stack of zen stones on pebble beach

5 Things You Need to Know About Mindfulness

We all could use a break from time to time. Creating good habits, like being more mindful, can help keep stress from over taking your life. Here are five things you should know when it comes to practicing mindfulness. We’re talking about practice. We will never get good at anything without practice. Experts recommend finding ten minutes for mindfulness throughout the day, preferably in the morning. Set a timer or alert on your phone to help you create and maintain the habit. Mindfulness guru Jon Kabat-Zinn says, “If you can learn how to live in this present moment, then mindfulness doesn’t take any time at all. You’re moving through life, surfing on your breath and handling whatever comes up as you need to.” It’s not voodoo. Mindfulness practices and meditation have roots in many cultures dating back thousands of years. This may make some people thing that there is some sort of mysticism involved, but mindfulness is a natural process that allows to focus on your present awareness. You can practice mindfulness by washing the dishes or walking your dog. As long you are focused on the moment and don’t let yesterday or tomorrow creep in, you are where you need to be. Need Help? That’s easy. Andy Puddicombe’s leading meditation app Headspace, has proven to be a leader in teaching mindfulness. Andy’s easy-going attitude and soothing voice guide you through the journey of your inner you. The first 10 sessions are free. If you like what you hear (and feel), a monthly subscription opens a whole new world of meditations designed for specific areas in your life, including stress and anxiety. The time is now. If your life is busy and you aren’t sure about a when is a good time to start your practicing mindfulness, how about now? Jack Kornfield, author of No Time Like the Present and one of people responsible for introducing mindfulness to Western culture, says there is no time better than the present to start your mindfulness journey. Being mindful can open the door to getting more joy and fulfillment out of your life. Build a Better Brain. Practicing mindfulness on a regular basis can strengthen parts of your brain designed for empathy and self-awareness, according to Rick Hanson, Ph.D., author of Just One Thing and Hardwiring Happiness. Being mindful can thicken the brain’s cortical layers that help us focus and activate the left prefrontal cortex that keeps our negativity in check.
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Architect working on a drawing.

