The Importance of Positive Education Continued

This week we sat down with positive psychology and well-being thought leaders live at The Festival of Positive Education in Dallas, TX. We asked them why positive education was so important, what children can gain from it and how focusing on developing character strengths in students can begin to help society as a whole. Who you'll hear in this podcast: Dr. Abdulla Al Karam Lea Waters, Ph.D. Links and resources: Visit theInternational Positive Education Networkwebsite. Thanks for listening! Thank you so much for joining us this week onLive Happy Now. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of the post. Also,please leave an honest review forLive Happy Nowon iTunes! Ratings and reviews are important in helping others find the podcast; we greatly appreciate it! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.
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The Importance of Positive Education

This week we sat down with positive psychology and well-being thought leaders live at The Festival of Positive Education in Dallas, TX. We asked them why positive education was so important, what children can gain from it and how focusing on developing character strengths in students can begin to help society as a whole. Who you'll hear in this podcast: Angela Duckworth Sir AnthonySeldon Steve Leventhal with CoreStone Aliénor Salmon with UNESCO Barry Kerzin Laurie Coots with The Hawn Foundation Fred Kiel with KRW Research Institute Links and resources: Visit the International Positive Education Networkwebsite. Thanks for listening! Thank you so much for joining us this week onLive Happy Now. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of the post. Also,please leave an honest review forLive Happy Nowon iTunes! Ratings and reviews are important in helping others find the podcast; we greatly appreciate it! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.
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Raising Confident and Creative Kids with Heather Shumaker

Heather Shumaker is a national speaker on parenting and early childhood topics and is the author of two renegade parenting books: It’s OK Not to Share...and Other Renegade Rules for Raising Competent and Compassionate Kids and It’s OK to Go Up the Slide. An advocate for free, unstructured play in homes and schools, she lives in northern Michigan with her family. What you'll learn in this podcast: How to keep your kids safer by giving them healthy risks. Recognizing common school practices that clash with child development. How you can be an advocate for your child. Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Follow Heather on Facebook and Twitter. Purchase It’s OK Not to Share. Purchase It’s OK to Go Up the Slide.
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Rowing the Pacific With Natalia Cohen

With 15 years experience of living and working in over 50 countries, Natalia Cohen has chosen to follow an unusual and fascinating path. Natalia is no stranger to being outside of her comfort zone and has made an art of embracing and adapting to change. Her understanding of team dynamics, the importance of a positive mindset and the ability to live in the moment led her to become part of the first all-female team to row unsupported across the Pacific Ocean.  Natalia shares her amazing story in this episode of Live Happy Now. What you'll learn in this podcast: How to control the controllable and not become overwhelmed by things. The power of strength and diversity within a team. The importance of enjoying the journey. Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Follow Natalia on Twitter.
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Sparking Happiness Through Creativity with Lisa Loeb

Pop star, author, style maven, philanthropist and mom Lisa Loeb has recently released her fourth children’s album exclusively with Amazon, Nursery Rhyme Parade. In this episode we talk about the importance of creativity to overall happiness, the song writing process and the Camp Lisa Foundation. What you'll learn in this podcast: How to engage with your children. Why summer camp is so important to a child's development. The importance of exploring creativity as a child. Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Order Nursery Rhyme Parade on Amazon. Request a free song from Nursery Rhyme Parade. Follow Lisa on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Learn more about Camp Lisa.
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If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Happy with Raj Raghunathan

Raj Raghunathan is professor of marketing at the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin. He is interested in exploring the impact that people’s judgments and decisions have on their own happiness and fulfillment. Raj also has an online course on happiness with over 120,000 students from literally every country in the world. What you'll learn in this podcast: Why happiness doesn't just feel good, but is also functional. Why the happiness of the smart and successful people matters a lot for everyone—including the not-so-smart-or-successful. What one could do, starting today, to lead a happier and more fulfilling life. Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Find Raj on Facebook. Purchase a copy of If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Happy?
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How to Master Body Intelligence with Joseph Cardillo

Joseph Cardillo, Ph.D. joins Live Happy science editor Paula Felps this week to look at body intelligence and harnessing your body’s energies for your best life. Joseph is the best-selling author of several books in the fields of health, mind-body-spirit, and psychology and appears as the energy management expert in Michael Strahan’s new book Wake Up Happy.  What you'll learn in this podcast: How to access your body's full energy spectrum in a fun and accessible way. The different types of energy. How to train your body and mind to give you the energy you need automatically. Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Purchase a copy of Body Intelligence: Harness Your Body's Energies for Your Best Life. Visit
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21 Days to Resilience with Zelana Montminy

Zelana Montminy, Ph.D., is a leading figure in positive psychology, bringing a unique and varied skill set to the well-being realm. Zelana is the author of 21 Days to Resilience, which is ranked No. 1 on Amazon’s Mental Health Hot New Releases, and she speaks around the world on the topic of resilience. What you'll learn in this podcast: Resilience can be taught. Happiness should be a byproduct of your life, not the end goal. The true superpower of happy people. Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Purchase a copy of 21 Days to Resilience. Follow Zelana on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
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Attractive middle aged couple leaning against each other.

