A woman feeling positive.

Finding Positivity in a Pandemic With Deborah Heisz

For many of us, right now it seems a little bit harder than usual to find the good in the world, and finding things to be optimistic about can seem like even more of a chore. If you’re having struggling with that, you’re in the right place. This week, Live Happy CEO and co-founder Deborah Heisz talks about how we can look for what's good in these trying times to find positivity and optimism—and make the most of this most unusual time. In this episode, you'll learn: How to use the gift of extra time that we’ve been giving. Ways to interact with others in a time of social distancing. How to spend time evaluating what’s important to make the right decisions for your future. Links and Resources Facebook: @livehappy Instagram: @mylivehappy Twitter: @livehappy Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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A person sitting down relaxed.

Using Your Breath to Calm Yourself During COVID-19 With Victoria Albina

If ever there was a time to take a deep breath, it’s right now. And this week’s guest is uniquely qualified to walk us through how to do that. Victoria Albina is a functional nurse practitioner, certified breathwork meditation facilitator, life coach and host of the Feminist Wellness podcast. She not only understands the mind/body connection, but she has great tips for helping us use our breath to calm our stress response, boost our immune system and enjoy each moment just a little bit more. In this episode, you'll learn: How your automatic nervous system and vagus nerve are affecting your reactions. How to restore and replenish yourself after experiencing substantial stress. How breathwork can calm your body and also improve your immune system. Links and Resources Facebook: @VictoriaAlbinaWellness Instagram: @victoriaalbinawellness LinkedIn: @victoriaalbina Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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Why Bother? With Jennifer Louden

With so much going on in the world today, you might have hit the point of asking “why bother?” A lot of situations feel pretty grim right now and some days it’s hard to find the energy and enthusiasm you need. Today’s guest knows exactly what you’re feeling, and, even better, she has incredible insight to share on how to navigate these crazy times. Jennifer Louden is a personal growth expert and author of the new book, Why Bother? Discover the Desire for What’s Next, and she has a lot to say about why we should bother, how to discover our next steps and even how to enjoy the journey. In this episode, you'll learn: Why asking the important question, “Why bother?” is a good thing. Why your desires matter. The importance of self-care and self-forgiveness. Links and Resources Facebook: @jenlouden.writer Twitter: @jenlouden Instagram: @jenlouden Download a FREE sample chapter of Why Bother? Discover the Desire for What’s Next by clicking here. Join Jennifer for her Virtual Book Party on April 22.Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places: Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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A happy home.

Make Your Home Your Happy Place With Rebecca West

We are spending most of our time at home right now, and no matter how much you love the space you live in, or the people you share it with, some days it might seem like it’s the last place you want to be. This week’s guest is an expert at turning our homes into our happy places. Interior designer Rebecca West, author of Happy Starts at Home and owner of Seriously.Happy.Homes, believes in putting the “om” back in home. To do that, she takes a holistic approach to discovering what you need from your home and how to make the most of the space you have. Listen in as she tells us how to make our surroundings support what we need—both physically and emotionally—during this time. In this episode, you'll learn: How to create space for everyone—and everything—in your home. How tidiness makes a big difference in how you view your space. Simple improvements you can do both inside and outside of your home. Links and Resources Facebook: @seriouslyhappyhomes Instagram: @beseriouslyhappy Company Instagram: @seriouslyhappyhomes Pinterest: @seriouslyhappyhomes Now through May 4, in honor of the Stay-At-Home Quarantine, Rebecca's team is offering 50 FREE Design Helpline calls as we can try to make sure we are all thriving at home. Need to brainstorm ways to make your home happier? Want to snag a spot? Let her know here: https://www.happystartsathome.com/contact/! Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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A woman meditating.

The Secrets of Wellness With Dr. Jeffrey Rediger

This is a time when all of us are thinking about healing and recovery. We have a lot of questions about wellness, and this episode’s guest offers unique insight into healing and well-being. Dr. Jeffrey Rediger is on the faculty of Harvard Medical School and medical director of McLean Hospital Southeast adult psychiatric programs. He’s a board-certified psychiatrist with a master’s in divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary and his new book, CURED: The Life-Changing Science of Spontaneous Healing, provides a fascinating look into well-being and how changing our beliefs about ourselves can change our outcomes. In this episode, you'll learn: What the four pillars of healing are and why they’re so critical. How to improve your immune system. The importance of reducing inflammation in your body. Links and Resources Facebook: @drjeffreyrediger Twitter: @jeffrey_rediger Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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A couple hanging out on a couch.

