10 Natural Remedies to Calm Your Anxiety

10 All-Natural Ways to Calm Your Anxiety

Sometimes anxiety is just a troubling feeling that something isn’t right. Anxiety can show up as panic attacks, excessive worry or trouble sleeping, and it can be a nuisance or downright debilitating. To help you shift to a state of ease, we’ve rounded up 10 ways to quiet down your anxiety naturally. 1. Eat your breakfast Skipping breakfast can make your blood sugar low and increase the likelihood of anxiety. Start your day with a bowl of oatmeal with strawberries or blueberries for a powerhouse combination of complex carbs to boost your serotonin levels and antioxidants to protect your body at a cellular level. Read More: 5 Secrets to a Happy Morning 2. Practice meditation The science is in and the deliberate practice of mindfulness meditation—paying attention to the present moment without judgment—can lessen stress and anxiety as well as boost creativity and improve productivity. Enjoy all the benefits by mastering the art of clearing your mind. Read More: 6 Steps to Mindfulness Meditation 3. Tune in You probably know right now what music calms you. Tune in to your favorite station on Pandora or on your personal playlist. Music can be uplifting and change your state of mind. Watch: The Scientific Power of Music 4. Get your zzz’s Your body and mind don’t function properly with a lack of sleep. A good night’s sleep is like a makeover for your mood. Sleep is so restorative that’s why you’ve heard the sage advice, “Sleep on it.” 5. Change the channel Positive psychology expert Caroline Miller suggests changing the channel of your mind when life gets tough and you feel angst. Think of a quote you love, sing a song, or go out and connect with people who lift you up. 6. Go for a nature walk Just going outdoors makes us more mindful and calm, according to Harvard researchers. Try a walk through the woods and listen to water in a stream and the birds in the trees to fully immerse in nature and feel serene. 7. Sweat more Studies show exercise can work as well as medication to lessen anxiety, and its effects can be long-lasting as long as you keep up with your sweat sessions. 8. Try this breathing trick Dr. Darlene Mininni, author of The Emotional Toolkit, suggests 3-3-6 breathing. Breathe in for three seconds, hold for three seconds, and exhale for six seconds. When your exhale is longer than your inhale, it helps you relax. 9. Make yourself laugh There is a reason for the popularity of YouTube videos that feature cats, dogs and babies. When you are laughing, most likely you won’t be feeling anxious. Escape with a good belly laugh now and then. 10. Take a lavender bath Lavender is known for its gorgeous floral and grassy aroma, but it may also be a natural remedy for anxiety and stress. Just a few drops in your bath can increase mental relaxation. Sandra Bienkowski is a regular contributor to Live Happy and the founder and CEO of TheMediaConcierge.net.
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“Belief,” filmmaker David Shadrack Smith

New Documentary Explores the World of “Belief”

