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Written by : Paula Felps 

Wire Your Brain for Confidence with Louisa Jewell

Louisa Jewell is a speaker, author and positive psychology expert who has facilitated thousands of people towards greater flourishing both at work and in their personal lives. She is the founder of the Canadian Positive Psychology Association an organization that shares the latest knowledge on psychological well-being to improve the mental health of all Canadians. She is also a graduate of the Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) program at the University of Pennsylvania, and she is currently a professor of positive psychology at the University of Texas. Her book Wire your Brain for Confidence: The Science of Conquering Self-Doubt will be released in September, 2017.

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • To have greater self-awareness about your own self-doubt and how it may be showing up for you
  • Tools and strategies for managing self-doubt and building confidence
  • Why confidence is so important to authentic happiness
  • Why building confidence is more important than building self-esteem


Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

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