to wait until they're finding themselves in just a professional setting or place of transition to start to recognize these things about themselves. Lisa:  Sure. I usually start out with a very lighthearted story of when I was, in my early 50s, and I think it's important to note that because I work with a lot of people who are aged 50-plus, and I really try to live out the fact from what we know about change and adult development and positive psychology that we continue to learn and grow, and that improves the quality of my lives. One of my best moments was when I started to do more exercise, and I actually kind of got that motivation from you because to me, when it comes to positive psychology, you represent the importance of the vitality that people have, and vitality becomes so much more important as you age. We take it for granted when we're younger. With vitality in mind, I signed up at the local YMCA to take a Body Pump class. That's basically weightlifting to music. It was down the street from where I work, so I would just run over and snag a class. I'd often come to the class late and I would often leave early because I had appointments, and people were paying me to be their coach, and I had a lot of work to do. I was building my practice up, so I didn't take it very seriously, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and loved it. One day, I came in with flip flops on. In fact, I call this my flip flop story. They were probably into the third routine. The instructor stops the class, and she says, "You can't stay in this class, Lisa, because you're not dressed appropriately. You need close-toed shoes. We're dealing with weights here," and I said, "Well, if you don't mind, I'd just like to stay because I'm here already." She left the room, and I thought everyone in the class, there were 30 people in the class, I thought they would say, "Oh, let Lisa stay," but no one defended me. I was really embarrassed, and I realized at that moment that my late entrance to the class and my early departures were things that people kind of didn't like about me. They didn't come to my defense. Everyone was annoyed because I was holding up the class. The manager of the YMCA came to the front door, and like a principal, he asked me to come to his office, and then he told me about rules and regulations and safety. I was humiliated for being called out, and I walked home, and something just came inside of me where I just said, "You know, I'm 50 years old, and I can't just act like a little girl here and get angry and hide my head in a pillow. I have to buck up and get back to that class and apologize to the instructor for my lack of motivation and tardiness and just not taking it seriously." I did, I went back to the class. I finished the class with my shoes on, and then after the class, I walked up to the instructor, and I told her that I apologize, and I said, "I learned a lesson, and the lesson was that I wasn't valuing her time as much as I valued my own, and I wasn't taking the class seriously, and that I would hereafter." She said, "Thank you," and from then on, I took it more seriously, in better shape for it too, but more importantly, I learned that I was disrespecting her, because to me, honestly, and this is still hard for me to admit, I did not value her time as much as I valued my own. Emiliya:  Firstly, I'm so grateful because I can tell you that I, too, am a Body Pump enthusiast, and I, too, have actually been that person who showed up in flip flops and was like, "What do you mean I can't do this class barefoot? I actually really prefer to squat and do things in my barefoot running shoes anyway," and have also been told to leave the class until I am able to come in with sneakers and find myself in that place too. Thank you so much for sharing that at the always in a hurry person within me bows to the always in a hurry person within you and recognizes that we share this in common along with a passion for this particular modality. As you share that story with your clients, what are some of the strengths that you highlight within ourself or pieces of learning that you hope that they'll capture within that story? Lisa:  Well, first of all, I hope they feel comfortable enough to admit that they're human and even at whatever age, we still have things to learn. It's so important. Even character strengths. They often tell me that they hear the humility in having learned a lesson, and they also hear perseverance, and as much as that I didn't give up, I went back to the class, and they hear honesty and authenticity and bravery. Bravery is interesting because so many people think bravery has to do with a physical thing, but bravery, as we know from positive psychology, has to do with being brave enough to be honest with yourself and with other people. Emiliya:  You said that that's the more surface-level story. I know that we're just getting to know you, but what's the deeper story that you sometimes share with clients? Lisa:  Well, the deeper story is a story of resilience, and it's one that I have come to really appreciate as I've told certain people. It seems, as a coach, that I really have my whole life together, and it appears as though sometimes people want to be like me. I want