Even if you don’t immediately recognize his name, it’s likely that you know the work of filmmaker/producer David Shadrack Smith. As founder of part2 pictures, he has been behind such compelling projects as National Geographic’s Hard Time documentary series and OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network’s Our America with Lisa Ling. Now he has taken on his most ambitious project to date. Belief, a series that airs for seven consecutive nights beginning Oct. 18 on OWN, looks at mankind’s eternal search to connect with something greater than ourselves. The series shows some of the rituals, practices and beliefs around the world that connect us to each other—and to a greater power. Narrated and executive produced by Oprah Winfrey, it was filmed in 33 locations and took three years to complete. We caught up with David to talk about this groundbreaking project. Live Happy: What made you want to take on this project? David: This is so clearly one of the ways to understand the world we live in. The quest for meaning, these questions—that’s what connects us as a species. When you start to break it down, you see we are so connected in the quest. We all want to answer the questions, ‘Who am I?’ and ‘Why am I here?’ I immediately saw the rich tapestry of the story. LH: How did working on this series affect you? David: I think in general it made me so much more compassionate and aware of how millions of people around the world engage with their beliefs … I realized that most people want to be the best possible version of themselves, and their beliefs are there to help them do that. It made me feel more connected to my fellow humans. LH: What do you hope viewers take away from the series? David: I hope they get a little bit of deeper understanding of our connection to each other. We are seeking a common goal: to be our best self, to raise our family well and to understand what we’re doing here. I hope their takeaway will be our connectivity and common goals. LH: Why do you think the time is right for a series like this? David: Timing is everything. In our first meeting, Oprah said, “Do you think we can change the world with this series?” We knew it was that important. At this moment, as technology and travel make more things possible, we are coming in contact with each other in ways that’s never happened before—and that’s leading to a lot of conflict, and a lot of awareness of conflict, which creates amplification of conflict. For this series to come into the world at this time is really important; we can step back and come at it from a singular human consciousness. LH: This was such an ambitious undertaking—did you accomplish what you set out to do? David: I was amazed that, through all of it, we really did deliver the series that we set out to make. [In the beginning] I didn’t know if we could pull it off.  In this headline-grabbing world of conflict, it’s important to go deeper than our differences and discover what makes us the same. Listen to an expanded interview with David Shadrack Smith on our Podcast. View the trailer at www.oprah.com/belief
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5 Positive Reasons for Saying No

5 Positive Reasons for Saying No

It consists of just two little letters, but the word “no” can have a big impact on your relationships with others—and with yourself. Too much “no” and you can isolate yourself, creating a negative persona, and miss out on opportunities. Too little “no” and you might overbook your schedule and bring on too much stress in the process. Finding a balance between yes and no is key, but that equilibrium can only exist if you’re able to see both the positive and negative sides of saying no.It’s easy to see what’s wrong with saying no: It might hurt others’ feelings. It might create distance between you and your loved ones. It might leave you feeling guilty or regretful. It might limit opportunities. But there’s more to no than just negativity. Saying no can actually have a very positive influence on your life.Here are some of the reasons no can be a positive act that will lead to more personal fulfillment and better interactions with others.1. Saying no means you value your time.Saying no is the best tool you have for distancing yourself from negative people or situations. Remind yourself how valuable your time is, and you’re less likely to hesitate when it comes to saying no to something you really don’t want to do. Saying no requires a strong sense of self, but in the end, it will reinforce your emotional well-being.Read More: Friends With Benefits2. Saying no can be a brave act.No can be difficult to say without hedging or including an explanation. You might say, “I’ll have to think about it…” or “I’m not sure, maybe…” These phrases not only confuse others (is that a yes or a no?), but also dilute your own certainty about what you want. Consider each time you say no, without a hedge or explanation, to be a brave act of self-respect.3. Saying no means you know what you want.Rather than immediately responding to a question or a request, take time to ask yourself, "What do I really want?" Sometimes, for various reasons, we have to do things we don’t want to do. But if you find yourself constantly saying yes even when you don't want to, you should consider your own needs. You may build up resentment, which can damage relationships.4. Saying no means standing your ground.Some people won’t take no for an answer. They’ll urge you, cajole you, and come up with all kinds of creative solutions to make you say yes. These people are a challenge when you’re trying to make your life a more positive, productive place. When encountering won’t-take-no types, stand your ground and repeat your initial response. If you find yourself wavering, recall the reasons you chose to say no in the first place and consider how good you’ll feel if you remain true to yourself. You’ll find this fortitude carries over into other areas of your life.5. Saying no is sometimes saying yes.Every time you say no to one thing, you’re saying yes to something else. No means freeing up your time (and, in some cases, your emotional bandwidth) to engage in other, perhaps more positive, activities. If you feel badly for turning someone down, reframe your response, offering to do something another time that you want to do.It can be tough to say no. Many of us were raised to always be nice and say yes. Learning how to decline an invitation or request without feeling guilty is an essential aspect of living a happy life. The more you master the art of saying no when necessary, the easier it becomes to fill your life with activities and people who bring you true happiness. If you find yourself defaulting to yes more than you’d like, or you struggle with sticking to no once you’ve said it, come back to these five points and remind yourself of the positive power of no.Also by Dani DiPirro: 5 Tactics for Coping With Cranky PeopleDani DiPirro is an author, blogger, and designer living in a suburb of Washington, DC. In 2009, she launched the websitePositivelyPresent.comwith the intention of sharing her insights about living a positive and present life. Dani is the author ofStay Positive,The Positively Present Guide to Life, and a variety ofe-books. She is also the founder of Twenty3, a design studio focused on promoting positive, modern graphic design and illustration.
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33 Ideas for Lifelong Learning

