Written by : Do You Have Enough Meaning in Your Life? 

Do You Have Enough Meaning in Your Life?

No recipe for happiness is complete without meaning and purpose. In fact, when we engage in activities that serve a higher calling and help others spread positivity, we not only get a warm, fuzzy feeling, but also increase our overall satisfaction with our lives.

Now, thanks to modern research, the meaning in your life can be measured via the Meaning in Life questionnaire. If you receive a high score, you're on a very positive track! You probably know your life’s mission, which contributes to a sense of happiness and peace. If you measure on the low end, don’t worry—here are a few ways that have been shown to add meaning to your life:

• Nurture your relationships.
• Make positive connections with others.
• Mix in altruism and compassion.
• Be open to new experiences.

Log on to AuthenticHappiness.org and take the Meaning in Life questionnaire to find out how strong you are in this area.

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