How to Create the Perfect Exercise Playlist with Paula Felps

The right playlist can help keep you motivated, focused and determined to finish a great workout. We sit down with Live Happy science editor Paula Felps on what it takes to create the perfect exercise playlist and we create a playlist for you to use during your workouts. What you'll learn in this podcast: How to create a playlist to motivate you during exercise Characteristics to look for in great workout songs How to arrange your playlist for peak performance Listen to the entire playlist we created on this episode: Related articles: Top 5 Fitness Tips for People Over 40 5 Tips for Feeling Healthy Inside and Out 6 Ways to Get Into Running
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February 2018 Live Happy Issue

Launch 2018 with Love and Longevity in Our Latest Issue

Award-Winning Actress Allison Janney You know and love her from movies and television shows such as The West Wing and Mom, and her recent portrayal of LaVona Golden, the gritty mother of Olympic figure skater Tonya Harding in the movie I, Tonya, is already generating awards-season buzz. In this issue of Live Happy, get to know actress Allison Janney off-camera as she shares intimate details of her real life, such as what brings her the most joy (walking her three rescue dogs) and how she stays calm in the midst of Hollywood chaos (practicing meditation and taking time out for herself now and then). The Latest Anti-Aging Breakthrough Inspired by Allison’s energy and elegance to find that elusive Fountain of Youth? Start by looking inside yourself, Live Happy details in our February issue, on newsstands now. Groundbreaking new research shows that our thoughts and behavior play a bigger role in aging than we previously realized—and that gives us more say in how we age. “The findings in our article ‘Be Happy and Live Longer’ are life-changing,” says Deborah K. Heisz, Live Happy’s CEO, co-founder and editorial director. “Happiness—much of which is under your control—is one of the greatest predictors of longevity. Simple daily lifestyle choices and habits, such as maintaining positive relationships or getting better sleep, can not only improve your mental health but also change how your body responds to aging.” Also in the February issue: Dating Mindfully—In the seemingly cynical age of swipe right, swipe left, you can still find an authentic path to love. 33 Ideas for Romance—Need a relationship boost? Try out one of these movies, songs or action tips to sprinkle more love into your life. Making Love Last — Married positive psychology experts Suzann Pileggi Pawelski and James O. Pawelski, Ph.D., share the science to making love last in their new book, Happy Together. “Happily ever after doesn’t just happen,” Suzann Pileggi Pawelski says. “Healthy habits are what build happiness over the long haul.” Building on Wins: Momentum can help you reach your goals this year; we’ll show you how to harness it. Ask Stacy Column – In this issue’s Ask Stacy advice column, licensed psychotherapist Stacy Kaiser, who also serves as the magazine’s Editor at Large, answers questions on how to be happy for others’ success and how married couples can better coordinate and navigate shared financial challenges. Send your happiness advice questions to Live Happy is available on newsstands at major retailers throughout the U.S., including Barnes & Noble, Whole Foods and Hudson News. It can also be found at Presse Commerce newsstands in Canada, among others. Live Happy’s award-winning digital edition is available to purchase from the App Store and on Google Play. Current subscribers receive complimentary access on their tablet devices and smartphones. Separate digital subscriptions are available for $9.99 at
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How to Make Better Resolutions with Jan Stanley

Jan Stanley is an executive coach, consultant, speaker and facilitator who helps individuals and organizations thrive. Jan is well versed in the practical side of change, and is adept at finding just the right tool, system or method to enhance performance or to find joy and meaning in all that we do. She is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania’s Master of Applied Positive Psychology program, where she is seen as an expert on using ceremony and ritual to enhance daily well-being. What you'll learn in this podcast: How goals contribute to a fulfilling life Why goals and resolutions fail and what to do to increase rates of success How to commit to your goals once you've established them Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Download a free ebook Fresh Start: The Science and Practice of Designing Your Days
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Woman painting walls of her home.