to let them know that this was, my journey has been a very long and painful journey with a lot of work involved and a lot of effort. The story begins just when I was a child. I had a mother and father, but my mother was mentally ill. She had severe psychosis and bipolar disorder. She ended up having four children, and she was really unable to take care of her children. I grew up in Philadelphia, actually, and we used to spend summers at the Jersey Shore. One summer, we were renting a house there, and school was starting, it was late August, and school was starting in September. This is where my mother could really relax, and it would be a vacation for her. Well, this particular summer, when I was 11 years old, we all got in the car to go back to Philadelphia, and everything was packed up, but my mother would not get in the car to come back to Philadelphia with us. I didn't quite understand it, but she was having yet another nervous breakdown, and she really just said, she came to the car, and she said, "I just can't do this anymore." That was really a tough moment for us all to handle. My father had no choice but to drive us back to Philadelphia. School started, and my mother never came home. That was September. Then in October, it was my birthday, and still, mom did not come home. November was Thanksgiving, no mom. December was Christmas, again, mom, it seemed as though she was just not going to return. It seemed as though she decided she could not raise her four children. In January, my father called his family in Tampa, Florida and asked if they could help raise us. We moved into a little two bedroom house with my great-aunt who I've never met before, and we started our lives all over again. Needless to say that that was a very though, bewildering time for me, and I just did what I had to do. I put one foot in front of the other to get through it. The toughest part, really, was as a teenager growing up in a new environment, people would always ask, "Well, where's your mom?" I would say, "She's very, very sick, and I don't think she's ever coming here. That, it's like she's terminally sick," I would say. I kind of make up stories as a kid. Then they found out, basically, that my mother was chronically mentally ill, and she gave us up to my dad. Kids make fun of stuff like that, and they think you're weird, and they don't want to be around you, and they think there's just something wrong with you and your family. A lot of judgment of the stigma of mental illness. I grew up with adversity that way, not having a mother, then it being kind of an illness that has a stigma, and then facing the fact that was abandoned by my other, and then being raised by man and dealing with all that going to high school and college and so forth. I just had to make my own way and make the best of the circumstances that I had. It wasn't easy, but I found my way forward, and I did it. That's my story. Emiliya:  It's an amazing thing to put the two strength stories together because you can hear the honesty and the authenticity and the bravery that comes with both being honest with yourself and also the bravery to just do what needs to be done and putting one foot in front of the other in stories of resilience like this one. Thank you so much for sharing that, Lisa. Lisa:  You're welcome. Bottom line there is that I was very, very sad, sad, sad, sad, as a child, and I found that you can do things to make your life matter. You don't have to resign to what your life circumstances have given you. That's what I've learned. Actually, my adulthood has been a lot happier than my childhood. Emiliya:  What are some ways that you personally practice positive psychology in adulthood that give you that sense of happiness and well-being and life satisfaction? Lisa:  Well, I practice mental hygiene. I think that's a term, actually, I got from you in the CAPP course. I start every day of my life quietly in meditation. Before I do anything, I practice meditation. I set intentions for the day, and it's usually 15 to 20 minutes of my practice in setting intentions. Then I routinely practice yoga twice or three times a week, and I exercise twice or three times a week as well. These things are absolutely staples in my life. I not only coach actively with the science of positive psychology being my primary toolbox, but I live it. I practice gratitude as well every day, and so does my husband. We've been doing that for 10 years now, sometimes more consistently than others, but before I open my computer and I check my email, I write down three things for which I am grateful or three things that went well. Well, it sets the tone for the day for me, but with the gratitude, meditation, exercise, yoga, it all comes together. There's this synergy there too. There's definitely a synergy, and let me tell you, Emiliya, as you know, in studying for my masters, I couldn't sit still to meditate for three minutes. It has taken me years to work up to the 20 minutes that I now do. I tell people that because they think, "Oh, I just can't meditate," and I say, "This is something for some people that takes years of practice." Emiliya:  I'm definitely in the same boat as well. I can't tell you how many times I ... I mean, I've been at it for over 