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Written by : Live Happy’s 7-Day Gratitude Challenge 

Live Happy’s 7-Day Gratitude Challenge

November is National Gratitude Month. Practicing daily gratitude gives us a deeper connection to ourselves and the world around us. Research has shown that exercising gratitude regularly can enhance our moods, strengthen social bonds, and improve physical health.

Take the 7-day challenge and share your favorite moments with us on social media!

Day 1: Start your morning by listing 3 things you’re grateful for.

They can be as simple as having a restful sleep or your morning coffee. This sets a positive tone for your day.

Day 2: Take a moment to appreciate nature’s beauty and how it contributes to your well-being.

Spend time outdoors, whether it’s a walk, sitting in a park, or even gazing out a window.

Day 3: Set aside 5 minutes to be fully present.

Look around and appreciate the small things you usually overlook—sunlight, fresh air, or even a quiet moment.

Day 4: Write a letter of gratitude to a friend, colleague or family member.

Reach out to a friend, colleague, or family member and tell them why you’re grateful for them. A simple text, email, or call can brighten both your days.

Day 5: Take a moment to honor your body.

Think about one thing it does that you’re thankful for, like the ability to walk, breathe, or enjoy the taste of your favorite foods.

Day 6: Think of a past challenge that made you stronger or taught you a valuable lesson.

Write down how it helped shape you positively.

Day 7: Reflect on your week.

What was the most impactful moment of gratitude?

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