8 Steps to a Happier Home

If you want a blueprint for happiness at home, modern science can help provide it. As environmental psychologists study the effects of physical space on mood and emotions, neuroarchitects—a mashup of neuroscience and design—investigate how our physical surroundings influence brain processes such as stress, emotion and memory. Together, their findings suggest that the purchases we make at Home Depot or Pottery Barn can affect us in ways we never would have imagined. Sitting pretty Consider the matter of buying a chair. Sally Augustin, Ph.D., editor of Research Design Connections, says that psychologists studying the implications of the way we sit found that our posture influences “the rich chemical stew in our brains.” People sitting up straighter have more positive views of themselves than people slouching. Sitting in a way that allows you to take up as much room as possible leads you to feel more powerful and have a higher tolerance for risk. Even padding matters. People perched on hard chairs are much more inflexible during negotiations than those on soft seats. Science also explains why we’re so willing to pay more for a room with a view: It’s good medicine. A 1984 study by psychologist Roger Ulrich found that surgical patients in a Pennsylvania hospital whose windows overlooked a small stand of trees left the hospital a full day sooner, had fewer complications and required less pain medication than patients with views of a brick wall. In 2006, neuroscientist Irving Biederman of the University of Southern California discovered that there’s a part of our brains, the parahippocampal cortex, that responds to sweeping views. Rich in opiate receptors, the site releases endorphins, our feel-good hormones, when we gaze at pleasing vistas. Researchers also say we’re hardwired to respond to nature because our survival as a species depended on careful observation of it. We needed to know how to respond to weather, spot predators, find refuge, farm and hunt when there was sunlight, and sleep when there was none. Roger Ulrich, who did the study of hospital-room views, has said, “When we recognize those elements today, even if we’re highly stressed or sick, our blood pressure lowers, our immune system functions better, and we feel less stressed.” Harvard biologist Edward O. Wilson coined the term “biophilic design” to describe architecture or design that connects us with a living environment. To get a biophilic buzz, we don’t need to let goats graze in our living room. We can stay in touch with the cycle of sunlight—and our own circadian rhythms—by placing sheer curtains on our windows. Or, says Sally, even incorporating visible wood grain into our environment, through hardwood floors or unpainted maple or walnut furniture, will have a calming effect. Happy places Creating what Sally calls a more “place happy” home isn’t rocket science. Or even neuroscience. But it does require us to approach buying, remodeling or decorating tweaks to our home with introspection. Architect Sarah Susanka is the author of Not So Big Solutions for Your Home. Her philosophy is that instead of focusing on square footage and traditional room plans, we think instead about what it takes to create a home that’s an expression of our authentic self. “When our houses reflect who we really are,” she says, “we end up feeling much more at home in our lives.” Sarah says her clients are often uneasy after ceding control to an interior designer. “It’s like walking onto the stage set of somebody else’s home,” she says. “It’s filled with beautiful things but it doesn’t feel like their home because these objects don’t have any meaning to them.” Sarah suggests keeping a place journal for home-improvement projects. Make notes about the places in your life that make you comfortable. Take photos and make diagrams; you might admire the beauty of a soaring greenhouse but feel diminished by the scale of the space. Supplement with pages from your favorite magazines or websites. We've come up with eight ideas to make your home into a truly happy space. Experiment; pick and choose the ones that fit your personality. 1. Use space creatively Make a dining room double as a library by adding bookshelves. Place area rugs beneath furniture arrangements to define areas for reading, conversation and work. 2. Bring in the house plants Greenery helps sharpen focus, boost immunity, clear the air and lift our spirits. For a natural sleep aid, keep potted lavender in your bedroom. According to NASA, plants can remove up to 87 percent of gases like benzene and formaldehyde within 24 hours. 3. Make a breeze Place a plant or mobile near a window or fan for soothing motion. 4. Cultivate smart messiness For all the books on banishing clutter, décor that’s too minimalist can rob us of ways to highlight our values and interests. Decorate with travel mementos, family photos and objects that evoke happy memories. 5. Create a space of your own We all yearn for an area of retreat. This can be a window seat or a corner of a room framed with a folding screen for quiet contemplation. 6. Have a focal point for each room A fireplace, bay window, sculpture or potted palm tree are all good forms of visual punctuation. 7. Move Away from the walls Place furniture in a way that lets people meander around the space, but make sure everyone’s back is protected. Create “symbolic” points of protection with standing lamps and console tables. 8. Arrange seating for conversation Place couches and chairs in a loose circular or horseshoe arrangement. Shelley Levitt is a freelance journalist based in Southern California and an editor at large for Live Happy.
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Woman meditating by a lake.

