Written by : The Live Happy Team 

Gratitude in Practice

Practicing gratitude helps strengthen your existing relationships, fosters goodwill with strangers and makes the world a nicer place. More importantly, it just feels good when you do it. We asked our readers to share what they are most grateful for, and this is what they had to say.

New Beginnings

I am grateful that God has put a man in my life who loves me for who I am, loves my boys as though they were his own and wants to spend the rest of his life with me. Second chances are wonderful!—Kathryn W.

I’m grateful for this baby that is growing inside me! It has taken years to get here, but it will finally be arriving in February!—Angie L.

Today, I’m grateful that my sweet baby granddaughter arrived safely by cesarean after a difficult 24 hours! The new family is all healthy and happy. That makes me very happy!—Victoria S.

The Gift of Life

What’s not to be grateful for? I woke up healthy, went to a job I love, participated in Rotary, had enough money to pay some bills and had pizza and lime sorbet for dinner with my son. In short, I’m grateful I have a life that I don’t need a vacation from.—Brenda A.

Today I am grateful for my eyes to see…my ears to hear…my heart to beat …and the warm sunshine on my face.— Karrie W.

I am grateful for the breath I just took.—Peter B.

Good Friends

I’m grateful for the friends and neighbors I have known for the last 20 years and how we are always there for each other, in good times or difficult times.—Sallie H.

I’m grateful for the co-workers I’ve worked with for several years who are just like family. We went on a long walk this evening at the park for exercise but talked and laughed the whole time. Good for the health and good for the soul.—Veletta T.

Getting up and having Lola by my side (she’s my dog).—Mary M.

True Love

My siblings and I feel grateful to still have our parents who have been married 60 years! My father will celebrate his 80th birthday in October!—Susan C.

I am grateful for my two daughters, my son and my seven grandchildren. They have helped me get through the loss of my husband. I feel blessed every day for the memory of him and the love we had together. Not too many people get to experience that love in their lifetime. I am so grateful for that love.— Rebecca H.

I am grateful for three wonderful years of marriage to an amazing man! So thankful he chose me to spend the rest of his life with!— Amanda R.

From the Experts

“Bring a few things to mind that you feel grateful for before going to sleep each night. Tal Ben-Shahar, a positive psychologist, has been doing that regularly for 10 years. Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology, has been doing it even longer—for 30 years! As gratitude fills your mind, you feel a warm glow in your heart. This not only strengthens your “positivity quotient” over the long run but also helps you fall asleep faster. It fills your mind with positive thoughts, not leaving room for the worry and anxiety that sometimes keep us awake at night.” —Joseph Emet, author of Finding the Blue Sky.

 “To be truly happy, you have to realize and appreciate what is already in the world around you: the people who add to your daily experiences; the beauty in nature around you; the physical ability to participate in activities to the degree that you do. That appreciation is gratitude. We all have so much for which to be grateful; we simply need to notice and appreciate what’s there.” —Susie Wolbe, author of The Empowered Teacher.
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