Written by : Paula Felps 

The Brink of Midnight with John Brenkus

After producing and hosting over 1500 segments of ESPN Sport Science, 6 times Emmy Award-winning host and The New York Times best-selling author, John Brenkus, recognized that “high achievers” tend to share a similar story of attaining success. Through The Brink of Midnight podcast, John explores the moments that guests credit with changing their lives forever. Those moments that pushed them in an unexpected direction, shaping the experiences that followed and molding them into the people who they are today.

What you’ll learn in this podcast:

  • The inspiration behind The Brink of Midnight podcast
  • What goes into creating life-changing moments
  • Inspirational stories from sports figures, celebrities and more


Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

  • Download The Brink of Midnight podcast on iTunes or learn more on the website
  • Follow John on Twitter
  • Follow The Brink of Midnight on Twitter

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