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Top 10 Most Charitable States

This is the time of year when we are reminded to be thankful for the good things in our lives, and to try to help those less fortunate. Research shows that altruistic people are not only more likely to actively engage in their communities, but generally have a higher state of wellbeing.

Utah gives back

According to a recent nationwide Gallup poll, the good people of Utah are leading the charge in charitable acts, with nearly half of all Utahns polled saying they have donated money and volunteered to help a charity within the last month.

America gives back

And while Americans across the board are more likely to donate money to an organization than time, we still get a gold star when it comes to giving back to our communities when compared to the rest of the world.

You can give back, too

Happiness and kindness go hand in hand, so give a little extra this holiday season, and feed your soul.

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