14 conscious years of when I first learned about meditation to getting to the point where I do do it, I do it frequently, still not every day, and so one of the things that's helped me is reminding myself that what we do on the cushion is what we do off the cushion, and that on the cushion, your mind wanders, and you come back, and your mind wanders, and you come back, and what's most important is not that you have a clear mind, but that you keep coming back. That's definitely helped me having some more compassion towards myself on days when I haven't been meditating. It's all about coming back. Lisa:  That's probably the benefit for staying at it for 10 years is that I am able, through the course of the day, to center myself. In a matter of a second, I can go to that place. It's my reset button, and it's wonderful. Emiliya:  Beautiful. What have been some of the more powerful interventions and exercises that you've used with your clients as you've been sharing positive psychology with them? Lisa:  At BetterUp, I've found that people in the workplace are starving for things that they can use in the workplace to avoid running down the hall and getting a Snickers bar or something because they're stressed out. A lot of us at work, we're stressed because we're stretched to reach our goals, and we can easily break down by, we even break down that self-discipline muscle we have. It's important to set ourselves up for success, and one of the ways that we can do that is by being prepared, by planning in advance for when things go wrong. One of the things I love to do is encourage people to figure out what works specifically for them when they're stressed out to de-stress and to calm down and to not do something negative like go, for me, it used to be go the, we used to have snack machines, and go to snack machine and get a Snickers bar. There a number of things that you can do, and one of them is what I call a BMW, and that just means try breathing first. We talk a lot about how breathing actually helps, a conscious breathing, helps at least bring more oxygen to the brain. One of the first things that even physicians do is when they're trying to figure out what's wrong with someone is figure out how much oxygen do they have in their blood, and so it's very important thing to understand that your bloodstream is getting oxygen. The simplest most fundamental way of doing that is to be conscious of your breathing and to do it more efficiently and effectively. The M stands for move, so if the breathing still makes you go have an urge for a Snickers bar I say move. Walk around the building, walk around the parking lot, the parking garage, but see if that can distract you. Then W is water, of course. Hydrate. Drink a glass of water and see if that doesn't ... If you tried all three of those things and you still have this urge to feed that stress with some kind of unhealthy habit, I guess you tried not to. That's one little intervention that I use in the workplace because most of the time, no matter where anybody works, it's stress is the biggest issue with them, effectively dealing with stress, using stress in a positive way, so here's an example of using stress in a positive way. This is another thing that I took away from [inaudible 00:31:06] with Louis at CAPP, and that is, instead of, I have to do something, I get to do something. Emiliya:  Beautiful, Lisa. Thank you so much for sharing some of these powerful interventions with us that you integrate into your work. I'm curious if we could close our time off together with anything that you are really excited about within the field of positive psychology that you're reading or researching right now that's top of mind for you? Lisa:  I think decision making is one of, it's a very common topic for positive psychology. People want to make better decisions, and what we keep finding is that decisions are better made when you discuss them objectively, bringing that objective quality into them, and that's why working with a coach, it doesn't have to be a coach, but working with a coach or a mentor, someone, just talking about the steps of your decision making with someone has a positive impact on the change that you want to make in your life. Emiliya:  Awesome. Well, thank you so much, Lisa. Thank you for taking the time to share your expertise in your practice of positive psychology with us. Lisa:  Thank you. It was my pleasure. Emiliya:  Lisa, if people wanted to find out m ore about your work, where could they find you? Lisa:  They can Google Lisa Garcia Jacobson. Emiliya:  Beautiful. Thank you, Lisa. Lisa:  Thank you. Bye. Emiliya:  Learn more about Lisa Jacobson's work at workplacesolutionstampa.com, including her interview bootcamp, career services, and executive coaching. Speaking of interviews, check out our website theflourishingcenter.com/5imodel. That's the number 5, the letter i, and the word model. This is a questionnaire that we've established to help you figure out which of the five change agent types you fall into, and based on identifying what type of change agent you are in the world, let us help you identify your personalized road map for success in helping you spread positive psychology in the science of flourishing around the world.
