
Change Your Brain, Change Your Life with Dr. Daniel Amen

Dr. Daniel Amen is a psychiatrist, a brain disorder specialist and director of the Amen Clinics which offer medical services to people who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other disorders. He is author of the best-sellers Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, Magnificent Mind at Any Age and The Amen Solution. What you'll learn in this podcast: What can help improve your brain health The connection between exercise and your brain How some people are turning into dinosaurs Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Purchase a copy of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life Visit Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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The Sound of Food with Steve Keller

Steve Keller, CEO of ivAudio Branding, is one of the world’s leading experts in the field of audio branding. Combining his degree in Psychology with over 25 years of experience in the music industry as a producer, composer, independent label executive, music publisher and manager, he looks at how sounds and music affect us. What you'll learn in this podcast: How your senses affect your perception of things What sweet and spicy sound like More about the emerging field of neurogastronomy Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Download the music album Sounds Delicious: A Sonic Feast Watch Steve's TEDxNashville presentation Harnessing the Power of Sound
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This is Your Brain on Happiness with Wendy Suzuki

Wendy Suzuki is a Professor of Neural Science and psychology at New York University. Her research has focused on understanding the patterns of brain activity underlying long-term memory and more recently understanding how aerobic exercise might improve our learning memory and cognitive ability. In this episode Wendy shares her expertise of brain plasticity and how she figured out how to get a healthy brain and a happy life. What you'll learn in this podcast: The long-term effects of exercise on the brain How meditation affects the brain How love and altruism affects the brain Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Purchase Healthy Brain, Happy Life Sign up for the free course on How to Improve Your Brain Health Visit
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Celebrating Character Day with Tiffany Shlain

The ultimate creative challenge is to take complicated scientific ideas and make it super accessible. In this episode of Live Happy Now we talk with Emmy-nominated filmmaker Tiffany Shlain about the power of film and an event called Character Day which is a free global initiative where groups around the world screen films on the science of character development and dive into free discussion materials. What you'll learn in this podcast: The history of Character Day The power of film in telling a story How you can get involved on September 22 for Character Day Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Visit Follow Tiffany Shlain on Facebook and Twitter
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10% Happier with Dan Harris

After a melt down on live television, ABC News’ Nightline anchor Dan Harris knew he needed to make a change in how he approached his career and his overall happiness. Dan joins this episode of Live Happy Now to share how he has learned to become just 10% happier at a time, how he reduced stress without losing his edge and found self-help that actually works. What you'll learn in this podcast: People with all types of personalities have the ability to meditate How just a few minutes of meditation a day can help alleviate stress Apps you can use to help you meditate Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Download Dan's podcast 10% Happier and receive the free guided meditations from Joseph Goldstein Download the 10% Happier app on iTunes Follow Dan on Facebook and Twitter
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Smiling woman who is happy at work

5 Habits to Make You Happier on the Job

When it comes to our work, most of us long to be a little happier. But changing jobs, changing bosses, or simply finding more joy amid all the tasks on our to-do list often feels beyond our grasp. Many of us are so busy that we are just trying to keep our heads above water. We don’t have the time, let alone energy, to improve our current situation. I get it. Keeping up with life can be a full-time job. But what if there were a busy-proof way to start doing more of what you do best each day, regardless of what your job description or your boss might say? Use your strengths A growing body of research suggests that developing your strengths—the things you’re good at and enjoy doing—can leave you feeling more confident, energized and happy at work.  The key I’ve found was to create an 11-minute daily strength development habit by harnessing my brain’s neurological habit loop of cue, routine and reward. And I’m not alone. With the help of Live Happy and the VIA Institute almost 4,000 people around the world have joined us for the free global Strengths Challenge with many reporting this small daily practice has left them feeling more energized and engaged, respected and valued and feeling like they were flourishing at work. All from just 11-minutes. But what are the strength development habits that might work best for you? Here are the five habits that have helped the most people create significant changes in both their performance and wellbeing at work: Creativity: When I wake up (cue), I will spend 10 minutes writing out any problems I’m facing as concisely as possible and then list as many possible creative solutions as I can before identifying one to try that day (routine).  I will then place a sticker on my reward chart and when full treat myself to a massage (reward). Hope: Each morning when I go to get my morning coffee (cue), I’ll take 10 minutes to check in with one of my more hopeful colleagues and see what they’re excited about at the moment (routine). Then I’ll finish my coffee (reward). Diligence: When I get to work (cue), I’ll review my to-do list to ensure that I can still deliver on each of the tasks and if changes need to be made, I’ll update all concerned so people know they can trust my word and plan accordingly (routine). My reward will be my morning green tea (reward). Love of Learning: When I sit down in front of my computer in the morning (cue) I’ll watch a 10-minute video that teaches me something new (routine) and then post what I’ve learned on social media (reward). Social Intelligence: When it’s lunch time (cue) I will sit in the staff room and take the time to have a meaningful conversation with a colleague, by asking genuine questions about how it's going/what’s going well (routine). I’ll celebrate by eating my lunch (reward). Could a small daily strengths habit help improve your work? If you’d like some help developing a strengths habit for your work then join us for the next free global Strengths Challenge. Find out more at, where you’ll be guided step-by-step through creating you own 11-minute habit and be given free resources and access to online strengths coaches to help you put your strengths to work. Or if you're interested in pursuing a new position or career path, visit Jooble. Michelle McQuaid is a best-selling author and coach with a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania.
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Queen Bees and Wannabes with Rosalind Wiseman