Surviving Self-Quarantine with Your Relationships Intact With CrisMarie Campbell and Susan Clarke

Now that most Americans find themselves self-quarantined, we’re learning to negotiate a completely different daily routine. Whether that includes a roommate, spouse, children or other family members, being in close quarters can create challenges for every relationship. That’s why we talked with CrisMarie Campbell and Susan Clarke, who are therapists and co-authors of the book, The Beauty of Conflict for Couples. They offer some helpful tips for managing relationships and learning how each person can create space for themselves. In this episode, you'll learn: Why it's important to identify what you need from others in the home. How to create time and space for yourself. The importance of taking a dance break ... and other secrets to a happier, healthier self-quarantine. Links and Resources Facebook: @thriveincmt Instagram: @thriveinc Join CrisMarie and Susan on The Morning Show at Facebook: CrisMarie Campbell. Watch videos from CrisMarie and Susan on LinkedIn. Listen to their podcast The Beauty of Conflict. If you are experiencing domestic violence and need help, visit https://www.thehotline.org/ or call 1−800−799−7233. Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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Navigating Your New Normal

I wish we could chalk this year up to a Stephen King novel we could all slam the book on, but sadly the COVID-19 pandemic is not fiction and very real. It’s safe to say we are in unchartered territory and never dreamed we would ever experience in our lifetime what has become this surreal “new normal.” While the world spirals out of our control as we watch helplessly self-quarantined on our couches, the uncertainty is daunting. One thing that is for certain is it is vitally important for us to maintain our mental and physical well-being during the coronavirus climate. As I sit here at home self-isolated during the 15-day plan to stay at home, I have an overwhelming need to share something good and spread light into the darkness. It is important for us to practice gratitude during this time and embrace what we do have. While most of the outside world is canceled right now, these activities are not: Going outdoors (as long as we are six feet apart), listening to music, quality family time, reading a book, singing out loud, speaking with friends, laughing and sharing hope with others. We are all in this together, even if it’s virtually. Hopefully, we can close the distance emotionally with a sense of community since we can’t be together physically. I curated a “Stay Home Things to Do List” to allow you some well-deserved “Me Time.” Take a break from binge-watching CNN 24-7 to be healthy and strong both mentally and physically for the coming days. Don’t Forget Fitness Exercise is vital for reducing stress and maintaining your physical and mental health. Since the gyms are closed for the foreseeable future, online fitness courses are available for constant streaming. An acronym for “Our Body Electric,” Obe Fitness offers an incredible array of live and on-demand fitness classes for home. The platform boasts a daily schedule of 14 live classes and more than 4,000 on-demand classes available for replay. Classes include kickboxing, yoga, cardio dance, pilates, meditation and much more. All Obe instructors are upbeat and motivating and so is the brightly designed studio space where all the classes are held (and filmed). Offering a seven-day free trial, this fun immersive fitness experience is well worth the $27 per month price tag (less than a dollar a day). So get on your mat and check it out! A DIY Spa Day The term “self-care” has been thrown around quite a lot in the past, but now it’s taking on a whole new meaning. It’s safe to say you’re not venturing out for a manicure these days, and let’s face it…you might not be in the mood with your new role as “beauty squad party of one.” To maintain the all-important “look good, feel good” mentality, my suggestion is to create a designated “Staycation Spa Day” to keep up with your beauty routine in a Day Spa environment and make it fun. If you’re lucky enough to have a steam in your shower, now is the time to use it. Even if you don’t, you can create your own “steam therapy” in an enclosed shower. Put the “ahh-in-spa” by adding a few drops of eucalyptus or lavender aromatherapy oil and relax and allow yourself to detox and unwind. Moist hot steam has so many incredible health benefits, such as helping circulation, reducing stress, lowering blood pressure by releasing a hormone called aldosterone and even acts as an immune booster. The key is to limit your steam sessions to 10 minutes a day to not get dehydrated. You can alternate a hot steam session with a cold plunge interval by running ice water in a nearby bathtub and soaking for 3-5 minutes for more immune-boosting benefits, however, my friends at the Wim Hof Method state this is not recommended if you are feeling sick. Cold therapy adds an additional stressor onto the immune system that already has its hands full fighting off viruses. If you’re a bath person like myself, pour in some Dr. Teal’s Epsom Salt and take a hot detox soak to relax your body and calm your mind. While you’re there it’s a perfect time for a DIY facial. Some of my personal favorites are the Onyx Youth Magnet Mask and the G. M. Collins Hydrating Aqua Mask. Stream Arts and Culture Getting stir-crazy at home and need a dose of culture? Streaming is the answer with a plethora of incredible resources at your fingertips. Take a virtual tour of the leading museums around the world with Google Arts & Culture for incredible curated content bringing the world’s most famous art collections directly into your home. The Royal Opera House's channel has a selection of some of the top performances from famous operas and ballets, just a click away. If a Broadway play strikes your fancy, check out the BroadwayHD streaming service that’s just $8.99 a month and there's a one-month free trial. Musical stars are getting in on the act, reminding us we are all in this “Together at Home” with live, at-home performances on Instagram for fans who are self-isolating. On March 16, Coldplay frontman Chris Martin kicked off the new virtual concert series officially dubbed “Together at Home: Who-Global Citizen Solidarity Sessions.” The initiative is presented by the World Health Organization and Global Citizen. John Legend took the baton shortly after Chris, Charlie Puth followed, and other singers like Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello will be getting in on the action in the coming weeks, too. Spring Cleaning Side Hustle Looking for a money-making project you can do at home? Tidy up and cash out with my personal favorite selling app Poshmark. This fun, interactive social commerce marketplace is an amazing resource to buy and sell new and used clothing, accessories, beauty products, shoes and even home goods. Just sign up to become a “Posher,” create your own closet, list items for sale and voila…you’re in business. This is selling made simple and Poshmark provides a shipping label to you once an item is sold. You keep 80 percent of the profits and Spring cleaning has never been more fun! These are trying times for us all. Please self-isolate to help slow this deadly virus and stay strong. We are all in this together and we are AmeriCANS! We can do it. My final note, I would like to send a heartfelt thank you to all our incredible healthcare workers on the frontlines fighting this awful pandemic. God speed and God Bless America.
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Two people enjoying their time separately.

