An animal band playing music.

Discovering Holiday Cheer With Aneesa Sheik

It’s the holiday season, which means it’s time for Christmas music and holiday cheer. This week’s guest is Aneesa Sheik, a rising singer/songwriter who uses her music to deliver an inspirational message. Not only does she do that with her new single, Happy Little Holiday, but she strives to make all of her music uplifting and empowering. She’s here to tell us more about her music, what shapes the positive messaging in her songs and why she started a non-profit organization to reach patients in nursing homes and hospitals during the pandemic. In this episode, you'll learn: How music is such a powerful healing tool. How we can use music to connect with others. Where to learn more about Music4M.I.R.A.C.L.E. Links and Resources Instagram: @aneesasheikhofficial YouTube: Anessa Her non-profit organization, Music4M.I.R.A.C.L.E. Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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A happy person and a sad person.

Overcoming Toxic Positivity With Dr. Lauren Cook

It’s no secret that, here at Live Happy, we are fans of positivity. But why are people now talking about toxic positivity? In this episode, author and therapist Dr. Lauren Cook joins us to talk about how this usually well-meaning approach to positivity can create a backlash. Toxic positivity is a form of happiness that can actually damage personal and professional relationships, so this episode looks at what it is, why it is harmful to us and our loved ones, and what we can do to overcome it. In this episode, you'll learn: How to tell if you’re practicing toxic positivity. Why it can be harmful to relationships. How to create a balanced perspective that integrates optimism and reality. Links and Resources Facebook: @DrLaurenCook Instagram: @dr.laurencook LinkedIn: @drlaurencook Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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A man with his dog.

How Pets Make Us Happier and Healthier With Dr. Margit Gabriele Muller

Many of us would do just about anything for our pets. But have you thought about how much your pet is doing for you? This week’s guest is here to tell us! Dr. Margit Gabriele Muller is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and executive director at Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital. But she’s also a speaker, life coach and author of multiple books on animals, including her latest — Your Pet, Your Pill: 101 Inspirational Stories About How Pets Lead You to a Happy, Healthy and Successful Life. She’s here to explain what our furry, feathered and finned friends are doing for our health and overall well-being. In this episode, you'll learn: How pets are beneficial for our daily lives and our health. How pets have been so important during the COVID-19 pandemic. How to learn to “listen” to your pet. Links and Resources Facebook: @drmgmuller Twitter: @Dr_MargitGM Instagram: @dr.margit.muller Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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A family feeling grateful.

Living in Gratitude With Deborah K. Heisz

This has been the most unusual and, for many, the most difficult year in recent memory. So what’s gratitude got to do with it? As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, it’s the perfect time to talk about how important gratitude is – not only at Thanksgiving, but as a daily practice. Live Happy CEO and co-founder Deborah K. Heisz joins us to talk about gratitude and other practices to make this unusual Thanksgiving more meaningful. In this episode, you'll learn: Why gratitude is more important than ever right now. Simple ways to increase gratitude in your own life. How to share your gratitude with others. Links and Resources Facebook: @livehappy Instagram: @mylivehappy Twitter: @livehappy Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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A person holding a torch

Living Your Legacy With Codi Shewan

As we get older, it’s common to start thinking about what kind of legacy we’re leaving behind. But what if we started thinking about living our legacy instead of leaving it? This week’s guest is Codi Shewan, author of Everyday Legacy: Living Your Life with Purpose, Right Now. Codi’s career in the funeral industry gave him unique insight into death and the realization that every day matters. Now, he explains how each of us can discover our own legacy and live it to the fullest. In this episode, you'll learn: What it means to live a legacy. How to use the time of COVID as a chance to re-evaluate your life and legacy. How to help others discover their legacy. Links and Resources Facebook: @codishewan Twitter: @codishewan Instagram: @codishewan Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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Struggle between the heart and mind.