Keep Your Creativity Fresh

Creativity is energy, and creative energy is at the heart of all life. In fact, it’s an everyday staple. It helps us grow our talents and keeps us happy and healthy. Even as infants we learn to sing before we talk and dance before we ever walk. As parents, we can purchase a high-end toy for children one day and the very next day watch them turn a cardboard box into a plaything that will pique their interests for hours. Creative energy is part of our nature, and we love being creative. It is the energy that makes your mind flow and helps you find new ways to be happy and radiate good vibes. You are a creativity engineer Our minds are flooded with 11 million bits of information per second (no typo, 11 million), but some scientists say we can only focus on 40 bits. To give you an idea (measuring two bits per typed character), by the time you read the words “August, September, October,” you have already used up your 40-bit allotment. That fast. This means that an awful lot of what’s happening around us and to us goes undetected. Yet, our allotted maximum attention of 40 bits of data, which may not sound like much, accumulates throughout an average life span. It is from these 40 bits of data that we “choose” who we want to be and how we want to live. What differentiates humans from every other animal on the planet is that we can imagine a fictional scenario and put ourselves into it. We can visualize how we want things to turn out. We can imagine how we want to build our lives. And then we can creatively engineer our plan from the river of information streaming at us moment by moment. In my opinion, this uniquely human capability has much to do with achieving our purpose in life. Positive, creative thinking is nothing less than sacred. What causes creative burnout Concentration (especially on the same thing) for long periods of time will burn you out. You know you are almost running out of steam when you begin to feel tense or become fatigued. You also might experience a wandering mind or body pain. You start to crave caffeine drinks, high fructose drinks or even harmful substances. These are signals that you need to re-balance. One thing I recommend is shifting between your analytical, physical and creative energy pipelines. For example, if you are learning a new melody on the piano or painting a landscape, or doing anything artistic, get out of your “creative” mind for a while and do something physical. Sports like jogging or swimming or even sweeping a floor, gardening or rearranging a room work very well. I love cleaning house as much as I love practicing martial arts, yoga and jogging, as these activities send my mind into organizational mode quickly. Physical action gives your creative mind a rest while activating your organizational side. Next, I recommend shifting to something analytical. Try something new: start a book you’ve been wanting to read or research a fascinating topic on the internet; the higher the interest or personal significance, the better. Make it something positive. This way, the energy you feel and glean is high quality. When you toggle back to your creative activity, each of the other energies you have been dabbling in will merge. This is key. This is what gives you the biggest surge of energy. You will feel better organized, more analytically creative and have more pizzazz. As you shift back and forth to keep a balanced mindset, you are not turning off parts of your mind in preference to others. You are, in effect, putting one up front while the other is still running like a file (on a lower energy consumption mode) “underneath.” So, although you shift from playing your melody on the piano, writing a poem or creatively assembling a future goal to jogging or housekeeping, your creative mind is still working solutions for you. This switch is essential to keep you charged and to protect you from burnout. May the energy be with you! Energy tips to keep creativity fresh • Look for a connection between your activities and a personal life priority. Look for a poem in the walk you take through the park or when you observe sunlight touching a flower, jot down the details right away and assemble them later. Connect the poem to something that can improve your life, like finding a peaceful solution to a conflict that is gnawing at you. •Make yourself aware of physical activities that refuel your creative mind. These are not a one-size-fits all. Mine are jogging, hiking and playing the violin. Einstein had the habit of taking a break from his research every now and then to play the piano before going back to work. Enjoy finding yours and use them often. •To stay balanced, shift to another activity at or before hitting your 80 percent energy reserve mark. When you shift, push the pedal to the metal to get those juices flowing. • Stay fresh and creative by discovering what balancing activities work best at different times of your day. Some people find that reading inspires their creativity, but they need to read, say, first thing in morning, before they get to their own work. Timing really can be everything. Listen to our podcast with Joseph Cardillo: How to Master Body Intelligence Read more by Joseph Cardillo: 3 Quick and Natural Energy Boosts You Can Use Anytime and 5 Ways to Recharge Your Energy Anytime You Need It JOSEPH CARDILLO, PH.D., is an inspirational speaker and sought-after expert on energy teaching. He is the author of Body Intelligence: Harness Your Body’s Energies for Your Best Life and the body-energy classic Be Like Water. He has taught his methods to more than 20,000 students. Visit or follow him on Facebook or Twitter @DrMindFitness.
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Two young women eating cotton candy.

