A brain with glasses

Build a Happier Brain With Dawson Church

With his breakthrough book, “The Genie in Your Genes,” Dawson Church, Ph.D., showed the scientific connection between emotion and genetics. Now, with his fascinating follow up, “Mind to Matter,” he looks at the science of achieving our peak mental states, how the energy around us affects our hearts and minds … and how we can change our state to build a happier, healthier life. In this episode, you'll learn: How to access the energy around How negative thinking affects your health The role of meditation and mindfulness in creating better well-being Links and Resources Download the first chapter of his book for free here: https://mindtomatter.club/ Facebook: EFTUniverse Twitter: @EFTUniverse Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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Person drawing on a canvas

Make Work Your Playground With Andrea Goeglein

Andrea Goeglein, Ph.D., also known as Dr. Success, is an author, speaker and executive coach who uses the practices of positive psychology to manifest success in the business world. Having worked as an entrepreneur as well as the executive level, Andrea uses her experience to teach business leaders how to implement the principles of positive psychology to find both personal fulfillment and greater career success with her Las Vegas-based company, Serving Success. Andrea joins Science Editor Paula Felps to discuss how positivity and character strengths can lead to personal success, as well as other top secrets that lead to a flourishing life. In this episode, you'll learn: How success and positivity can flourish together Why it’s important to use your character strengths at work Adversity can be a catalyst to change Links and Resources To find out more about Dr. Success, visit servingsuccess.com Linkedin: drsuccessphd Twitter: @drsuccess Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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Man looking to the sky with a telescope

Rebuild Your Health with Dr. Z

Dr. Robert Zembroski specializes in functional medicine and clinical nutrition. As a board-certified chiropractic neurologist, he has spent much of his career helping people rebuild their lives after illness and injury. And when he was diagnosed with cancer, he used those same techniques to rebuild his own life. Dr. “Z” – as his patients call him – is the author of “Rebuild” and on today’s podcatst, he’ll tell you how you can start rebuilding your health, regardless of where you are and what you’re facing. In this episode, you'll learn: Why a diagnosis doesn’t have to be a death sentence How your choices, not your genes, are the biggest factor in your future health How to commit to good health—and make it last To receive a free logbook to improve your own health or to subscribe to Dr. Z’s newsletter, visit www.drzembroski.com Links and Resources Facebook: Zembroski Twitter: @drrobzembroski Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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Cheerful businesswoman standing in office environment. Young female executive standing and looking at camera.

3 Ways You Can Work Like an Entrepreneur

If you aren’t familiar with entrepreneurs, you might assume that they lead the lonely life: You have the image of them toiling in a garage (Hewlett and Packard, Steve Jobs and Wozniack) or going it alone to keep a struggling business in the black. If that’s what you believe, have I got news for you: When entrepreneurs are “doing their thing” they are so driven (in a healthy way), so focused (as in the precursor to flow) and riding cloud nine. Entrepreneurs awake each day yearning to get to work. Often, they don’t stop working until someone prompts them to take a break so they can have a meal. The good news is even if you’re not an entrepreneur, you can be entrepreneurial. The ABCs of doing so are described below: Make It Better The entrepreneur has no need to invent anything at all to be happy! One of the most respected scholars in the field of entrepreneurship, Harvard economist Joseph Schumpeter, said that entrepreneurs engage in “creative destruction”—replacing old ways of doing things with new and improved methodologies. If you have “a better idea” regarding how something is done, you have most of what it takes to be entrepreneurial. All you must do is improve upon the status quo in a particular business arena or market. Your “better idea” doesn’t even need to be terribly novel. Consider how Amazon handles returns: If you ask for a refund on an item and it is within a reasonable period of time, a few keystrokes on your computer gets the job done. You do have to ship the item, but contrast returns to Mr. Bezos’ shop with most other vendors. Part of his genius is realizing that standing in line to return an item that’s wrong adds insult to injury. Yes, Amazon is much more that easy returns, but that alone is a game-changing idea. Passion Project You must be impassioned to be entrepreneurial and make yourself happy at work. In fact, you must see no impediments at all to actualizing your dream. The worst thing that can happen to an adult is to lose a child, particularly to a murderer. It happened to the woman who founded MADD (Mother’s Against Drunk Driving) and the man who founded America’s Most Wanted. Instead of seeking revenge for their losses, these people converted their rage into pro-social endeavors: MADD, to “get” all drunk drivers off the road, and America’s Most Wanted to bring all criminals to justice. The entrepreneurs behind these endeavors never flagged in the work it took to develop them. You needn’t suffer a major tragedy to get angry and “get them” in a pro-social manner. Does homelessness enrage you? Fight to help build it in a manner akin to Habitat for Humanity. Take any societal “wrong” and solve it creatively, and you’re guaranteed passion and entrepreneurial energy for life. Avoid the Burn Why is anger that is not converted into entrepreneurial energy the No. 1 predictor of job burnout? Burnout is born of Sisyphean work—rolling a rock up a hill only to have it roll down again, over and over, for eternity. Or, “the same old, same old.” If you feel that this sort of work is wasting your mind—your potential to do creative things—how can you feel anything but anger? The problem is, virtually all of us must work to pay bills, so it’s not guaranteed that we can march into a boss’s office and scream, “Take this job and shove it.” If you realize that you are angry but need to work, be entrepreneurial on the job. Take the worst aspect of your job or your company and improve upon it. The paradox of adding entrepreneurial work to your life is that it is energizing! It gives you a “runner’s high” because the feeling of doing something good—what psychologists call “self-efficacy”—taps into all the reward centers of your brain and spews “mood elevating” chemicals into your body.
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A man looking into a mirror