The Real Meditation Is Every Moment

As an internationally recognized expert on the topic of mindfulness, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D., has changed the way the world looks at the power of mindfulness and meditation. He has written numerous research papers on the clinical applications of mindfulness in medicine and healthcare, and is the founding executive director of the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Jon also is the founder of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) therapy and an expert in stress reduction, relaxation and the applications of mindfulness meditation in everyday living. We sat down with Jon to talk about mindfulness, meditation and how it can help us create a love affair with our own life. Live Happy: We hear the term “mindfulness” used so much these days—can you tell us what mindfulness truly means? Jon Kabat-Zinn: The easiest way to explain it—but the one that doesn’t make it sound too attractive—is to say it’s pure awareness. Of course, we downgrade the value of awareness constantly. But mindfulness is really pointing at something: A very profound capacity that we don’t pay much attention to, and that is that we can be aware of both the interior and exterior, inner and outer, experience in a way that gives us more leverage on how we’re going to conduct ourselves in the next moment. Without that, then we’re kind of on autopilot and being jerked around by this condition and that condition, and in some sense not living our lives as fully as we might. LH: What changes when we begin practicing mindfulness? Jon: When we meet life with awareness, our lives go from a black-and-white movie to a full Technicolor panoramic sound movie. It lights up the potential for us to live life as if it really, really, really mattered. And I, for one, would say it really, really does matter. LH: We know that mindfulness and meditation can change our perspective, but how does it change our brain structure? Jon: Well, nobody knows completely how it works, but what we’ve learned is that the brain is not a static organ. It’s the organ of human experience and it’s continually changing itself on the basis of human experience. It is continually changing the way neurons in one part of the brain talk to neurons in another part of the brain, and of course the brain regulates, and in some sense controls, how you move your body, how your body feels, how you speak, how you understand what’s going on with yourself, memory and learning; all these things depend upon our brain. When we meet life with awareness, our lives go from a black-and-white movie to a full Technicolor panoramic sound movie." When you start paying attention to [your body] in the way that you do when you cultivate mindfulness through these formal and informal meditation practices, your brain is listening in a variety of ways. It might be regulating functions like lowering your blood pressure and maybe affecting the movement of food through the digestive tract; there are influences on the immune system, some regulated through the brain, some not, and we see structural changes in areas of the brain associated with learning, like the hippocampus. There are changes in the prefrontal cortex, which has to do with executive function, or how we actually regulate and move through very complex circumstances in our lives making life decisions, learning as we go, problem solving and regulating impulses. LH: A lot of people want to know what they have to “do” to achieve those kind of changes. Jon: It’s not a “doing,” it’s a “being.” It’s a shifting from thinking and emotions and getting things done to taking a moment to just drop in and “be.” And it’s not that you won’t get things done, but the things you get done will get done better and get done in a less stressful way because the “doing” will come out of this deep reservoir of “being” that’s really our biological birthright. LH: One of the reasons many people say they don’t meditate is because they don’t have time. What’s the “minimum daily requirement” we should spend being mindful or meditating? Jon: In a sense, we don’t have time not to do mindfulness —it’s that important. On the other hand, it’s outside of time altogether. The present moment has very intense properties. The past is over, the future hasn’t come yet—so there’s only this moment. If you can learn how to live in this present moment, then mindfulness doesn’t take any time at all. You’re moving though life, surfing on your breath and handling whatever comes up as you need to. And then, when you’re doing it that way, instead of being a drag…it can become a love affair with your life while you still have it to live. LH: That sounds amazing. How do you create a love affair with your own life? Jon: Very often, there are unhappy consequences to not recognizing how beautiful you are and how complete you are in this moment, no matter what you think is wrong with you. And when you start to actually extend attention with tenderness to yourself, that becomes a kind of discipline, and a love affair comes out of that. When you learn to become aware of your body, then you can learn to feel the various sensations in the body, one of which, no matter what you’re doing, is that your breath is moving in and out of your body. And you can [learn to] ride on the waves of your own breathing, keeping in mind that it’s the awareness that’s more important than the breathing itself. This kind of surrender allows you to accomplish your agendas in a way that are much more artful and elegant and with a much less stressful cost associated with them. LH: What is the most important thing for us to learn about meditation and mindfulness? Jon: The real meditation practice is every moment. It’s how we live our lives and how awake and aware we can be and how centered on awareness we are. Then we see how that influences the way we live our lives. I would say to let life become your mindfulness teacher. Register here to see Jon Kabat-Zinn speak at the Momentous Institute's one-day conference, Love and Wisdom In a Time of Stress, March 28, 2017 in Dallas, TX. Listen to our podcast: Mindfulness Is Pure Awareness With Jon Kabat-Zinn Read more: Ready, Sit, Meditate Paula Felps is the Science Editor for Live Happy magazine.
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Two women doing yoga and meditation

Try Mixing Exercise and Meditation

Both exercise and meditation have been touted as great ways to reduce anxiety and depression, but together, these two might just be the best combination since peanut butter and jelly. A Rutgers University study published earlier this year in the journal Translational Psychology found that a combination of aerobic exercise and meditation reduced symptoms of depression by 40 percent. Study subjects combined 30 minutes of meditation with 30 minutes of exercise just twice a week for two months. During that time, they saw what lead author Brandon Alderman, Ph.D., called a “meaningful improvement in both clinically depressed and non-depressed students.” The study results show that while both meditation and exercise, on their own, can ease or improve symptoms of depression, the effects multiply when done together. Students who participated in the eight-week study also showed greater synchronization of brain activity and more ability to focus. They were less susceptible to feeling overwhelmed and anxious, and less likely to ruminate over the past—something that experts point to as a main contributor to depression. Better together The reason exercise and meditation work so well together, the study’s authors say, is because each one has a different but equally profound effect on the brain. Laboratory research has shown that exercise helps with the process of neurogenesis, or the development of new brain cells in the hippocampus. The hippocampus is that part of the brain associated with memory, learning and emotions; many studies have found that individuals suffering from depression have a smaller hippocampus than those who are not depressed. Exercise also helps increase the flow of oxygen and blood, delivering more of those biochemical boosts that help your brain feel happy. Meditation, on the other hand, activates our parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for calming down our central nervous system. It affects the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for thought analysis, judgment and controlling emotions. Brain studies of people who meditate have shown better signaling in the prefrontal cortex and a greater ability to focus and concentrate. The study’s authors theorize that while the exercise helps create new brain cells, the meditation is responsible for keeping them alive and functioning. Together, this changes our ability to remain present, calm and focused, which plays a significant role in combating depression and anxiety. Lasting effects While the Rutgers study did not look at the ongoing effects of combining exercise and meditation, that’s something the California-based Mind-Body Science Institute International is paying attention to. “There’s no question that you do something better if you are able to do it more calmly,” says Joseph Cardillo, Ph.D., research associate for the institute. “We’ve conducted research showing the difference of adding meditation at the end of an exercise practice. It opens up a whole other way of looking at exercise and meditation.” Those studies have shown exercisers who add a meditation component to their workouts are able to not only complete their exercise in a more mindful way, but carry that sense of calm into the rest of their lives. “There’s been a lot of research on how meditation and mindfulness alone can have an effect on how the body heals,” Joseph says. “It promotes healing from injuries, from surgeries and it promotes healing from things like heart disease and cancer. So we’ve seen that meditation is a powerful force.” Mind-body nirvana Combining the power of meditation with the proven neurobiological benefits of exercise delivers benefits that Joseph agrees spill over into the rest of your life. “The more parts of the brain you use, the stronger the potion,” he says. “When we start doing things more mindfully, it’s a whole other way of thinking. And when you add it to the energy of exercise, it really helps you get what your brain and your body needs.” While no research has compared which is better, meditating at the beginning of an exercise practice or meditating at the end, what is evident is that meditation can make exercise more powerful and vice versa. “It creates a whole cocktail of de-stressing,” Joseph says. To read more about the myriad benefits of exercise, see our feature "Your Mind on the Move" in the February 2017 issue of Live Happy magazine. Paula Felps is the Science Editor for Live Happy magazine.
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Woman sitting at a desk working on laptop with Christmas decor.

