Written by : Look Inside Our Jam-Packed, Life-Affirming Issue 

Look Inside Our Jam-Packed, Life-Affirming Issue

  • Jesse Tyler Ferguson Likes Living on the Edge

Emmy-nominated Modern Family star Jesse Tyler Ferguson sits down for a candid talk with Live Happy about the importance of taking risks in life and his new one-man show on Broadway, Fully Committed.

  • Happiness Is Her Style

Niecy Nash has struggled with tragedy and disappointment in her life, but has come out on top as a successful TV actress in both comedy and drama. Live Happy recounts her moving story.

  • Make-A-Wish: Where Science and Hope Meet

Meet some of the awe-inspiring kids with serious illnesses who have had their wishes fulfilled with the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Research shows that wish-fulfillment can actually help set into motion a string of positive outcomes.

  • Living His Passion at Full Speed

Racing legend Mario Andretti speaks sincerely about his driving passion for competition and speed, as well as the importance of faith and family in his life.

  • Much more…

Find out which two nutrients you can’t live without and how to incorporate them into your diet; add two gritty new books to your happiness library; learn how to write your way to insight; and more news, columns and features you won't want to miss.

  • Download our digital edition!

Download the digital edition of our June issue, with multimedia extras—now available for your iPhone and Android mobile devices! Simply download the Live Happy Magazine app from the App Store on your device.

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