Short Cuts to Happiness With Tal Ben-Shahar

Have you ever felt like your barber knew everything about life? Well, leading expert happiness and Harvard professor Tal Ben-Shar did, and he even wrote a book about it. Tal joins us on the Live Happy Now podcast to talk about his latest book, Short Cuts to Happiness: Life Changing Lessons From My Barber, which chronicles his visits with his neighborhood barber, Avi. Throughout the years, Avi’s barber shop has been the neighborhood hub of social connectivity as he hands out priceless wisdom on how to live a happy life—all for the small fee of a haircut. In this episode, you'll learn: The benefits of having social connections. The importance of taking a break from a busy world. Life lessons can come from anywhere if you pay attention. Links and Resources Website: https://www.talbenshahar.com/ Facebook: Tal Ben-Shahar Twitter: TalBenShahar Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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A person on a snowmobile

Extreme Grit With Snowmobiler Colten Moore

When Colten Moore and his older brother, Caleb, competed for the first time in the 2010 X Games, they made a lasting impression. Specializing in freestyle and trick snowmobiling, the Texas brothers showed they were fearless, fierce and incredibly close to each other. They quickly became top athletes in the sport and were counting on taking home the gold and silver in 2013—although they argued over which brother would take the top spot. But their careers took a tragic turn during that competition: Both brothers crashed during their runs, and Caleb passed away a few days later as a result of his injuries. Colten has continued to compete and is using his experiences to encourage and inspire others. In 2016, he released his autobiography, Chasing the Sky, which tells his story of loss, resilience and the importance of family bonds. In this episode, you'll learn: What drives Colten to continue competing How he has used his loss to help others The importance of following your dreams Also in this episode, Live Happy’s own Laura Coppedge talks about our new journal, On a Positive Note. Find out how it can help make each day richer and can even make those work meetings more inviting. Plus, you can preorder it here at a discount! Links and Resources Twitter: @colt45moore Facebook: coltenmoore21 Instagram: @colt45moore Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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A mom and son together

Strengths-Based Parenting With Lea Waters

Lea Waters, Ph.D., is more than just the current president of the International Positive Psychology Association; she’s also a researcher and expert on character strengths—and the mother of two. Her latest book, The Strength Switch: How the New Science of Strength-Based Parenting Can Help Your Child and Your Teen to Flourish showed parents how focusing on children’s strengths instead of trying to correct their weaknesses can yield extraordinary results. Now, Lea has created an online course based on The Strength Switch to give families the tools they need to put her findings into practice. In this episode of Live Happy Now, Live Happy CEO Deborah Heisz talks to Lea about how (and why) strengths-based parenting can benefit every family. In this episode, you'll learn: How focusing on your child’s strengths can unlock their full potential Why it’s important for families to work on this together How your family can benefit from this online course You can learn more about Lea's online course here, and you can also hear more from Lea about The Strength Switch here. Also in this week's episode, Mike Pepperman of LG Electronics explains the company's Experience Happiness initiative, which is bringing the principles of sustainable happiness to schools. Links and Resources Twitter: ProfLeaWaters Instagram: ProfLeaWaters Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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Let Creativity Flow with Keiko Agena