13 Easy Ways to Boost Your Well-Being

It is always a good idea to give yourself a mental tuneup to help ward off any blue moods. In honor of Mental Health Month, here are a few ideas to help you keep your mind motoring toward happiness. 1. Attitude matters A bad attitude can have adverse effects on your physical health. According to the organization Mental Health of America, people with a positive attitude outlive their grumpy peers over a 30-year period. A few ways to stay optimistic: stop ruminating over the past, don’t worry so much about the future and express a lot of gratitude. 2. The less stress the better Too much stress hurts. And when you have too much for too long, it can even be deadly. Mithu Storoni, Ph.D., author of Stress-Proof: The Scientific Solution to Building a Resilient Brain and Life, writes that when the mind is in an “optimal state” it can fight off stress easier, bolstering the immune system and slowing the effects of disease. Breathing techniques and simple meditations can be quick antidotes to stress when you find yourself a little frayed. 3. Get out and move Sedentary lifestyles can have real consequences on physical and mental health, including increased risks of stroke, heart attacks, cognitive decline and depressed moods. According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, more than 80 percent of U.S. adults and adolescents do not meet the guidelines for aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities. If you can’t seem to part with electronic devices that keep you in your chair, find an app to help you get moving. A recent study from Duke Health found that the mobile game Pokémon Go encouraged millions to get up and walk. Participants were twice as likely to reach their 10,000-step goal when playing the game. 4. Good food is brain food Eating healthier is a no-brainer when it comes to good physical health, but it is also great for your brain. According to a recent Gallup Poll, U.S. adults who reported eating healthy in the recent past are 34.1 percent less likely to have depression. Drew Ramsey, psychiatrist, farmer and author of Fifty Shades of Kale and The Happiness Diet says that eating the right foods, including nuts, beans and seafood, can actually boost your mood. 5. Forgive to flourish “It is very difficult to be happy when one is complaining about the past. It is very hard to be happy when we experience ourselves as helpless victims of fate or another person. Forgiveness provides us the evidence that we can cope with life’s difficulties so we don’t have to live afraid and constricted.” —Fred Luskin, Ph.D. 6. Sleep your worries away Improving sleep habits is a great way to care for your emotional and mental health. The National Sleep Foundation estimates that 35 percent of Americans aren’t getting quality sleep. Researchers from the University of Warwick in the U.K. say quality sleep is more important to improving health and happiness than the quantity of Z’s. They equate the feeling we get after a good night’s sleep to that of “winning the lottery.” 7. Laugh often “Laughter is the verbalization of happiness,” says comedian and happiness expert Yakov Smirnoff. “So if it’s a healthy laugh, not nervous laughter, but a healthy, mirthful laugh, it is triggered by humor.” For more, check out our podcast with Yakov. 8. Be excellent to each other Studies show that when people engage in acts of kindness, they experience positive emotions that lead to a release of oxytocin (the love hormone) in the body. Kindness has also been associated with a reduction in symptoms of depression and anxiety. 9. Don’t forget to love yourself “Our mind state is constantly affecting the mind state of others. If we are grumpy and irritable, the people around us are grumpy and irritable. We feed on each other’s emotions. So when you start practicing self-compassion, other people pick up on that and the more you are in this calm, kind, connected place, the more the people around you feel that way, too.” —Kristin Neff, Ph.D, author of Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself. 10. Practice makes perfect “Whatever we water and cultivate conscientiously thrives and blooms in a regular garden….Bring to mind gratitude and other positive emotions often, and soon they will grow and take over the garden of your heart.”—Joseph Emet, author of Finding the Blue Sky: A Mindful Approach to Choosing Happiness Here and Now. 11. Stay away from all work and no play Danes take their free time very seriously. Malene Rydahl writes in Happy as a Dane: 10 Secrets of the Happiest People in the World, that the Danes dedicate nearly 70 percent of each day to personal activities and spending time with friends and family. It’s this kind of attitude that makes Denmark one of the happiest countries in the world, according to the World Happiness Reports. 12. Slow down “In today’s busy world, our mind is continuously active, jumping from one item to the next at a dizzying speed. Not only is this behavior exhausting, but it can impair how well we attend to any of the tasks at hand. Indeed, much of what crosses our paths does not require our attention or care, but it nonetheless consumes space in our consciousness. Over time, the background noise becomes a normal state, and we lose track of it—falling deeper into a state of mental fatigue, in turn limiting our ability to process important events and emotions. To counteract the deleterious effects of the noise, we need to refocus our attention on a smaller number of subjects. The practice of mindfulness does just that.” —Dr. Michael Finkelstein, internal medicine and holistic physician and author of Slow Medicine: Hope and Healing for Chronic Illness. 13. Savor the flavor “When we can fully engage with our lives, we are happier, less stressed and more grateful. In addition, we’re more likely to remember and recall the calm, peaceful and joyful times, which can help sustain us through the more difficult ones. We don’t have to wait for sunsets on the beach or fancy weddings; we can practice savoring the smaller moments that happen on a daily basis, such as drinking a hot cup of coffee, snuggling our children or eating dinner with a friend.” —Carla Naumburg, Ph.D., author of Ready, Set, Breathe: Practicing Mindfulness with Your Children for Fewer Meltdowns and a More Peaceful Family. Chris Libby is the Section Editor for Live Happy magazine.
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Two Nutrients You Can't Live Without

