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Do You Have a Strategic Free Spirit?

Strategic free spirit. Sounds like an oxymoron, no? I first learned of the term last month from one of my dear colleagues, Karen Senteio. It was her response to reading the first entry in my Work-from-Anywhere-in-the-World blog series.

I think Karen nailed it. Strategic free spirit captures exactly what I hope this year will be. I’m strategic in that I have plotted out the first five-months of this adventure using my work to guide where in the world we go. I’m also a free spirit in that I am letting things unfold in a rhythm that feels right. Rather than the unknown producing fear, the unknown is producing excitement. As another dear colleague Carol Huffman wrote last week: “Planned just enough! Inspiring.” 

How did strategic free-spirit show-up last month?

Two days after arriving at our rental cabin in central Maine, I saw a new listing for a lake house and contacted local agent Tess Keeran. The very next day she showed my husband and me the property on a pristine peninsula.

Our dear friend Lisa, who has summered on the lake for decades, also joined us. It was love at first sight! Our offer was accepted and we agreed on a close/move-in date of just eight days! Free spirit, yes, but strategic, too. My husband and I have been dreaming of buying a cabin on this very lake for three years.

This week’s coaching questions:

What does strategic free-spirit mean to you?
When was the last time you gave yourself permission to make a strategic, free spirit decision?
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