5 Apps to Make Holiday Giving Last All Year

‘Tis the season, and giving is on the mind. We’ve made our lists and checked them twice. Friends? Check. Teachers? Check. Co-workers? Check. Charities? Check. As we hustle and bustle to engage in this mass-scale giving exchange, it can be easy to lose sight of why we are doing all of this giving in the first place. Is this annual tradition just a test of our credit cards and tax write-off limits…or perhaps something more? Why we give Despite occasional grumbling over excessive consumerism and crowded stores, we return to this tradition year after year because giving makes us happy. We love knowing that our gift of time, talent, or treasure can make someone else’s life better or happier. But the truth is that the giver often receives far more than the recipient. In one study, Sonja Lyubomirsky asked students to commit five random acts of kindness each week for six weeks. Interestingly, the control group (who did not do acts of kindness) experienced a reduction in well-being, whereas those who engaged in acts of kindness showed a 42 percent increase in happiness. Giving not only releases a dopamine high that makes us feel happier, but it also improves our physical health, increases our life satisfaction, and lengthens our longevity. Another study found that we’re also happier when we spend money on other people more so than when we spend money on ourselves. So giving to charities is actually a great way to put a spring in your own step! Why we don’t give Given all of these benefits, the question remains: why don’t we give to charities all the time? Frankly, because giving takes a lot of time, money, and mental energy. Despite our best intentions, we get overwhelmed when we stop to think about to whom to give. The top three reasons that people cite for not giving as much as they would like: I don’t have enough money to make a difference. I don’t know where to give my money. I don’t know if my money will really be used for good. But what if we could make giving to charities easier for all? How to Make Giving a Way of Life Thanks to technology, giving back has become simpler and more efficient than ever. App developers understand that the best way to facilitate giving is to make it easy, straightforward, automatic and tangible. To that end, they have begun creating a new wave of apps that dovetail with your existing activities but leverage corporate sponsorships to raise money for charities. Orange Theory Fitness, for example, has a partnership with Sweat Angels through which it makes donations to a designated charity for every member’s “check in” on Facebook. With the power of crowdfunding, these small donations add up to big benefits for charities. In my upcoming book The Future of Happiness, I share examples of how technology can help make giving a way of life. Here are five of my favorite apps to help you do so: Charity Miles Charity Miles donates ten cents to your favorite nonprofit for every mile you bike and twenty-five cents for every mile you run. Feedie Use the Feedie app to post a photo of your food on social media and participating restaurants will make a donation to help feed orphaned and at-risk schoolchildren in South Africa. Spare Round up your dining-out bills to the nearest dollar to fight hunger in your own city. Donate a Photo For every photo you share through Donate a Photo, Johnson & Johnson gives $1 to a cause you want to help. Check-in for Good Using geo-targeted advertising, the app connects businesses and individuals that share a passion for the same causes. Then all you have to do is check-in when you visit, and the business will make a donation on your behalf and give you exclusive promotional offers as well. By developing a habit of giving, not only do we increase our happiness levels, but we also create a ripple effect of positivity in our families and communities. So this holiday season, take time to give—and then carry that glow into the New Year by infusing your everyday life with a habit of giving. Amy Blankson, aka the ‘Happy Tech Girl,’ is on a quest to find strategies to help individuals balance productivity and well-being in the digital era. Amy, with her brother Shawn Achor, co-founded GoodThink, which brings the principles of positive psychology to lifeand works with organizations such as Google, NASA and the US Army. Her upcoming book is called The Future of Happiness: 5 Modern Strategies for Balancing Productivity and Well-being in the Digital Era (April 2017).
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happy gift books

