Written by : Introducing Halloween Happy Acts 

Introducing Halloween Happy Acts

Halloween is one of our favorite holidays here at Live Happy, and this year we’ve found a way to celebrate it all month long! If you’re familiar with our #HappyActs campaign, you already know that we love celebrating small acts of kindness. This year, we’re introducing our #HalloweenHappyActs, encouraging you to share some joy—even if it’s a little bit spooky.

Each week, we’re introducing a different #HalloweenHappyAct and we not only want you to join in on the fun but want you to invite your friends and family to do the same. When you complete your #HalloweenHappyAct, share it on social media (be sure to tag us!) and tag two people who you’re challenging to also do a #HalloweenHappyAct. Plus, we are giving away new Live Happy swag to those who participate and tag us on social media!

Here’s what we’ll be doing throughout October to celebrate…

Week 1: Donate blood.

Giving blood has several surprising effects; not only is it good for your health (it is shown to lower your risk for heart attacks) but it’s an easy way to help others in the community. And people who engage in their community tend to live longer and enjoy better health.

Week 2: Trick or Treat for UNICEF.

Add some meaning to Halloweening by raising funds instead of collecting candy. Donations to the annual campaign will help families who need it most, including children in and around Ukraine and in East Africa.

Week 3: Paint a pumpkin.

Did you know that doing something creative is good for your heart as well as your mind? Creative activities let you “reset” and relieves stress—while sending feel-good hormones to your brain. (You can boost that happiness effect by giving that pumpkin to someone else!)

Week 4: Wrap someone in love.

Give someone a hug—it’s good for both of you! Research shows that hugging lowers your stress hormone cortisol and can decrease your blood pressure and even strengthen your immune system. So hug it out!!

Week 5: To conclude our #HalloweenHappyActs we have two challenges:

  • Bake a healthy treat for your office or your child’s class.

  • Create a Halloween card for a neighbor.

Both are great ways to show others you care about them and giving something to others triggers a part of the brain associated with contentment and the reward cycle. So not only are you making someone else’s day better, you are improving your own well-being at the same time!

Let’s make this the happiest Halloween yet!

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