Let Creativity Flow with Keiko Agena

If your internal critic and busy schedule keep you from the creative pursuits you enjoy, this interview—and a new book by actress Keiko Agena—are for you. Keiko, best known as Lane Kim on the TV show Gilmore Girls, wrote and illustrated No Mistakes: A Perfect Workbook for Imperfect Artists, for anyone looking to nurture their “wild, wacky” and more spirited side. In No Mistakes, interspersed with coloring pages and her original artwork, Keiko guides you through simple exercises based on one of the founding ideas of improv: Any misstep is an opportunity for growth and creativity. In this episode, you'll learn: What most adults get wrong about creativity How to dial down your critical inner voice to try new things Keiko’s “no mistakes” philosophy and how to apply it to your life How to carve out time for creativity Also in this episode, Science Editor Paula Felps talks to Live Happy CEO Deborah K. Heisz about her new Find the Good blog on livehappy.com. Links and Resources For more go to mskeikoagena.com    Twitter: @KeikoAgena Facebook: Keiko-Agena Instagram: @keikoagena
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Kids in goggles for science experiment

Celebrate Character Day

Sign up and join the global movement on Wednesday, September 26th, to celebrate the fifth annual Character Day! Last year there were more than 133,000 events in 150 countries. Thousands of schools, companies, museums, libraries and homes—anywhere people already gather—screen films on the science of character development from different perspectives, dive into free printed discussion materials catered to different ages, and join an online global Q&A conversation. Prominent positive psychologists and education experts will discuss the importance of developing character strengths (resilience, grit, empathy, courage, kindness)—all rooted in evidence-based research. Character Day is one day. The resources are available year-round. Please watch this 1 minute trailer and sign up today!
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New issue on newsstands now

Rediscover Your Joy with Live Happy’s Latest Issue

Who doesn’t want to stay forever young? Live Happy’s new issue cover story “Happy for Life” explains how building positive habits like eating right, staying active, sleeping well and training your brain to be mindful and calm are the keys to a long and joyful life. Yet even more important? Having close, meaningful relationships. “People who live a long time have a lot of positive emotion,” says George Vaillant of the Harvard Study of Adult Development. “And that means being part of a community. It’s hard to have positive emotion on a deserted island; you need other people.” Well-being researcher and Blue Zones author Dan Buettner backs that up. “Making sure you have happy friends affects how long you live, because that’s contagious. And focusing on your immediate social network is more important than either diet or exercise programs when it comes to living a long, happy, healthy life. Happiness adds about eight years to your life expectancy; it’s almost as good for you as quitting smoking.” Live Happy’s issue No. 26 is on newsstands this week. A larger format “bookazine”—it’s both a book and a magazine!—includes five chapters of well-being tips and resources, plus pullout posters and postcards. In this issue, we share scientifically proven methods to boost your happiness so you can increase your health. Readers will learn to practice: Gratitude to refocus the brain to start looking for what’s good in life. Compassion to counter the habit of dwelling on personal needs and challenges. Savoring to increase appreciation for what’s right in the moment. Optimism to lower stress response, which leads to better overall health and happiness. Mindfulness to stay present and limit anxiety from worrying about the future. Giving Back to boost well-being for all involved and to strengthen community bonds. “This issue is unlike any we’ve ever done before,” says Deborah K. Heisz, Live Happy’s CEO, co-founder and editorial director. “It shares the key lessons of positive psychology research—as well as the latest tips, ‘how-tos’ and emerging science—in our largest, most comprehensive issue yet. The ‘bookazine’ format includes chapters relevant to every part of your life including happiness, health, resilience and happiness at work, school and at home.” Also in this issue: Stronger Every Day: Maria Shriver’s four guideposts to positivity from her new book, I’ve Been Thinking…Reflections, Prayers, and Meditations for a Meaningful Life. Plus can’t-miss interviews with TV celebs Annie Potts, Mario Lopez and Denise Austin. Finding Joy Again: Three powerful stories of how to recover from loss and live happier now. With five steps from Rick Hanson, Ph.D., to start the healing process. Putting the ‘Om’ in Home: Author Rebecca West shares how rethinking home design can deliver joy and comfort. Plus seven keys to healthy family relationships from licensed psychotherapist Stacy Kaiser. The issue is available at store.livehappy.com or at major retailers throughout North America including Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Chapters Bookstores (Canada), Indigo Books, Safeway, Raley’s Supermarkets, SavOn Foods, Walmart and Hy-Vee Foods.
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