Developing Your Intuition With Kim Chestney

Intuition is something we’re all born with, but somewhere along the way, the noise of the outside world can drown out our inner voice. Or we forget to stop “listening to our gut.” But learning to listen to our intuition can improve virtually every aspect of our lives and help take mindfulness to the next level. This week’s guest, Kim Chestney, is an expert on intuition and author of the new book, Radical Intuition: A Revolutionary Guide to Using Your Inner Power. She explains how tapping into our intuition can change our lives — and what we can do to start. In this episode, you'll learn: Why it’s important to learn to listen to your intuition. How to tune into and develop your intuition. Why insightfulness is the next step beyond mindfulness. Links and Resources Facebook: @KimChestneyAuthor Twitter: @Intuition_Lab Instagram: @kim.chestney Click here to register to her FREE Intuition Revolution global event happening November 11 – 16th. Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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A mother comforting her child.

Helping Children Manage Grief and Loss With Ashley Bugge

Grief is a difficult subject, and it can be even more difficult when trying to manage it with children. After the sudden death of her husband, Ashley Bugge found herself not only raising two children and planning for the birth of her third child, but also trying to help them live in a world suddenly consumed by grief. Unable to find books that spoke to children about grief in real terms, together she and her children wrote a remarkable book titled, A Hui Hou: Until We Meet Again. This week, Ashley discusses how to talk to children about grief and loss to help them understand their feelings and live a happier life. In this episode, you'll learn: Why it’s important to have honest conversations about grief with children. How to make new memories as a family while grieving loss. Signs a child may be struggling with grief. Links and Resources Facebook: @ashleybuggexo Instagram: @ashley.bugge Website: Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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A person meditating.

Coping With Election Stress With Erin Wiley

If you’ve been feeling a bit more stressed or anxious lately, you aren’t alone. A new study by the American Psychological Association finds that this election is a “significant source of stress” for some 70% of Americans. The term Election Stress Disorder was coined in 2016 by psychologist and author Steven Stosny to describe the anxiety and distress people were feeling. Now, the intensity of the current election has led to even greater levels of stress, which are amplified by social media and concerns about the pandemic. This week’s guest is Erin Wiley, a clinical psychotherapist and executive director of The Willow Center in Toledo, Ohio. Erin’s here to explain how Election Stress Disorder affects us and how we can avoid it. In this episode, you'll learn: Why regulating exposure to the news and social media is so important. How mindfulness can help during this time. Tips for preparing your mind for Election Day — and the days that follow. Links and Resources Facebook: @TheErinWiley Facebook: @ManageYourSHIfT Website: Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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A group of friends hanging out together.

Improving Your Friendship Flow With Shari Leid

As the song says, “You’ve got to have friends.” But in today’s busy world, it is often easy to overlook the value of those friendships. After a cancer diagnosis, lawyer-turned-life coach Shari Leid realized that she wanted her friends to know how much they meant to her. So she made a list of 50 women and sat down with each one, face to face, to tell them what they had done for her. Not only did it change her life and the lives of her friends, but it led to the book The 50/50 Friendship Flow: Life Lessons From and For My Girlfriends. This week, Shari joins us to talk about how this mission changed her life and how you can use the same process to deepen your own friendships and discover greater gratitude in your life. In this episode, you'll learn: Why everyone in your life is either a student or a teacher. How deepening your friendships improves your happiness. Why creating your own Friendship Challenge is even more important during a time of COVID-19. Links and Resources Facebook: @animperfectlyperfectlife Instagram: @an_imperfectly_perfect_life Twitter: @AnImperfectly Website: Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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A man stuck on a crossroad.

Making Better Decisions With Annie Duke

We make decisions every day, but how often do you really think about the process that goes into making those choices? This episode’s guest has built her life on making the right decisions: As a former professional poker player, Annie Duke who won more than $4 million in tournament poker before retiring in 2012. But she also studied cognitive psychology, is a bestselling author and a consultant on decision-making. Her new book, How to Decide, picks up where her last book, Thinking in Bets, left off. In this episode, you'll learn: What the Happiness Test is and how it can change the way you make decisions. How embracing uncertainty can make us more decisive. When to decide fast, when to decide slow and when to decide in advance. Links and Resources Facebook: @AnnieDuke Twitter: @AnnieDuke LinkedIn: Click here to download a free chapter of her book How to Decide. Don't miss an episode! Live Happy Now is available at the following places:           
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