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Top 10 Countries for Wellbeing

It’s good to be a Panamanian. In fact, according to the Gallup-Healthways Global Well-Being Index, life is so good that Panama leads the world in four out of the five elements of wellbeing: purpose, social, community and physical. Of those polled, 61 percent of the respondents say they are thriving in three or more elements. The only category Panama doesn’t lead is financial wellbeing.

Money isn’t everything, though, especially in Latin America. Six of the top 10 countries considered thriving in wellbeing are in Central or South America, with the citizens flourishing in at least three of the wellbeing elements. For them, life is about achieving goals, maintaining relationships, staying healthy and loving where they live.

Click here for more information about the Well-Being Index.


The top countries for wellbeing:

1. Panama 61%
2. Costa Rica 44%
3. Denmark 40%
4. Austria 39%
5. Brazil 39%
6. Uruguay 37%
7. El Salvador 37%
8. Sweden 36%
9. Guatemala 34%
10. Canada 34%

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