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7 Ways to Be Happier Now

Happiness is about the journey, not about destination; it’s about how you live your life each day. Some articles you may have missed with a few ideas for adding a little more gratitude, mindfulness and joy into your usual routine.

1. Practice self-nurturing

Take a yoga class, dance in your kitchen to favorite music, get a mani/pedi or go for a walk in nature. Actively investing in your physical well-being can make your thoughts about yourself more nurturing, too. Learn more ways to focus on being the best you.

2. Have a values check-in

Do you have a feeling of meaning and purpose in your life? This quiz will help you find out. If you don’t like your score, you might want work on nurturing your relationships, being compassionate and giving back to others—all of which have been shown to have an impact on our own wellbeing. Take the quiz now.

3. Look at Mondays in a new way

What would your day look like if you felt fabulous at the end of it? What project can you tackle on Monday to start your week super-charged and set the tone for a wonderful week? Don’t dread Mondays, show ‘em some love instead. Put the fun back in your Monday now.

4. Call in the superfoods

Certain foods like olive oil, nuts, sweet potatoes and kale have been shown to contain mood-boosting nutrients. Not to mention these ingredients are incredibly healthy for you, and taste delicious when cooked with a little finesse. Four easy-to-make recipes.

5. Tap into hope

In order to be truly happy, you need something to hope for. We have 31 ways you can rediscover a greater sense of hope in your life.

6. Find a happy highlight of the day

Take a few minutes every day to write down one positive experience that occurred over the past 24 hours. Enjoy the positive emotions from reliving that event, and look for patterns you can repeat to bring about more happiness. Read more on achieving happiness despite everyday challenges.

7. Wake up happy

Tune in to experts’ advice on how to start your day happy. Don’t get stuck ruminating on negative thoughts. Take responsibility for your own happiness by putting yourself in situations that bring you great joy and choosing love over fear. Try this positive mantra: “You are doing your best.” Sign-up for our free Wake Up Happy! series.

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