Man crossing the finish line

Becoming Resilient With Rick Hanson

Rick Hanson is one of the foremost experts on neural networks and a New York Times best-selling author. With his latest book, Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength and Happiness, Rick gives us the tools to develop our inner strengths and stay strong—no matter what life throws at you. In this episode, you’ll learn: How to use your positive experiences to grow your inner strengths The meaning of “positive neuroplasticity” and how it can rewire your brain to be more resilient The role of resilience in our overall happiness and well-being Also in this episode, Chris Libby tells us what we need to know about Finding Happiness at Work. Links and Resources: Facebook - YouTube - Website - Download “A Free Guide to Taking in the Good.” Learn about Rick’s yearlong Foundations of Well-Being Program. Subscribe to Rick’s free Just One Thing.
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The Happiness Curve by Jonathan Rauch

Midlife Moxie With Jonathan Rauch

Have you ever wondered if you are having a midlife crisis or can’t figure out why you’re more worried or down than you were just a few years ago? Journalist Jonathan Rauch explains why that disheartened feeling in your 40s and 50s is not a crisis but instead a normal part of the aging process. His book, The Happiness Curve: Why Life Gets Better After 50, delivers hope for plenty of happiness in midlife and beyond. While we can’t always skip over the low points, Jonathan provides great tips and guidance to help fend off and triumph over those negative feelings. Things you’ll learn in this episode: All other things equal, aging makes you happier, not sadder. A midlife downturn can be literally about nothing. The difference between intellect and wisdom, and why the latter makes you happier. Tips for coping with a midlife slump. Also in this episode, Science Editor Paula Felps talks to Rebekah Rinehart, co-founder of The Kind Way, who talks about The Kind Mural. Links and resources: For more, go to Jonathan’s website at Or, follow him on Twitter: @jon_rauch
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A person looking out to the mountains

Get Mentally Fit With Grit

Welcome, Happy Activists! A Happy Activist is someone who, through kind words and intentional positive actions, strives to make the world a better place. Live Happy invites you to join our #HappyActs movement! On the 20th of each month, we encourage everyone to incorporate kindness into your daily lives by participating in each month’s planned activity. The more who join the #HappyActs movement, the more positive impact we'll all have on our homes, workplaces and communities. What you think and do matters! September’s theme is resilience. The ability to bounce back after a setback through grit and determination can help us achieve our goals. This sense of accomplishment can increase joy, connection and well-being. It’s important to understand the “why” of goal setting for it to be successful, says strategist Jan Stanley. “The thing that encourages us to set goals is that we see some gap in our lives,” Jan says. The first key is making sure your goals and values align and then to make step-by-step implementation of that goal part of your daily routine. Following that advice, our September 20 Happy Act is to set a positive goal for yourself, whether it’s preparing for a 5K race or half-marathon, taking on a new challenge at work or finishing that house project that’s been dragging on for months. Meet our Happy Activist of the month, Chris Libby, Live Happy’s magazine and digital editor. “Realizing that the power to achieve is within my control is empowering, something I hope you will realize as well as you set out on your own goal-setting journey,” Chris says. 3 Habits to Boost Resilience According to authors Michaela Haas (Bouncing Forward: Transforming Bad Breaks into Breakthroughs) and Jim Rendon (Upside: The New Science of Post-Traumatic Growth), these three daily habits can help you cultivate courage and resilience in the face of adversity. Meditate Spend 12 minutes every morning and every eveningmeditating. Meditation, Michaela says, trains us in regulating stress and calming fear, the very skills we need to confront and recover from adversity. Appreciate Cultivate apractice of gratitudeand appreciation. Every day, write down three things you are grateful for; jot down the first three things that come to mind. If your default position is to focus on the gifts in your life, you’ll find it easier to keep your spirits uplifted and move on to what needs to be done. Connect Research shows thatconnection with other peopleis a key predictor of growth after a traumatic event, Jim says. Even online communities help trauma survivors of all kinds feel more optimistic, confident and empowered. Additional Resources: Angela Duckworth GoodThink Tom Rath Caroline Adams Miller, MAPP Greater Good Science Center Plasticity Labs
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Guy relaxing on his couch

Happy at Home With Rebecca West

What does it take to be happy at home? Interior designer Rebecca West has a few ideas that might surprise you. The author of the book, Happy Starts at Home: Getting the Life You Want By Changing the Space You’ve Got and founder of the company Seriously.Happy.Homes joins us this week to talk about how you can make any space your happy place. Rebecca, who believes life should be fun and your home should make you happy, will teach us: How a happy home supports a happy life How to avoid common decorating mistakes Why your space (and the things in it) matter to your happiness In addition, this episode includes special guest Deborah K. Heisz, CEO of Live Happy, who previews the new Live Happy bookazine that’s coming September 18 to a newsstand near you! Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Download this free guided meditation from Rebecca to help you connect with a space that’s right for you! For more, go to Rebecca's website:
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A man and woman meditating