33 Ideas for Lifelong Learning

To live the virtuous life we must embrace wisdom and the courage to seek it. Curiosity, creativity and a life of learning will help you keep an active and sound mind. Here are a few ideas to keep you wise beyond your years.“I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.”— Eartha KittRead Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning by Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, Mark A. McDaniel.Watch School of Rock.Listen to “Learning to Fly” by Tom Petty.Learn to be happy!“Learning never exhausts the mind.” —Leonardo da VinciRead Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink.Attend a reading by one of your favorite authors.Watch The Intern.Read Let's Be Less Stupid: An Attempt to Maintain My Mental Faculties by Patricia Marx.Learn to overcome your fears.“Turn your wounds into wisdom.” ―Oprah WinfreyRead Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D.Watch Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey.Listen to “ABC” by The Jackson 5.Learn to speak another language.“Never laugh at live dragons.” ―J.R.R. TolkienRead A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas by Warren Berger.Watch Precious.Learn to paint happy trees.“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” —Bill GatesRead The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield.Watch The Karate Kid.Download a new podcast.“You teach best what you most need to learn.” —Richard BachRead The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.Start or join a book club.“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” ―Dr. SeussWatch The Breakfast Club.Read The Power of Mindful Learning by Ellen J. Langer.Take a cooking class.“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” ―AristotleRead Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse.Read More: Discover Your Higher Calling
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The History of Smiley

It’s hard not to smile when you see this cheerful face. Since its creation in 1963, Smiley has become one of the most recognizable symbols in the world. How did it come about? In an attempt to boost low employee morale at the State Mutual Life Assurance Company of America, Harvey Ball, a young freelance graphic artist, was commissioned to find a solution. According to his son, Charles Ball, it took Harvey roughly 10 minutes to draw Smiley, and he was paid $45. Reflecting on his iconic creation later, Harvey said that a “smile is what we want to see when we look at someone else.” Charles now carries the torch as the managing trustee of the Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation. He says the reason for Smiley’s popularity is that the “icon crosses all the lines that tend to divide us: political, religious and geographical and goes to the core of our existence.” Celebrate World Smile Day with us on Oct. 2. Go out and do a Happy Act! Make yourself and those around you happy. Remember, smiles are contagious!
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LifeMap: A GPS for the Soul