Two Nutrients You Can’t Live Without

I’m a psychiatrist, and a few years back, I changed how I practice medicine. A new class of medications was causing a series of side effects for the patients in our clinic. While these medications were often necessary prescriptions, patients began to gain weight at an alarming rate and frequently developed diabetes and high blood pressure. Healthy eating and exercise were major interests in my personal life, and I’d been a vegetarian for about a decade, but I hadn’t been talking to my patients about food and lifestyle choices. Food became a focus of my work. Increasingly curious about what my patients ate, I was also determined to find out what I should advise them to eat based on scientific evidence. The power of nutrients I started reading about the recent advances in the science of nutrition, and felt foolish as I realized that the standard advice I was offering—“don’t eat cholesterol or fat”—was both scientifically wrong and woefully inadequate. I also learned that my vegetarian diet wasn’t likely the healthiest. In my new book, Eat Complete: The 21 Nutrients That Fuel Brainpower, Boost Weight Loss, and Transform Your Health, I identify the 21 nutrients (vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, plant-based phytonutrients and health-promoting bacteria) that are essential for the health of our bodies and brains. I’ve selected them based on science and on the reality that Americans are missing a number of key nutrients in their diets. The simple and scary truth is that the majority of people eat a diet lacking the most important nutrients for health. Let’s look at just two of those nutrients and why you require them. ZINC Zinc, a mineral, is key to your immune function (your body’s defense system that protects you from infections, cancer and excess inflammation). Zinc is one of the main reasons you need to eat seafood or meat to get all the 21 vital nutrients (“eat complete”). Plants contain zinc, but they hold on to it quite tightly—so tightly that you don’t absorb much. And while grains contain zinc, 80 percent of that zinc is lost when grains are refined, which is one of several reasons that you should always eat whole grains. While doctors routinely check for the levels of many minerals, they do not test for zinc because it is nearly impossible to diagnose low levels of it. Stress can cause zinc levels to drop, as can illness and heavy exercise. The symptoms of zinc deficiency are very diverse because zinc is central to so many functions—your immune system, your ability to burn fats and carbohydrates and even the ability for your cells to divide. Zinc is so crucial to your health that if you are deficient in it, you also become functionally deficient in vitamin A and folate, two of the other 21 essential nutrients, as zinc is needed for those substances to be effective. Taking too much zinc in supplement form can impair immune function and cause gastrointestinal distress—all the more reason to get the zinc that you need from the food that you eat. VITAMIN B12 (COBALAMIN) B12 is one of two vitamins that predict the rate of how fast your brain shrinks as you age. It’s a depressing thought, but all brains eventually shrink as you grow older. To slow that shrinkage, maximize your absorption of vitamin B12 by keeping the stomach and gut healthy, and eat the most concentrated sources of B12. Low levels of vitamin B12 can cause irreversible damage to brain and nerve cells at any age. And an actual B12 deficiency causes depression, anemia and even psychotic symptoms such as extreme paranoia or hearing voices. B12 deficiency is common in many populations, with vegans and vegetarians at the greatest risk as meat and animal products such as dairy are the only sources of B12. Vegans must take supplements, and vegetarians must rely on dairy and/or supplements. Deficiency is also common in people over 50, as some people produce less stomach acid as they age, and this is a crucial element for B12 absorption from food. Acid reflux medications also decrease acid production and interfere with the body’s ability to absorb B12. Listen to our podcast with Dr. Drew: Happier With Every Bite Zinc Facts Amount you should eat per day: Women, 8 milligrams; men, 11 milligrams. Insufficient dietary intake: 42% of U.S. population. Deficiency risk factors: Vegetarian diet, pregnancy and lactation, and heavy alcohol use. Diuretic medication can increase excretion by the kidney by 60 percent. Top five food sources: Oysters (413% of your Recommended Daily Allowance can be found in six oysters), steak (175% in one 5-ounce steak), sesame seeds (34% in ¼ cup), pumpkin seeds (31% in ¼ cup) and ground turkey (23% in 3 ounces). B12 Facts Amount you should eat per day: 2.4 micrograms for women and men. Insufficient dietary intake: 20% of U.S. population and 73% of vegans have blood levels that are deficient or insufficient. Top 5 food sources: Clams (1,401% of the Recommended Daily Allowance can be found in 3 ounces), beef liver (1,178% in 3 ounces), mussels (833% in 3 ounces), sardines (338% in 3 ounces), crab (127% in 3 ounces), trout (106% in 3 ounces) and wild salmon (82% in 3 ounces). Dr. Drew Ramsey is an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Drew uses the latest findings in brain science to help people live their healthiest, happiest lives. His forthcoming book, due out in April, is Eat Complete: The 21 Nutrients That Fuel Brainpower, Boost Weight Loss, and Transform Your Health.
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The Best of Live Happy Now 2015

In this episode we look back on past interviews from the Live Happy Now podcast with Live Happy COO, Co-Founder and Editorial Director Deborah Heisz. Did your favorite episode make the list? What you'll learn in this podcast: The definition of happiness and importance of social connections with Shawn Achor How to deal with negativity and negative people with Michelle Gielan 3 ways to stay fully charged with Tom Rath The importance of gratitude with Louis Alloro Resilience and the never quit mentality with Rhonda Cornum Hope and its effect in schools as well as in the workplace with Shane Lopez Goal setting with Caroline Miller An exercise on meditation and mindfulness with Deepak Chopra How a healthy diet can improve your brain with Dr. Drew Ramsey Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Thank you to our partner - AARP Life Reimagined!
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Why Forgive?