Mindful Breathing With Nick Ortner

It’s hard to imagine our little ones dealing with stress and anxiety, but they do suffer more than we think. Nick Ortner, New York Times best-selling author of The Tapping Solution, joins the Live Happy Now podcast to discuss his latest book about mindful breathing for young children. My Magic Breath: Finding Calm Through Mindful Breathing is a colorful and interactive story designed to teach the basic principles of calming breathing techniques. The book is also a great conversation starter for teachers and parent to encourage children to talk about their feelings. Also in this episode, you’ll hear from Daphne Willis, a Nashville-based singer who is using music as a way to discuss mental health issues and let others know they’re not alone. Find out more about Daphne by visiting her website. What you'll learn in this episode: Even the youngest of us can experience stress and anxiety. How parents and teachers can help children cope. Why mindfulness is needed in the classroom. Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Learn more by going to Nick's website. Buy his latest book My Magic Breath: Finding Calm Through Mindful Breathing.
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Illustration of people playing a card game

Fun at Work with Scott Crabtree

Scott Crabtree, founder of the company Happy Brain Science, has spent years studying positive psychology and what makes us happy. But when Scott combined his love of game design with his passion for positive psychology, he blazed an entirely new trail by creating the game, Choose Happiness @ Work. Today, Scott tells us how the very things that make us happy when playing games are the same things that make us happy at work — and then he explains how we can all gamify our lives to create greater happiness at work. What you'll learn in this episode: What "gamification" means and how it can be used in daily life The four components of games (and work) that make you happy The science of why games engage us, and what we can learn from them Also in this episode, Web Editor Chris Libby drops by to talk about the latest and greatest new Happy Facts! Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Follow Scott on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. Learn more about his company Happy Brain Science here. Enter code LIVEHAPPY25 at for 25% off Choose Happiness @ Work. Text HAPPYGAME to 345345 to get a free e-book on gamification!
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Schoolchildren carrying notebooks at school

Celebrate Character Day on September 26

Join us for the fifth annual Character Day on September 26! Last year there were more than 133,000 Character Day events in 150 countries and all U.S. states. “In a world that seems to become more and more divided, it has never been more important to stop and recognize our own character strengths in ourselves and in others,” says Makenzie Darling, Let It Ripple director of strategic partnerships and engagement. “Character Day brings out the best in humanity and promotes happy lifestyles where people feel more interconnected.” Character Day is a free day and global initiative where school districts, individual classrooms, companies, organizations and families—groups of all sizes—screen films on the science of character development from different perspectives, dive into free printed discussion materials catered to different ages and join an online global Q&A conversation featuring prominent leaders discussing the importance of developing character strengths (resilience, grit, empathy, courage, kindness)—all rooted in evidence-based research. Character Day is one day. The resources are available year-round. Please watch the 1 minute trailer (also embedded below) and sign up today! How Character Day Works Character Day and all of the materials are supported by grants so there is no cost to participate. Your Character Day event(s) can look and feel any way you would like it to be...any time of the day, anywhere and any size. The Character Day team provides your group with films, the Periodic Table of Character Strengths Poster, printed discussion materials, a robust online hub of resources and an online conversation with leading experts on character education from multiple perspectives. Watch the Films You may watch the acclaimed films 30,000 Days (11 minutes), The Science of Character (8 minutes) and The Adaptable Mind (11 minutes) to get a better sense of what types of films will be shown on Character Day. A new feature length film, Connected, will be offered this year along with other curated resources from partner organizations. A poster of The Periodic Table of Character Strengths is included in the free hands-on discussion kit. Also included in the kits: a deck of 44 conversation cards with discussion guides, questions for all ages and quotes related to the poster. 2018 Character Day Invitation from Let it Ripple on Vimeo.
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Illustration of a brain running on a treadmill