LifeMap: A GPS for the Soul

Life is a journey. You can follow the crowd, or you can challenge yourself by charting a more purposeful course. But how does one find meaning, while avoiding the obstacles and diversions along the way?Life Reimagined LifeMap™, the first research-based, step-by-step tool for navigating the path to personal fulfillment, is a kind of GPS for life’s transitions. Whether you’re asking, “what’s next?”and hoping to make a change, or looking to do more of what’s already working, the program offers the tools to achieve personalized well-being in a simple, accessible, small-steps process that is supported by the science of behavior change.Build your action plan, get coachedBeginning with free card-sorting exercises to help you create your own purpose statement, web-based LifeMap allows you to think about weighty topics in an accessible, fun way. Questions about who you want to be and what you want to have more or less of in your life lead to online tasks, video tutorials and reminders to help you stay on track.You build an action plan to achieve your goals around work, relationships and well-being. Feeling stuck? Trained guides and coaches are available to offer advice and encouragement. “All the top athletes and CEOs have coaches to encourage them and pick them up when they stumble,” says sociologist and Life Reimagined thought leader Christine Whelan, Ph.D. LifeMap makes personal coaching affordable for people of all ages, backgrounds, interests and income levels.Putting a plan into actionInterior designer Paige Lendrum Hill, 52, is using the program to navigate changes in her life, including a difficult divorce and a move last year from the Washington suburbs to St. Augustine, Florida, where she’s struggling to build a new client base for her company, Elysian Design Studio.“The exercises focus my attention and make me think,” she says. “I like that.” More specifically, Paige says, “I’m a bit of a procrastinator and need help with motivation and energy.” To that end, LifeMap’s action plan helped the designer set some energy-generating fitness goals and directed her toward specific programs.Inspiration and motivationOne of Paige's mentors is trainer Patricia Moreno,the creative force behind Sati Life, a training regimen that combines mental, physical, emotional and spiritual elements. After watching Patricia’s 10-minute intenSati video through LifeMap, Paige was hooked. “Patricia’s terrific—engaging and inspiring. I feel totally energized when I’m done,” she says.“The overall concept of LifeMap is great,” Paige says. “It’s thought-provoking and easy to manage, even if you’re not computer savvy. The program is not about giving you answers. It’s about coaching you to make good decisions for yourself based on your specific needs. LifeMap leads you down a path and helps you engage with your goals.”Read More about Life Reimagined and The Path to Purpose
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The Path to Purpose