9 Gift Books to Spark Joy This Holiday Season

A book can be a magical gift. The right book can show someone how well you know them. Share a smile, a laugh or some inspiration this holiday season by gifting a book from our eclectic list of books to suit every taste, from the family foodie to the photography lover. Make your gift book even more personal by including a handwritten notecard or inscription inside. 1. Alton Brown: EveryDayCook by Alton Brown Beloved TV host Alton Brown (best known for his 14 seasons of Good Eats and his role on Iron Chef America) has written a new cookbook that puts easy weeknight meals front and center. Bits of science and food lore—along with photos that he took on his iPhone—accompany the 101 recipes. Look for Alton’s take on American comfort food and plenty of his signature humor threaded throughout. It’s the perfect gift for the family foodie. 2. Cats in Paris: A Magical Coloring Book by Won-Sun Jang This charmant coloring book of intricate pen-and-ink drawings is perfect for the friend or family member who loves to relax with a box of colored pencils but is tired of mesmerizing mandalas. Of course, it will also please the crazed cat lovers in your life. Take a trip through Paris with a gaggle of finely drawn felines—allergenic fur not included. 3. Little Humans by Brandon Stanton A celebration of little humans everywhere. Brandon Stanton, creator of the popular blog, Humans of New York, which has spawned a series of equally popular coffee-table books. Here Brandon has compiled 40 of his favorite photos of kids expressing their individuality. These fun, beautiful and moving images of kids from his website are intended to inspire a sense of community and imbue the reader with the free spirit of childhood. The book makes a perfect gift for a child, parent or child at heart who appreciates the way that children just radiate joy. 4. My Favorite Things by Maira Kalman How do the objects in our lives tell a story? Bestselling author and illustrator Maira Kalman captures the human experience by exploring the significance of the physical things we have in our lives. With artifacts, recollections and selections from the collections of the Cooper-Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum and her own personal collections, My Favorite Things features more than 50 special objects to view and ponder. See the pocket watch Abraham Lincoln was carrying when he was shot, original editions of Winnie-the-Pooh and Alice in Wonderland as well as photographs taken by Maira. An ideal gift for the art or design enthusiast. 5. National Parks of America: Experience America's 59 National Parks by Lonely Planet Ideal for the nature lover or travel enthusiast, this book celebrates America’s 59 awe-inspiring national parks. The year 2016 was a big one for the parks; the 100th anniversary of their founding meant renewed interest and a slew of new documentaries and books for all ages. This book highlights the best activities and trails of each park, proposes ideal itineraries, explains how to get there, and even gives advice on where to stay. What’s more, the stunning color photographs will inspire wanderlust and a burning desire to hop in the car and see the magnificent views—of the world’s tallest trees, towering cliffs and snow-covered mountains—for yourself. 6. Queen of Your Own Life by Kathy Kinney and Cindy Ratzlaff Actress Kathy Kinney and comedian Cindy Ratzlaff have created a successful series of fun, fabulous books that feature vintage images and wry, inspiring quotes. The quotes are “queenisms,” and each book invites women to recognize and celebrate themselves as the queens they are. Their latest venture, Queen of Your Own Life, reminds women to take control of their relationships, happiness and destiny. A great gift for any woman who loves the vintage aesthetic and could use a couple positive affirmations once in a while. 7. The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World by Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu The title and author byline pretty much say it all: Two of the world's greatest spiritual leaders—both winners of the Nobel Peace Prize—have come together to collaborate on a book about joy. Written with compassion and humor, The Book of Joy includes personal anecdotes from the two men, teachings about happiness, as well as some of the science behind it. They also offer suggestions of daily practices to increase your own happiness, turning it from a fleeting emotion into an authentic way of living your life. 8. Think Happy: Instant Peptalks to Boost Positivity by Karen Salmansohn Happiness guru and author Karen Salmansohn has collected 50 inner “peptalks” for readers to employ in different situations, as needed, punctuated with adorable color illustrations and watercolors. The situations vary from “trying something new” to more serious perils such as “facing failure.” You can think of this book as a charming and quirky form of cognitive behavioral therapy. The perfect gift for anyone you know who needs to occasionally quiet their inner critic. 9. Zen Dogs by Alexandra Cearns Who can resist this photo collection that captures some very cool canines—just chilling. Award-winning animal photographer Alexandra Cearns celebrates the serenity of dogs by finding them in joyful moments of relaxation. See 80 beautiful color photographs of a variety of breeds from the beloved golden retriever to the unique French bulldog. To emphasize the mindful, Zen feel, the book includes inspirational words of wisdom from the Buddha, Eckhart Tolle, Thich Nhat Hanh and others. A perfect gift for the mellow dog lover in your life. Read more: 10 Life-Changing Books That Will Stay With You Forever Read more: 7 Best Books to Boost Your Brain Health Read more: 10 Must-Read Books for Happy, Healthy Eating Sandra Bienkowski is a regular contributor to Live Happy and the founder and CEO of
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Confident woman working with a table saw.