Rosalind Wiseman has had only one job since graduating from college—to help communities shift the way we think about children and teens’ emotional and physical well-being. Rosalind is the author of Queen Bees and Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boyfriends, and the New Realities of Girl World—the groundbreaking, best-selling book that was the basis for the movie Mean Girls. We sat down with Rosalind to dive into the life of teenagers on this episode of Live Happy Now. What you'll learn in this podcast: Concrete strategies to help you empower your daughter to be socially competent and treat herself with dignity How Girl World has fundamentally changed in recent years The roles of technology in your teen's life How to prevent the influence of cliques on your child'sdecision making Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Download afree sketch noteof this episode Purchase a copy of Queen Bees and Wannabes Visit Follow Rosalind on Facebook and Twitter Related articles: Find Happiness In Your Headphones What is Your Healing Rhythm? Live Happy Summer Playlist
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How to Create the Perfect Playlist with Paula Felps

We all have “that song,” the one that instantly makes us feel invincible, like Rocky Balboa running up the steps at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. But did you know that you can use that song to actually reset your brain? We sit down with Live Happy science editor Paula Felps to talk about how to create the perfect playlist. What you'll learn in this podcast: How the arrangement of a playlist affects you The power of musicto change your mood The 5 key components of creating the perfect playlist Different ways you can use playlists to improve your mood Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Download a free sketch note of this episode Listen to the entire playlist we created on the episode: Related articles: Find Happiness In Your Headphones What is Your Healing Rhythm? Live Happy Summer Playlist
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Personal Mastery to Change Your Life with Dr. Srikumar Rao

Srikumar Rao, Ph.D., has helped thousands of executives and entrepreneurs all over the world discover deep meaning. His methods have enabled them to achieve quantum leaps in effectiveness. Graduates of his workshops have become more creative and more inspiring leaders. He conceived the innovative Creativity and Personal Mastery course that he teaches in London and New York. Students found it so overwhelmingly powerful that it remains the only business school course in the world to have its own alumni association. What you'll learn in this podcast: How to dramatically reduce and possibly even eliminate stress in your life. How to form deeper, more meaningful relationships. How to feel more purpose and meaning in day-to-day work and activities. Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Download Srikumar's article "Stop. Think. Live!" Learn more about The Rao Institute. Request a syllabus from
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Dr. Srikumar Rao – Creativity and Personal Mastery to Change Your Life

Srikumar Rao, Ph.D., has helped thousands of executives and entrepreneurs all over the world discover deep meaning. His methods have enabled them to achieve quantum leaps in effectiveness. Graduates of his workshops have become more creative and more inspiring leaders. He conceived the innovative Creativity and Personal Mastery course that he teaches in London and New York. Students found it so overwhelmingly powerful that it remains the only business school course in the world to have its own alumni association. What you'll learn in this podcast: How to dramatically reduce and possibly even eliminate stress in your life. How to form deeper, more meaningful relationships. How to feel more purpose and meaning in day-to-day work and activities. Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Download afree sketch noteof this episode. Download Srikumar's article "Stop. Think. Live!" Learn more about The Rao Institute. Request a syllabus from Thanks for listening! Thank you so much for joining us this week onLive Happy Now. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of the post. Also,please leave an honest review forLive Happy Nowon iTunes! Ratings and reviews are important in helping others find the podcast; we greatly appreciate it! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them. Special thanks to Srikumarfor joining us this week. Related articles: 10 Questions That Will Save Your Life Start aJournal, Change Your Life Top 10 Books That Will Change Your Life
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