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Anchorman Craig Melvin

How Craig Melvin Stays Positive in a Negative News World

Craig Melvin, NBC News’ Weekend TODAY co-anchor and MSNBC anchor, travels the world to track the most significant stories of our time, from tragic mass shootings to raucous political conventions and the thrill of the Olympic Games. Off-screen, his life is much calmer. He cherishes family dinners with his wife, ESPN SportsCenter anchor Lindsay Czarniak, and the couple’s two children, Delano and Sybil. Who has taught you the most about happiness? My wife. Early in our courtship when we were both working in Washington, I was attracted to her sunny outlook on life. She is a naturally happy person whose glass is always full. I think when you surround yourself with happy people, you’ll be a happy person. And I’m so fortunate to wake up with and go to sleep with a happy person. What is one of your favorite happiness boosters? Maintaining gratitude. I start the day with mindfulness, and to get that rolling along, I use the app Headspace. That helps me sit quietly and reflect on all the good in my life, which puts me in a happy place early in the day. What are you passionate about? My family. I have pictures of my wife and kids on my desk that help remind me on a daily basis of how grateful I should be. Also my job, my extended family and my faith. When is the last time you laughed out loud? I laugh on a regular basis, often at my own jokes. I was at a dinner party in New York with old friends and did some hearty belly laughing as old stories were being told. Where is your happy place? My house. If I had my druthers, I would rarely leave the place. I love being at home with my family and having nothing planned but spending time with my loved ones. How do you like to decompress when the weight of negativity gets too heavy? I’ll throw on a pair of wireless headphones because I find a fair amount of calmness in music. I’ll also take a few deep breaths throughout a stressful day or if I’m feeling anxious to get back to an even space. What are your must-haves for living happy when reporting on so many tragedies and heartbreak? I’m always reading a book or two at a time or a few magazines. And binge-watching. When I’m on a long flight, I’ll discover a new show and watch several episodes to escape for a little bit. I often can’t believe the flight is over and I was distracted and got my mind off that stress and worry. Read more: How to Cope With Bad News Overload Gina Roberts-Grey is an award-winning journalist who has written for Family Circle, Self and Essence among other publications. Her last feature story for Live Happy was a profile of Queen Latifah.
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Ken Baker from E Online

Finding Faith in La La Land

Journalist Ken Baker recently departed from his usual beat, chronicling the latest celebrity escapades for E! News, to embark on a deeper quest. After two decades as a Hollywood reporter, he was experiencing “existential anxiety.” Plagued by panic attacks and tormented by thoughts that he would one day die, as would his wife and two children, “I was distracted, unsettled, sad all the time,” he says. “I realized that to become a happier, healthier, more balanced person, I needed to rediscover and define my spiritual faith, practices and values.” Ken, who also founded the Mindful Writing Center, an online writing academy, recounts that journey in his new book The Ken Commandments: My Search for God in Hollywood. Raised Catholic in Buffalo, New York, he begins his hunt for holiness by returning to his early faith. He takes Bible study classes with a preacher who tends to a flock of young Hollywood stars like Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, and glimpses Gwen Stefani at services. He sits beside the Kardashians on Easter Sunday at a church that Kris Jenner helped launch. He would go on to discuss atheism with Adam Corolla, have a disquieting visit to Scientology’s Celebrity Centre and what he describes as a “profound experience” with a young psychic who “was able to reveal to me knowledge about myself that was so deep I had forgotten about and had never written or shared.” In the end, it was the meditation practice that Ken began under the tutelage of Deepak Chopra that brought him out of his funk. “It’s not an overstatement to say meditation saved my life, or at least saved the quality of my life,” he says. Today, Ken meditates daily, beginning each 20-minute practice with four questions: Who am I? What do I most desire? What am I grateful for? What is my dharma, or purpose, in life? He also tries to be more mindful throughout the day, less reactive about, say, E! not assigning him the big Miley Cyrus interview. “Old Ken would get caught up in ego. Why didn’t I get it? I’m the best interviewer,” he says. Now he realizes that “comparison is the thief of joy, and there’s nothing to gain from becoming so attached to something that’s outside my control.” Listen to our podcast: The Ken Commandments With Ken Baker Shelley Levitt is a freelance journalist based in Los Angeles and editor at large for Live Happy. Her work has appeared in Real Simple, People, SUCCESS and more.