Combat Depression and Anxiety With These Tools

Depression can make you feel like you are stuck in a black hole while the rest of the world goes about its day in a spray of sunshine, as usual—joyfully alive. In your mind, you may want to be happy, but the weight of darkness can feel insurmountable. For others, anxiety puts up roadblocks in the way of happiness. It appears out of nowhere, jittery and malignant, darkening a perfectly ordinary situation with a veneer of fear and dread. The World Health Organization reports that as many as 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression. Around 15 million Americans suffer from depression, and nearly half of those diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with anxiety, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Even those who have never struggled with clinical depression or anxiety will have the occasional emotional crisis, blue mood or situational depression. While negative emotions can be helpful—by letting you know something isn’t right in your life—finding happiness isn’t possible unless you are equipped with emotional tools to overcome the weight of dark days. We turned to the experts to find out what emotional power tools they recommend to chip away at depression, reduce anxiety and become more mentally resilient so you can welcome happiness back into your life. Challenge your thoughts Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., psychologist, author and daughter of cognitive therapy founder Dr. Aaron Beck, says, “When you have depression you tend to understand your experience through black glasses instead of clear lenses. With depression, it’s important to stay active and be skeptical of any negative thoughts you might have. “Just because you think something doesn’t necessarily mean it is true,” says Judith. She suggests doing things that make you feel productive and in control, even when your mood is low and you don’t feel like it. According to Dr. David Burns, Stanford psychiatrist and author of the best-selling book Feeling Good, “our thoughts create all of our moods. When you are depressed and anxious, you are giving yourself negative messages; you are blaming yourself and telling yourself terrible things are going to happen. Distorted thoughts cause human suffering.” “Cognitive distortions are things like all-or-nothing thinking,” says David. “For example, if your performance falls short of perfect, you see yourself as a total loser. Or fortune telling, where you anticipate things will turn out badly and you treat your prediction as fact. Another cognitive distortion is mental filter, where you hone in on one negative detail and dwell on it exclusively so that your vision of reality becomes darkened. Or, disqualifying the positive by rejecting positive experiences—as if they don’t count for some reason.” Each of the 10 cognitive distortions that David has identified can be challenged with more positive and realistic thinking, talking back to your negative thoughts. David recommends what he calls a triple column technique to identify distortions in your thinking. Take a piece of paper and make three columns. In the first column, write down your negative thoughts. In the second column, identify the cognitive distortion, and in the third column challenge your negative thought. Examine the evidence and question whether your negative thought is really valid. When you change the way you think, you change the way you feel. Accept that you are imperfect The experts agree, perfectionism is a happiness killer. If you want to welcome a giant wave of calm into your life, accept that you don’t have to be perfect. There are so many stressful moments you could easily diffuse by whispering to yourself: “I don’t have to be perfect. I can just be me.” Self-acceptance is tied to mental resilience, says Judith. “Having unreasonable or rigid standards that continually outstrip reality is a recipe for a negative self-image and a lack of resilience.” Positive psychology expert Caroline Miller has drawn similar conclusions from her research. “People who are exposed to stories of other people’s hardships and how those people successfully overcame those hardships are more persevering and less likely to be self-critical,” Caroline says. “Carol Dweck’s (Stanford psychologist) work on fixed mindsets has also found that when you don’t see yourself as someone who is capable of change, you can’t deal with the prospect of failure, but people with a growth mindset are more forgiving of their mistakes because they see themselves as works of progress who are capable of making tremendous change.” “Aim for success and not perfection,” says David. “Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life. Remember that fear always lurks behind perfectionism. Confronting your fears and allowing yourself to be human can make you a happier and more productive person.” Learn how to comfort yourself You probably know instinctively how to provide comfort to a child, a best friend or a beloved pet. But do you know how to comfort yourself? You can become better at self-compassion with practice. Judith suggests “being sensitive to the suffering of others as it will help you be compassionate toward yourself. Accept and acknowledge your own suffering. Work to relieve and prevent it by non-judgmentally caring for your own wellbeing.” Positive psychology expert and author Michelle McQuaid says, “Self-compassion is hugely important for mental resilience. Too often we turn to our inner critic as a means of motivating ourselves and fail to recognize that while this may get us moving in the short term, neurologically, over time, it actually undermines our motivation, confidence and willingness to pursue our goals.” Self-compassion, she says, allows us to recognize that like everybody else, we’re human and still learning. Say kind things to yourself in a compassionate way you talk to others. “When you show yourself self-compassion, it’s like having a good friend with you all the time,” writes Kristin Neff, Ph.D., in her book Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself. When you feel a dark mood approaching or are having trouble getting through a rough time, here are 20  more tested, effective tools to fill out the rest of your kit: Embrace anxiety Don’t try to fight or eliminate anxiety, suggests Judith Beck. “Instead, watch it from a distance, evaluate your anxious thinking and correct it if it’s distorted. If it’s not, go to problem-solving. Act in accordance with your values. Avoid action or inaction that’s tied to fear.” Read more: 6 Steps to Win the War Against Worry Connect with people According to Michelle McQuaid, reaching out for social support can boost resilience. By courageously reaching out, you no longer feel alone, your vulnerability connects you with others, and you often realize everyone shares similar struggles. Read more: 8 Tips to Find Your Own Tribe Sleep on it Some days may be dark if you didn’t sleep well, if there’s a hormonal shift, or you are simply just having a bad day. A good night’s sleep can sometimes be enough to turn your entire outlook from negative to positive. Sit in silence Sometimes out of fear of feeling depressed or anxious, we can fill up our lives with being busy or fill up the silence with TV, but getting quiet with your thoughts can be a remedy for depression and anxiety. Silence can foster a state of calm and often give you enough mental space to have insights about your own life. Disconnect from the external Realize you always have a choice when it