Why Forgive?

Tense, heavy, weighed down. We can all relate to the feeling of holding onto anger, resentment, grudges and things that don't serve us well. Withholding forgiveness “is bad for our health and creates increased risks for cardiovascular, immune system and other problems, including depression, anxiety, anger, and PTSD disorders," says Everett Worthington, professor of psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University and a leading researcher on forgiveness. A difficult skill to learn The good news is forgiveness is a skill that can be taught. "People can learn to forgive better and the amount of forgiveness experienced is related to time spent trying to forgive," says Everett, who has dedicated more than two decades to studying the concept. Recently, Everett found that married partners made relationship gains when trained in communication and conflict resolution but within a year lost about half of the gains, whereas those trained in forgiveness and reconciliation made gains and retained them a year later. Two kinds of forgiveness While forgiveness can sustain and strengthen our most cherished relationships, it is often easier said than done. Everett's REACH forgiveness model is designed to help people learn to forgive. It depicts two types of forgiveness: “decisional” forgiveness (a decision to act differently toward the offender in the future), and emotional forgiveness (transformation from resentment and anxiety to positive emotions such as compassion and empathy). While decisional forgiveness is more important for restoring relationships, emotional forgiveness is vital to our physical and mental health. The five steps of REACH: R = Recall - Remember the hurt as objectively as possible E = Empathize - Try to put yourself into the shoes of the person who hurt you A = Altruism - Give the person the gift of forgiveness C = Commit - Publicly forgive the person H = Hold onto Forgiveness - Remind yourself you made the choice to forgive Listen to our podcast: The Slow Medicine Approach to Forgiveness Forgiveness becomes personal Everett doesn't just study forgiveness, he has lived it. He has experienced first-hand how to forgive others and himself after two tragic experiences: his mother's murder and his brother's suicide. While he was remarkably able to forgive his mother's murderer; it was his brother's death that challenged him on another level and propelled the direction of his research. Up until that point, he had done a couple of studies on self-forgiveness, but they were not as central to him as studying forgiveness of others, he says. "When my brother committed suicide, I felt guilt over not being able to help him more... I also had a deep emotional experience with self-condemnation that helped me understand more deeply what people were going through when they struggled to forgive themselves," says Everett. Read more: 9 Steps to Foregiveness The hardest person to forgive “Self-forgiveness is not just about feeling better about ourselves,” Everett says. "We also must do things to restore the moral damage we might have inflicted on ourselves by harming others, and we must do things to repair the damage done socially, and we need to deal with our offense against God, nature, other people or whatever we think is sacred. If [we only work on] moral repair, we are left with remaining guilt and shame for what we've done. If [we only work on] positive self-regard, we just let ourselves off the hook." While the process is tough, letting go of resentment while holding onto forgiveness—for ourselves and others—lightens our load and lifts us all up in the end. Read more: 33 Ideas on Forgiveness Suzann Pileggi Pawelski is a contributing editor and regular blogger for Live Happy. To read more about forgiveness, see the feature article "Forgive to Flourish" in the December 2015 issue of Live Happy magazine.
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Spicy Carrot Soup