Making Your Brain Hum with Joe Bates

Dr. Joe Bates wants to make your brain hum. The award-winning double board-certified psychiatrist and pediatrician is spending his “retirement” working with veterans at the Tyler VA Clinic in Tyler, Texas. He has been recognized by Mensa for his work with cognitive remediation training, and now he’s created a way for people of all ages to make their brains work smarter, not harder. His new book, Making Your Brain Hum: 12 Weeks to A Smarter You, uses a technique he developed called braincardio™, which is designed to use “brain workouts” to build confidence, hope, well-being and energy. What you'll learn in this episode: How the things we do every day can make a difference in how we think How brain exercises can help us live with less regret and more joy Why it’s important to exercise our brains every day Also in this episode, we talk with dog trainer John Miller, who tells us how to make back-to-school time easier on everyone in the house—including our canine family members. Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Follow Dr. Joe Bates on Facebook. Learn more about braincardio™ on his website. Live Happy listeners have the exclusive opportunity for a 50% discount to the best-selling book Making Your Brain Hum: 12 Weeks to a Smarter You, along with the e-book Tips for a Brain- Healthy Lifestyle that includes sample puzzles. Follow this link for your special offer, just for being a Live Happy Now listener:
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Illustrated graphic of a woman smiling

Finding Self-Compassion With Kristin Neff

Kristin Neff, Ph.D., is a pioneer in the field of self-compassion as well as associate professor of human development and culture at the University of Texas at Austin. Her groundbreaking insights on how to nurture self-compassion, along with research into the role self-compassion plays in our overall well-being, has led to academic courses on the topic as well as online courses, audio programs and books. Her latest project, The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook, walks readers through a step-by-step process to help build a greater sense of self-compassion. What you'll learn in this episode: Why you need to stop beating yourself up (and how to do it) The role of self-compassion in happiness Why self-compassion is a better motivator than self-criticism Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Follow Kristin on Facebook. Purchase her book The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook. Download Kristin's self-compassion exercises for free here.
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Journal surrounded by school supplies

Kindness Sticks

Welcome, Happy Activists! A Happy Activist is someone who, through kind words and intentional actions, strives to make the world a better place. Live Happy invites you to join our #HappyActs movement! On the 20th of each month, we encourage everyone to incorporate kindness into your daily lives by participating in each month’s planned activity. The more who join the #HappyActs movement, the more positive impact we'll all have on our homes, workplaces and communities. What you think and do matters! August’s theme—just in time for the back-to-school season—is education. For students of all levels, learning character strengths and mental and physical well-being alongside the academic basics ensures both greater achievement and long-term happiness. And for adults, scientists confirm that lifelong learning is associated with greater life satisfaction and a sense of optimism and engagement. Our August 20 Happy Act is to post encouraging and positive notes at school; try our school-themed sticky notes to get things started! Meet our Happy Activist of the month, Kathleen Desloges, a music, drama and dance teacher in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. “I get to work with hundreds of students in a week, and every day we start our classes with a conversation about gratitude, happiness or kindness,” she says. “It’s fun to show up with a purpose!” 3 Steps on How to Prepare for a Happy Act: Researchwhat charitable opportunities are near you. Contactthe organization and discuss how you can help. Plana time to go volunteer and/or determine what you can donate. Learn more: Lifelong Education Delivers Confidence, Joy and Hope. If we’re not learning, we’re not growing. According to the VIA Institute on Character, adults who are learning something new—by taking a class, pursuing a hobby or reading every day—report less stress and greater feelings of hope and purpose. Never Stop Learning. Try these three strategies from Ryan Niemiec, Psy.D., of the Via Institute on Character, to boost your learning mindset and start to see challenges as opportunities. Character and Well-Being. British schoolmaster Sir Anthony Seldon says positive education “isn’t a case of either teaching for tests or teaching for personal growth and happiness; if you teach for happiness and growth and character, you’ll get better exam results because you’ll be developing their intrinsic motivations rather than extrinsic motivations.” 4 Ideas Shaping the Future of Education. Learning to develop grit and character; considering the role of parents; emphasizing what’s going well and focusing on problem-solving over negative characterizations are driving conversations about positive education. The Strength Switch With Lea Waters. Listen to our Live Happy Now podcast with Lea Waters, Ph.D., to learn about the benefits of strength-based parenting and two easy ways to start implementing it. Learning How to Learn Barbara Oakley, Ph.D., the Ramón y Cajal Distinguished Scholar of Global Digital Learning at McMaster University, professor of engineering at Oakland University and author of several books, including A Mind for Numbers and Mindshift, teaches an online course called “Learning How to Learn.” Ready to grow? Start with these guidelines: Think of learning as a lifestyle. Create your own process for acquiring knowledge and skills and ask questions. Work with your brain, not against it. When learning new things, give your brain time so new neural connections can be made. Rethink failure. Encountering difficulty and failure encourages brain plasticity. Be prepared to feel like an impostor, then get over it. Mastery is not a static end state, but a high level of ability to find ways to refine one’s knowledge and skills. Challenge yourself to ask, “What are you learning that keeps you inspired and hungry for more?” Additional Resources: International Positive Education Network Donors Choose Plasticity’s Hero Generation The Strength Switch Via Institute on Character Champlain College Tecmilenio University
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