comes to your thoughts and outlook. Don’t lock your mood into something you can’t control such as how your work day is going or how much you get accomplished in a day. Make a choice to stay positive despite what may be going on around you. Schedule a favorite activity into your calendar When you are busy, you might postpone favorite activities like taking walks outside, having lunch with a friend or even something easy like listening to beautiful music. Your favorite activity is more than a luxury, it’s a powerful way to recharge. Schedule your favorite activities into your calendar like weekly appointments. Read more: Put Happiness on the Calendar Set boundaries Boundaries are our protective borders of what’s acceptable to us and what isn’t. By setting boundaries you are declaring that you will not let people exploit you, and that you are in charge of your own emotions. A boundary can be as simple as saying “No.” Don’t take things personally It’s hard not to take things personally. But we have the capacity to take a step back and realize that what others do and say—even if it is negative and aimed at us—usually has more to do with their own situations than ours. Change the channel “Gritty people have the talent of ‘changing the channel’ in their heads when they are heading toward depression or a desire to quit,” says Caroline Miller. For a quick lift, try posting positive messages and meaningful images in your home or office that you can turn to anytime. Make a happy, uplifting playlist on your phone that you can access when your mood is dragging—or you are stuck in traffic! Choose whom you spend your time with regularly Your closest associations affect you more than you might realize, so choose to spend time with people who are kind and uplifting. Studies show that many of our emotions and character traits—positive and negative—are contagious. Those who have more grit are less likely to fall into a depression spiral, according to Caroline. “And you can increase your grit,” she says, “by being around those who model better ways of dealing with impatience, challenges and pessimistic thinking.” Rewrite the story of you In his best-selling book Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman, Ph.D., writes that we can change our relationships to our thoughts and feelings by paying attention to the dialogues that stream through our minds. “The stories we tell ourselves give us implicit limits and possibilities,” he says. If your story is holding you back, consider a rewrite with what’s possible. Be aware of your body Michelle McQuaid suggests being “more aware of what our bodies are telling us. And tuning in to the moments when we are feeling overwhelmed or stressed to recognize that our body is trying to tell us that something isn’t unfolding in the way we hoped. We need to understand what is causing our unease and make informed and conscious choices about how we can lean into the situation and learn what is happening.” Journal your thoughts Journaling can be a highly cathartic process as it heightens your awareness of both your thoughts and feelings. When you journal, you connect with yourself and express emotions—two emotionally healthy practices for getting you out of a dark or anxious place. Read more: Write Your Way to Insight Reach out Whether you reach out to a good friend, your network or a licensed psychologist, give yourself permission to seek help. It’s brave to face darkness head on and be self-aware enough to know when you need help. Take care of your own needs Many of us are great at meeting everyone’s needs except our own. Moms, for example, rule at this. The only problem is, if your needs are always coming last, they are probably not being met at all. No one can operate positively—including taking care of others—when his or her own physical and emotional needs are taking a backseat. Activate your own needs. For example, if you start taking time to exercise, you invest in your own physical and mental health and you increase your energy. Or, if you carve out space to read a good book or do an activity you love, your outlook is more positive because you are taking time to recharge with your own interests. Read more: Why Self-Care Isn't Selfish Recognize your strengths To build your resilience, recognize your strengths by making a list and give yourself credit for everything that you do, Judith Beck suggests. Consider making a list of wins. Don’t seek escape Many of us try to ignore negative feelings or distract ourselves with alcohol, food or other self-destructive tendencies. Instead, Michelle McQuaid recommends, lean into your unease. “This may mean gently challenging the stories you’re telling yourself about what is happening or what might happen … and choose the story that serves you best. Engage your strengths to take constructive action,” she says. Avoidance of pain or discomfort leaves no room for learning or growth. Shake up the status quo Take time to deeply reflect on your life. Sometimes a major life event can cause this kind of introspection, other times all it takes is a question. Increased self-awareness can lead to a happier and more fulfilling path. Use these questions to start. Exercise Hello, endorphins, there you are. Make sure your workout is sweat-inducing because that’s when you really experience the physiological and mental benefits. Read more: 8 Great Happiness Perks You Get From Exercise Make positive choices Every choice you make from dawn to dusk impacts how you feel about yourself. Even tiny decisions matter. Become conscious of how each decision you make has the ability to uplift or the ability to detract from how you feel. Catch yourself speaking nicely about someone when that person isn’t even in the room. Follow through on a commitment you made to someone. Smile at a stranger walking by. Share dessert. Stop comparing yourself to others Ah, the comparison game. Facebook and Instagram make the comparisons of life’s highlight reels easy to do. Instead of making yourself feel badly because you think others have it better than you, realize you are idealizing people. Everyone has something they are struggling with but the challenges and personal struggles often don’t often make it into your newsfeeds. Choose to be happy for people and their good news while keeping a foot in reality. Everyone has something they are shouldering. As Judith says, “Work to see the best in yourself, others and in your future.” Read more: Nothing Compares to You Give up the disease to please If you set your outlook or self-worth on whether others like you, your mood will go up and down like a rollercoaster ride. Instead, accept that not everyone is going to like you and it isn’t your job to see that they do. Listen to your gut and give your own opinions more value. Count blessings rather than dwell on the negative You always have a choice. The next time a negative thought tries to settle in, start listing all the things in your life you feel thankful for and happy about instead. The best way to feel mentally strong and ready to fight for your own happiness is to see yourself as a work in progress and build up your emotional toolkit with what you’ve learned from your experiences. David Burns says there’s only one person who can ever make you happy, and that person is you. Listen to our podcast with Dr. Joshua Smith on How Expressive Writing Can Improve Your Happiness Sandra Bienkowski is a regular contributor to Live Happy and the founder and CEO of
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Woman eating spoonful of yogurt.