The Path to Purpose

“I never thought I would be this person,” marvels 38-year-old Jessica Tunon. Two decades ago, the Floridian worked full time to pay her way through college and afterward leapt into a high-stress career in finance in Palm Beach. As the years passed, Jessica’s admirable drive and focus left little room for reflection, but she couldn’t ignore the signs that she needed to make some changes in her life. She gained weight and suffered chronic back pain. The two-plus hours she spent in her car every day battling commuter traffic didn’t help. Walking tall In 2001, she had back surgery for a herniated disk. The pain dissipated, but her stress didn’t. Not until she started walking. What started as physical recovery therapy ended up adding meaning to Jessica’s life. But it was a journey. In Florida she struggled to find time and safe places to walk. In 2007, Jessica moved to the pedestrian-friendly Washington suburb of Arlington, Virginia. She had been driving since she turned 16. She loved her sporty, two-door Honda Accord, the embodiment of the independence she had achieved through hard work. Giving it up was unthinkable—until she did it, and her whole life changed. On May 12, 2008, Jessica let her Honda’s lease lapse, and she has been car-free ever since. “I learned what it’s like to live in a city with access to public transportation,” she says. “I lost weight. I saved money. The stress went away.” Read More: 33 Ideas for Finding Purpose in Life Forming a community The transformation didn’t stop there. For the first time, Jessica saw herself in a broader context. She started walking with friends. She found a like-minded community and discovered the joys of giving back by volunteering and reducing her carbon footprint. In 2014, Jessica launched Netwalking, a startup that organizes walking business meetings to get people up and moving and improve their health, happiness and productivity. Simply put, walking gave Jessica’s life purpose. “Purpose” comes up a lot these days, but it’s far more than the latest buzzword. A growing pile of research links purpose with increased fulfillment, productivity and even longevity. For many Americans, finding purpose and meaning—at home and at work—has become central to their life plans. In a recent Gallup study, Americans rated “meaning and purpose” much higher than “wealth,” “status,” or “ recognition among peers” as important and immediate life goals. Just a decade ago, it barely made the list. Mapping the path to purpose Psychologists, sociologists and other experts are mapping the most fruitful paths to purpose. They’re redefining purpose as a way of life—a daily, achievable goal rather than some daunting Holy Grail. Spoiler alert: The key is making a difference in people’s lives. And increasingly, people like Jessica are willing to adjust key aspects of their lives to find purpose now rather than holding out vague hope for the future. In this story, you’ll also meet a reinvention coach who preaches what she practices and find advice for making positive lifestyle changes stick from a behavioral psychologist who studies the mechanics of habit. Indeed, the pursuit of purpose has become so popular that AARP recently launched Life Reimagined (lifereimagined.org), a digital experience that provides guidance to the millions of midlife Americans who are exploring new possibilities in their lives. Integral to that experience is a package of interactive activities, online coaching and community connections that helps people rediscover what matters most to them. “Americans are living longer, and this has led to a fundamental shift in how we think about career, money, health and personal fulfillment,” says Emilio Pardo, president of Life Reimagined. “We started Life Reimagined to provide tools to help people transition to what’s next in their lives. This builds on AARP’s promise to help people live their best lives, especially as we navigate an emerging life phase that encourages us to better understand our purpose and direction.” What floats your boat For such an important word, purpose can be hard to pin down. In The Power of Purpose, best-selling author and executive coach Richard Leider defines purpose as “the aim around which we structure our lives, a source of direction and energy.” Simply put, says Richard, whose work provides a foundation for the Life Reimagined Institute, “purpose is your reason for getting up in the morning. It’s fundamental to happiness and longevity.” We live in a culture obsessed with money and material possessions, but study after study shows that wealth is not the path to happiness. Finding meaning, finding happiness A 2009 MetLife market report titled “Discovering What Matters” found that regardless of age, gender or financial status, a majority of people assign the most importance to meaning-related activities and, above all, spending time with family and friends. Those with a sense of purpose were more likely to report being “happy.” They felt more focused on the present and possessed a clearer vision of the future they wanted for themselves. And whether the purpose is a vocation or an avocation, one commonality shines through: Purpose always involves making a difference in the lives of others. Research that backs it up “We assume people are best motivated by money and prestige—what they’ll get, not necessarily by what they’ll give. But all studies show we’re best motivated by our effect on other people,” says Christine Carter, Ph.D., a sociologist and senior fellow at UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center. She cites the research of Wharton School of Business psychologist Adam Grant, Ph.D., who has