Finding Calm in Chaotic Times With Erin Pickney

There’s no question that we are experiencing a chaotic time right now, and many people are feeling overwhelmed by situations that are out of their control. We’ve heard so many concerns from people who are worried about COVID-19, about the financial toll it is already taking and what this means for the future. We’re all learning how to manage this new normal that, frankly, doesn’t feel normal at all. This week’s guest, Erin Pickney, is a Nashville-based therapist specializing in recovery from anxiety and depression. She offers a few suggestions on how we can decrease our anxiety and increase our sense of well-being. In this episode, you'll learn: How to manage some of our current anxiety. How to connect with others while practicing social distancing. How to make the most of time spent in self-quarantine. Links and Resources Facebook: @erinpickneylcsw Instagram: @erinpickneylcsw Website: Nashville-therapist.com Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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An illustration of a sloth meditating.

Making Time for Meditation With Ariel Garten

This week’s episode looks at something we all know about, we all know we should do … but we often have trouble finding time for in our busy lives. Meditation has incredible healing value for both our mind and body, and this week’s guest is on a mission to get the whole world meditating. Neuroscientist Ariel Garten is a psychotherapist, mom, former fashion designer and the founder of the tech company Muse, which is designed to make meditation easier. She has spoken about the benefits of meditation on stages around the world, ranging from TED talks to MIT to SXSW. This week, she talks about the benefits of meditation, how we can master the art of meditating and how to find ways to fit it into our hectic lives. In this episode, you'll learn: Why meditation is so important. How to make meditation part of your daily routine. Ways to make meditation easier. Links and Resources Facebook: @ArielGartenMuse Twitter: @ariel_garten LinkedIn: @arielgarten Shop today with this link and get 15% off applied at checkout! Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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A person growing a flower with kindness.

Finding Your Purpose and Sharing Kindness With Sebastian Terry

All of us want to discover our purpose in life, but we don’t always know how to do that. For Sebastian Terry, that path began with making a list of 100 things he wanted to do before he died. But what began as a personal list sparked a bestselling book, documentaries, a reality TV show and a movement to spread kindness to others. Sebastian joins us this week to explain how he inadvertently launched a global movement, how each of us can be part of that movement and how we can create a culture of kindness wherever we work, live and play. In this episode, you'll learn: How this list changed the lives of others. How to begin making your own list. How to cultivate a culture of kindness. Links and Resources Facebook: @whatsonyourlist Instagram: @seb100things Websites: 100things.com.au & kindsum.com Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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