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90 Days to a Happier You Home Base

Make 2016 a year of bigger dreams, better sleep, stronger relationships and less stress!

Join the Live Happy team as we’re coached by top experts on how to swap bad habits for good ones so that we—and you!—can make lasting change and lead more fulfilling lives.
This page is our home base for articles, blogs, podcasts, contests and more. Throw away your New Year’s resolutions and join us on this 90-day transformational journey.


90 Days to a Happier You
by Shelley Levitt
Join the Live Happy team as we’re coached by a squad of experts on how to swap five bad habits for good ones—so we (and you!) can lead more fulfilling lives.


Better Communication With a Loved One

Smells Like Teen Spirit
by Susan Kane, contributing editor
Susan’s teenage daughter, Coco, is in that phase when it can be tough to even get a “hello.” Join Susan as she learns tips and tools to improve communication with Coco.
6 Steps to Healthier, More Productive Conversations
by Michele Gravelle
Executive coach and communication expert Michele Gravelle takes us through the six steps to open up dialogue and initiate
difficult conversations with a loved one.
Podcast: Michele Gravelle – Improving Communication with Others – Listen Now!

Overcoming Anxiety

No Worries
by Kim Baker, art director
Though usually fun and easygoing, Kim is often plagued by worry and anxiety about her family. Join Kim in her quest to overcome the unnecessary worry in her life.
6 Steps to Win the War Against Worry
by Karen Cassiday, Ph.D.
Karen walks us through six steps to address own anxiety and worry. She introduces powerful new tools to track and battle anxiety, including a method to desensitize us to our greatest fears.
Podcast: Karen Cassiday – Managing Negative Thinking – Listen Now!




Help With Chronic Insomnia

My Sleep Intervention: A Torturous Beginning
by Shelley Levitt, editor at large
Shelley had struggled with poor sleep for years. Her expectations are high for this 90-day intervention, though the beginning of her treatment has been anything but easy.
6 Steps to Better Sleep
by Michael Breus, Ph.D.
Renowned sleep expert Michael Breus Ph.D., takes us through the six steps he uses to treat chronic insomnia. If poor sleep is affecting your life, you will not want to miss this post.
Podcast: Michael Breus – Overcoming Chronic Insomnia – Listen Now!



Setting Short- and Long-Term Goals

Goals, What Goals?
by Chris Libby, section editor
Chris has always been a pretty easygoing guy—and that’s worked just fine for him. But when coach Caroline Miller challenges him to set hard goals, Chris’s life begins to change in unexpected ways.
6-Step Goal-Setting Challenge
by Caroline Adams Miller
High-powered speaker, author and coach Caroline Miller is not going to let Chris—or the rest of us—rest on our laurels. Read her “6-Step Goal-Setting Challenge” to kick yourself into gear.

Unplugging From Work

Let Me Answer This Email First
by Donna Stokes, managing editor
The first step to recovery is admitting you are an addict. Donna was looking at her work email during dinner and at stoplights while driving. Read about her digital detox here.
6 Steps to Unplug From Work
by Christine Carter, Ph.D.
Who better than Christine, an expert on “finding your sweet spot” at work and at home, to teach us how to step away from the phone. Read her “6 Steps to Unplug from Work” to start your own intervention now.


Our amazing coaches would like to give two lucky Live Happy readers the chance to win access to the same three-month “happiness makeovers” that have transformed the lives of our staff members.


We’ve gathered top experts from around the country to help us shed bad habits and transform our lives in a mere three months. Learn more about the coaches—including their publications and accomplishments—by clicking here.


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