studied what motivates people in boring jobs, such as university fundraising call centers. Adam brought in speakers to inspire the callers and then measured the speakers’ effect on productivity. The first group consisted of former call-center employees who spoke about how the work helped them advance their own careers. Their words produced no measurable effect on the fundraising outcome. Next came a group of scholarship recipients. They didn’t connect the dots between the fundraising and their own opportunities; they simply spoke about what the chance to attend college meant to them. Their testimonials inspired an uptick in calls and a 171 percent increase in money raised. Read More: Get in Touch With Your Higher Calling We are tribal animals The results do not surprise Christine. “The most consistent finding about happiness throughout sociology, psychology and neuroscience across the last 150 years of work—as far back as people have been studying well-being and happiness—is that personal happiness is best predicted by the breadth and depth of one’s connection to other people,” she says. “We are tribal animals. Our nervous system has evolved to feel safe and at ease in the presence of others. We understand the connection between what we do and why it matters to other people.” In her book, The Sweet Spot: How to Find Your Groove at Home and at Work, Christine defines the sweet spot as those moments when great strength overlaps with great ease. We’ve all experienced those times when all our faculties and skills align with our effort, and we find ourselves exceptionally intuitive, productive and energetic. “The fastest way to find the sweet spot,” Christine says, “is through meaning, in particular social meaning. Your belief about your purpose in relation to other people improves both power and ease.” Long road to reinvention More than a dozen years ago, Pamela Mitchell found her true calling by helping others after years of focusing on herself. Her journey involved a couple of risky leaps of faith into unknown waters. Fittingly, she’s now the founder and CEO of the Miami-based Reinvention Institute, a coaching firm that helps successful professionals “transform their careers, themselves or their world.” Raised in Milwaukee, the first in her family to attend college, Pamela fulfilled an early dream by landing a job on Wall Street. Almost right away, she realized the job wasn’t a good fit, but she stuck it out. “I was taught to get an education, get a good job at a company and stay there,” Pamela says. “Nothing about finding purpose or even happiness.” After five years, she quit with no job plan. Deciding she wanted to start over with a career in media, she looked for a book or coach who could help her make the switch. “All the career advice was about how to climb the ladder in your sector but nothing about how to switch ladders,” Pamela says. By trial and error, she worked her way up to executive leadership roles at several media giants, including Discovery Channel. Then 9/11 happened. She was home at the time, three blocks from the World Trade Center. The intense external shock caused a seismic shift in Pamela’s view of her life’s trajectory. She enjoyed her work but not the office politics. “I was good at fighting corporate budget battles, but that didn’t make me happy,” she says. “I decided I wanted to do something that would make more of a difference in the world.” Read More: Go Straight for the Joy and Follow Your Purpose The 'burning bush' moment Reflecting on her career, Pamela realized how many colleagues relied on her for advice. People admired her values and the courage she had shown in seeking fulfilment. While on a sabbatical, Pamela experienced what she calls her “burning bush” moment. “It dawned on me how rare it is for people to know what they’re meant to do on this Earth,” she recalls. “If I can help them discover their purpose, that’s what I should do.” For Pamela, reinvention is a “practical life skill that takes you through the ages and stages of life. It’s something you keep in your toolkit for helping you navigate life’s uncertainty.”Reinvention can be voluntary, or it can be thrust upon you by circumstances, often painful, such as job loss or illness. So how do you go about reinventing yourself to live a life of meaning, whether from choice, necessity or a combination of the two? Making lasting change requires identifying what gives your life value and then focusing your actions on that goal. The following tips can help: Think of “purpose” with a small “p” Purpose doesn’t have to be a single calling or a big, selfless commitment to altruism. In fact, “Purpose” with a capital “P” often scares people away. “Purpose is a choice we make. It’s not a particular job,” says University of Wisconsin School of Human Ecology sociology professor and Life Reimagined Institute thought leader Christine Whelan, Ph.D. “Purpose is how we act on a day-to-day basis.” Think of it, instead, as living purposefully. To illustrate her point, Christine W. tells a story of three bricklayers working on the same job. Each is asked what he is doing. The first man gruffly replies, “I’m putting one brick on top of another.” The second says, “I’m putting up a wall.” With enthusiasm and pride, the third says, “I’m building a cathedral.” Research shows that the more you see meaning in the work you do, the more fulfilled and happy you will be. The same goes for your home life. Create a purpose statement Make an honest assessment of four key life aspects: your gifts, values, your passions and the impact you want to make on the world. Combine them to create a powerful statement of purpose. Like a corporate mission