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Written by : Live Happy Magazine Publishing Changes 

Live Happy Magazine Publishing Changes

Hello Live Happy Community, 

I’m so grateful for every minute you spend with Live Happy—reading articles and shopping for gifts in our store at, tuning in to Live Happy Now podcasts, sharing Happy Acts on social media and reading our award-winning Live Happy magazine. 

To best serve you on your happiness journey, we’re making some changes. We’re moving from a bi-monthly print magazine schedule to a yearly print “bookazine” (yes, it’s both a magazine and a book!) brimming with inspiration, expert tips and research. Our first special print edition (thicker and wider) will be Winter 2018, available on newsstands in September. This special edition will look great on your coffee table. 

We will also be creating more digital content, an expanded store product line (releasing in July) and a new format for the Live Happy Now podcast season (August).  Plus, you’ll continue to find your favorite how-to articles, including the latest in positive psychology science, happiness trends and hands-on advice on

Happy Activists like you are the heart of our growing and ever-evolving Live Happy community. And we’re excited about the new things that we will be releasing in the months to come.

Deborah K. Heisz
Live Happy CEO, Co-Founder and Editorial Director

P.S. We will no longer be taking subscriptions. The bookazine will be available on newsstands and at the Live Happy Store. If you have any questions or comments please contact us at or 1-888-297-2094 (M-F 8a-8p CST).

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