Spicy Carrot Soup

Carrots are like the ideal party guest: They’re available year-round and everybody likes them—even kids. What’s more, they are easy to store, pack and prepare. They are packed with beta-carotene, an antioxidant that protects night vision and boosts cardiovascular health. What’s more, they also give you a dose of vitamins A and K, and some potassium, too. Carrots: A vegetable for all seasons In the 1980s, “baby carrots” came on the market and kids’ lunches have never been happier or healthier . No, these are not literally “baby” (they are young carrots cut small), but yes, you are literally getting your kid to eat a carrot, so a win is a win. Carrots can be shaved raw into salads, cut into sticks and dipped, sliced and roasted with cumin seeds and maple syrup…the possibilities are endless. Our favorite carrot recipe for a cold day is this simple carrot soup, spiced up with ginger and a little bit of red pepper flakes. If you don't like spice, simply leave out the pepper flakes; the ginger still gives the soup plenty of zest. INGREDIENTS: 3 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 whole onion, finely chopped 1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes 1½ pounds carrots (about 10 carrots), sliced into 1-inch pieces 6 cups chicken stock Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 1 tablespoon brown sugar Sour cream for garnish (optional) 1 tablespoon minced fresh parsley for garnish In a large, heavy pot or Dutch oven, melt the butter. Add the onion, ginger and red pepper flakes and sauté over medium-low heat until the onion has softened but not browned, about seven minutes. Add the carrots and stock and bring to a boil over high heat. Lower the heat and let simmer until the carrots have softened enough to be pierced with a fork, 25–30 minutes. Using an immersion blender or stand blender, purée the soup. Once the soup is a smooth consistency, continue cooking briefly over low heat and taste; add salt and pepper as needed. If you’d like more sweetness, add the brown sugar. If the purée seems a little thick, add water as needed. Ladle the soup into individual bowls and garnish with a spoonful of sour cream and, if using, a sprinkling of parsley. Serve hot and enjoy! Learn more: Listen to our podcast with Dr. Drew Ramsey, Happier With Every Bite Emily Wise Miller, a former cookbook editor and food writer, is the web editor at Live Happy.
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10 Natural Remedies to Calm Your Anxiety

10 All-Natural Ways to Calm Your Anxiety

Sometimes anxiety is just a troubling feeling that something isn’t right. Anxiety can show up as panic attacks, excessive worry or trouble sleeping, and it can be a nuisance or downright debilitating. To help you shift to a state of ease, we’ve rounded up 10 ways to quiet down your anxiety naturally. 1. Eat your breakfast Skipping breakfast can make your blood sugar low and increase the likelihood of anxiety. Start your day with a bowl of oatmeal with strawberries or blueberries for a powerhouse combination of complex carbs to boost your serotonin levels and antioxidants to protect your body at a cellular level. Read More: 5 Secrets to a Happy Morning 2. Practice meditation The science is in and the deliberate practice of mindfulness meditation—paying attention to the present moment without judgment—can lessen stress and anxiety as well as boost creativity and improve productivity. Enjoy all the benefits by mastering the art of clearing your mind. Read More: 6 Steps to Mindfulness Meditation 3. Tune in You probably know right now what music calms you. Tune in to your favorite station on Pandora or on your personal playlist. Music can be uplifting and change your state of mind. Watch: The Scientific Power of Music 4. Get your zzz’s Your body and mind don’t function properly with a lack of sleep. A good night’s sleep is like a makeover for your mood. Sleep is so restorative that’s why you’ve heard the sage advice, “Sleep on it.” 5. Change the channel Positive psychology expert Caroline Miller suggests changing the channel of your mind when life gets tough and you feel angst. Think of a quote you love, sing a song, or go out and connect with people who lift you up. 6. Go for a nature walk Just going outdoors makes us more mindful and calm, according to Harvard researchers. Try a walk through the woods and listen to water in a stream and the birds in the trees to fully immerse in nature and feel serene. 7. Sweat more Studies show exercise can work as well as medication to lessen anxiety, and its effects can be long-lasting as long as you keep up with your sweat sessions. 8. Try this breathing trick Dr. Darlene Mininni, author of The Emotional Toolkit, suggests 3-3-6 breathing. Breathe in for three seconds, hold for three seconds, and exhale for six seconds. When your exhale is longer than your inhale, it helps you relax. 9. Make yourself laugh There is a reason for the popularity of YouTube videos that feature cats, dogs and babies. When you are laughing, most likely you won’t be feeling anxious. Escape with a good belly laugh now and then. 10. Take a lavender bath Lavender is known for its gorgeous floral and grassy aroma, but it may also be a natural remedy for anxiety and stress. Just a few drops in your bath can increase mental relaxation. Sandra Bienkowski is a regular contributor to Live Happy and the founder and CEO of
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