8 Ways to Thrive in Midlife and Beyond

American society values beauty and youth. It’s a fact of life. Look at any movie—Hollywood or independent, it doesn’t matter—magazine (aside from AARP), or television show (Golden Girls went off the air a long time ago, people) and you’ll be hard-pressed to find a gray hair or wrinkled brow among them. And the portrayals you do see of older people are often hackneyed stereotypes of asexual, grouchy killjoys or someone having a midlife crisis. Change the script about getting older “Let’s change the conversation about what getting older means,” says women’s health expert Dr. Christiane Northrup in her book Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being. “Our culture tries to tell us how to move through time and tell us we only have so much time left,” she writes. She suggests rewriting the script by realizing chronological age just measures time, and by calling it getting older, not aging. “Getting older is inevitable, but aging is optional,” she writes. Let’s look at how we can challenge what we are told about age in our culture to have a more positive mindset about getting older. 1. Stop calling it a midlife crisis We should probably save the word “crisis” for the real deal and not for another pass around the sun. Plus, the bulk of research shows that there may be a shifting of gears in the 40s or 50s, but it’s often one of renewal and exhilaration, not crisis, writes Barbara Bradley Hagerty in her bookLife Reimagined: The Science, Art, and Opportunity of Midlife. 2. Break routines Thrive later in life by using your foundation—your experience, resources and sense of self—to take risks aligned with your purpose. Midlife can be about renewal: taking the time to renegotiate your purpose, refocus your relationships, and transform the way you think about the world and yourself, Barbara explains in her book. 3. You don’t have to do (or not do) something based on your age Christiane says you don’t have to cut off your hair at a certain age, wear dowdy clothes or stop thinking of yourself as a useful, contributing member of society. She suggests looking for ageless role models like actress Helen Mirren, writer Margaret Atwood or singer Mavis Staples. Companies sometimes take for granted the contributions of older workers—especially women. But some research suggests that people who continue to work into their golden years can experience a greater sense of happiness, meaning and well-being than those who fully retire. Websites such as and are ready to help you make the most of your third act. 4. Try not to brand yourself negatively Always talking or posting about your latest ache or pain means you are dwelling on the negative, which can be a slippery slope to acting a lot older than you are. Practice having a positive mindset about your age by focusing on and being grateful for what your body can do. 5. Keep old friendships and form new ones We are born as social creatures and our need for meaningful relationships doesn’t diminish with age. No age is too old to make new friends. A close network of friends to share life’s burdens with can keep you healthier and living longer. Long-term studies have shown that our social connections can even stave off heart attack, stroke and depression. 6. Challenge what you see on TV Go to a dance club with your 40-something friends. Run your first 5K in your 50s. Start a business in your 60s. Or enroll in a class to learn a new skill at any age. Test your limits, try new things and talk about yourself with vitality and strength so you can feel that way, too. 7. Invest in your physical and mental health Exercising, doing your newspaper’s crossword puzzle or writing poetry all can help you retain cognitive function as you get older. Weightlifting helps retain muscle and bones; and cardiovascular exercise improves your heart function, your mood and the appearance of your skin. 8. Switch up how you celebrate your birthday Christiane suggests that we stop celebrating milestone birthdays because “the milestone becomes a millstone.” Instead, she suggests having “a celebration of your worth….Celebrate triumphs and the moments when you didn’t think you’d make it and did.” When you engage in life with a youthful mindset, it can open your life up to many exciting possibilities. You can challenge preconceived notions about your age and help change perceptions about getting older. While family history and environment have an impact on overall health that is beyond our control, when it comes to aging, “belief trumps genes,” Christiane says. Sandra Bienkowski is a regular contributor to Live Happy and the founder and CEO
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Small Changes, Big Shifts with Dr. Michelle Robin

Live Happy CEO Deborah K. Heisz joins Dr. Michelle Robin to talk about the impact of small changes on your overall well-being. Michelle is an international speaker, best-selling author and founder of Your Wellness Connection, one of the nation’s most successful integrative healing centers. What you'll learn in this podcast: Small steps you can take for a happier life Mindfulness practices you can implement today The importance of experiences over things Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Visit Listen to Dr. Robin's podcast on iTunes Follow Dr. Robin on Facebook and Twitter Thank you to our partner—AARP Life Reimagined!
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