Can Fermented Food Elevate Your Mood?

Scientists have been making some surprising discoveries about what really constitutes a happy meal, and it’s a far cry from the burger and fries you’d pick up at your local fast-food joint. Instead, think kimchi, sauerkraut, yogurt and tempeh. These fermented foods are teeming with healthy bacteria called probiotics. You’ve probably heard that word, and also know that these microorganisms are a boon to maintaining a well-functioning digestive system. From belly to brain Now researchers are beginning to use a new term—psychobiotics—to describe the impact probiotics have not only on our digestion but also on our mood. In promising studies done on both mice and humans, boosting the levels of gut microbes has been shown to increase neurochemicals like dopamine and serotonin that are linked to happiness. The exciting field began in 2011 when a team of researchers at University College Cork in Ireland, and McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, showed that anxious mice fed a probiotic-rich broth became less apprehensive and more—pardon the pun—gutsy. Dropped into a tall cylinder of water, the mice that were fed the broth spent more time swimming and less time floating in a state of what the researchers called “behavioral despair.” Two years later, a group of scientists at UCLA set out to test whether the human brain might also be influenced by gut bacteria. In a small study, a dozen women ate yogurt that contained live cultures twice a day for four weeks. A control group of women didn’t eat the probiotic-rich yogurt. Chilling out with yogurt At the end of the month, instead of being dropped into a vat of water like the mice, the women underwent fMRI brain scans while resting and while performing a task in which they matched faces to negative emotions like fear and anger. Those scans showed significant differences between the two groups of women in several regions of the brain that are involved in processing sensory input and emotions. In brief, the yogurt eaters reacted more calmly to the angry and fearful faces than did their yogurt-skipping peers. “The contrast was clear,” the lead researcher told reporters. “This was not what we expected, that eating yogurt twice a day for a few weeks would do something to your brain.” Justin Sonnenburg and Erica Sonnenburg, Ph.D.s, husband-and-wife microbiologists at Stanford University and co-authors of the bestselling book The Good Gut: Taking Control of Your Weight, Your Mood, and Your Long-Term Health, caution that this psychobiotic research is in its infancy. But, they write, “it seems not too much of a stretch to assume that improving the overall health of your [gut] microbiota could have a positive impact on your mental well-being.” Modern-day tonics and elixirs None of this comes as a surprise to Chakra Earthsong Levy. She began fermenting her own beans, seeds and cheese as a teenager back in the ’70s. “My mother had chronic health problems related to her gut,” Chakra says, “and our family life revolved around her flare-ups. I wanted to do everything I could to avoid that.” In 2010, after decades as a nutrition coach, Chakra co-founded the fermented beverage company KeVita. Now a leader in the field, KeVita offers lines of sparkling probiotic drinks, kombucha tea and probiotic apple cider tonics. Although Chakra is careful not to make any health claims for her drinks, she says “it makes sense that consuming live food like yogurt or kombucha makes people feel enlivened and uplifted. I hear that from friends and customers all the time.” For optimal microbiotic well-being, Chakra suggests getting doses of these beneficial bacteria throughout the day. Here are some ways to sneak more of these microbes into your diet. 1. Make miso a base of your salad dressing. For a two-ingredient vinaigrette, simply mix the fermented soybean paste with whatever citrus you have on hand. The Kitchn suggests a ratio of two teaspoons of white, yellow or red miso to two to three tablespoons of fresh orange, lemon or lime juice. 2. Get to know nama shoyu. Use this unpasteurized soy sauce, which is rich in beneficial bacteria, to flavor steamed or sautéed veggies, quinoa, rice or couscous. 3. Pick the right pickles. If they’re not refrigerated they’re not fermented, so skip the jar on your supermarket shelf and head for the cold storage section. “Any product that contains live probiotics will tout the benefit on the packaging,” Chakra points out. 4. Embrace yogurt. It’s the easiest way to get a hit of probiotics. Enjoy it with muesli or blended into a smoothie for breakfast, with fresh fruit for a healthy dessert or mixed with diced cucumber and chopped dill or mint as a relish for chicken or fish. 5. Ditch the afternoon coffee. Swap your afternoon latte for kombucha, kefir or a sparkling probiotic beverage. 6. Taste-test probiotic-rich foods that you haven’t tried. Your local Whole Foods, Sprouts or any well-stocked healthy market will offer a wide selection of tempeh, kimchi and sauerkraut. Chakra’s favorite sources for fermented foods are Wildbrine (their nine kraut flavors include “curry cauliflower,” “ beets & their greens,” “brussel kraut” and “red beet and red cabbage”) and Farmhouse Culture. It suggests enjoying its smoked jalapeño kraut on a grilled cheese sandwich or in a burrito and their horseradish leek kraut with grilled veggies or smoked salmon. Shelley Levitt is a freelance writer based in Southern California.
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