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Image of woman embracing her chest.

Surviving Breast Cancer, Cynicism Intact

I never planned to write about breast cancer—partly because I told myself it wasn’t that big of a deal, but mostly I didn’t want to be a pink-ribboned poster girl for the disease, trotting out my story and cheapening it with every retelling. Buck up and deal with it, I told myself. Get the surgery. Take the chemo. What else was I going to do? If I wanted to live to see my 11-month-old son grow out of his baby bed, and watch my 3-year-old daughter start kindergarten, my path was clear. Whatever pain I might have after surgery, however sick I felt after chemo, I would get through it. Reality Bites I recently heard an interview with a veteran Marine who talked about a motto that’s often used in the military: Embrace the suck. I’m not in the military, but I know what she was talking about. Hearing this phrase was the first time I had words to nail down exactly how I got through breast cancer. Deep down inside, I knew this wasn’t the flu. The fact is, women die from breast cancer every single day—even in 2017. Doctors staged my cancer at 2b. Had it been stage 4, the statistics say I probably wouldn’t be here writing about it. So I embraced the suck, because it did suck, and there was no use pretending otherwise. I couldn’t Pollyanna my way through it. I had no other options beyond accepting my reality and reacting to each minute as it unfolded. If anything could be construed as “positivity,” I suppose it was my acceptance of the situation. For the 33 years until my diagnosis, I’d been living in a universe where everything just worked out. Then I blinked. And when I opened my eyes, I realized that I’d actually been in a parallel universe my whole life. One where I had a BRCA2 gene mutation that meant when some cells in my right breast started growing out of control, this mutated gene couldn’t go in and stop the nonsense like a healthy BRCA2 gene would do. When I accepted this universe, life with cancer was manageable. It was a kind of suck that I had to embrace. Finding the Goodness For example, I embraced the distressing news from my aunt Margie, who told me that my grandmother wasn’t the only one in our family who’d had breast cancer. My grandmother’s sister had died of breast cancer at age 35. Had Margie not told me this, I never would’ve started doing self-exams in the shower. (Lesson: Know your family history and check your breasts.) I embraced the fact that it was our neighbor and friend Miss Beth who had to read The Monster at the End of This Book to my curly haired daughter when I couldn’t. My husband and I embraced Miss Beth’s husband, Mike, when he brought his homemade, Mickey Mouse-shaped pancakes to our kids one Saturday morning. I embraced my mother for staying with me when, after my nine-hour bilateral mastectomy, my plastic surgeon had to wheel me back into the operating room to take care of a hematoma that had developed. I can’t imagine what a mother feels like after everyone else goes home for the night, and her daughter has to go back into surgery. I embraced my stepmother for doing my family’s laundry, and my dad for being a good sport and dancing when my daughter commanded him to, and for helping my husband get two tiny kids out of the bathtub because I couldn’t. I embraced TLC for creating the reality show My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding so that I had something to binge-watch while trying to ignore the nausea from chemo. I embraced my husband for his humor, and his guidance in helping me choose the right implants for my reconstruction. And for going with me to every single infusion, even though I told him he didn’t have to. I embraced my co-workers who taped three-dozen tiny pink ribbons on the walls of our conference room—and left them there until I was done with my treatments. Looking for Silver Linings I embraced modern medicine. Despite the nausea and utter disgust I felt after each round of chemo, I still thanked God that these medications (and some pretty powerful antiemetics) exist. I embraced the fact that, early in my diagnosis, we learned that a gene mutation runs on my mother’s side of the family. This explained my great-aunt’s premature death, and the fact that my own grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer not just once, but twice. Knowing this mutation runs in our family taught us all to be more proactive in taking care of our health. And today I embrace the fact that I can sit here and write about cancer. Because you know what? It was a big deal. And because not everyone’s fortunate enough to live through it. And because writing about my own unique perspective—one where the patient doesn’t wear a pink tutu in the O.R. or hang gaudy pink metallic wreaths on her door but instead finds her own begrudging path through this thing—might be helpful after all. Maybe as much for me as for anyone reading this. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. To learn more go to the National Breast Cancer Awareness website. Melanie Medina is a breast cancer survivor and freelance writer who loves dog breeds that end with "doodle."
