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Written by : Happy Reach Contest Winners 

Happy Reach Contest Winners

At Live Happy, we want to change the world through a happiness movement that inspires people to live a purpose-driven, healthy, meaningful life. When you view your Happy Reach map, you can see the impact you are having on the world.

We recently invited you to reach as many people as you could by Dec. 31. Thank you to each and every one of you who participated in the contest, spreading happiness and inviting your friends to join the happiness movement.

Without further ado, we are pleased to announce the contest’s top 10 Happiness Ambassadors:

  1. Mark and Tammy Smith
  2. Hillary Kane
  3. Danyell Johnson
  4. Lawrence Phelps
  5. Dan and Kimberly Wilkinson
  6. Eunice Chang
  7. Jamie and Tricia Ware
  8. Dana Grad
  9. Anna Frank
  10. Stewart Newton

Each of these winners will receive $1,000 as well as Live Happy merchandise (valued at $100), and we’ll give the 40 Happiness Ambassadors whose Happy Reaches ranked 11th–50th Live Happy merchandise (value $100). We will notify all our winners by email.

A happier world really is that simple. It begins today with you, with one smile, one click and one choice to live happy.

Thank you for spreading happiness!

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