statement, your personal purpose statement gives you a clear, concrete foundation on which to base decisions so that your actions feed your inner purpose and help you become your truest self. Get specific “About 15 years ago, I decided I wanted to learn to play the saxophone,” says University of Texas psychology professor Art Markman, Ph.D., author of Smart Change: Five Tools to Create New and Sustainable Habits in Yourself and Others. That sounds pretty specific, but it’s not. Specific means figuring out where to buy a sax, finding a teacher, budgeting costs, scheduling precise days and times each week for lessons and setting aside time and space for practice at home. Reaching that level of specificity allows you to head off all the conflicts that might arise down the road and force you to quit. “You have to become mindful of all the obstacles that might get in your way and plan for them in advance,” he says. Be patient Art spent 10 years learning and practicing before he was any good at the sax. But the wait was worthwhile. Art is in a band and gets much satisfaction both from playing and the happiness his music brings other people. “There’s always this idea that reinvention is immediate, something you go off and do. But it takes time,” Pamela says. “A lot of internal struggle and growth has to happen before you get to the point where you can say you’re willing to follow a new path. It took me a year to say I was going to leave my media career and go to executive coaching school.” Search for true happiness Short-term gratification is not the same as true fulfillment or joy. Using brain scans, scientists have shown that gratification and joy register in different parts of the brain. Christine Carter cites a series of studies showing that in order to match the well-being from seeing a relative or close friend on a regular basis, the average participant would require a $100,000 salary increase. “You need a lot more money to move the needle on well-being,” Christine C. says. “You do not have to have a lot more friends.” Refresh your point of view You might be living more purposefully than you realize. Since fulfilment is so closely tied to helping others, clarify what your life means to other people. That’s exactly what the puckish guardian angel in Frank Capra’s 1946 holiday classic, It’s a Wonderful Life, helps George Bailey discover after George suffers one too many of life’s hard knocks. “If you don’t know if you’re making a difference, ask people,” says Christine C. And make connections any chance you get—at work, in the neighborhood or even on an airplane. “When we look at the accumulation of research, what we find is that people who are more connected live longer, healthier, happier lives,” she adds. “When I shop at my neighborhood grocery store, I see employees who I’m friendly with, and their eyes brighten. That tells the nervous system, ‘These are your people, you can feel secure here.’ ” Take time to reflect Pamela identifies two levels to reinvention: outer, or the tactical steps, and inner, emotional growth. Humans are wired to favor routine and avoid ambiguity. Reinvention involves breaking routine and establishing new, ambiguous patterns. Most people leap straight into tactics and start making to-do lists. But without the emotional growth to undergird your commitment, you’ll be vulnerable to fear and more likely to return to your comfort zone of routine. Pamela encourages emotional growth in a number of ways, including training clients to face their fears. She asks them to analyze past successes to identify the inevitable moments of fear they overcame. She chunks the process into small, achievable steps and goals, proposing mini-reinventions. If they’re not very athletic, for instance, she’ll encourage them to take up a new sport. “Reinvention is a journey,” she says. “It comes together if you’re committed to the journey.” Lean on others Major change is hard. Research shows that you’re likely to fail if you go it alone. Throughout your reinvention journey, it’s critical that you surround yourself with supportive people. “You don’t get a gold star for doing it by yourself,” Art says. Prepare for “challenge moments.” As soon as Pamela decided to become a coach, she was offered the biggest job of her career—head of international brand strategy for one of the planet’s largest media companies at the time. In London. Where Pamela had been trying to relocate to for years. She said “no.” “That was a very scary moment,” she says. “Yes, it was a dream job, but it wasn’t in alignment with my purpose, which was to help people. A lot of my clients are surprised to learn that purpose sometimes forces you to give up certain dreams.” Embrace the fluidity Purpose can develop gradually. As an example, Pamela points to a client who came to her because she wanted to become a writer. She had a corporate job with a stable salary and health insurance. Her husband was an entrepreneur. The couple’s children would soon graduate from high school and go off to college. “Her purpose at that moment was to launch her children into independence,” Pamela says. Once the kids flew the nest, her purpose might change to align with her dream. “Purpose is an expression of what’s important to you in a given moment, and that can evolve.” Read More: LifeMap: A GPS for the Soul Logan Ward has written for The Atlantic, Popular Mechanics and many other magazines. His memoir, See You in a Hundred Years, chronicles his family's immersion into 1900s-era farm life in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley.
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Chocolate—and 6 Other Foods to Boost Your Mind and Mood