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#HappyFacts: Happiness is Contagious

#HappyFacts: Happiness is Contagious

Each week, Live Happy Radio presents #HappyFacts designed to enlighten, educate and entertain you. Here’s a look at what we’re talking about this week: Give to live (longer) If you love to volunteer, your efforts to help others might also help you live longer. Although the act of giving back to others has been proven to have many positive benefits, researchers still aren’t sure why that is the case. But research from Suzanne Richards, Ph.D., of the University of Exeter Medical School in the U.K., indicates that active volunteers not only are happier, but they live longer, too. There are many reasons it could be so healthy for you, including providing us with important social connections and human contact, and causing us to get up and “do” something instead of spending that time doing something sedentary, like watching television. Volunteering can give us a deep sense of purpose and happiness, both of which are associated with longer, healthier lives. Before you decide volunteering is a fountain of youth, though, there’s a catch. To really make it work in your favor, it’s important you’re doing it for the right reasons: Susan’s research shows that such health benefits don’t apply to those who are doing it to help themselves rather than for the good of others. Catch some happiness There’s always some sort of “bug” going around, it seems, and if you hang around with the wrong people (or the right people at the wrong time), you just might catch it. That’s true for colds and flu, but it’s also true for moods. Through a process known as social contagion, moods can spread from one person to the next, and more recent research shows that moods can even be changed or affected by emotional expressions of friends on your social networks. There are a couple of good points to notice, though, based on these findings. First, you now know that your moods can affect the moods of those around you. And secondly, you know that the moods of those around you are influencing how you feel. If you keep that in mind, you’ll not only realize that you can have a bigger impact on your social network, family and co-workers than you might have previously imagined, but you can also plan to avoid those Debbie Downers to keep their bad moods from ruining your good one. Take a breath For years, deep breathing has been advised as a way of calming oneself or helping to gain focus. But now we know that the secret isn’t just in taking a breath, it’s how you take that breath. Researchers from Northwestern University discovered that breathing through our noses provides a much different experience than breathing through our mouths. Study subjects who breathed through their noses had stronger electrical rhythms in their amygdala and hippocampus. That’s significant because those regions of the brain are crucial for our emotions and memories. What does that mean to us non-science people? Plenty. When combined with slow, deep breathing—which can calm the nervous system and slow heart rate—nasal inhalation can provide us with a more accurate emotional picture of what is happening. It also allows us to tap into the brain’s memory center, empowering us to make better, calmer decisions. In times of stress, that could mean the difference between feeling anxious and being able to roll with it. So next time you’re feeling under pressure, take a deep breath—through your nose—and see what a difference it makes.