Chocolate and 6 Other Foods to Boost Your Mood

We all have our go-to pick-me-ups—a beat-pumping Zumba class, a Taylor Swift song on repeat, that scoop (or three) of ice cream. Everyone needs that little boost every now and then—and food is one of the best ways to get it. Studies have shown that what you eat has a significant effect on how you feel, so here are seven foods to grab first when it’s time for your next pick-me-up. 1. TURKEY You know that warm sensation of calmness and satisfaction after a hearty Thanksgiving meal? Well, that’s thanks in part to the amino acid tryptophan that’s found in turkey. Tryptophan stimulates serotonin production in the brain—the ultimate “feel-good” chemical that improves mood and evenregulates stress. Turkey is alsopacked with protein, which boosts energy and alertness levels. 2. WALNUTS Walnuts are a powerhouse of omega-3 fatty acids, and have been shown to boost mood and even feelings of self-worth. Sarah M. Conklin, Ph.D from the University of Pittsburgh found that adults who consumed higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their diet had higher volumes of grey matter in the area of their brain that controls emotion and mood. Not to mention, walnuts also improveheart health,cognitive function, andjoint maintenance. 3. LOW-FAT DAIRY Selenium is the star when it comes to low-fat dairy products. A mineral that can only be absorbed through food, selenium behaves as an antioxidant that protects against oxidative stress. Selenium has also been scientifically proven to enhance self-reported mood. In addition to low-fat dairy products, this mineral can also be found in whole grains, legumes, and seafood. 4.EGGS Believe it or not, eggs are an egg-cellent source of vitamin D. All puns aside, vitamin D, which is found in egg yolks, has beenproven to increase positive mood and prevent depressive symptoms.Eggs are also a great source of iron, protein and vitamin B, which is responsible for converting food into energy. 5. DARK CHOCOLATE Dark chocolate is a known joy stimulant. In onestudy, subjects who drink the equivalent of 1.5 ounces of dark chocolate daily reported feeling calmer and more content. This is a result of thecocoa in dark chocolate that boosts brain serotonin levels, producing those feelings of calm and bliss we all experience when we bite into a piece of chocolate. 6. FATTY FISH Fatty fish, especially herring, rainbow trout, salmon, sardines and tuna, contains omega-3 fatty acids, which, as we know, is a powerful mood stabilizer. One study found that participants who ingested a gram of fish oil each day noticed a 50 percent decrease in negative symptoms, such as anxiety or sadness, and an improvement in mood. 7. GREEN TEA According to Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, a researcher and nutrition expert, green tea contains theanine, an amino acid that stimulates sensations of calmness and focus.Studies show that theanine can cross the blood-brain barrier and positively affect brain chemistry, possibly by changing the levels of amino acids affecting serotonin—everyone’s favorite neurotransmitter. Read More: 4 Great Ways to Use Your Superfoods
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Mental and Physical Mindfulness with Richard Sears

Richard Sears, Ph.D., is a board-certified clinical psychologist, the Director of the Center for Clinical Mindfulness & Meditation and is a clinical and research faculty member of the University of Cincinnati’s Center for Integrative Health and Wellness. Richard shares the definition of mindfulness, activities you can do with your kids to teach them mindfulness and how to unplug from the technological world in this episode of Live Happy Now. In this episode, you'll learn: How you can work out your brain to become more mindful The problem with technology and mindfulness How to let yourself just be 3 things parents can do to help teach their kids mindfulness Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Psych-insights.com Purchase Mindfulness: Living Through Challenges and Enriching Your Life in this Moment on Amazon Download Richard's free article Coming Back to This Moment: A Taste of Mindfulness Thank you to our partner - AARP Life Reimagined!
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Authentic Grit with Caroline Miller

Caroline Miller is recognized as one of the world’s leading positive psychology experts in the areas of goal setting, grit, happiness, success and how to apply it to one’s life. Caroline was one of the first graduates of the University of Pennsylvania’s Masters of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) program and is author of Creating Your Best Life and Positively Caroline. In this episode Caroline discusses her personal happiness journey, goal setting, how to become grittier, and her new book Authentic Grit with Live Happy COO, Co-founder and Editorial Director Deborah Heisz. In this episode, you'll learn: Who you should share your goals with The questions you can ask yourself to become grittier Grit in the millennial generation The power of delayed gratification Steps parents can take to raise gritty kids Links and resources mentioned in this episode: CarolineMiller.com Purchase Creating Your Best Life on Amazon Purchase Positively Caroline on Amazon Take the Authentic Grit Challenge A free worksheet on creating your best life Thank you to our partner - AARP Life Reimagined! Watch Caroline's TEDx talk The Moments That Make Champions
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