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The Ken Commandments with Ken Baker

The Ken Commandments with Ken Baker

Ken Baker, the Los Angeles–based senior correspondent for E! News, has worked in entertainment news for more than twenty years. In between interviews with A-list celebrities amidst the land of fairy tales and double-dealing, Ken came to realize his spiritual cup was evaporating and it was up to him to fill it back up again. His new book The Ken Commandments: My Search for God in Hollywood reveals a world that is deeper and more God-centered than many of us might ever imagine. What you'll learn in this episode: What prompted him to make the Ken Commandments The spiritual transformation during his search for God How his perspective shifted with the intersection of celebrities and spiritual advisors Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Learn more about Ken on his website Purchase a copy of The Ken Commandments: My Search for God in Hollywood Follow Ken on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
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Live Happy Meal Prep

7 Ways to Make Healthy Meal Planning Easier

Many of us want to eat healthy, but stress and a lack of time can easily derail our good intentions. If you feel as if you don’t have time to make nutritious meals, you are not alone. Planning, shopping and cooking are time-consuming. Doing it all while avoiding unhealthy shortcuts can seem impossible, especially during the busy work week. If you’d love to eat better but aren’t sure how, here are some tips to save you time and make healthy meal-planning easier. 1. Get the tools. The right kitchen accessories are a great investment. They save you time and make it easier for you to live up to your healthy-eating expectations. Best buys include: Rice cooker: No burning, no guessing—your rice comes out perfect every time. Plus, you are free to cook something else while your rice cooker does the work for you. Food processor: Don’t like chopping? Use your food processor instead. Steamer: Make vegetable side dishes in minutes, no oil needed. Garlic press: Don’t get frustrated peeling and chopping garlic when you can mince it in a minute. Blender: Make smoothies ahead of time and store in the freezer. One option for breakfast or a healthy snack: Mix frozen fruit, water or almond milk, a banana and chia seeds. Plastic storage containers: Make your food-prep day easy when you have storage containers on hand. 2. Set it and forget it. Two words: Slow cooker. Easy meals to make in it include turkey chili, lentil soup, stews and braises of every kind. Almost anything you can boil or roast also has a version for your slow cooker, including lots of healthy recipes. Imagine coming home at the end of the day, your house full of aromatic smells, and dinner is ready. Here are 52 healthy slow cooker recipes from fitness trainer Chris Freytag’s Gethealthyu.com to get you inspired. 3. Designate a food-prep day. Pick a day just for food preparation; Sundays work well for most people. Whatever you can do ahead of time will make the week that much easier. Prepare a big batch of brown rice in your slow cooker. Bake chicken breasts in the oven. Mix some smoothies and put them in your freezer to grab and go in the morning. Chop veggies and fruit to have ready-made snacks or add-ons for your packed lunches. 4. Keep your grocery list going all week. As soon as you are low on something or down to the last can or jar, add it back to your grocery list. This regular habit saves time. When it’s time to shop, just grab your list and head out. 5. Think veggies first. Gone are the days of meat and potatoes at the center of your plate and maybe a vegetable on the side. Greens and other veggies are now center stage. Make vegetables the priority in your healthy meal planning. Think of what vegetable you are having first and then figure out the rest. Baked sweet potatoes go well with salmon. Steam spinach and add cooked garlic shrimp. Think peppers, onions and avocado and whip up some healthy fajitas. 6. Establish a few healthy meal staples. We all have days when whipping up a homemade vegetable soup for the family is not in the cards. Have a few go-to meals in your repertoire that are easy to prepare. Consider scrambled eggs with leftover veggies and goat cheese. Or make a salad with whatever protein you have left such as salmon or rotisserie chicken. If you have extra-virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar and coarse ground mustard, you can whisk together a delicious and healthy salad dressing. Add a dash of salt, pepper and a squeeze of fresh lemon. If you don’t eat meat or fish, toss a handful of almonds or walnuts on your salad. Have some ingredients on hand to make some healthy meals in a muffin tin. 7. Make extras. Making stuffed peppers or a delicious and healthy chili recipe? Double the recipe so you can eat it twice in the same week, take leftovers for lunch or freeze a few servings for later. Try some of these techniques and make meal prep easier on you and better for your health. Read more: 3 Easy Steps for Healthier Eating Read more: 10 Must-Read Books for Happy, Healthy Eating Sandra Bilbray is a contributing editor for Live Happy, and the CEO and owner of themediaconcierge.net.
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